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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CEO’S MAID – Episode 15

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MAID ? ?
(Helplessly tripping…)

Written by Terri Savage ?️





She couldn’t deny that his smile was cute!.


What are you thinking Sanya? She quickly scolded herself mentally. When did that thought come into her head?

“Who told you that you are cute?” He asked simply.

“Am I not cute?” She asked, blinking.

“You’re ugly” He replied straight without looking at her.

Sanya furrowed her brows before getting herself back. Was she really expecting an arrogant billionaire like him to admit that she is cute? What she knows is that she is cute, she needs no one to tell her that.

Alexander was looking at her as she made faces.

He almost smiled but he controlled himself.

“I’m done” He said and stretched the cup to her.

“Okay sir” She replied and took the cup from him, in the process their fingers brushed against each other and their eyes moved up to stare into each other.

They stared at each other for seconds before Sanya cleared her throat and stood.

“Good night sir” She said and quickly rushed out.

“What just happened?” Alexander asked himself.

He just talked at length with her and he can’t deny that it feels good, she’s somehow funny.

And he smiled. He doesn’t smile without anyone except Sasha, Anaya and Romeo and recently he smiled and not only that he laughed too.

“Alexander Ivan, what is wrong with you?” He stood up and walked to the wall mirror. He stared at himself in the mirror and sighed.

“Am I sure that it’s me that smiled earlier?” He said, and moved back to the bed. He sat down and took his laptop.

Sanya entered her room and couldn’t stop herself from smiling.

What just happened in her boss’s room.

That’s the long conversation he has had with her and he even smiled. She saw him smile today.

She even called him by his name.

She remembered when he said she’s ugly and she frowned.

“I’m not ugly” She pouted.

Only if he would be friendly with her like that but that arrogant boss of hers is unpredictable.

“Time to sleep” She said, feeling sleepy.

She yawned loudly and lay on the bed, covering herself up completely.

“Hope tomorrow gets better” She said and her eyes went shut.

Maxim’s car stopped at the gate and they faced each other.

“Thank you for taking me out, I enjoy myself” She said.

“I’m glad you did, I enjoyed spending time with you” He replied.

“Hope we will do it next time?” She asked and he smiled.

“Yeah” He replied, touching her hair.

She smiled and he suddenly hugged her.

“Maxim” She said surprisingly.

“I love your scent” He said and she hugged him back.

He broke the hug after some minutes and they smiled at each other.

“Good night” She said.

“Sweet dreams” He replied and pecked her.

She opened the door and came down. She waved at him till she entered the big gate.

Maxim smiled and drove away.

Sasha got to the living room and found it empty. She walked straight to her room and fell on the bed immediately she entered.

She started smiling as she remembered the time she spent with Maxim. She giggled cutely and started throwing her legs up in the air.

Her cheeks reddened when she remembered the kiss that almost happened.

She touched her lips and swallowed hard.

“He almost kissed me, I wonder how his lips will taste?” She mumbled.


Maxim got home and came out of his car, he got to the living room and met Richard coming downstairs.

He stopped smiling when their eyes met.

“Maxim” Richard called but Maxim glared at him.

“Call my name again and I swear I will punch your face bastard” Maxim said despitefully.

“Maxim, I’m sorry can you please…

Richard hadn’t finished when Maxim came closer and his hand folded into a fist, he brought it up to his face and punched him.

“I am warning you, stay away from me” Maxim said h@ťěfully and climbed the stairs.

Richard looked at him walking upstairs and tears slipped out of his eyes.

Actually they are brothers but that brotherly love stopped when Maxim caught Richard in bed with his first girlfriend. He developed this strong hatred for him and despite Richard’s pleas since a year now he hasn’t forgiven him. They don’t attend the same school despite being brothers.

Maxim didn’t even give him the chance to explain himself till now.

Their parents are busy business people, they are always traveling here and there.

Hot tears kept pouring out of Richard’s eyes as he sat on the ground till a maid appeared.

“Richard” She called and he looked up.

“What happened to your face? Maxim again?” She asked and he nodded.

“It’s fine, please stop crying” She said and started wiping his tears away.

Sanya was humming a song as she walked downstairs.

She heard footsteps behind her and she looked back to see Alexander walking down the stairs.

“Good morning sir” She said.

“Morning Clumsy maid” He replied and she squinted her eyes.

“My name is Sanya” She corrected.

“I know, but do you have any problem with me calling you that?” He smirked.

“No sir” She replied.

