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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy Office Romance…)

Chapter 33©34

By,Ella N

Copy and die viciously ‼






“No,Anni!” Annika screamed worriedly. She squatted immediately, carrying her dog to her body.

“Migosh,Anni,you’re really hurt!” Annika exclaimed,like she should just cry,after seeing blood coming out.

She moved a bit far away from the broken glass,and sat right on the floor. She then took Anni’s paw and began checking it to see if there’s any broken piece in its paw.

She kept looking at it until she found a big broken piece, deep in its paw.

“No,no,no!” Annika exclaimed again,hugging her dog like it’s a human being.

“I’m so sorry,Anni” She said,and kissed it as it kept making hurting and throaty sounds.

“What happened?” Justin came in with Gloria the culprit, asking.

“She hurt her paw” Annika replied simply and sadly.

When Gloria saw the broken glass and the juice that splattered everywhere, she gritted her teeth inwardly, stylishly stamping her foot angrily on the ground.

“Watch out…you may not be lucky next time” She smiled evilly.

“Aww,so sorry,Anni” Gloria said,acting like she feels bad for Anni’s pain.

Annika glared at her,and rolled eyes afterwards.

Justin who was clueless of that,squatted too,and collected Anni from her.

“Where’s her first aid box? We need to get this out” He said,with concern.

Yea,Anni the dog does have her own personal first aid box.

“It’s in my room. Don’t worry, dad,I’ll take it out myself” Annika said, taking her dog back.

Justin sighed, watching her leave with her dog.

Gloria scoffed,folding her arms.

“She doesn’t even respect nor treat you like her dad. She’s always cold and disrespectful,despite begging her. Why don’t you just forget about her.” Gloria spewed out rubbish, and Justin eyed him seriously.

“Forget about my daughter,really? She’s the only child and daughter I have and you want me to forget about her? You must be crazy” Justin said angrily and left her standing.


“What did you see,Anni, that made you do what you did? You even ended up hurting yourself” Annika said.

She just finished treating it,and they’re both sitting in the bed,with Anni in Annika’s arm as she continued to caress her.

“Sorry,girl” She kept saying over and over.


Yes! Annika is finally out of her dad’s house,and she stays on her own now.

Right now,Sana and Mina are with her,eating all her food,especially Mina the foodie.

“Sweetheart, isn’t there more food? I’m still hungry” Mina said.

“Huh?” Annika and Sana said at a time,looking at Mina funnily.

“What? Is it now a crime to be hungry?” She replied them,sounding a little funny.

Annika and Sana started laughing, with their heads shaking in side ways.

“May God deliver you” Sana said.

“From food” Annika added.

“Prayer not answered” Mina joined in,saying and they all bursted out laughing,after which, they kept quiet for a minute, just focussed on their phones.

“Weekend starts tomorrow,yunno. I was suggesting we go for a workout,it’d really be fun working out with my two best friends” Mina said,pausing what she was doing.

“You just read my mind,boo boo. You both know I don’t joke with my workouts” Annika smiled beautifully.

“We know,fitness addict” Sana and Mina jokingly said,and they all laughed.

“So,which gym should we go to?” Sana then asked,looking at Annika who rolled eyes at her.

“Am I really the one you’re asking? I just started staying here two days ago,silly” Annika chuckled.

“Sorry,mom”Sana replied and they laughed again.

“Early morning workout tomorrow,huh?” She asked and they all answered with a yep.

“Where’s Anni,our first daughter” Mina said,chuckling.

“My poor dog is sleeping,I think her paw still hurts a lot.

“Though,I took her to the Vet,yesterday and he assured me Anni will alright in few days time” Annika sighed.

“Aww,poor thing” Mina sighed too.

“Seriously,you needed to see how she was acting and barking,when I tried to drink the juice.

I was so scared and worried” Annika said,dropping her phone.

“Hmmm,you know a lot of dogs are good at sensing danger. I bet your juice was poisoned or something” Mina let out her thought,and Annika gasped a little.

“Mina is right,sugar pie. I can swear Gloria your stepmom is behind it” Sana said too.

“Who else will it be if not her. Her dad can’t possibly do that. We’ll so deal with her when we are ready for her,how dare she try to harm you” Mina said in an angry tone.

Annika couldn’t utter any word,all she did was kept mute,as she couldn’t open her mouth to talk.

So,she would probably be dead and gone by now,if not for her dog.


“Good evenning,mom….Hi,Avery” Brielle greeted her mom and sis,as she enters the house with a big smile brightly shining on her face.

She just got back from work and met them eating. Though Graham isn’t home,as always.

“Welcome,sis” Avery said,smiling too.

“I’d prefer you calling me ma’am,to calling me mom” Marther said h@ťěfully,hissing at Brielle.

“Mom! Can you just stop it already?” Avery shouted at her mom loudly.

Brielle said nothing,she only shut her eyes and took a deep breath. After which,she left the living room,heading straight to her room.

“What did I ever do to her?” She asked no one in particular.

She took off her shoes and laid on the bed,facing the ceiling as many thoughts ran through her mind,completely lost in them.

She really can’t pin point on how,where or when she offended her mom.

