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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CEO’S BRIDE – Episode 27

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“Can you tell me a story?” Rosetta’s soft voice echoed around the room. She was currently in bed with Romeo beside her. His arms were draped around her while her head was on his chest.

“Story?” Romeo chuckled, caressing her hair with a hand.

“Hmm” Rosetta hummed, playing with the hair on his chest. She raised her head to look at him and raised herself slightly. She kissed his jaw and he stared down at her.

“I can’t sleep,” she murmured and Romeo couldn’t stop staring at her. He was troubled. A lot seemed to be going on in his company due to his absence and Marcus’s cell phone wasn’t going through.

He had even called Valeria too but she wasn’t picking up. Then, he decided going back to Italy would solve all these riddles.

“I’m no storyteller, Mio caro” his soft chuckle filled the whole room. Rosetta pouted, flickering her eyes lashes cutely.

“You can just tell me anything, I don’t mind. I’m so bored!” She whined. That action of hers made Romeo smile. Why was she suddenly acting cute? Was she doing this so as to cheer him up?

“Anything, you say?” He asked and she immediately nodded. All Rosetta wanted at that moment was to keep hearing his voice. The few hours that he was away, she never wished to experience it again. She was slowly getting addicted to this man without her knowing.

Romeo sighed before cradling her to himself like a baby. His hand rubbed the smoothness of her neck as he slowly began talking.

“If you can’t take it anymore, just let me know” he murmured softly and Romeo was confused for a moment. What does he mean by that? But, she decided to keep quiet and listen to the story he had in store for her.

“She was just a maid.” Romeo started before inhaling deeply.

“A maid in a huge castle, the one who washed Madam’s feet. One who’s being tossed around and being hit almost everyday” Rosetta gasped. Wasn’t that cruel?

“Then, it happened. Her Boss who already had a wife and a son R@P£D her against her will. She got pregnant and was almost sent out of the house. Thankfully, her Boss’s father was around at that moment, he kept her in the house, if not for anything, but for his grandchild which was inside her”

“Even while being pregnant, she was still maltreated. The father of her baby made it worse for her, he gave her extra work to do just for her to have a miscarriage. Thankfully, she never did and she bore a child… A boy”

Rosetta had a sad expression on her face as she listened to him. Why was she suddenly feeling pity for this woman? This was just a story, one which he probably made up and still how could this feel so true?

“The little boy grew up into a cute boy, but he was h@ťěd in the house. Why? Because he was the son of a maid…” Romeo suddenly stopped.

“Why did you stop?” Rosetta asked. She was so curious. She wanted to know how it ends, what later became the fate of the boy? And his mother?

“His father h@ťěd him with passion, same goes to his step mother and brother. Being the son of a maid, he was allowed to perform hard chores in the house. Failure to do so, he would receive twenty strokes of cane on his small back” Rosetta shuddered. That was too cruel!! A little boy?

“Every night, his mother weeps at night. Sad at the fact that she couldn’t do a thing as she watches her son being treated like a slave. It didn’t stop there, he came again. The boy’s father, he came again and R@P£D her, not listening to her cries and pleas. Again, she found herself pregnant, but this time with a baby girl” Romeo stopped talking when he heard Rosetta sniffing gently.

“What’s wrong? Should I stop the story?” He asked. Rosetta shook her head, cleaning the traces of tears in her eyes

“She’s just so pitiful,” she mumbled with pain clearly evident in her voice.

“Yes, she is,” Romeo sighed, trying to hide the Emotions in his voice.

“What happened after that?” Rosetta asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

“She was beaten mercilessly by the Madam, saying she seduced her husband. It didn’t stop there, her son was treated more badly than ever. His step brother wouldn’t stop troubling him as he h@ťěd him with passion.”

“While being pregnant with his little sister, she was always asked to clean the whole mansion. Who was she to complain? She had to do it, if not for anything but for her son… Her only happiness”

“And then, it happened one day. He R@P£D her to death. She was bleeding beneath him, begging for him to let her go. He paid deaf ears to her, not minding the fact that she was still pregnant with his daughter, he R@P£D her roughly, till she bleeds. The baby dies in her womb and she….” Romeo’s eyes darkened, his hand which was around Rosetta tightened.

“She died….” He completed and the next thing that was heard was Rosetta’s cries.

“That’s so cruel! It’s inhumane, she doesn’t deserve that! She doesn’t!!!” Rosetta cried heavily.

Romeo’s eyes were both red as he held her to himself. She was crying profusely as though she was aware the story about the boy was related to him.

“It’s okay, Vita mia {My life}” he whispered, soothing the crying wife in his arms.

Rosetta whimpered as she clutched at his arm tightly. The images of the woman getting R@P£D to death filled her mind and she shuddered. It was gruesome!

“It’s okay, it’s fine” Romeo kept whispering till she finally slept off. He stared at her face to find her cheeks already dried with her tears.

“What if I tell you the boy was actually me? And the woman, my mother?” He found himself asking aloud.


Waking up to find the woman of your dreams in your arms is surely what every man wished for. That applies to Marcus. The moment he opened his eyes to find his world sleeping peacefully beside him, he felt his whole life filled with light immediately.