“Good, I’m not coming home today” He said.

“Yes!” She screamed out and he briskly looked at her.

Sanya clamped her lips together, realizing what she did.

“Why are you excited about me not coming home?”.

“I’m not excited sir” She replied.

Alexander looked at her before walking out of the mansion.

“You are so stupid Sanya” She said and rushed down into the kitchen.

Albert had a cute smile on his lips as he walked to the class. He woke up today in a bright mood and he can’t explain the reason why he’s so happy.

The girls were gushing and drooling on him as he walked.

He flashed some girls a smile and they went crazy.

?️His smile is everything

?️We are blessed today

?️ Albert I love you

“I love you too baby” Albert screamed back.

“He said he loves me, OMG” The girl shouted.

“Hey buddy” Someone wrapped a hand around his neck.

“Khali” He smiled.

“What is up with your mood today?” Khali asked.

“What? Why are you asking?” Albert asked.

“You are so excited, you even replied to a girl that you love her, that’s unusual of you” Khali replied.

“I don’t know either” Albert replied with a shrug and Khali laughed.

“Seriously? You don’t know?” Khali laughed.

“Hey stop laughing” Albert smiled.

“Khali” A girl called and Khali turned her.

“Hi” He replied and she started blushing.

“He said hi to me” She mumbled and ran away.

“That girl likes you” Albert said.


“You’re so daft, can’t you see she was blushing when you replied to her” Albert said and Khali looked at him confusingly.

“Blushing? What’s that?” Khali asked and Albert looked at him with wide eyes.

“What? You don’t know the meaning of blushing?”.

“Haven’t heard about that word before” Khali replied seriously.

“Jesus Christ” Albert started laughing loudly.

He kept laughing till his cheeks hurt.

“Please stop laughing at me” Khali said.

“Are you sure you are born in this generation? Are you people from the olden days? I got a lotta things to teach you buddy” Albert said in between laughter.


Sasha and Annika were talking when Albert got to the class.

All attention went to him. Maybe he’s made to get all the attention.

Sasha and Annika stopped talking as their eyes went to him.

Bella bit her lips so hard, almost wounding herself, she got lost staring at him till he settled beside her.

Bella got herself back and tried starting a conversation with him but he stood up and started walking out of the class.

Bella ran after him, calling his name.


Albert suddenly stopped and turned at once, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to himself.

Bella gasped as her hands fell on his shoulders.

?️ What’s going on

?️ Are they dating already

?️ What’s that Ɓîtçh doing with him

?️I should be in her place

Sasha’s eyes gummed on them, Annika was smiling while the rest of the class stared with wide eyes.

Bella’s heart beats came so fast and she got herself lost staring into his eyes.

Albert smiled at her and let go of her.

“Cute Bella” He said and walked out of the class.

Bella’s cheeks heated up as she remained there, smiling foolishly.

Sasha scoffed and took her eyes away from there.

“Is that not cute?” Annika asked.

“There’s nothing cute there” Sasha rolled eyes and Annika smiled.

Alexander was busy working in his office when the door opened and Mr Ivan entered.

“Son” Nikaloi said.

Alexander looked up and he was surprised to see him.

“Dad, what are you doing here?” Alexander asked.

“Is that the right way to welcome your father? Besides, can’t I visit my son again? Or is it because you are now a billionaire?” Nikaloi asked at once.

“Calm down dad, how are you today?” Alexander asked as he stood up.

“Do you expect me to answer that? When was the last time you called?” Nikaloi frowned.

“Okay dad, I always forget, I’m always busy” Alexander replied and Nikaloi sat down.

“About the maid?…

“I know that’s why you are here” Alexander interrupted and Nikaloi chuckled.

“She has spent five days in your mansion already “.

“I know dad, she is different this time” Alexander said and Nikaloi smiled.

“So don’t you find anything interesting about her?” Nikaloi smirked.

“Like what?”.

“She’s beautiful”.

“Dad, please don’t start” Alexander said.

“Okay fine, let’s go and have lunch” Nikaloi said.

The door opened and Victor came in.

“Boss, the man from Algeria is here” Victor announced.

“Dad, we can have lunch next time” Alexander stood.

“It’s fine” Nikaloi smiled.

Sasha was clad in a singlet and short as she walked to the swimming pool.

She got there and stood at the edge, tying her hair in a ponytail.

She was still at it when suddenly Albert’s head popped out of the water and she screamed in fright.

She calmed down when she saw his face and she hissed.

