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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CEO’S BRIDE – Episode 13

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{Through The Gates
Of Love… }


By, Cassie B.




Hearing his voice which was strangely soft, Rosetta completely relaxed against him as she buried her head against his chest, feeling his hard muscles. She felt safe with him, his arms were protectively wrapped around her and she felt like a little child in her father’s arms.

After a long while, Romeo broke the hug and pulled her head back so he could stare at her. The rain was still drizzling outside with Rosetta’s hand still tight around his waist.

“Were you scared alone?” He asked softly and Rosetta nodded meekly, sulking her lower lips.

“You were mad at me,” she pouted gently. Romeo released a chuckle which surprised her. He looked absolutely gorgeous when he smiled!

Gently, Romeo heaped her in his arms as he slowly began walking to the bed. It has become a normal thing for him to always carry her in his arms. Rosetta was a lady with a small body and he enjoyed how small she always felt in his arms. The need to protect her with the whole of him surged in immediately.

Romeo laid her on the bed and Rosetta immediately snuggled closer to him, clasping her hand in fear when the thunder struck.

“Shh, just relax” Romeo gathered her into his arms and started stroking her hair. It was a mystery on how he was being soft to the lady in his arms. He had always thought her life with him would be sour as he’d make life miserable for her, but he found himself doing otherwise.

“Romeo,” Rosetta’s soft voice rang in the room as she shifted more closer to him. Heaven knows the thunder was the reason why she was in that position with him.

“Hmm,” Romeo hummed as he continued stroking her hair. His head clicked when he suddenly remembered something and he shifted back to look at her.

“Have you had your dinner?” He asked. Rosetta blinked her eyes before nodding slowly. It was obvious she doesn’t joke with her stomach. Gone were the days she’d starve herself for days because she had no money with her.

“You should change your clothes, it’s wet” Rosette mumbled gently.

“Vai a dormire, tesoro {Go to sleep, darling}” Romeo said instead.

Like an obedient child, Rosetta found her eyes closing on its own as she allowed herself to fall asleep in his arms, breathing in his manly musk.

Sensing she was deep asleep, Romeo got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom straight to have his night shower. Later, he returned in only a grey pants and he walked to the nightstand to pick his phone.

There was a message from Diego and he clicked on it immediately.


Romeo cleared his throat before dropping his phone. He glanced at the sleeping figure on the bed and a little smile left his lips.

“Così carino {So cute}” he mumbled before leaving the room.


Mr. Castillo was already awake, having his breakfast already. The dining table was surrounded by maids, dressed in their uniforms with their heads bowed. The dining room was in silence as Mr. Castillo ate his food in silence.

Even though he looked calm as he ate, deep inside him, he was boiling with fury. The news of Romeo’s upcoming wedding with his strange bride was all over Italy. Everyone wouldn’t stop talking about it and it pissed him off.

The fact that Romeo kept it hidden was what angered him the most. He had no clue his son was getting married, not even one!

“Young Master Freud is back!!!” A guard suddenly screamed.

Mr. Castillo stopped eating when he heard that. He raised his head just in time to see Freud appearing with his wife beside him.

“You came earlier than expected,” Mr. Castillo said calmly while dropping the fork in his hand. He picked a white hanky and wiped his mouth with it.

“Are you aware of it too? Romeo is getting married tomorrow!” Freudian said in a loud voice.

“How dare that bastard! He wants to ruin our plans! That f-__-king son of a lowly maid” Freudian cussed with hatred clearly visible in his voice.

“Say something, Father! This wedding can’t be held! You’ve been avoiding this your entire life!” Freudian yelled frustratedly.

Mr. Castillo relaxed on the chair and held his two hands together. A smirk formed on his face and he glanced up at Freudian.

“Let him do as he wishes,” he simply said. Freudian furrowed his brow when he heard that.


“He wants to get married, right? Let him do as he wishes,” Mr. Castillo smiled.

“What are you planning?” Freudian calmed down a bit.

“Are you back for good now?” Mr. Castillo asked, changing the subject.

“I ain’t going anywhere anymore. I’m here to take what belongs to me,” Freudian scowled.


Marcus smiled as he watched Valeria sleeping peacefully in his arms. The duvet covering them slipped to her waist and her fresh B-__-bs got exposed to his eyes.

