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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy🙄😠😡
__But she’s still his baby🥰♥️🥵🔥

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



I waited all night. Roamed the whole building with Veronica by my side, telling me all the stories in the world, while I waited for Cardo to come back. I checked the time for more than twenty times, wondering why he’s not back yet.

Did something happen to him? Why doesn’t he keep to time? I heaved and sank into the sofar with Victoria still speaking into my ears.

“Have you heard of harlequin series?” She asked while I nodded. She peered into my eyes. “You seem troubled, is it because of Cardo?”

I sighed out heavily and tried to look cheerful. “Is it obvious?”

“Yes, you keep checking your phone,” she pointed to my cheeks, “and your face says it all.”

As the night wore on, I can’t stop thinking about him. I find myself pacing around the house, unable to focus on anything else. I try to distract myself with a book, or a movie, but my mind keeps wandering back to him. I wonder if I should call him, but I don’t want to seem clingy or needy. I just want to know if he’s alright.

Finally, I decide I can’t take it anymore. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, my heart pounding in my chest.

No answer, even after calling for so many times.
Why isn’t he taking my calls? Did something really happen to him?

I checked my phone again and again, hoping to see a text or call from him, any news about anything, I was tempted to ask the security guard but refrained from doing that.

At some point, I was beginning to get angry and upset, Cardo’s work life tends to piss me off sometimes. This is why I didn’t want to come to Paris, it would’ve been nicer been at home and sorting out my problems than being here, in the deafening silence of this large house.

The minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity. I was starting to lose hope, and feel sleepy or maybe I slept in the sofar to wake up the next day in the cover of the sheets and the sun shining so brightly into the room.

I yawned and sat up on the bed wondering how I got into the room.
Cardo, is he back? I jumped down from the bed and hurried to the bathroom but no sign of him, “Cardo??” I called as I got out of the room and headed downstairs.

“Cardo??” I repeated as I made my way down the stairs, I noticed that something was off.

The house was unusually quiet, and there was no sign of Cardo anywhere. My heart sank, and a sense of dread washed over me. I checked the kitchen, the living room, and every other room in the house, but I couldn’t find him. Where was he? What had happened?

The only person I saw was Victoria who came out with a smile on her face. “Hey, Good morning.” She said smiling as she came out of the kitchen and headed to the dining room with a bowl of soup.

“Where are the maids of the house?” I asked still prying around, maybe he’s hiding somewhere.

“They don’t work on Sunday.”

Oh, today is Sunday? “Have you seen my husband? Did you see him come into the house?”

“No, don’t worry, he’s fine. He might be somewhere chilling out.” She said winking as if it was funny. “Here, sit. Let’s eat.”

I was starting to panic, and I grabbed my phone to call him again, when the entrance door suddenly jingled and opened, my heart leapt into my throat, I thought it was Cardo but disappointment dawned on me when it was one of the security guard who walked in.

“Good morning ma’am,” the guard said, bowing slightly. “Mr. Cardo sent me to give you this.” He held out a small package wrapped in brown paper.

“Where is he?” I asked, my voice trembling with fear and anticipation.

“I’m not sure, ma’am,” the guard said. “But he told me to tell you that he’s sorry and that he’ll see you soon.” He hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to say more, but then he simply nodded and left the house.

In anger, I flung the brown paper to the floor. “Where is he? Where’s my husband? What’s keeping him from coming back to me?”

I grabbed his shirt, squeezing, I was gonna hit him if he doesn’t explain what’s going on right now.

“Miss. Carmen, can you calm down?”

“I can’t calm down! Where’s my Cardo?”

“He is in Spain.”


My hands dropped to my sides as I stared at the guard in shock. “Spain?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. “What is he doing in Spain? Why didn’t he tell me?”
I felt my legs starting to wobble, and I had to sit down on the nearest chair, my head spinning. A million thoughts raced through my mind, but I couldn’t focus on any of them.

The guard cleared his throat and spoke again. “Mr. Cardo is on an important business trip,” he said.

“Important business trip?” That word hurt me to the bones. So business trip is more important than I can ever be?

