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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy🙄😠😡
__But she’s still his baby🥰♥️🥵🔥

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



I kissed her like I wanted to take away every of my anger, like I wanted to sink into another world where we can both escape our problems mentally. And it was working. Carmen’s body rarely keeps me sane each time I touch her.

The kiss deepened, and the world around us faded away. Time seemed to slow down, and all I could feel was the sensation of her lips on mine, the beat of her heart, and the way our bodies seemed to fit together perfectly. It was like we were made for each other, and this moment was just for us. Nothing else mattered.

We eventually pulled apart, our foreheads pressed together and our breath mingling in the space between us. I looked into her eyes, and I could see the love she felt for me reflected there. I knew I felt the same way about her. “We can do this,” I whispered. “We’ll get through this. We’ll face wh@ťěver comes our way. Together.”

She nodded, a soft smile on her lips. “Together,” she echoed. And in that moment, I knew that no matter what happened, we would be okay. Because we had each other. And that was all that mattered.

We stayed like that for a moment, suspended in time. And then, reality came crashing back in. “We should probably get some rest,” I said reluctantly. “It’s been a long day.”

She sighed, but she knew I was right. “I guess we should,” she said. “But I don’t want to let go of you.”

“We don’t have to,” I said, and I pulled her close. We lay down on the bed, our bodies still pressed together. And I held her tight, never wanting to let go.

In the dark, with only the faint glow of the moon shining through the window, we lay there in silence. But it was a comfortable silence, the kind that comes from knowing that you’re with the person you’re meant to be with. The kind of silence that is filled with unspoken words and shared understanding. I closed my eyes, and as sleep began to pull me under, I felt content and at peace. I knew that no matter what happened, as long as I had Carmen, I could face anything.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up to the sound of my alarm. I opened my eyes, and I could feel the warmth of Carmen’s body beside me. She was still asleep, her breathing soft and even. I smiled, feeling a rush of happiness at the sight of her. I reached over and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face.

As I did, her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled at me. “Good morning,” she said, her voice still groggy with sleep.

“Morning, beautiful,” I said, my heart swelling with love. I leaned in and kissed her, savoring the feel of her lips against mine. She responded in kind, and we lost ourselves in the moment. But then the alarm blared again, and we reluctantly pulled apart. “We have to get up,” I said reluctantly.

She sighed. “I know,” she said. “But I wish we could stay here all day.”

I smiled. “Me too,” I said. “But we need to prepare for our flight.” I said rubbing my face on her neck.

“You’re right,” she said, with a sigh. “It’s just hard to think about anything else right now.”

“I know,” I said. “But we’ll get through this. We always do.” I reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. ” We don’t have to check the internet or the shouts of the pressmen from outside our house for clarification, we don’t need to listen to anyone. Let’s pay more attention to us.”

She looked up at me, her eyes full of emotion. “I’m glad you’re here with me,” she said, her voice soft. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

I smiled. “I’m not going anywhere,” I said, my voice full of conviction. “We’re in this together.” I said and kissed her puppy eyes which have been tempting me all morning.

“Cardo, it’s a business trip right?”

“Still, I will need you by my side at all times.”

Like she was still unsure about this, I lifted her up and let her sit on my body, I touched her stomach and felt a little warmth there. Like I wasn’t only connecting with her but also with the baby, “Our baby needs some assurance in order to stay with us.”

She touched my palms which were on top of her belly, “I wish I won’t have to lose this baby. It’s my first and I want to keep him at all cost.”

“Staying here and fighting with them now is not a good idea. Let’s not lose everything at the same time. Okay? We talked about this yesterday Carmen.”

I palmed her face, my hands circling around her butt and scrolling to her back. “Carmen, do you realize that you worth more than anything to me? I want to love you, hold you, need you, want you everytime and I don’t think I will be myself if anything happens to you.”

Her hands came to my neck, “Carmen, we can deal with Bernadette, Lucia, Edgar and every other person involved in this but for now, let’s travel. We need it, our baby needs it, okay?” I pecked her forehead while she nodded her head severally at me.

I don’t want her to keep having a double mind about this. “I will have my secretaries and Stephen stay here and take care of things for us. How about that?”

She smiled brightly. “I will love that.” She said widening her teeth and making her lips highly irresistible for me. I slided my hand into her tiny cloth and made a very nerve-rising connection with her skin, her bare back against my palm was stirring, I kissed her, deeply that I almost thought of letting go of the flight and doing the needful.

But she stopped. “Let’s go get ready.” She said looking into my eyes, her breathe coming as short as mine.

She got out of bed, and I did the same. We went about our morning routines, but our thoughts were elsewhere. We were both lost in the events of the previous day, and in the uncertainty of what the future held.

