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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CEO’S BRIDE – Episode 33

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{Through The Gates
Of Love… }


By, Cassie B.




All at once, Adele stopped her tears immediately when she heard that statement from Rosetta. Her light grey eyes searched Rosetta’s, wishing all she heard was true, not her hallucinations.

“I believe that’s not our decision to make, Rose” Romeo said and the duo turned to him. He trotted towards them before halting on his steps. He bent and helped Rosetta to her feet, pulling her to his chest.

“I know you mean well, baby…” He starts, staring into her teary eyes. He raised a hand and cleaned her tears, smiling tenderly at her.

“But forgiving Helena is not up to us. Valeria is the victim here, she should decide if Helena is to be forgiven or not. I don’t have a say here, Rose” Romeo concluded. Rosetta shook her head before turning to look at Adele who was at the verge of crying again.

“Romeo, do something please. Helena is the only one she has,” Rosetta pleaded, staring at Romeo with a glint of hope in her eyes.

“I hope your kind heart won’t be used against you in the future, Rose,” Romeo sighed before pulling her to a hug.

“I’ll talk to Marcus” he finally uttered the word out. That was when Rosetta placed her hands around him, heaving a sigh of relief.


Bang! Helena shut the door loudly. She marched to the couch and sat on it heavily, releasing a deep breath. She knew she had almost her voice previously that day from screaming too much.

“That bit…” She swallowed the rest of her words immediately. She could recall the numerous slaps and bites she received from calling Rosetta a Ɓîtçh.

Slowly, her hand went to her shoulder and she picked her phone, using it as a mirror to stare at her shoulder.

Helena hissed in pain when her hand met with a mark on her shoulder. It stings a lot that tears brimmed the corner of her eyes immediately.

“Fûck” she cussed, getting to her feet. She should get this treated before it gets out of hand.

Entering the bedroom, she noticed the unusual silence in the room. If she could remember, Adele was asleep when she left the house, so why isn’t she in?

Helena’s eyes widened. What if Adele had gone to report her to the cops? What if she had?

That moment, Helena could feel her chest tightened. If that was the case, then it’s surely the end for her. She’d be ki||ed too!

Fear overwhelmed her whole body and beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She had totally forgotten she was in the room to treat her burning shoulder.

“No, no” she rushed out of the room and at that moment, her phone rang. She sped towards it and on seeing Adele’s name on the caller ID, her heart thudded loud against her chest.

Slowly, she swiped the green icon, fearing the worst already. But…

“Helena, where have you been? You weren’t in the house when I woke up,” Adele’s voice came up on the phone

“Just somewhere. And you? Where are you?” Helena asked slowly, biting her lips nervously

“At the hospital” Adele replied and Helena raised a brow

“Hospital? Why are you there? Wait, is something wrong with you? Are you sick?” She asked worriedly.

“If you’re worried, then you should come over. It’s so boring without you here” Adele said.

“Okay. Text me the address of the hospital, I’ll be right there” Helena hung up. Even though she was relieved that Adele wasn’t in the station, she still couldn’t help but to be worried about her friend

Adele must have been a pain in the @zz, but she loved her more than anything.


“You knit so we’ll, ma’am” two maids gushed as they watched Isabella knitting a sweater.

Isabella smiled, focused on what she was doing. If there was something she loved the most right now, that’d be knitting. That had been her companion ever since she got married to Freudian.

“Would you like to learn?” Isabella asked softly with a smile. The two maids glanced at each other before giggling together.

“You’re so nice, Mrs. Castillo,” they smiled.

“If only you are serious with your marital life the way you dedicate your life to this bastard knitting, it’d have been better” Isabella stopped knitting when she heard that voice. The voice was no other than Mr. Castillo.

Isabella got to her feet and a maid collected the sweater from her.

“Good evening, Father” she greeted, expecting a reply but she received none.

“I wonder when you’re going to give birth to my grandchild, or until I provide another wife for your husband?” Mrs. Castillo’s voice was harsh and Isabella trembled.

“I’d really love that!” She was tempted to utter those words but she immediately controlled herself.

“My patience is running out, Isabella. If you don’t provide a grandchild for me as soon as possible, then I’m throwing you out of this place. And I know you don’t even have anywhere to go since you’re an orphan” Mrs. Castillo spat those words which stung Isabella hard.

Orphan – that word hit her a million times and she didn’t know when tears trickled down her cheeks. Was it her fault that her parents left her in this cruel world?

Immediately Mr. Castillo left, the two maids pulled Isabella to them as she cried heavily.

“Please stop the tears, ma’am. You’ll be fine” they both whispered.

Isabella was having none of that. She badly wished to end all the pain that had been inflicted into her heart by the household. But how? Her life was totally in their hands.


“So far, there’s nothing strange about sir Romeo” Freudian spoke to the spy at Romeo’s mansion over the phone.