“I know this is hard to understand,” the guard said, his voice soothing. “But Mr. Cardo is a very important man, and he has many responsibilities. He would never do anything to hurt you. And he won’t have left you here all alone if it wasn’t urgent for him.”

Cardo always leave me out if things goes too tough for him and it’s slowly becoming a habit.

I looked at him, my eyes filled with tears. “I know he’s a very important man,” I said, my voice shaking. “But I thought I was important too. I thought he cared about me. I thought…” My voice trailed off, and I could feel the tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

I thought we agreed to go to many beautiful places together. I thought we had an agreement on something! No Spain until we’re done recuperating on everything!!

Victoria was by my side, she was touching my shoulders and patting me gently.
I suddenly wiped my tears and looked up to face the man with my face as cold as stone.

“Prepare my flight, I’m going back to Spain this morning.”

“No, that wasn’t Mr. Ricardo’s order.”

“Well, it’s mine and you ought to listen to me.”

The guard looked uncomfortable, clearly not sure what to do. “Miss. Carmen, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea,” he said. “You’re clearly upset, and I don’t think you should make any decisions right now.”

“I’m not asking for your opinion,” I said, my voice icy. “I’m giving you an order. You’re my husband’s employee, and you’re going to do what I say.”

The guard hesitated, clearly conflicted. “I’m not sure I can do that,” he said. “I have to follow my boss’s orders, not yours.”

I stood up, coming towards him. “Then I’m gonna beat you up and nothing can be done about it, you won’t even raise an arm.”

The guard held up his hands, a look of alarm on his face. “Please, Miss. Carmen,” he said, his voice pleading. “I’m just doing my job. I’m not trying to be difficult. But I can’t go against Mr. Ricardo’s orders.”

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I could see that the guard was just doing his job, and he didn’t deserve to be thr_@tened.

I scoffed and brought out my phone. I dialed my father’s line immediately. “Daughter, what’s up?”

“Arrange for my flight, I wanna be home in a few hours.”

“Wait, why?”

“You gonna ask me questions too?”

My father’s voice was calm and measured, a contrast to my own. “I’m not trying to be difficult,” he said. “I just want to understand what’s going on. You sound upset, and I want to make sure you’re okay.”

I took a deep breath, trying to control my emotions. “I’m not upset,” I said, my voice still shaky. “I just want to come home.”

“You just got there, and you haven’t even given the trip a chance,” he said, his voice still gentle.

“And I said that I want to come home!! Don’t I have any rights to be home!!”My voice rose.

“Carmen, can you calm down?”

“I can’t slow down! Just prepare my flights, I wanna be home.” I said and hung up, I eyed the guard and walked out on him, heading towards my room.
Anger almost blinding me from any other thing in the world.

I walked into my room and slammed the door behind me. I was angry, and I didn’t know what to do with that anger. I felt like I was going to explode. I looked around the room, my eyes landing on a vase on the table. Without thinking, I picked it up and threw it against the wall, watching as it shattered into pieces. I felt a small sense of satisfaction at the destruction, but it was short-lived. I longed to do something more hurtful than this.

Almost immediately, my phone began to ring, Cardo was calling me. I grabbed my phone, the genesis of my anger written on my phone screen.

I nearly threw the phone away but Victoria barged into my phone and grabbed the phone away from my hands.

“Carmen, slow down. Calm down okay?”

“Get out of my room!” I yelled not sure of what’s happening anymore.

“You’re stepping on the pieces of glasses!”

But do I even feel that. The pain in my heart is harsher than the ones I feel on my soles. I turned my back on her and began to prepare to leave the house.

It’s so obvious that I don’t mean so much to Cardo cuz if I do, he won’t be leaving me out any chance he gets. He told me he was going to Capitol! No calls, no texts and he’s already in Spain! Why the hell did he do that? Why give me useless hope all the time? Why treat me as he wants!!

Does he even realize that I’m not a kid! I’m his woman!! His wife!! He should stop treating me like a frail being and start seeing me like a woman that I am.

