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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CEO’S BRIDE – Episode 21

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{Through The Gates
Of Love… }


By, Cassie B.




Breakfast was over and Rosetta was all alone in the living room. Romeo was in the bedroom, on his laptop and she didn’t want to bother him, so she decided to take her time away by playing games on her phone.

She was still on it when Romeo appeared, leaning on the doorway. Rosetta was oblivious of his presence as he stood there, watching her with a smile playing on his lips. He was having a soft spot for her, no doubt about that.

If there was something he’s grown to love about this lady here, then that’d be her innocence. Talk about her flickering her eyelashes cutely, or her puckering her lips? Or is it the way she kept walking, with her @zz bouncing behind her without her knowing?

Knowing all this was without her knowledge is what drives him insane the most. This woman here was the perfect description of “perfect”

“Wifey,” he drawled, walking over to her. Rosetta raised her head from her phone and on sighting him, a smile spread on her lips as she watched him get to her. He had disappeared after they had breakfast and she couldn’t deny that she missed him. That was surely weird.

“Did I take too long?” Romeo asked, settling himself beside her. He gave her his full attention.

“Yea,” Rosetta admitted with a sigh. Okay, this was really getting weird. Where the hell was that coming from?

“I’m sorry, I had to take care of some things,” Romeo said. One thing he has come to discover is that he tends to say the word “sorry” whenever he’s around her.

“Would you like to go somewhere?” He suddenly asked and her eyes twinkled immediately.

“Really?” She gushed and Romeo chuckled. He nodded and Rosetta squealed excitedly. Finally, she’d be less bored!



“You look beautiful, I feel like eating you up right now,” Marcus licked his lower lip as Valeria fixed his tie for him.

“Stop being naughty, it’s still early in the morning” Valeria rolled her eyes before chuckling softly.

“And I think lovemaking in the morning is the greatest of all, right?” Marcus winked and Valeria gasped. She smacked his chest hard

“Stop that, babe!” She frowned. Marcus grinned before leaning towards her ear, then he whispered.

“I love you baby, I’m insanely in love with you” he whispered before placing a kiss on her neck. By the time he pulled back to stare at her, Valeria’s face was already flushed pink, she just blushed!

“You jerk!” She pouted before throwing herself to his arms, he immediately caught her waist.

“I love you too, I really do love you,” she whispered against his chest and a wide smile spread on Marcus’s lips.

“Not much as I do, babe” he whispered back.


“Whoa!!!” Rosetta screamed happily as she ran around, feeling the cold breeze blowing her hair. Romeo suggested they go out for a stroll and they found themselves here.

Pearl Beach Resort is one of the most expensive resorts in Bora Bora. It’s best known as a place for relaxation for honeymoon lovers.

“This is so nice!!!” She giggled, twirling around, the gentle breeze blowing the white short gown she had on her body. Romeo got it for her on their way to the resort.

Romeo smiled as he walked to her, he gently sat on the sand, watching his beautiful wife who was busy enjoying herself

“Are you that happy?” He finally asked. Rosetta stopped twirling around and went to sit beside him. She let out a happy sigh before smiling softly.

“You can never imagine how happy I am right now. I’ve always wished to explore around but I never got the chance, you just made my wish come true,” she smiled as she stared at him.

“Then, don’t I deserve something in return?” Romeo raised a brow, teasing her.

“Something like what?” Rosetta asked cluelessly.

“Like a kiss? Or…” He leaned towards her ears.

“A hot make out?” He whispered and her eyes widened. She stared at him wide-eyed. Can this man ever stop being shameless?

Romeo laughed when he saw her expression. This wife of his doesn’t seem to know a joke at all.

He got to his feet and stretched his palm towards her

“Come here, I have something to show you,” he said. Rosetta gladly received his hand and with the help of him, she got to her feet. The few men around couldn’t stop ogling at her beauty and that pissed Romeo off. He’d gladly rip out any bastard’s eye that wouldn’t stop ogling at his wife’s segziness.

Throughout the short walk to the room where Romeo led her to, Rosetta didn’t fail to see some women whispering amongst themselves, obviously smitten with her husband’s hotness.

As they almost got to the suite, Rosetta saw a lady in just a bikini, stylishly bending over to reveal her skinny @zz. It was an act to seduce Romeo of course.

The lady turned just in time to meet Rosetta’s hot gaze on her, then Rosetta gave the lady her middle finger.

