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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CEO’S MAID – Episode 50

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MAID 💜 💜
(Helplessly tripping…)

Written by Terri Savage 🖊️






“Ɓîtçh” Anastasia ran to her face with a resounding slap that echoed in the living room.


Another one met her cheek and this one was so powerful that it took her to the floor. Anastasia came on top of her and started, plastering, blessing and peppering her face with punches and kicks… Mighty and heavy blows kept landing on her face.

“You’re so shameless, is it her fault that Alexander didn’t choose you over her? What wrong has she ever done to you? Alexander loves her because his heart chose to love her, you tried ki||ing her, you framed her and almost ruined her image and personality, you are so evil” Anastasia ranted angrily and continued venting her fury on her till the cops took her away.

Sanya came on top of her next, and two teeth flew out of her mouth immediately her blow met with her mouth.

“Arrrrghhhhh” Anaya screamed in horror as she saw her front two teeth falling before her. It left a wide gap, giving her a spectacular funny look.

“This is game over for you Ɓîtçh, you finally meet your end, you’re going to rot in jail as long as I remain Sanya Vladmir” Sanya said and kept hitting her. Her face was badly injured, the cops had to use force before pulling Sanya away from her.

Anaya was handcuffed immediately by the cops, and Alexander came close to her.

“I regret ever making friends with you, you are so horrible and wicked, I don’t love you why didn’t you accept that and move on, I will never forgive you, press charges against her and I won’t stop till I see the end of this” Alexander said and Anaya looked down. She couldn’t look at his face, it was so scary and dangerous.

She was defeated in her own game and now it’s over for her, her company, her name, her family.

Tears came out of her eyes but it was of no use, it’s over for her.

“I told you, remember my prophecy? I told that this won’t end well, I’m highly disappointed in you Anaya, you betray our childhood friendship, I once told you that I saw you crying in the future and here it’s happening right now, your obsession and hatred for her destroy you, think about your reputation, family and what you work hard for , it will go to the drain in next few hours” Romeo said and walked away.

The cops took crying Anaya and Glaston away. They were pushed into the car and the car drove away immediately.

All of them turned to Victor immediately.

“Victor” Alexander called and surprisingly he walked to him, and hugged him.

“Thank you so much” He said and Victor smiled.

“Thank you for saving me again, thank you for bringing out the truth” Sanya said and hugged him lightly.

“You shouldn’t be hugging me ma’am, I love my life” Victor said and she smiled, breaking the light hug.

“I would have offered you a hot round but so sad I have a cute jealous boyfriend, thank you so much” Anastasia said and everyone laughed.

“You’re the best, finally it’s over” Romeo hugged Victor.

“Feeling like a hero, I did what I was supposed to do for my boss” Victor smiled.

“Let’s drink tonight” Anastasia said and everyone nodded.

“I love you” Alexander faced Sanya.

“I love you more baby” She replied and they kissed.

“I love you” Romeo faced Anastasia.

“I love you crazily” She replied, hanging her arms around his neck, their lips met too.

“I need to find love” Victor silently said, smiling as he looked at them.

Khali entered Shura’s room and found her eyes still open. He smiled and sat down on the bed. He has been doing this since he found out about her.

“Finding it hard to sleep?” He asked.

“I’m thinking about Albert?” She replied sincerely.

“You love him that much?” He smiled.

“Yes, I don’t know what is taking him so long to confess. Do you think he loves me back?” She pouted.

“I think he does, just give him time, he was once heartbroken”

“By who?” She asked.

“Alexander’s sister”

“I’m going to ki|| her, how dare she?” She frowned.

“Your face right now” He laughed.

“Hey!!” She hit him on the arm.

“I might lose my patience and confess first” She pouted cutely and he stroked her hair.

“You have suddenly grown likeness for my hair? You have been doing this for a week now?” She smiled.

“You are like a sister to me, I remembered my twinnie whenever I see you”

“I wish I met her, she must have been beautiful like me right?” She said and he nodded.

“Sing for me” She said.

“You will sleep after that?” He asked.

“Yes” She nodded.

“Ok” He smiled and started singing, in less than two minutes she fell asleep.

He stopped singing and looked at her, he started smiling when his phone rang.

“Albert” He answered immediately.

“Jethro Gibbs, he is arrested by the cops” Albert said.

“Good news, the truth will be out tomorrow” Khali said.

“She’s asleep?”

“Yes, when are you confessing to her?” Khali said and Albert coughed.

“What do you say?”

“Don’t pretend like you don’t hear me, I said when are you confessing to her, I know you are in love with her…

“I can’t hear you, the network is bad, we will talk tomorrow” Albert said hurriedly and ended the call. Khali laughed before facing Shura.

“I will reveal the truth tomorrow, I hope you will get your memories back even if you don’t, we will grow new ones again” He said and kissed her forehead. He covered her up before leaving the room.

The table was filled round as Alexander, Romeo, Sanya, Anastasia and Victor sat on their respective chairs.

