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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Mom,I am fine” Dexter said to his mom.

He too just got back from work not quite long.
Actually,he was the last to leave the Office today.

When he got back,he went straight to have his bath first,and right now,he’s in the kitchen making his food.

“I said I am fine,mom. Jeez!” He said,and adjusted his earpod,so he could hear well.

“Have you had dinner yet?” Janice further asked from the other end of the call.

“That’s what I am doing right now,it should be ready in…..three to four minutes” He said,smiling handsomely.

“You see why you need a wife? Or at least,a maid to be be assisting you with that cooking especially.

You just got back from work,instead of resting,you’re in the kitchen making food!” Janice yelled seriously.

“I am fine,mom,I’m not complaining,anyway” Dexter replied her.

“Of course you’re not complaining,why would you complain after you called…..

“Mom! Don’t start please. I’m tired,I need to eat and have some rest. I don’t want to hear that right now” Dexter said,sounding serious.

“You’re just so stubborn!”She shouted.

“I took after you and your husband,mom” Dexter replied,chuckling.

Janice started chuckling too,and Dexter suddenly heard Verity laugging also.

“Of course,match maker of the universe is there. Mom,is your phone on loud speaker?” He asked.

“It is” Janice replied simply.

“Seriously,with Verity there?” He said,rolling eyes at Verity,even when she obviously can’t see him.

“I love you,boify!” Verity shouted,and Dexter almost removede the earpod as a result of her loud piearcing voice.

“Go love your boyfriend,I am someone else’s” Dexter blurted,having no idea of the rubbish he just said. Verity laughed loudly.

“Aww,it’s Annika right?” She gushed.

“Same Anita?” Janice joined in the gist.

“Jeez,mom! I’ve told you many times that it’s Annika,not Anita,gosh!” Verity shook her head.

“f-__-k it! Verity is unbelievable,can’t believe she told mom about Annika already” Dexter cursed.

They’ve just reminded him of Annika again!

The thought of her alone,brings him nothing,but so much joy that he can’t even explain why.

He started smiling for no reason,smiling like one who has lost his brains.

The kiss he and Annika shared today at the Office kept appearing,as he remembers every darn thing.

“Strawberry taste” He mumbled,grinning.

The kiss felt so good,and it was obvious Annika isn’t a learner,she’s a pro! Almost better than Dexter himself.

Dexter still cannot believe it,that he and his fightmate kissed today.

But he’s worried,the fact that she pushed him away all of a sudden,and refused to talk to him throughout the rest of the day.

Maybe because he didn’t ask first,but she did respond to it!


“I’m sorry,Annika. I should text her….

“Dexter!” Verity and her mom shouted loudly,bringing him back.

“Hmm?” Dexter said,and began talking again.

“I can sense my ship is sailing smoothly” Verity said,raising her brows over there,funnily.

“Shut up,parrot” Dexter shot,and she laughed.

“What are you two talking about?” Janice asked,confusedly.

“Your daughter is starting to talk too much,sell her off” Dexter joked.

“Sell my princess out? You’re crazy!” Janice shouted,jokingly too.

“Duh!” Verity said,and they all laughed.

“Is dad back from his business trip yet?” Dexter asked,taking out a plate from the rack to dish out his food.

“Naaa” Verity replied.

“How are you and the Company doing,baby?” Janice asked.

“Perfectly fine,mom. Guess who wants to partner with my Company” Dexter smiled.

“Just tell me already,I’m eager to know” Janice smiled too.

“K.S.C GROUPS OF COMPANIES” Dexter said,excitedly.

“Wow,baby! I’m so happy and proud of you,and I’m sure your dad will be,too.

But you have to stop being a playboy,stop sleeping around with numerous Ɓîtçhes” Janice said,sounding very serious.


“No buts,just change” She said,and Dexter sighed.

“Talk to you later,mom. I need to eat” He said,and dropped the call immediately.

He carried his already dished food to the dinning,sat down to start eating.

“She refused to talk to me” He sighed,as he remembered Annika again.


“Why is Annika not back from work yet? Have been trying to reach her too,but to no avail” Justin said to himself,coming into the living room with Anni following behind.

“Did Annika tell you she wasn’t coming home tonight?” He asked Gloria who sat comfortably on the chair,unbothered about Annika’s whereabout.

“Since when did she start having conversations with me? She did not tell me anything,I don’t know where she is and I don’t care” Gloria replied plainly.