“Il mio mondo{My world}” he whispered, beaming with smiles. His eyes trailed to her neck and he grinned naughtily. It was filled with love bites.

Gently, he raised her hand which was on his chest and his hand made contact with the ring on her finger. Yes, he proposed to her that morning. He couldn’t wait any longer, not even for a sec.

And do you know why he doesn’t regret it? The smiles on her face, her screams! Her tears! Those alone made his day and wondered how much she had been expecting that.

As gentle as he could, he got off the bed and picked his phone which was on his nightstand, he switched it on.

He had switched it off the previous day since he was alone in his world. But now, she was back to him and he was finally happy!

Marcus’s eyes widened when he saw messages from Diego and Romeo. They were pretty much!

He quickly clicked on the ones Romeo sent to him and his eyes almost bulged out of Its socket.

“Fûck!!!” He rushed to his laptop immediately with his heart beating fast. If something should go wrong then it’d be his fault.

“Hey.” Romeo’s tired voice came up on the phone. Marcus’s jaw dropped as he stared at the screen in front of him.

“How did this happen? Fûck, I’m just switching on my phone only to see this!!” He screamed in frustration.

“Are you alright?” Romeo asked and Marcus was stupefied. Wasn’t he meant to be mad at him?

“Huh?” Marcus slowly blinked his eyes.

“It’s unusual for you not to pick your calls, is everything okay over there?” Romeo asked again.

“Yes… Will explain the details later,” Marcus replied still in shock. Was this really Romeo? His own best friend?

“I’ll be back to Italy tomorrow,” Romeo suddenly announced.

“I’m sorry this had to happen because of me,” Marcus apologized.

“My laptop is broken, you should find the person who’s selling our information out,” Romeo said

“Okay, will do just that” they talked for a while before the call disconnected.

“Fûck you bastards! Just wait and let me lay my hands on you, you’re dead” he growled lowly as he clenched his jaw.


“I thought you were actually loafing around, who knew you had this under your sleeves?” Mr. Castillo chuckled as he stared at the computer in front of him. Investors were slowly removing the shares from Romeo’s company.

“As long as I’m alive and still the rightful heir to the Castillo’s properties, Romeo would never succeed in this family. He’d always be a failure, just like his wretched mother,” Freudian spat out each word with his voice laced with hatred.

Hearing that, Mr. Castillo’s mind drifted to the dream he had the previous night. Romeo’s Mother actually came after him and like she promised, she gouged his eyes out!

He quickly shook his head, taking his mind off the useless dream. He didn’t know why he was having a hard time over someone so lowly as her.

“And, you don’t have to worry, Father. I’ve got everything under my control” Freudian grinned evilly. Romeo surely won’t be able to do a thing since he’s got him covered with spies.

“Very soon… There won’t be anyone by the name, Romeo Knight Castillo”he laughed sinisterly while Mr. Castillo let out a chuckle.


“I can’t believe we’re actually leaving so soon,” Rosetta mumbled with a pout as she stared at the beautiful house.

That morning, Romeo had informed her that they’d be returning back to Italy for some reasons best known to him. He wouldn’t say a word even after she had pestered him to.

“We can come back some day,” Rome said behind her. She turned around to find him carrying a huge bag. She sighed before looking away.

“It can never be the same way,” he muttered. Romeo dropped the bags on the floor before making his way towards her.

“I’m sorry this had to happen, but I’ve got something to take care of,” he touched her shoulder but she immediately jerked it off.

“You just love to keep things to yourself, I wonder if I’m actually a wife to you,” she rolled her eyes.

“Stop!” Romeo warned and she scoffed inwardly. Seeing him struggling alone hurts so bad. She wanted to help him with wh@ťěver she could. But how’s that possible when he chose to be secretive.

Rosetta moved away from him, walking out of the house. Romeo immediately went after her and caught her before she could go far. The gentle breeze blew their hair as they gazed at each other.

“I’m sorry. But you need to trust me, I need to sort something out. It’s very important,” he muttered. Rosetta sighed. She knew it was useless arguing with him anyways, he’d never still open up to her.

“Wh@ťěver,” she rolled her eyes but smiled afterwards. Can she ever stay mad at this man? d@mn, what was wrong with her?


Valeria walked out of the grocery store holding a white nylon in her hand. Marcus had rushed to the office that morning and she was left all alone in the house. She decided to come out and shop a bit.

Her eyes went to the ring on her finger and a smile spread on her face. It was just like a dream. When he opened the box and went on his knees, she almost passed out. It was a dream come true!

Right now, she couldn’t wait to get married to him. She imagined herself walking down the aisle, with her husband before the priest looking gorgeous.

“I’m going crazy,” she giggled, shaking her head. Her thoughts were disrupted when she heard the sound of a horn blaring loudly.

Valeria turned and her eyes widened when she saw a vehicle speeding towards her. She tried to move out of the way but it was too late… Too late!

A loud sound was heard as her body landed on the ground heavily, a pool of blood forming around her.

“Mar…. Marcus,” was the last word she muttered before slipping into unconsciousness.


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