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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CEO’S MAID – Episode 25

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MAID ? ?
(Helplessly tripping…)

Written by Terri Savage ?️





“Stop looking at her” Alexander said and Romeo faced him.


“Long stares give fever” Alexander replied.

“Huh!.. What!!!!..


Romeo looked at Alexander with wide eyes, when did stares start causing fever to people? Is he serious right now?

Wait, he hopes it’s not what he is thinking about.. Capital JEALOUSY.

“Are you jealous? What the heck?”.

“Jealous? I’m only looking out for you” Alexander replied.

“I know you read business management administration in the university and came out with a first class degree but I didn’t know when you study anything relating to health” Romeo said.

Sanya got to them and bowed respectfully.

“Afternoon sir” She said and Romeo faced her.

“You’re the maid right?” Romeo asked.

“Yes” Sanya replied and he pulled her into a hug.


Alexander’s head almost exploded as he kept $h00ting lasers behind Romeo. He looked away immediately till they broke the hug.

“You’re pretty, hope he’s not giving you a hard time, he is a jerk” Romeo whispered and Alexander pulled him away.

“She’s my maid, are you trying to seduce her?” Alexander glared.

“Chill man, she is pretty” Romeo said teasingly and Alexander scoffed.

His eyes met with Sanya but he looked away.

“Is he angry with me?” She thought and bit her lips.

“Get us something to eat” Alexander said.

“Yes sir” Sanya glanced at him before leaving.

“Don’t tell me you don’t find her pretty?” Romeo said.

“Talk to me and Imma punch you” Alexander glared and walked to the dining room.

Romeo smirked and followed him.

“Where are you going?” Anaya’s secretary asked.

“To Alexander’s empire” She replied.

“But you are having a meeting with some investors from London” Her secretary said.

“They can wait” Anaya replied without thinking.


“Reschedule the meeting” Anaya said and walked out.

“Gosh!! What’s wrong with her? Love is so powerful” She said and smiled.

Anaya entered her car and drove out.

“Albert” The director yelled and Albert looked at him.

“What the heck is wrong with you? Why are you not playing the role?” The director yelled.

“Can we do this some other time?” Albert said uninterestingly.


“What’s wrong with you?” Sasha asked beside him and he looked at her but he said nothing.

Today is the day for the rehearsal but Albert kept forgetting his role and spacing out a number of times unlike for someone as sharp as him.

“I can’t do this” Albert said and started walking out.

“Albert, come back here” The instructor yelled but Albert didn’t stop.

“What’s wrong with him?” Annika asked.

“I will go after him” Sasha said and started walking out.

Albert met Maxim on the door coming and they faced each other, he glared hard at him and walked away.

Sasha got to the door and Maxim grabbed her hand.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“I want…” Maxim pulled her back in and started walking away with her.

Sasha looked back worriedly and swallowed.

“Something is different wrong with him”.

“Albert!!” Khali called and kept running till he blocked Albert.

“What’s up with you?” Khali asked.

“How do you feel being poor?” Albert asked and Khali sighed.

“It’s a bad feeling but what has this got to do with the drama, you are the male lead?” Khali said.

“Talk to me, we are friends” Khali said and Albert looked at him.

Anaya entered the empire and met Alexander and Romeo on the dining table, eating.

“Hey guys!” She said and pulled out a chair.

She sat down and took Alexander’s plate.

“Anaya” Alexander called.

Anaya laughed and started laughing.

“I’m full already” Alexander said.

“Where is your maid?” Anaya asked, looking around.

“In the kitchen, she’s so pretty and segzy, I can’t believe Alexander isn’t noticing her” Romeo said and Anaya began glaring at him.

“Why the glare?”.

“Shut up” Anaya rolled eyes and Alexander smiled, and touched her hair.

“You got a new hair” Alexander said and she smiled.

“I don’t usually compliment but it looks good on you” Alexander said and Anaya blushed.

Remeo noticed it and smiled to himself.

“I’m coming guys” Anaya stood up and walked out.

“What’s happening in your company and when are you getting a new girlfriend?”.

“I’m waiting for you” Remeo replied and Alexander looked at him.

Anaya got to the kitchen and met Sanya washing the dishes in the sink.