Naughtily, he scooted closer and drew invisible lines on her Ɲīpplës, that action of his woke her up

“Hey!” Valeria giggled and slapped his hands away. She immediately sat up and wrapped the duvet around her naked body.

“Stop being a pervert!” She eyed him. Marcus sat up and glanced at the huge wall clock in the room.

“You were still asleep and I had to wake you up,” he said, smiling Ç0çƙily.

“And there wasn’t any way except for that?” Valeria shook her head and his silly excuses.

“You were too beautiful to resist,” Marcus admitted after a while.

“Tch!” Valeria chuckled. She moved closer to him and Marcus immediately placed his arms around her.

“Tomorrow is Romeo’s wedding,” Valeria mumbled slowly.

“Hmm… You’ll be the bridesmaid I guess” Marcus said

“I’d love that. His wife is so cute, and a fast learner too,” Valeria smiled, drawing lines on Marcus’s chest.

“She’s beautiful. I saw her once and I must admit she’s an angel,” Marcus said.

Valeria’s face slowly wrinkled up in a frown. She hit his chest hard and Marcus yelped out in pain.

“f-__-k you,” she mumbled and got out of the bed. How could he call another lady an angel when she’s right beside him.

“Babe! Babe!” Marcus got out of the bed and rushed out of the room, laughing silently.


Rosetta watched as Romeo prepared himself for work. He was already dressed and was fixing his tie as he stared at himself in the mirror. He looked hot, she must admit.

“I’ll be back soon,” Romeo suddenly announced, still staring at himself in the mirror.

“Tomorrow is the wedding, we need to prepare for that,”

At the sound of the wedding, Rosetta heard a loud bang in her head. Wedding? Tomorrow? Does that mean she’d be deflowered tomorrow?

“Take care,” Romeo’s voice brought her back to the present. He was already out of the room before she could blink her eyes.

“I’m getting married tomorrow,” she bit her lips gently. She didn’t know what to feel at that moment. Happy? Or sad?

Instead, she let out a sigh as she braces herself for what the future holds for her.


“Are you gonna keep staring all day?” Adele’s voice rang in the room. Helena was still in bed, though it was late in the morning already. All she did was to stare into space.

“If you knew you were going to act this way, why did you cheat in the first place? That was bad,” Adele said.

“No one is above mistake. That was a mistake from me which I clearly regretted. What else does he want me to do?” Helena asked rhetorically.

“Move on. Romeo is getting married tomorrow, you have to move on babe. Get the reality into your head, Romeo doesn’t love you anymore,” Adele said

“You were the cause of it, and if you know you’re going to keep acting this way, just find the guard and settle down with him,” Adele shrugged.

Helena’s eyes widened and she stared at Adele in horror.

“f-__-k you!!!” She screamed madly while Adele laughed. How would she stoop so low as to date a guard? Gross.


Romeo shut down his computer and picked up his phone, getting ready to leave. The door swung open and Freudian entered the office, with his eyes sparkling evilly.

“Long time no see…. Brother,” he spat the word “brother” as though it would sting him.

“How long has it been? Two years? Oh, three years” he laughed derisively.

Romeo ignored him completely and wore his jacket, he fixed his tie well before walking past Freudian.

“For your marriage…” Freudian suddenly spoke out which made Romeo halt on his steps.

“Congratulations,” He concluded. Romeo chuckled before facing him.

“Why do I sense mockery behind that tone?” He asked.

“Or…. Fear?” A grin formed on Romeo’s face while Freudian was already fuming with anger.

“Scared of the illegitimate son owing all the properties?” Romeo pushed further. Freudian’s eyes darkened and he charged towards Romeo, gripping his collar tight.

“Shut your mouth,” he gritted slowly.

“Not to worry, I’m not interested in the properties, not even a single one. As you can see, I’m doing well on my own,” Romeo smirked. In the next minute, Freudian was already on the floor as Romeo pushed him hard.

“Next time you touch me with those stinking hands, your legs would be next, trust me” Romeo left the office.

“This is not the end, bastard! It’s not the end!!” Freudian screamed madly, his eyes shining darkly.