With that, we finished getting ready and headed out the door. It was a beautiful morning, the sun shining brightly and the air crisp and clear. We walked to the car, hand in hand, our thoughts still swirling.
But for a moment, we were able to forget about everything else and simply enjoy each other’s company.

As we got into the car, I turned to her. “We’re going to figure this out,” I said, with a smile. “I promise.”

She smiled back at me. “I believe you,” she said.

“We need to focus on what’s really important right now – each other.” I said smiling and pressing my hand on her bare soft shoulder.

She leaned over and kissed me, and I could feel the tension melting away. “Thank you,” she said, pulling back. “I feel so much better knowing that we have a plan.”

I smiled, and the chauffeur drove off to the airport, our hearts full of hope. We knew that things were going to be tough, but we also knew that we could get through it, together. And that was all that mattered.

As we boarded our flight to Paris, we talked about our trip. I told her all about the places I wanted to show her, and she told me all about the things she was excited to see. We planned out our days, and we made sure to leave time for just the two of us to be alone. It was as if we were creating our own little bubble, where the outside world couldn’t touch us.

And in that moment, I felt more in love with her than ever before. I don’t think we’ve ever sat down to talk about the things we wanted and things we don’t want since we met each other and that’s why this moment was so important to me than ever.

As we landed at the Charles De Gualle airport, Mr. Detective’s men were already around waiting for us, I could tell from the way they came around us the moment we stepped out of the plane.

The airport was bustling with activity, and we got caught up in the hustle and bustle.

“Sir, wear these sunglasses and these bucket hats.” One said, his french accent heavy in his voice. “Pour éviter les foules. (To avoid crowd).”

I nodded and took the items away from him, I helped Carmen wear hers, I admired her while she giggled before I wore mine.

“You look handsome boy.” She said smiling and I held her hand, led her away to the car parked before us.

“We have already arranged your house for you for the few days you’re going to stay.”

“Okay, thanks.” I replied thanking Griffin in my heart for doing a great job around here.

We reached home, we found a quiet corner in the house and we sat down, close together. We held hands, and we talked about everything and nothing. We simply enjoyed each other’s company, and we were grateful for the time we had together.

Suddenly, I heard my phone buzzing severally, she helped me with the phone: “It’s Mr. Griffin.” She gave the phone to me. “Hello Mr. Ricardo, please there’s a big problem.”

“A big problem?”

“Yes, Mr. Mando just called me, he said things are chaotic over there in Paris Capitol and he needs you to go over there now and sort some things out.”

d@mn it! This is goddamn frustrating, I just landed here to be with my wife even for a moment and they’re screaming about work already.

The thought of work had been the furthest thing from my mind, but now it was crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. I knew that Griffin wouldn’t have called me if it wasn’t urgent, and I h@ťěd the idea of leaving Carmen when we had finally managed to get some time together. But I also knew that I had a responsibility to my job, and I couldn’t ignore it.

“What’s the situation?” I asked, already dreading the answer. I left Carmen’s side and walked my way into the study which was sparkling clean and well kept, the books were well arrange and neat too, like I’ve been living in these house all the time.

I sighed and slumped into my chair still waiting for an answer from Mr. Mando.

“There’s been a major issue with one of our biggest clients,” Griffin continued, his voice tight with stress. “They’re thr_@tening to take their business elsewhere unless we can resolve it right away. Mr. Mando thinks that your expertise is exactly what we need to keep them from leaving.”

I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew that this was a big deal, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to solve it from here. “I’ll do what I can,” I said, trying to sound confident. “But I need more information.”

“Of course,” Griffin said, quickly filling me in on the details, I grabbed a pen, jotting down on a clean notepad. It was worse than I had feared, and I knew that I would have to work some serious magic to fix it.

I felt a sense of panic rising within me, but I tried to push it down. I needed to focus on the task at hand, and I couldn’t afford to let my emotions get the best of me.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” I said, my voice sounding more assured than I felt. “Just keep me updated on any developments.”

With that, I ended the call and turned to face Carmen. She was looking at me with a mixture of concern and worry, and I knew that she could sense my worry. “I’m so sorry,” I said, reaching out to take her hand. “But I need to reach the capitol right now.”

“We just came here and…you…you’re leaving.” She stuttered. I had to get up and come over to meet her. “Cardo, I told you…I…” I held her close hushing her.

“I’m gonna be back before you know it. I won’t stay out for too long. Not when I know that I left you all alone in the house.” I felt her stomach. “Not when we have our precious kiddie to take care of.” I kissed her hurriedly, rushing out to take my coat and my phones.