“Fûck you!” She mouthed, glaring at her h@ťěfully. Rosetta glanced at Romeo to find him staring straight ahead, he didn’t even glance at the lady a bit. Bless this man!

They entered the suite and Rosetta awed in total amazement as she stared around the room. Everything here was amazing!

“This is paradise!” The room is lit by a chandelier with faux candle electric lights and crystal decorations. Rosetta smiled before facing Romeo whose gaze was on her.

“Is this our suite?” She asked and he replied with a curt nod.

“We’ll be spending the night here,” Romeo replied, walking deeper into the room. He went to the balcony and held the rails, staring down at the beach. He could see different people moving about obviously having a great deal of fun.

“This is going to be so much fun! I can’t wait to explore around,” Rosetta clapped, walking to the balcony. She went beside him and they both silently stared at the beach.

Rosetta watched as three girls were having a picnic together. She suddenly felt jealous. She had no friends, not even a single one. No friend had ever come by to her house when she stopped schooling, she was a loner.

“I have no friends,” she suddenly started and Romeo glanced at her.

Rosetta smiled sadly as the memories of what she went through in the hands of her parents resurfaced into her mind. She went through hell

“Not even one. I feel jealous whenever any guest at the hotel keeps talking about their night out with their friends. Girls parties and all,” she chuckled.

“I don’t even know how it feels to have a friend, I was alone. Alone in my world, my parents never cared about me. To them, I was dead long ago,” she sniffed as tears welled up in her eyes. This was why she never loved discussing about her life, the emotional breakdown was what she feared

“I… Seeing my mates going to schools, having fun with their parents and friends, I felt left out. Do you know how that feels? Being rejected by your own parents? Your father and mother?” Tears streamed down her cheeks and she immediately wiped it off

“I know how that feels, even more” Romeo said and Rosetta glanced at him through her tearstained eyes.

“I doubt you do. You probably had all you ever wanted, you had everything wrapped around your fingers, I doubt if you know how that feels” Rosetta shook her head.

Romeo chuckled. If only she knew. If only she knew his perfect childhood doesn’t seem to be good like she claimed. His childhood was rough, painful, no child would ever wish to experience what he went through.

“I’d advise you not to say that again” he simply said and for a fleeting moment, Rosetta was confused. What does he mean by that?

“Would you like to make new friends?” He suddenly asked and Rosetta thought she was hearing things.

“How’s that possible?” She asked slowly but instead, a sly grin formed on his face.


Loud chortles filled the air as Rosetta chatted with some married ladies. Through the help of Romeo though she never knew how he did it, she found herself in the midst of these wonderful ladies, having a great time.

The three ladies were friends who recently got married. They were currently on their honeymoon and their husbands were having a conversation with Romeo.

“My husband is a lion in bed. He never allowed me to rest on our wedding night, he ruined my legs!” Sofia, the first lady giggled

“That’s how it’s supposed to be. Wedding night is filled with passion. Do you know how it feels to get married to the man of your dreams? Your soulmate? That feeling of satisfaction?” Gaia smiled.

“So, Rose. Tell us how yours went. Was he rough? Or gentle?” Aurora asked and the rest listened attentively.

Rosetta was short of words. How was she to tell them that she ran off on her wedding night? That nothing happened between her and Romeo?

“I… It was good,” she lowered her gaze to the floor, unable to look them in the eye. That was an obvious lie because they seemed to notice it.

“What’s wrong?” Sofia asked gently and Rosetta looked up at her.

“What do you mean? It was good, the best night of my life” Rosetta lied.

“Well, it really is! I can testify to that” Aurora said.

“And do you know what I do to make my husband go crazy?” She added.

“What’s that? Tell me please!” Gaia quickly said. Aurora signaled them to move closer which they did.

“I walk around in just lingeries!” She whispered and Rosetta’s eyes widened.

“What! That’s the segziest of all!” Sofia clapped her hands excitedly. She’d definitely try that when she gets to be with her husband alone.

“Of course it is. My husband goes crazy when he sees that, you should try that out too, Rose. He won’t be able to leave you for a day” Aurora said.

“Wait… Isn’t that your husband, Rose?” Gaia suddenly said, staring ahead. Rosetta followed her gaze and anger suddenly churned inside her when she saw a lady flirting with her Romeo.

“What the hell! That skinny Ɓîtçh!” Aurora exclaimed.

“Girls,I just don’t know what they get when they flock around married men,” Sofia shook her head.