“f-__-k you, Romeo!!!”


Romeo got outside the company and immediately sneezed. He stopped walking and brought out a hanky, cleaning his nose with it.

“It seems you have a cold, Boss,” A guard said beside him.

Romeo glanced at him, his mind resurfacing to the previous night. He must have caught the flu when he stepped into the rain last night.

He walked to the car and entered, sneezing out again.

“Shall I drive you home, sir?” The driver asked.

“No, I need to be somewhere first” Romeo managed to speak out.


“We’re here,” the driver announced.

Romeo stared outside the car, looking at the building in front of him. Without a word, he got down from the car and signaled a guard to knock on the gate.

“Coming!” A female voice was heard. Few minutes later, the gate opened and a loud gasp came from the lips of the woman.

“Mr. Romeo?” Mrs. Stone stuttered in shock.

“Can I come in?” Romeo asked. Without waiting for a reply, he walked past her and went into the house. There, Mr. Stone was in the living room, eating a bowl of popcorn as he watched a movie. There was a glass of juice too on the table

“Mr. Romeo?” Mr. Stone’s eyes widened when it settled on Romeo. He immediately got to his feet.

“It’s such an honor to find you in our house. How can we help you?” He rushed.

Romeo dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a card, he placed it on the table.

“Here’s my wedding card. I’d love you to be present in my wedding which is tomorrow,” he smirked.

“Wh… What?” Mrs. Stone rushed to pick the car with trembling hands. It was true! Rosetta’s name was boldly written on the card!

“It’d be such a shame not to invite you two. I’ll be expecting you there,” Romeo walked out immediately.

“This is not true, right? This is not true,?” Romeo heard their voices when he got outside.

“Fools,” he mumbled beneath his breath. He immediately sneezed out again and he cussed deep within him

“Drive me home,” he ordered the driver after entering the car. The car left there afterwards.


By the time Romeo got home, he was already having a temperature as the cold seemed to get worse.

The car stopped at the garage and he immediately rushed out, walking into the house very fast. Rosetta was chit chatting with a maid when he walked in, heading upstairs immediately.

“Is he okay?” Rosetta wondered, staring at the stairs. A guard walked to her.

“Sir Romeo forgot this,” the guard handed Romeo’s phone to Rosetta.

“Is he okay?” Rosetta asked the guard worriedly.

“No. He caught the flu,” the guard replied.

“It’s a result of stepping into the rain last night. We warned him but he was adamant,” the guard said.

Hearing that, Rosetta felt guilty. He was in that position because of her. She didn’t know when she found herself walking upstairs, to their bedroom.

Entering the room, she found Romeo absent but his jacket on the bed signifies he was there seconds ago.

As she stepped further into the room, she heard the sound of the shower running and Romeo sneezing from the bathroom.

“Romeo,” she quickly dropped the phone on the bed and rushed to the bathroom blindly. There, Romeo was under the shower, still in his shirt and his eyes were shut tightly.

“Romeo!” She rushed to his front and quickly cradled his face in her palms. The shower was pouring on both of them now.

“You look pale!” Rosetta exclaimed.

“Sto bene {I’m fine}” Romeo pushed her hands away.

“You’re not, you’ve got a cold. And, it’s all because of me,” Rosetta mumbled and Romeo was forced to look at her. Her clothes were already wet as a result of the shower pouring on them and he could see her Ɲīpplës pointing out. He knew at that moment that she wasn’t putting on a bra.

“I…” Romeo sneezed and Rosetta held his face again, staring at him with concern clearly written on her face.

“You’re having a temperature,” she whispered.

“I’ll be right back,” she made to rush off when Romeo dragged her back, slamming her chest against his own.

“Cosa fai? {What are you doing?}” Rosetta stuttered, swallowing a lump which suddenly formed in her throat.

Romeo glanced at the dress which was already glued to her body, revealing her luscious figure and he subconsciously pulled her towards him.

“Portare via il freddo {Taking the cold away}” he muttered and before Rosetta knew what was happening, his cold lips were already on hers.

Rosetta’s eyes widened. He was kissing her! Her first kiss!

“Umm,” she tried to struggle out of his hold but that action of hers led Romeo’s hand to her chest, grabbing a soft flesh.


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