“What’s wrong with you? You got me scared” She frowned and he said nothing.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“What kind of lame question is that? Even the daftest on earth will know why I am here”.

“Don’t expect me to get out of here because of you” He said and she hissed loudly.

“I even lost the zeal to swim” She said and turned to go but Albert swam towards the angle she was and before she knew what was happening, Albert grabbed her leg and pushed her in the pool.

“Albert” She yelled as her hair loose and sprawled on her face.

“What is the meaning of this?” She asked, wiping the water away from her face.

Albert came closer and she moved back.

He came closer again.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“Are you afraid your boyfriend might get angry if he sees us?” Albert asked.

“I..I don’t have a boyfriend” She said and he smiled.

“You are not yelling at me” He said and she looked away.

“Why do you h@ťě me?” He asked and she directed her eyes to him.

“I don’t h@ťě you, I only h@ťě your arrogance and pride” She replied.

“Woah!! Are you the one saying that?” He asked.

“It shouldn’t be a surprise, we both h@ťě each other” She said.

“Well you are right, we h@ťě each other’s guts”.

“Thank you for saving me” She said.

“God!, I’m hearing things?”.

“Stop it” She rolled eyes.

“Why did you do that?”.


“The way you grabbed Bella in the class”.

“Oh that, I was teasing her..

“Teasing or flirting?”.

“Are you jealous it wasn’t you?”.

“What!!, it was a bad idea talking to you in the first place, I’m outta here” She said but he pulled her back.

“Don’t go, let’s pretend to be friendly to each other for today” He said and she looked at him.

“Arrogant jerk”.

“Ungrateful witch” He said and they laughed.

“I want to fly an airplane right now” Anaya kept spurting rubbish as Alexander took her out of the car.

She forced him to go to a lounge and she got drunk.

He planned to spend the night in her mansion but right now she’s drunk.

“I don’t know why you are so stubborn” Alexander said as he guided her.

“You’re so handsome Alexander, marry me” Anaya said, smiling at him.

“God, can you keep quiet?” Alexander scoffed.

They got inside and she tripped, making them fall.


“Alexander, I love you” She shouted, smiling and throwing her hands up.

“I regret going to the lounge with you” Alexander said as he helped her up.

He hung her hand on his shoulder as he took her upstairs, it wasn’t easy as he kept doing dramatic things.

He lay her on the bed.

“Alexander, I love your handsome face, please marry me” She shouted and her throat formed a lump.

She stood up and threw her hands at Alexander.

Then a grunt sound came from her and before Alexander could push her away she puked on him.

“Anaya” He yelled.

“I’m okay now” She said and fell on the bed, sleeping off immediately.


Sanya stepped out of her room and walked downstairs with a giggles on her face.

Knowing she’s the only person in the mansion kept making her happy.

She has been doing everything to her heart’s desire.

She was dressed in a short and only a bra on her chest, housing her B-__-bs. She’s the only person in the house right now so she has the freedom to do wh@ťěver she wants.

She smiled as walked to the second living room. She opened the door to the swimming pool and entered.

“Oh mah gawd, how I missed this place” She said.

She jumped into the pool and scooped the water in her hand.

Her bra clip loosen a bit but she wasn’t aware.

Her hair became wet as she swept it to the back.

She smiled and started swimming like a fish.

She was feeling alive as she swam in the pool. Nobody to disturb her. Nobody to be afraid of.

She’s free like a fish, to do wh@ťěver she wants for today.

She has only today.

Sanya was lost in her fantasy that she didn’t hear when the door opened and Alexander came in.

The plan was not to come back to the empire but since Anaya puked on him he had no option but to come back.

He’s wearing jogger pants and he’s shirtless.

His eyes widened when he noticed someone in the pool.

Sanya brought her head up and swept her hair back, smiling.

“Freedom is good, no arrogant grumpy boss to scold me, f_ck you Alexander” She said.

Alexander was looking at her with wide eyes. Did she just say that about him?

“Really?” Alexander asked and she quickly looked back.

Her eyes bulged out as she saw him standing there.

Does that mean he heard what she just said?

“Arrrghhh!!!, what am I doing here?, I’m dreaming, ghost!!” She screamed crazily and ran out of the pool.

She started running out but Alexander went after, she was about to pass him when he grabbed her hand and turned her to him.

Just then bang!!!.

The bra clip came undone and the bra started falling from her B-__-bs..

Her eyes widened as the bra fell down to the ground.



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