There were bottles of red expensive wines on the table with plates of meats and other delicacies.

“Cheers to life” Anastasia raised her cup up.

“Cheers” Everyone raised their cups up and they clicked the glasses before drinking.

“Tonight is the best” Romeo said and looked at Anastasia.

“All cheers to Victor” Alexander and Sanya said.

“Her company will go down in no time, she caused this downfall herself” Victor said, checking his phone.

“The news is trending widely and she has lost close to 5m followers already” Victor added.

“I feel no pity for her, let’s stop talking about her and enjoy ourselves” Anastasia said and everyone smiled.

“Let’s drink” She took her cup again and everyone did the same.

They started drinking again.

The secretary was rushing in and out of the offices as the workers started resigning. The investors are asking for refunds and the shareholders are asking for their shares.

Her fingers were moving on the laptop as she was trying her best to keep the company alive but it was fastly hitting the rock bottom and it was getting out of hand.

No one wants to work with a person who has the mind to plan a ki||. She messes with the wrong person.

Twenty canceled contracts popped up in her email and she almost screamed.

“f-__-k, this is bad”

I can’t work here anymore

What if she one day tries to ki|| me too?

I will apply in another company

I quit

She turned around as she heard the workers’ words as they walked out of the company after dropping their laters.

Two people came in the company and her eyes widened when she saw the uniform they wore.

“Cops?” She muttered fearfully.

“You are under arrest for working with Miss Anaya in trying to eliminate Miss Sanya” A cop said and she kept quiet.

The remaining staff kept looking at her somehow as the cops took her out.

The arrested Jethro was handcuffed and forced to sit with his right hand man.

His news took it all over the internet, his real business was revealed to the world. He traded in business while he is
a human trafficker. Twenty girls were discovered and saved in his secret house. The cops were able to capture his men, ki||ing some in the process.

Albert, Shura, Khali and Mrs Dima walked in and all eyes looked up.

Shura’s eyes widened when she saw Jethro, he looked up and his eyes moved when he saw her.

Her head made a sound immediately and she staggered back. She started seeing blur images in her head and her head started hurting like hell.

“Ouch!!” She groaned and they turned to her.

“Shura” Albert called.

“What’s wrong?” Khali asked.

“Baby, are you okay?” Mrs Dima asked.

“Arrgh” She screamed and held her head tightly.

She started sweating rapidly as her head kept hurting badly.

“Shura” She almost fell and Albert held her.

“I’m seeing blur images in my…..head” She replied and tears came out of her eyes.

“She’s trying to remember something” The interrogator said.

“Ahhhhhh” She groaned and blood ran down her nose.

Her eyes closed and she passed out.

“Shura!!!!” They screamed at once.

“Let’s get her to the hospital” Albert said, and started running out with her in his arms.

“Baby” Sanya called and Alexander looked at her smiling.

It’s Saturday today so he’s at home with her. Sanya has no appointment so they are at home.

“Yes gorgeous”

“Let’s go out” She said.

“Now?” He asked.

“Yes, what do you say?” She replied.

“You have a place in mind?” He questioned, stroking her hair.

“Yes” She said.

“I need a cup of coffee” He said, still stroking her hair.

“A minute baby” She said and stood up.


“Baby..” She Mõ@ɲed as Alexander spanked her @zz.

“My property” He winked naughtily.

“Should I help you?” He asked.

“We might make up in the kitchen instead of making the coffee” She giggled and he smiled.

“Not bad” He muttered with that naughty smile on his face.

“Later baby” She giggled and left for the kitchen.

Alexander took his phone and started reading some comments online concerning Anaya. There were bad comments about her and her company drastically going down.

He kept a straight face as he read the comments, no single expression on his face.

Sanya’s phone suddenly buzzed beside him and he took the phone to see a text message. He dropped the phone and the phone buzzed again.

He decided to open the message to see it and it was a company requesting for her partnership. He smiled after reading the message and he stood up to go celebrate with her when he saw another message which caught his attention. Curiously he opened the message Mr Ivan sent to her.

He started reading the messages and his eyes kept widening as everything started getting clear to him. He quickly went to her sent message inbox and his eyes widened more.

He saw the messages she had been sending to his father starting from day one.

He held the phone tightly as his mood switched.

Anger welled up in him and he felt betrayed.

Suddenly Sanya walked out of the kitchen with his coffee, smiling as she walked to him.

“Baby” She called lovingly but she quickly noticed something was wrong. His mood changed.

“Are you okay?” She asked, putting the coffee down.

He gave her a stare and she almost flinched. What is wrong?

She saw her phone in his hand and her heart skipped a beat. He didn’t….see the messages right? Her chats with Mr Ivan are still there, he didn’t see it right?

What’s up with the stare?

“Alex… What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Can you explain all these messages?” He said coldly, raising the phone up.

His voice was filled with anger, it was harsh and cold.

Spiral of fear dived down into Sanya’s bones.

He found out!!!!



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