“Are you being serious right now? She has never been this late from work before,her line has been busy since I’ve been trying to reach her,and you’re here telling me you don’t care?” Justin growled.

“Do you want me to get into the streets to start looking for her?
Look,honey. Annika is an adult and not a baby,she’s probably at her boyfriend’s place right now.

“Isn’t she even supposed to be living on her own now,she’s an adult for crying out loud” Gloria said,showing no concern at all.

“That’s her decision to make,not yours” Justin replied her.

Gloria moved closer to where he seated,and began to rub his chest,seductively.

“It’s not like I don’t want her around,honey. It’s her father’s house,after all.

“All I’m trying to say is that,Annika is an adult,she can take care of herself and I know she’s alright whereever she is” Gloria said calmly,as she continued to rub his chest.

Seeing that,Anni barked loudly at Gloria,and Gloria glared at her.

“Then why has line been busy throughout this evening?” Justin sighed and continued to try Annika’s line.

“Sugar pie,why aren’t you eating?” Sana asked,when she noticed Annika’s mood.

She has been thinking. Thinking about Dexter,the things he got for her,what happened at his Office today,and the way she pushed him.

For some reasons,she feels bad,and at the same time,doesn’t feel bad at all.

“I’m okay,boo boo. It’s just the cramps,I ain’t got any apetite” She finally spoke,but lied though. Cos that’s actually not the reason for her mood.

“Are you sure?” Sana asked,suspiciously. She knows and can tell when Annika is lying.

She and Mina still don’t understand why Dexter got all those things for her.

Like….they’ve known those two as people who never get along. Now,all of a sudden….

“Are you thinking about Dexter?” Mina suddenly asked,smirking.

“What? I swear,you are crazy….? Why would I lose my apetite because of him?” Annika rolled eyes.

“She’s lying” Sana whispered,and Mina chuckled.

“Have you girls found any apartment,yet?” Annika asked,changing the conversation immediately.

“Not really,we are still on that” Mina replied.

“Awww,can you find one already? I’m tired of living with my dad” Annika pouted,poking her food as well.

“Come stay with us,you refused to” Mina rolled eyes,and Annika chuckled.

“Sana actually saw one,but doesn’t want to tell you,cos the rent is too high” Mina blurted,and Sana just k!lled and buried her right that moment, with the way she was eyeing her.

Mina giggled and started shifting away from Sana.

“I don’t mind the rent,girls. What area is the apartment at,exactly?” Annika asked,taking her phone from the armrest to check the WhatsApp message she just received.

“It’s around Mesa,actually” Sana replied,eyeing Mina who kept giggling.

“It’s kinda far,though” Annika said. She then opened the message to check what it is.

“Migosh! He’s found one already” Annika gushed,excitedly. Leaving her friends in a confused state.

“Found what,and who are you talking about?” Sana and Mina asked at a time.

“The agent I contacted two days ago,he has found a house already” Annika said again,showing them the message.

“Wow! It’s so beautiful! I can imagine what the rooms would be like. My resting place and restaurant,henceforth”Mina said,jokingly.

The person actually sent plus the photo of the apartment.

“Foodie International Limited”Sana jibed,and they all laughed.

“Where is it at,though?”Mina then collected the phone from Annika to check.

“Jackpot! It’s actually here in Melrose,just few feet from our place”She said,happily.

“Oh….Guess I’ll be stuck with foodie,then”Annika joked,and they laughed again.

“But wait,that isn’t exactly the person I contacted,and Melrose wasn’t the area I told him to find a house for me”Annika suddenly said,after she just realised it.

“So,who did?” Sana asked.

“Beats me” Annika said,shrugging.

They were still talking about it when Annika got another message. It just popped up on her screen.

Actually,a normal text message.

Since Mina was still with her phone,she saw the message first.

Her mouth slidely in agape,and she started smirking as she read it.

It’s a message from Dexter!

After she had finished reading,she turned to face Annika,still smirking.

“What’s wrong with her?” Annika asked first,after seeing Mina acting funny.

“Foodie is hungry,I think” Sana derided. She and Annika laughed shortly.

“What’s going on between you and Dexter?” Mina asked the same question she had asked earlier.

“I already told you…there’s absolutely nothing going on” Annika scoffed and rolled eyes.

“So,what’s this?” Mina chuckled,showing her the message that read.



Like a robot,Sana turned to look at Annika,smirking too.

“Sugar pie….He cares about your well being….wait,you and Dexter kissed?” Sana asked Annika.



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