“I need to go,” Rosetta gritted out and got to her feet. Her gaze was on the lady who was by now, holding Romeo’s hand and for a second, Valeria’s words rang in her ears when they talked that morning.

*”But, you know he can’t wait forever, right? He’s a man, a man will always crave for his woman. Or, would you love it when he stares at another woman?”* That was Valeria’s reply when she told her Romeo said he’d wait till she’s ready to give herself to him.

For that moment, fear crept into her mind. What if he decides to stare at another woman? All because she didn’t give herself to him? Was his patience finally running out?

Thinking about that, she exploded with anger and the next thing she did when she got to them was dragging the lady away from Romeo before landing a deafening slap on her cheeks.

“Stay away from my man!” Rosetta screamed, glaring at the lady in anger.

The lady went blind for a moment, she could feel the angel of the Lord calling unto her. Was she already in heaven?

Rosetta turned to Romeo, her eyes filled with hurt. “Stay away from me” were the only words she uttered before storming out.

This was the same man who threw a fuss when a guy touched her and he had the gut to flirt with a woman? She’d never forgive him!


The car screeched loudly as it came to a halt in front of the house. Rosetta alighted from the car and jammed the door shut loudly, walking inside without a word.

Heaving a tired sigh, Romeo got out of the car and slammed the door shut. She had refused to listen to him after he tried to talk to her. The only words she said was “Take me back to the island!”. And here they are.

Romeo entered the bedroom to find Rosetta stripping herself. She was just in her P@ŋtîēṣ and bra and she didn’t even care that he was present. Her anger was at work, he guessed.

“Baby,” he tried to hold her but she walked out, her @zz bouncing behind her. The slamming of the bathroom door was heard and silence followed afterwards.

Romeo ruffled his hair hard before sitting on the bed. He wasn’t even giving that Ɓîtçh his attention and here his wife was giving him a cold shoulder all because of that!

The sound of the shower suddenly stopped running and there was silence afterwards. After a long while, the door opened and this time… What the hell was she putting on?

Romeo’s eyes almost bulged out of its socket. His wife was putting on red lingerie, exposing her flawless skin. She was walking around the room, his eyes following her every move.

Romeo felt a bulge forming between his legs and he instantly knew he was having a hard on.

Rosetta knew his eyes were on her but she pretended she didn’t notice that. She had contemplated what to wear and then, she concluded by following Valeria and the girl’s advice. And that was putting on lingerie, this man here needs to understand that he doesn’t have the right to flirt with any other lady!

“What the hell are you putting on, Rose?” Romeo’s eyes were filled with lust. He was burning for her, he badly craves to have a taste of her.

Rosetta ignored him completely. She turned and attempted to leave the room but before she could do so, Romeo was already behind her, pressing his body on hers. His arms were around her and his head was on her shoulder.

“Stop torturing me, wifey,” he whispered. Rosetta scoffed and attempted to pull free but instead, his hands went to her brêast and stopped there.

“I’m sorry” he finally whispered the word and her body calmed down a bit. Now, the erratic beating of the heartbeat was what could be heard.

“For hurting your feelings” he added, his hot breath fanning her neck. Rosetta slowly turned to stare up at him, she smiled before raising her hands to his neck, he immediately held her waist.

“Am I forgiven now?” He asked and she nodded slowly. Romeo heaved a sigh of relief and instantly, he lifted her in his arms, her legs coiling around his waist.

“I don’t think I can control myself anymore, Tesoro mio” he said, walking towards the bed. He gently threw her to the bed and laid on her, his eyes raking her body.

Forcefully, he tore her legs apart and his hands immediately went in between her legs, trailing his fingertip on the red lacy pantie.

“I want to take the whole of you” he groaned into her ears, feeling her moist area. Rosetta’s breath was heavy, her whole body was burning in anticipation. Maybe this was it, giving herself to her husband.

A sharp cry of pleasure escaped her lips when he inserted a smart finger inside her, th-ru_sting it in and out gently.

“Ro… Romeo” she whimpered, clinging unto him. The feeling she was receiving was crazy, so crazy that she wanted more!

Her lips parted in pleasure when he dragged her brassiere down with his teeth, his mouth covering a rosy bud.

“Oh, no” her hands went to her mouth as she tried to prevent her Mõ@ɲs from spilling out.

He was sucking her while his hands were moving inside her ski||fully. Her whole body was trembling with pleasure.

“More… More please” she Mõ@ɲed as her eyes shut in immense pleasure.


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