“Carmen, can you calm down.” She said. “Turn around let me clean you up, you’re bleeding.”

But I ignored her.

“Please, calm down,” Veronica said, her voice firm but gentle. “You’re scaring me.”

Her words broke through my anger, and I took another deep breath. I could feel my heart starting to slow down, and the urge to lash out slowly fading.

“I’m sorry,” I said, my voice hoarse. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” I turned to look at her, her face contouring in warmness made me want to cry bitterly on her little shoulders.

She reminded me of Amélie and how much I missed her. How much she can be of help in this situation just like when she consoled me back home when Cardo took me home after I was discharged from the hospital.

“It’s okay,” she said, giving me a small smile. “Maybe he had his reasons.”

“Don’t defend him.” I snapped at her immediately. “Don’t you dare try to defend him.” I said as I resumed what I was doing.

“I know, I don’t have any rights to defend him but he won’t have left you without any reason. Maybe he’s trying to protect you.”

“I said you should stop defending him!! Stop making me want to flip out because nothing will make me understand why he left. Why he’s always leaving.”

I growled and then walked past with my bag in my hands, I put on some loose slip-ons and walked out on her with her following me closely behind.

“Can I come with you? You might need some help.” She said as I almost reached the exit door.

“Victoria, you don’t have to. You need to take care of this whole place and I have to go.” I said feeling so unemotional right now.

“Take some books. You might need them. They might calm you down!” She shouted as I took another step. I turned back and gave her a hearty hug.

“I promise you, I will read tons of books just like you want.” I said softly, maybe as soft as possible. “And I’m gonna come back for you and you will read me tons of harlequin books.”

But right now__ I held her shoulder__right now, I need to finish what I started. All by myself, I need to start off from where I left. It’s so obvious that Cardo will always be Cardo and there’s no way I can change that.

“I will come back for you someday, I promise.” I said as I wiped a tear off her face.

I turned and never looking back, I headed out where I was stopped by the door by the guards. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Then be ready to tell Cardo that you ki||ed her pregnant wife.” I said growling and charging at them for a fight. I know I can’t take down all the eight of them but I know that I can use my pregnancy as leverage.

After much sighing and growling, they stepped away for me to pass. I dragged my bag along, one of the men even offered to help as I made my way to the car. The chauffeur was ever ready to move when called upon.

The car opened for me while I stepped in, the car was closed and I knew that I had to stop being emotional, this emotional side of Carmen is really dealing the $h|t outta me and that’s all because of Cardo. When did I grow so soft? When did I start treating things so lightly? When did I start trying to reason with other people?

Well, it has to stop. I have to get all this emotions buried in Paris, because back there in Spain, I have a lot of things to take care of.

I leaned back in the seat of the car and closed my eyes, taking a few deep breaths. I knew that when I got back to Spain, I would have to be strong, to be ruthless. I couldn’t afford to be soft, not when everything was at stake. I have to do anything to keep everyone and everything in place and I shouldn’t let Cardo’s actions, or my feelings get in the way of that.

As the car sped down the highway, I made a decision.
I would not let anyone stand in my way, not even Cardo. I would do wh@ťěver it took to keep my family safe, I would do wh@ťěver it took to make sure that I won.

The car pulled up to the airport, and I stepped out, my mind focused and my resolve firm. I went through the security and boarded the plane, my gaze cold and unwavering.

As the plane took off, I looked out the window, thinking about my future, about my unborn child, about what I would do next. I was determined to take control of my life, and to never let anyone stand in my way again. This was the start of a new era, and I was ready for it.

Carmen way.

The plane touched down in Spain, and I walked out onto the tarmac, my eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of trouble. But all I saw were reporters and photographers, their cameras flashing and their voices shouting questions.

I ignored them and strode towards the waiting limo, determined to get home as quickly as possible. I had a lot of work to do, and I didn’t have time to waste. The limo drove me to the house, I went straight into the study, closing the door behind me.

I sank into the chair, feeling exhausted but determined. I had a lot of decisions to make, and I knew they wouldn’t be easy. But I was up for the challenge. I was ready to take control of my life, and to make sure that I bring everyone to justice. I pulled out a piece of paper and began writing a list of everything I needed to do.