She was calling after me as I left through the exit but I know that I don’t have to look back, because if I do, I won’t have the courage to leave.

My security guards after me, “Please, make sure my wife is safe.” I said to one of them who was walking in same steps with me.

“We already have enough security guards around the house doing just that.”

“Thank you.” I said and got into the car, from the glass walls, I could tell she was watching me leave with her mouth hanging out in the open and a lot of worries on her face.

I need not be told that Carmen changed a lot since she got poisoned or…let’s just say, when she got pregnant…she’s growing softer and softer everyday, no matter how much she tries to be the strong woman that she always was. She is still growing soft.

And she was so visibly shaken about yesterday, so unlike Carmen, she was breaking down before my very eyes and now, she’s just the frail baby I’ve always imagined in my head about Carmen.


He left me all alone in this cold house, not like I know my way around this whole place and he left me here all alone. Just one thing I was afraid about coming to this trip with him. He will eventually get choked up and he will leave me all alone by myself.

Not like I can touch my phone, not after what happened yesterday. Cardo warned me not to, it will be disastrous to check the internet, we’re making disastrous, nerve racking and scandalous headlines since yesterday and checking it out will make me feel miserable. I’m not saying it would, but seeing anything negative about Cardo is something I won’t be able to condone. I might end up getting on a tight spot with a lot of people.

I strolled around the house, checking everything out, every painting, every art work, every design, I know my father is so rich and influential but I think it can never be compared to the Alejandrozz, they virtually have everything. They are like the leading line in wealth across the world.

As I continued my tour of the house, I came upon a large room filled with books. It was like a library, but unlike any I had ever seen before. The walls were lined with shelves, and every shelf was packed with books. There were books of all shapes and sizes, from thick tomes to delicate little volumes. There were old books and new books, and books in every language imaginable. It was bigger than Cardo’s study, I never knew there’s something as big as this in the house. It was a book lover’s paradise, and I couldn’t help but be drawn in.

I wandered over to one of the shelves and ran my fingers over the spines of the books. The covers were made of leather and cloth, embossed with gold and silver. I pulled out a book at random and opened it to a random page. The words were in French, and I could only make out a few of them. But it didn’t matter – the sheer beauty of the book was enough to capture my attention.

As I was admiring the book, I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see a young girl, about my age, standing in the doorway of the library. She was looking at me with wide eyes, as if she had never seen anyone like me before. She was dressed in a simple cotton dress, and her long dark hair was pulled back into a braid. I couldn’t help but smile at her, and she smiled back, shyly.

Who’s she? How the hell is she in this house? Is she a maid or something? Maybe she is, because as I looked around, everywhere is sparkling clean and so neat. How come she’s the person cleaning this whole space?

“Hello,” I said, my voice gentle and friendly. The girl hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward.

“Hi,” she said, her voice soft and quiet. “I’m Victoria.”

“Hi Victoria,” I said, holding out my hand. “I’m Carmen.” She took my hand and gave it a shy shake. From her tone, I can really tell that she’s struggling to be fluent in both English and Spanish at same time.

“Are you a guest here?” she asked.

“No, I’m actually the wife of the owner of this house,” I said. “Mr. Alejandrozz, the man who built this estate. He’s my husband.”

Victoria’s eyes widened. “You’re Mrs. Carmen Alejandro? Mr. Ricardo’s wife?” she asked, her voice full of wonder. “I’ve heard about you, but I never thought I’d actually meet you!” She said staring at me with full admiration. “You’re small. Ricardo never loved small women.”

Small women?

Okay, this little girl knows so much about Cardo. Small women, that means Cardo was into a lot of women, isn’t it? Cardo have an explanation to do when he gets back.

“What have you heard about me?” I asked, curious to know what the people who worked here thought of me. I now know that they’re so familiar with Cardo, I want to know what they think of me.

“Well,” Victoria began, choosing her words carefully. “They say you’re very smart, and very kind. They say that you’re a good person, and that you’re very talented.”

I was surprised by her words, and a little bit flattered. Though I know that it’s not true. Carmen that blew a motel and also messed up with a lab, krr. Yet to find out what her dream is apart from being Cardo’s wife.

Good person? I’m virtually not a good person, I bite even before someone do that to me. I find trouble before it finds me. I’m not in any way talented…well yeah! Fighting, I do that a lot. I guess it can be a talent.

“I’m glad to hear that,” I said. “Do you work here?”

“Yes,” Victoria said, nodding. “I’m a housemaid. I help to keep the house clean and tidy.”

“That’s a very important job,” I said, giving her a smile. “Without you and the other house staff, this place wouldn’t be the beautiful home it is.”