Sanya looked up and smiled cheerfully. She once saw her in the restaurant with Alexander. She might be someone close to him, maybe a friend. According to how he behaves, he allow only friends around him.

“Miss” Sanya said and Anaya gave her a bad look.

“How can she be this pretty as a maid?” She thought jealousy.

“You think you’re anything to him?” Anaya started.

“What are you saying?” Sanya asked confusingly.

“Did you think you are somebody important to him because he defended you in that restaurant?” Anaya replied and Sanya faced her completely.

“What are you trying to say exactly?”.

“I want to make it clear to you that you’re nothing to him, you are just an ordinary maid to him, a common maid that he can sack any day any time, you mean nothing to him” Anaya flaunted her hair and walked out after giving her a bad look.

Sanya sighed softly and started washing the dishes again but her words came to her head and she felt hurt.

She kept denying within herself that she’s not hurt but she knew within her that her words got to her.

And it’s something she isn’t in control of.

“You are just an ordinary maid… Maid…”

“Am I just a maid to him?” She asked herself and bit her lips, feeling bad.

What if she’s right? Yes, she’s right, she’s just a maid to him but recently, no, she doesn’t want to get her hopes up.

But why did it hurt this much?


Albert kept looking at his phone, he’s actually staring at Sasha’s number but he’s finding it hard to call her. What if she didn’t pick? He ignored her the whole day and he can’t sleep without apologizing.

He remembered Khali’s words and quickly dialed her number.

Sasha picked after the sixth ring.

“Sasha” Albert said gently but Sasha didn’t reply though she was still on the line.

“I’m sorry for ignoring you” Albert said but still she said nothing.

“Are you angry with me?” He asked.

“You ignored me the whole day and still expect me not to get mad at you? Did you know how hurt I was?” She snapped.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking right…

“And you took it on me?” She almost yelled.

“Sasha, I’m sorry” He said softly.

“Can you tell me the reason?”.

“I don’t want to talk about it”.

“Then I’m cutting the call”.

“Wait.. Wait… Sasha, can we talk tomorrow in school? ” He said.

“Okay, don’t ignore me again”.

“I won’t baby” He said and silence took place as Sasha’s cheeks began heating up.

“Are you there?”.

“Good night” She said and quickly cut the call.

Albert smiled, feeling at ease “She’s making me crazy”.

Alexander hasn’t come out of his room since he came home, he has been working on his laptop and though he’s missing Sanya he decided to keep it in.

Sanya climbed up the stairs to his room and stopped when she got to his room.

She looked at the food warmer in her hand and sighed, remembering Anaya’s words but why’s her words taking a toll on her poor heart.

She went closer to the door and raised up her hand to place a knock on the door but to her surprise the door opened on its own and her eyes widened. Normally she knocks before the door opens.

She walked into the room and met Alexander busy with his laptop.

Alexander looked up when she came in and their eyes met but she looked away when Anaya’s words came into her head again. She placed the food warmer on the table.

“Is she ignoring him or what?”.

“Sir I brought your dinner, you didn’t come downstairs so…

“I’m already full, coffee would have done” He said and she bit her lips.

“I will get that”.

“Wait, are you alright? Are you sick?” He asked, standing.

“No, I’m not sick” She replied and he came closer.

He raised his hand up and touched her forehead.

“You’re okay, are you avoiding me?” He asked and she shook her head.

“I will get you the coffee” She said, turning to go but he grabbed her hand, stopping her.

“You don’t have to, I got the coffee I need tonight” He said.

“Where’s it?” She asked.

“Right here with me” He replied and she gasped. He came more closer and she stood still, he leaned closer to her ear and she felt a warm sensation within her again.

“Sleep on my bed with me… Just for tonight Sanya” His voice came out seductively and segzy.

Sanya blinked as he brought his face back to her.

She gasped shockingly when she felt her legs leave the ground.

“Don’t struggle, I’m not hurting you” He said gently as he took her to the bed.

What the heck is happening? Is she dreaming? Someone should wake her up.

Alexander placed her on the bed and lay beside her, she made to shift away but he grabbed her waist and pulled her more closer to him.

Her eyes kept widening.

“It’s cold..Let me cuddle you.. Just for tonight Sanya”.

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