First, I need to take out Lucia, make sure that she’s brought down to nothing. I will make sure she will have nothing by the time I’m done with her.

Secondly, Bernadette, she’s the chief architect of all this feud going on in the house. I need to shake her up or more or less, have her out of my way.

Thirdly, I need Juan. I don’t know why but I feel like it, to make things a little bit right in that house, I will need Juan to do most of my bidding. And I might need Diego too. Maybe I will start from getting close to Diego before I get to Juan.

Finally, I need to find the big fish in all of this circle.” I dropped my pen and stared at the paper, to know if I left out anything or not.

“Take me to the Alejandrozz family house.” I told the chauffeur.

“Yes ma’am.” He said.

The limo pulled up infront of the house and I stepped out, my head held high. I walked through the front door, ignoring the stares of everyone. I didn’t want to notice anyone or see the little changes in the house. Or the sorrowful or cold gazes, the eerie feeling surrounding the room.

I saw mother sitting on the couch, her eyes red and swollen from crying. I took a deep breath and sat down next to her, trying to find the right words to say.

“Why are you crying? What’s wrong?”

“So you’ve not heard?” I heard Victoria’s voice, sorrowful but spiteful. “Your stupid and reckless attitude towards my father have finally ki||ed him.”


Mother began to sob again and that’s when I realized the eerie look on everyone’s face when I came into the living room.

“What are you saying?” I looked at Victoria, my mind racing. “What do you mean, ‘ki||ed him’?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. “What happened?”

“If only you never came into this family, if only you’ve left us alone! If only you’ve kept your silly teenage behaviour to your house!” Victoria said, her voice full of bitterness. “You and your stubbornness. If only you had just listened, he would still be here.”

Dang it!

What’s going on?

“Where’s Cardo?” I asked no one in particular almost immediately.

“You want to know? His father is dead and he’s in the office trying to take care of stuffs!! Do you see what you turned my little brother into?” Louisa chipped in standing up and grabbing me by the shoulders.

I know it was a painful thing to hear about the death of their father but that gave her no rights to touch me. I pushed her away, giving her a warning stare.

“Your grief gave you no rights to touch me. No one in this room has the right to accuse me of the death of your loved one!
Your wickedness ki||ed your father!!” I turned to the mother. “Starting from you mother.” I said before dragging my gaze to everyone in the room.

I know someone here is responsible for the death of Mr. Alejandro, I wanted to know the person from the look of the hypocritical tears and faces in the room.

I clenched my fist when I thought of Cardo and how much pain he might be enduring on his own. But it was soon replaced by anger, for the fact that he can’t confide in me in this crucial moment of his life, prefers to grieve alone instead of with me. It hurts like hell!!

“I have no remorse for any of you because all of you ki||ed him!!!” I yelled while Victoria stood up coming towards me.

“Don’t you think you’re hurting my mother from the words you’re uttering, don’t you know when to shut up and keep quiet, especially infront of your elders?”

“Your breathe don’t have to touch me Victoria, I’m gonna be livid if you dare me.”

“Or you should be in your husband’s office and trying to stop him from signing off the company to Bernadette, your husband’s eldest sister.”


Cardo is doing what? I didn’t wait to be clarified on that, my anger skyrocketed, I know I could barely control the anger at that moment. I didn’t even know when I got into the limo and asked the driver to take me to the company.

Smell of burnt stuffs filled the air when I hurried my way into the company, I guess the company caught fire or something but I didn’t wanna know, my mind centred around Cardo and I didn’t rest until I neared the conference room where I guess he is in.

The guards stopped me at the door, “You don’t have to…” I pushed him away immediately, slapped another guard when he tried to speak to me, I flung the door open.


f-__-k you for calling my name Cardo. My eyes burned in anger, my steps increased, I didn’t mind anyone in the room, I just grabbed the papers infront of him, on the table and began to tear them to pieces.

“Carmen what you__” I raised my hand in the air and slapped the words out of his mouth.

He must be very stupid!!!


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