Victoria beamed at my words, her cheeks turning pink. “Thank you,” she said. “It’s nice to be appreciated. Some people don’t think housework is very important, but I know it’s important to keep a house running smoothly.”

“You’re absolutely right,” I said. “A house is more than just a place to live – it’s a home. And a home needs to be cared for, to be kept clean and neat and organized. It’s a lot of work, and it takes a lot of effort, but it’s worth it when you see the result.”

Victoria nodded, looking around the library. “You’re right,” she said. “This room is so beautiful. I feel lucky to be able to work here, and to take care of it.”

“It’s beautiful because of the books, too,” I said. “There’s so much knowledge here, so much wisdom and insight. I think that a house full of books is a very special place.”

Victoria’s eyes lit up. “I love books,” she said. “I love reading them, and learning new things from them. My favorite book is ‘The Little Prince’. Have you read it?”

Little prince? What book is that? I haven’t ever read books all my life. All I was interested in, is go around, play around and try to get my grades clean to avoid the barking of my father. Or maybe fight when necessary…sorry, even when it’s not necessary. Still, I fight to protect myself.

“I’ve never read a book.” I said feeling like a child all of a sudden.

She gasped, her eyes opened wide. “You’ve never read a book?” Victoria asked, her eyes wide. “That’s such a shame. You’re missing out on so much. But, maybe I can help you fix that. The Little Prince is about a pilot who crashes in the desert, and meets a little prince from another planet. The little prince teaches the pilot about what’s important in life. It’s a very special story.”

“If you’d like, I could read it to you,” Victoria offered. “I think you would like it. It’s not very long, and it’s a beautiful story. And maybe you could start to find out how much joy there is in reading.”

I thought about her offer. I had never considered reading a book before, but Victoria’s enthusiasm was contagious. “Okay,” I said. “I’ll give it a try. Will you read it to me now?”

Victoria’s face lit up. “I would love to!” she said. “Let’s sit down, and I’ll read you the first chapter.”

I followed her to a cozy armchair in the corner of the library, and we both sat down. Victoria opened the book to the first page, and began reading. Her voice was soft and clear, and I found myself getting drawn into the story. I could picture the little prince in my mind, just as she described him.

I listened with rapt attention as she read about the little prince’s home, and his friendship with a fox. I began to understand what Victoria had meant when she said that books could teach you things about life. I started to feel like I was learning something new with every word she read.

When she finished the first chapter, I looked up at her. “That was amazing,” I said. “I want to hear more.” I said feeling so excited being around someone like her. She cured my boredom and I don’t have to think about anything else except things happening in the novel she was reading to me.

“I’m glad you liked it!” Victoria said, her eyes shining. “And there’s so much more to the story. Shall I read the next chapter?”

I nodded. “Yes, please,” I said. “I can’t wait to find out what happens next.”

And so Victoria began reading again, her voice taking on the characters and bringing the story to life. I was enraptured, and I felt like I was transported to another world, one filled with magic and wonder.

And by the time she finished the whole story, I know it was fun to be with her. We talked more about books, about my life and about hers, she’s an orphan who was brought into the house by Ricardo few years ago when he came on a trip to France, shortly after he was made the CEO of the Alejandrozz.

He had seen her in the streets struggling to feed herself and he picked her up and called her his daughter, took her in and have been raising her ever since. The library is also dedicated to her since she loved books a lot.

My heart longed for Cardo immediately she finished her story, why didn’t Cardo ever tell me about this.

The thought of Cardo not telling me about Victoria was troubling. I couldn’t help but wonder why he had kept her a secret. Did he not trust me enough to share this part of his life with me? Or did he simply not think it was important? I decided to ask him when he gets home, to try to understand why he had kept this from me. But for now, I pushed the thought away and focused on the present moment, with Victoria.

We talked about a lot of things, we ate lunch and dinner together and went out to watch the Christmas carol happening around the city since it was Christmas season.

“Do you love Ricardo so much?”

I nodded my head as we sat down around the fire outside the house. “So much….so much that some times, I’m afraid I’m going to hurt him.”

“I think he loves you so much too.”

“Did he speak to you often times?”

“No, he doesn’t.”

“Then how do you know so much stuff about him?”

She chuckled. “Just like the way you know about your God even without being up there with him.” She pointed to the sky. “To me, Cardo is my god. He saved me from a lot of things, and so many other kids here in Paris.”

“So many kids?” My chest was beating so hard, I wanted to see Cardo right now and beat him up for not telling me anything about these and then I will hold him and kiss him forever for being the sweetest husband anyone can get married to.

He’s a soft man indeed, no matter how foolish, how stupid he can seem to some people, he’s actually a saviour to some people.

To someone like Victoria and to someone like me.

He saved my life.

Mi principe azul.


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