Brielle’s phone started ringing that moment,jolting her back to reality.

“Who’s calling…..oh..,Verity!” She exclaimed excitedly.

She picked up the phone,swiped green and placed it on her ear.

“Heyy…Verity” She smiled.

“Hey,Brielle. Been a while” Verity answered.

“Yea,been a while. How have you been?” Brielle asked.

“I’m good,how are you too?” Verity asked.

“I’m fine,thanks. Just that,you no longer patronize us,and I’m wondering why”Brielle pouted.

“It’s not what you think,Brielle. I’ll always patronize you guys,okay?

“Let me believe you”Brielle smiled cutely at Verity who can’t even see her smiling.

“You better believe me,cos Verity does not lie.

“Are you sure about that?”Brielle intentionally asked,chuckling.

“Of course,have I ever lied to you before,since we became friends?”Verity asked,and Brielle chuckled more.

“Have you forgotten the day you promised to come visit me,but didn’t come again?” Brielle said,and Verity bursted out laughing.

“Seriously,Brielle? That’s no lie at all,I just didn’t fulfill my promise,jeez!” Verity rolled eyes.

“Well,Brielle calls that a lie. So,you see….Verity does lie” Brielle jibed and they both laughed.

“Gosh! I really missed talking to you. When are you coming to visit me,though?” Verity asked,anxiously waiting for a reply.

“Dunno. I’ll just pick a day,then let you know” Brielle replied.

“Aww,can’t wait to see you.

“Okay,Brielle,I have to go now….Bye” Verity said.

“Bye,Verity” Brielle said and hung up.

“Just what I needed at the moment…a smile! Thanks,Verity” She mumbled and got off the bed,heading back to the living room.


“Mom,can you stop treating Brielle the way you do,it’s not fair and you know it” Avery shunned,feeling so disgusted at her mom’s attitude towards Brielle.

“Shut your mouth! If not that I carried you in my womb,myself. I’d have said you’re not my daughter.

“Look,I overheard you and your dad the other day,talking about her relative or wh@ťěver.

“The earlier she realizes she’s not a Graham,the better for her” Marther said,and Avery gasped.

“Mom….! Dad said she has to regain her memory and remember everything by herself.

“Have you forgotten the panic attacks she use to have…the sleepless nights,trauma and all that? She can run mad if those attacks come back.

“Now that the doctor has succeded in reducing that,aren’t you happy she’s a bit better now?” Avery asked angrily.

“Of course I am happy,can’t you see my happy face. I want her out of my house,that’s all.

“I’m telling Brielle this,right now” Marther said,and stood up.

“Tell me what,mom?” Came Brielle’s voice.


“Boify,where are you going?” Verity asked Dexter,as he was heading out of the kitchen.

Verity has been at Dexter’s place since two days now,and she’s currently in the kitchen making all kinds of dishes for him,just as her mom said.

“To the living,before I die. I got back from work and you wouldn’t even let me rest,jeez!” Dexter replied,frustratingly and Verity chuckled.

She’s been frustrating his life since she came. She’s frustrating him even more with the cooking.

“But you’re not done with the things I gave you to do” Verity chuckled mockingly.

“Do the rest yourself,madam” Dexter replied sharply.

Verity left what she was doing and turned to face her brother.

“The food is yours and not mine,yunno” She rolled eyes.

“Well,I didn’t ask you to cook for me,your mom insisted,yunno” Dexter said,and Verity laughed at the”your mom”Like she’s not his mom too.

“See,my plan of spending one week here with you was just to rest,go outings with you,then frustrate your life,but mom compelled me to cook for you” Verity said,and Dexter started laughing all of a sudden.

“Are you crazy?” Dexter asked.

“Yes” Verity replied simply and Dexter rolled eyes,chuckling. He then turned to leave,but….

“Do you know Annika stays around here?”Verity asked all of a sudden.

She knows that,cos she has even gone to visit Annika already,but didn’t tell her Dexter stays in Melrose too.

“I do,cos I’m behind it”Dexter said and she furrowed.

“What do you mean you’re behind it?” She asked curiously.

“I helped in making her find a house here in Melrose,but she doesn’t know. I just want to see her always” Dexter blurted and Verity laughed,standing at akimbo.

“Aww,you really do love Annika. Is she aware you love her?” She asked,and Dexter sighed heavily. His happy face turning to a sad one already.

“What’s wrong,big bro? Does she have someone already?” Verity asked and he shook his head.

Dexter then explained what happened at the Office the other day.

“Hmm,what are you going to do now? Should I help you talk to her?” Verity said,and Dexter didn’t even let her land.

“Please do,baby girl. I swear she has refused to talk to me” Dexter blurted crazily,and Verity laughed loud.

“I’ll talk to her,but tell me you love me first” Verity said.

“You already know I love you,madam” Dexter rolled eyes.

“I know,but you’ve never said it. If you don’t say it,I’m not talking to her” Verity smirked. He rolled eyes again.

“I love you,my girlfriend” Dexter said and chuckled,but scoffed.

“Aww,I love you more,big bro. Mr lover boy” Verity jibed.

“Shut up,match maker of the universe” Dexter shot at her and they both laughed.

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