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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy Office Romance…)


By,Ella N.







“What the hell!” Dexter sprang up immediately, glaring at her.

“Do you realize I am the CEO of this company?” He asked, banging on the desk.

“Of course I know. The CEO’S Office is boldy written at the top of the entrance door. Only a blind person wouldn’t see that” She rolled eyes.

“Good. Since you know I own this company,and I am your boss.

“I demand some respect from you!”Dexter said,proudly.

“Yes,sir. Pardon my disrespectful attitude”Annika surprisingly said,and prostrated,shocking the life out of Dexter.

This isn’t the stubborn and bad mouthed Annika he knows.

Why the sudden change? In as much as he loves this,he’s still very shocked though.

The Annika he knows would want to argue,and call him names,but it didn’t happen.

Maybe because he’s the boss,after all.

Anyway,he’s happy with the new Annika,at least,it’s an assurance that she’s not going to give him much trouble while working for him.

“Hmmm,that was way easier than I thought”He smiled satisfactorily,and was about starting to ask questions when….

“Stupid jerk!” Came Annika’s voice,and his eyes rolled back to the inner most part of their socket.

“Did you….what did you just call me?” Dexter stood up again like he was forced out of the chair.

“So,you still haven’t done anything about this ear problem of yours”Annika sardonically said,and smirked.

“I don’t think you’re fit to be my Secretary,Annika Wrong.

“You’re fired!

“Get the hell out of my office” He said,with all seriousness in him,showing her the way to the door.

Dexter has never been this serious,ever!

How is he going to work with someone who doesn’t recognize or respect his position,even when she’s fully aware of that.

Annika smiled beautifully,and walked even closer to him.

“Firstly,my name is Annika Wright,not Wrong.

“Secondly,you haven’t paid me my salary yet,so you can’t fire me” She smiled,folding her arm across her B-__-bs.

“You Ɓîtçh! You haven’t even started work,and you’re talking about salary?. Very funny” Dexter gave a short laugh.

“All the time and energy I’ve wasted talking to you is not enough work?” She rolled eyes.

Dexter glared dangerously at her,but said nothing.
He took his box from the other end of the desk,and placed it in front of him.

He opened it,while still glaring at Annika. He brought out three bundles of cash,and dropped it on the desk.

“That’s your salary,the money you spent on transport,and money to compensate you.

“Thank you for coming. Now,take your money and leave!” He growled,pushing the money closer to her.

A big smile shone brightly on Annika’s face when she saw the huge sum of money.

“Ohmigosh! I so much love money” She gushed,as she picks up the money and began flipping it.

“Phew! Finally free” Dexter muttered inwardly,but his happiness was cut abruptly.

“I love money,but I don’t like free money,I love to work for my money.

“So,take your money back. I don’t want it” Annika said,and pushed the money back to him.

Dexter’s mouth was left agape,as he couldn’t utter any word. There was none,after all.

Annika has taken them all out of his mouth.

“It’s nice meeting you again,Disaster Klein. After so many years,and it’ll be nicer working for you”She knowingly smiled.

“Send for me when you need me,sir” She smiled,and started walking out of the office,swaying her big booty.

“Dis-Spencer!” He screamed Spencer’s name,funnily,immediately Annika left.

“He picked up the telephone,and called Spencer right away.

Spencer entered his office in less than two minutes.

Dexter was raging with anger when he came in.

“I simply asked you to employ a secretary for me.
Why the hell did you employ a daughter of Jezebel?” He yelled,feeling angry at himself and Spencer.

“I’m sorry,sir. But I….

“Get the f-__-king hell out of my office” He thundered aggressively.

“Yes,boss” Spencer bowed in respect,then quietly walked out of the office.

“Why in the d@mn world did I fire Cleo? Annika is worse than the devil himself” He began ruffling his hair like a mad person.

But when he realized he’s actually scattering and ruining his looks,he sighed and started arranging his hair back.

“I am doomed!” He said,raucously.

He felt like breaking and scattering everything in the office,but because he h@ťěs messy places,he just couldn’t.


“Aside eating big portions of food like a hungry pig,what other thing do you know how to do best?” Mather yelled at Brielle, hissing and eyeing her.

“Mom,I know how to do other things. Like co,….

“Shut your dirty airhole. What do you want to say if not cooking.

“Of course you know how to cook,I mean,why won’t you? When food is the most important thing in your life.

“Your mates are out there hustling and bringing money home for their families,but here you are, consuming food like you were starved of food your whole life” Mather hissed,and left.

Brielle was already crying bitterly,while Mather was saying all that.

That’s what she’s been facing,she just can’t eat or do anything in the house in peace,without her mom yelling or insulting her.

She dropped the plate of cornflakes she was about eating,and ran straight into her room.

She banged the door after her,and landed heavily on the bed,burying her face on the pillow,as she sobs hotly.

“What did I ever do to mom that makes her h@ťě me this much?

“Tell me,mom. Tell me what I did,so I can apologize and face my punishment” She cries more.

“You did nothing,Brielle. Please stop crying.

“For goodness sake,I’ve told you severally to stop letting mom get into you.

“You know how she loves,and enjoys insulting and making someone cry” Avery said,trying to make her stop crying.

“Mom h@ťěs me,Avery. She h@ťěs me for no reason,stop telling me to stop crying when it hurts really bad” Brielle cried,wiping the tears on her face away.

Avery sighed,and shut her eyes. She then placed a hand on Brielle’s shoulder,and smiled.

“Trust me,mom loves you more than you think,Brielle. It’s just….I really don’t know why she’s acting like that these days” Avery said. Brielle rolled eyes and sniffled.

“I wish what you just said is true,I don’t believe you one bit” Brielle pouted and sat up.

Avery laughed and pinched her cheek.

“So,you’re indirectly calling me a liar” She chuckled.

“I never said so,I only said I don’t trust you” Brielle said,wiping the little tear in her eye.

“We are still saying the same thing. Anyway,please stop crying,okay? Stop spoiling this cute face with cries” Avery smiled,and said.

“Thanks,sis. I wish dad was around” Brielle said,as she and Avery hugged.

“Yea,me too. But I think he’d be back this weekend” Avery said.

Their dad is actually a driver and a petty trader,who comes home most times only on weekends.

“I pray he comes” Brielle smiled,hopefully.

“Let’s play some games,shall we” Avery asked.

“Sure,let me change into my pants” She replied,happily.

“I will wait for you in sitting room” Avery said,and left the room.


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