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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Annika was busy on the computer when she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

“Come in,the door is open” She said,so focused on her laptop that she couldn’t even look up to see who the person is.

But when she finally looked up,she saw the person she least expected.


“Rola….Roland? What the hell are you doing here,and why are you in my Office?” She frowned.

“I’m here so we can talk,we……

“Talk about what, huh?” Annika cut him off.

“Look,I’m sorry for leaving ,okay? I’m sorry I stupidly left” Roland said,he moved close to Annika and held her hands.

“I miss you,Anni. I really do,and I still love you” He said,as he held her hands,staring deep in her eyes,while Annika returned the stare.

After the stare that felt like it was never going to end,Roland started leaning in for a kiss. Annika shut her eyes, and leaned in too,but it didn’t quite lead to what Roland wanted.

Roland got a hot slap from Annika instead.

“Are you insane!? What do you think you’re trying to do? Out of the blues, you just reappeared and want to kiss me? You must be crazy!

“You f-__-king haven’t even said why you foolishly left me without saying a word,and you’re here trying to kiss me with that filthy mouth of yours!” Annika barked.

“I’m sorry….I didn’t want to add more to your pain when you lost your mom and sister, okay? And I was sick during that period.

“I had appendix, and went for a surgery outside of Los Angeles. You were going through a lot already, so I didn’t want to add to it. That’s why I left without saying anything, cos you were going to get worried about me” Roland explained, and Annika was shocked to hear that.

“Surgery? You had an appendix….?” She asked, looking at Roland.

“Yes,Anni. I’m really sorry” Roland said.

“I’m so sorry about that,okay? But you should have at least told me,did you even consider my feelings? You didn’t!

“Do you know you added to my pain even more?” Annika said,feeling a little angry.

“I was stupid, I thought that was the best way,I’m sorry” He said, looking remorse for what he did.

“So,why are you here?” She asked, shrugging.

“I want you back,I want us back together, please. I still love you,Anni, a lot” He added.

Annika rolled eyes and laughed.

“I’m sorry, but I have a boyfriend now” She said seriously, and threw her face away.

“What…, you have a boyfriend now? Since when?” Roland quickly asked.

“Since I can remember,so leave please” Annika said. She went to the door,opened and showed him the way out.

“Anni please, I’m sorry…

“Leave!” She yelled,cutting him off.

Roland slowly started leaving, but his eyes were on Annika.

“I love you, Anni. And I know we’ll be back together again” He said,and left.

Immediately he left,Annika plopped on the chair and started getting angry at herself for sending him out.

^^ AFTERNOON>3:15PM ^^

Dexter was walking around,entering from one Office to another,and checking to see how his employees are doing.

He entered the Hiring Managers Office first,and saw them all working diligently.

They all started smiling immediately he entered,cos they know what that means.

“Good afternoon,sir.

“Good afternoon,boss.

They greeted him respectfully,but he only nodded,did an eye search and left….

“Where is Spencer?” He stopped and turned back to ask,as he didn’t see Spencer on his seat.

“He stepped out a minute ago,sir” One of them answered.

Without saying anything else,he left. From there,he entered the Marketing Managers Office next,and they were busy too with their computers.

“Have you checked the email messages like I asked you to?” Dexter asked Ryan.

“Yes,sir,all of them. We are expecting new buyers,and there’s a Company that wants to partner with KLEIN’S WINERY” Ryan replied.

“Well,that’s great news. We’ll talk about that tomorrow” Dexter smiled shortly and left.

Next,he entered the Managing Directors Office.

Immediately he entered….

“MR CEO!!” Dalton and Derek derisively hailed him.

“Wrong address” He said,went out immediately and banged the door after him,while his friends bursted out laughing.

He knew they would start talking nonsense that’s why he went out immediately he entered.

“The craziest and unserious friends anyone could ever have” He chuckled as he walked through the hallway.

He checked the cleaners,the securities…in fact,every one of his employees.

The only place left was the Secretary’s Office.

When he entered,he didn’t find Annika there.

“Where has she gone to? Could she have gone to have lunch or what?” He asked no in particular.

He began feeding his eyes with the clean and well arranged things. Her desk looks so clean and appealing to the eyes.

Everything is in the right place,just the way he loves to keep his,neat.

He smiled at the sight before him,folded his arms,and handsomely stood still.

“She’s f-__-king neat…I love clean ladies” He blurted without even realizing what he just said.

“Where the hell did she go to?” He asked again,and when he got no reply,he turned to leave. But his eyes caught something on the desk with a pen on it.

Annika’s diary!

He stopped on his track,and turned to look at it.

“Diary? She has a diary? Who still use a diary these days?” He simultaneously asked,and chuckled.

He wanted to open it,but his subconscious self slapped his hand off it.

~ It’s personal,jerk! ~

“I wasn’t going to open it,was only staring”He lied and started chuckling like a crazy person.

He turned again to leave,but he just couldn’t. He was curious to know what is in there.

“I’d just take a glance at it” He said as he takes the diary from the desk.

“I shouldn’t be doing this,this is personal!” He said,and dropped the diary,but picked it up again.

He opened to the first page,and “Disaster Klein” were the first two words written in the diary.

“Witch,never knew I was this special” He chuckled,and began reading through.

While reading,he would scoff and roll eyes at some parts,then chuckle at some.

“She lost her mom and sister?” He said with raised brows.

He felt really bad to know that

“I can’t believe it. She’s such a strong lady,still acting okay despite losing two loved ones at a time” He muttered,and shook his head.

He then continued flipping,and got to where she wrote about her new job,starting her clothing business.

“She really wants to have a clothing business of her own,and doesn’t want anyone’s help. How witchy” He rolled eyes.

He continued reading and got to where she was talking about the slaps she gave to Disaster,and whether or not to go say sorry.

~Well, Diary. He actually caused it and deserved those slaps for touching my babies ~

Dexter read that part and began to chuckle at the”my babies” thing.

“Now I know you’re really crazy” He said,flipping the pages.

He got to where she talked about looking for an apartment where she can live all alone.

“Humph! Looking for where to live alone? Interesting” He smirked,then flipped again.

~So,Diary. I really don’t know why Disaster and I always fight,but I wish we can stop fighting everytime~

Dexter widened his eyes. The fact that Annika wishes to stop fighting with him everytime really amazed him.

He scoffed,rolled eyes and started smiling,but his smile vanished when he read the next one.

~Diary,you won’t believe Roland showed up yesterday,out of nowhere.

~Well,I don’t know if I’m confused or stupid,but I think I still love him.

“What…? how can you still love that imbecile,just how…..

“Disaster? What are you doing with my diary?” Came Annika’s voice,and Dexter sprang up,standing like a trained dog waiting to have its biscuits.

“Ma….?” He said stupidly and funnily.


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