“Good. Don’t hesitate to let me know anything” he said before ending the call. A smirk formed
on his face as he played with his phone.

“Romeo, Romeo…. Your end is near, just like your pathetic mother,” a sinister smile spread on his face.


“Adele!!” Helena rushed blindly into a ward. Adele had texted the address of the hospital and her ward and here she was.

Helena stopped on her tracks as her eyes beheld a familiar face staring at her. Her blood went cold as color drained from her face totally.

“Va… Valeria” she stuttered. Valeria’s face held no emotions in it at all. Cold. Blank, those were her expressions.

“How… How are you alive?” Helena stuttered and Valeria creased her brows.

“Were you expecting to meet me dead?” Valeria smiled slyly. Helena shook her head, still staring at Valeria in shock. The boys said she died, so how?

Adele! Her head clicked and her brows knitted in an angry expression. She couldn’t believe Adele would betray her.

Helena turned and tried to escape the room when Romeo, Marcus, Rosetta and Adele trooped in.

“Where do you think you’re going, you murderer?” That was from Marcus. Heaven knows how much he was controlling himself that moment.

When Rome broke the news to him, he flared up. That moment, he wanted nothing but to ki|| Helena just like she had wished for Valeria. But after listening to a few of Romeo’s words, he calmed down a bit.

Helena turned to Adele who also had a sad expression on her face. She shook her head in disappointment as her eyes filled with her own tears.

“Why? Why did you betray me?” Helena’s voice came out hoarsely.

“You were getting out of hand, I had to do something” Adele mumbled.

“I have no interest in all this, but the question I have here is…” Valeria got down from the bed and took slow steps towards Helena.

“Why did you intend to ki|| me?” Valeria asked.

“Because I defended Rosetta? Because I wasn’t on your side? Tell me, who would support a cheating Ɓîtçh!” Valeria yelled.

Helena immediately got down on her knees as regrets hit her hard. That moment, she realized the mistake she made.

She was scared. Scared of dying, scared of going to jail and then ending up getting ki||ed. Was that the feeling Valeria had when she was almost dying? The fear?

Helena broke down into heavy tears. Still on her knees, she crawled to where Valeria stood and hugged her legs, burying her face on her stomach.

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry” she sobbed.

“Please forgive me, Valeria. I was out of my senses. Hit me! Call me all sorts of names, but please forgive me” Helena cried.

Marcus, who was boiling with anger, cooled down immediately. Helena was once their friend, they surely felt bad seeing her going astray.

But, the good thing here was that… She realized her mistakes and she’s ready to rectify them.


It’s been two weeks since the incident between Helena and Valeria. Adele and Helena moved out of the country, they were currently in Washington DC, a place far away from them.

“Anaya…” Rosetta dragged herself to the kitchen lazily. She felt weak and drowsy.

“Mrs. Castillo” Anaya left what she was doing and rushed to her. She left Rosetta on the chair in the kitchen and walked to the fridge. She poured some milk into a glass cup and gave it to Rosetta.

“Thanks.” Rosetta thanked her.

“What’s the time?” She asked. Anaya checked the wristwatch on her hand.

“It’s past six,” Anaya replied. Rosetta’s face lightens up immediately. Past six! Then, Romeo would be back soon!

Just like she predicted, she felt a presence behind him and instantly jolted up. She turned to find Romeo in the kitchen.

Dropping the glass cup on the table, she rushed towards him and threw herself to him, holding him around the neck.

“Easy, Vita mia {My life}” Romeo cooed, rubbing her back gently. A wide smile spread on his lips as he heard her mumbling some words about how much she missed him.

The past two weeks had been cool for them. Their bond grew stronger and it was the best thing ever.

“You are late,” Rosetta pouted, breaking the hug. Romeo pulled her cheek and she rolled her eyes

“Sorry wifey. I got you something” he winked.

“What?” Romeo bent to her ears and whispered some words. Rosetta’s eyes twinkled.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” She dragged him by the hand. They both left the kitchen.

They got to the room and Rosetta immediately started loosening Romeo’s tie. After that, she unbuttoned his shirt.

“You’ve been working too much and I don’t like it. You looked stressed” Romeo smiled when he heard those words from her.

Freudian had been low for a while now but he wasn’t in the least bothered. He already prepared a gift from him, one which would end this $h|t once and for all.

“Where’s the thing you got for me?” Rosetta’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

Romeo smiled naughtily and carried her in his arms. He strode to the bathroom and Rosetta looked around in confusion before staring at him.

“Why don’t we make babies, baby?” Romeo whispered in an alluring voice.

“Wh… What?” Rosetta blinked her eyes. Babies? Was she ready to become a mother yet?

Well, for this man, she’s ready to do anything for him. The man whom she had grown to love with all her heart.


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