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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



“Let me go!!! Don’t hold me!! I said leave me alone Stephen!!” But his hands were around my waist, pulling me away, I was shaking. I didn’t want to let that woman go. If possible, I wanted to beat up everyone who was around her.

How can they be so stupid? What’s everyone’s problem? What do they want to know? That’s why they’re so jobless in this life because I don’t see any reason why prying into someone affairs becomes a hobby to anyone. I think everyone should learn to be minding their business.

“Can’t you let me be!!” But he didn’t. He kept pulling me away until we were outside the conference building. He tucked me into the car and strapped the seat belt. I tried to move but he didn’t let me.

“Carmen please, Cardo said I should get you outta here, he said so himself.”

“That you should get me out? When he refused to speak to me about it in the first place? When he kept me in the dark and refused to talk about it? What’s his reason for trying not to involve me in this? I’m the new Alejandrozz added into the family so what’s the need to hide me away!!”

“Carmen can you stop shouting? Don’t you know that you have already put my job at risk the moment you jumped into conclusions, phoned your father and set up a conference meeting through him.”

“And that’s because my husband won’t have let me do that if I wanted.”

“Why don’t you ever listen to him when he says something?!”

“And why do I have to explain myself to a guard??” I raised my brows at him. “Answer me, are you seriously questioning me right now or taking me home so I can get this done with.”

“Miss Carmen__”

“Shush. Just get into this d@mn car and take me home. I don’t want to change my mind right now and please don’t make me. You won’t like it at all.”

He grumbled away, he came into the driver’s seat and then drove out just before the press circled around us.

f-__-k them all!! What? I mean why? Why do I have to see all those crazy headlines and videos about us two hours ago.
When Cardo got out of the car after he got a strange call, I knew something wasn’t right but I didn’t know what it is.

I didn’t wanna ask him since I made him angry earlier but when Stephen got into the car to drive me home, I was hurt at first but then, I relaxed. “What’s wrong? Going out to work again?” I asked referring to Cardo.

The disappointment in his lack of response gnawed at me. Stephen is usually so grumpy, and he rarely did anything to make me feel happy or proud. So when he didn’t reply and just drove off the car, I let out a hiss and turned away in anger. I didn’t like feeling ignored, and I certainly didn’t appreciate being left alone. Cardo didn’t have to leave me because he was angry or because he had work to do. I understood that work was important to him, but sometimes it felt like he was more attached to it than he was to me.

That aside, due to loneliness, I decided to check what’s happening on Tiktok or maybe IG and I first of all, logged into Tiktok, strange news everywhere, crazy Tiktok videos, I think I saw my face and that of Ricardo too making headlines.

I rubbed my eyes. What’s happening? I would’ve loved the posts if the comments and the headlines were pleasant but they were so harsh.

Especially this;








I didn’t wanna see or hear anymore. Calling my father’s name is not enough, they even have to drag Cardo into this.

“Stop this car now!” I yelled at Stephen who was confused at first, “didn’t you get that? Stop this car now!!” And he stopped it abruptly.

“Why miss Carmen.”

“Phone my dad.”

“It’s it because of the news, you have to calm down, Mr. Ricardo is going to keep everything in place__”

I interrupted. “Is that why he kept it away from me? Is that why he left? Because of this? When all you need to do is gather all of them in one place and show them what’s it’s like to be the Alejandrozz, I h@ťě it so much that he’s being overworked because of this!!!”

“Miss Carmen__”

“Call my dad now or I fire you. I’m gonna do it.”

“Mr. Ricardo said that I should take you home safely, I should make sure that you get home safely.”

“And I said that I’m gonna fire you if you don’t do as I asked!!!” I repeated and he heaved, like he h@ťěd it everytime I had to order him around.
Then he shouldn’t have wanted to be a guard in the first place. Guards and maids are made to obey me! I don’t care about how they do that but they have to!! As long as they work and I pay them, then he should obey everything I say!

And he phoned my dad. “Dad, are you okay?”

“Uh… I should be asking you that daughter, don’t act rash okay? Ricardo is going to dismiss it as rumours and that’s it okay?”

“That’s it? Dad, that’s it?”

As if it’s that simple!!! Just rumours??

“Carmen can you calm down. Okay? You need to calm down and don’t take laws into your hands. This is supposed to happen sooner or later in the first place, you know it and approaching it this way is going to be disastrous.”

“Dad I won’t. You might not be bothered about it but I h@ťě the way they’re dragging my man! I h@ťě the way they’re painting him like a villain when he don’t even know how to fight for himself. When he’s actually the victim in all these!! So why?!” I wanted to cry.

I h@ťěd everything. h@ťěd Cardo for trying his best to protect me by keeping me in the dark all the times. What does he take me for? A piece of furniture in his house? I know I’m not, and that’s why he should know that I can take care of myself. I might look like a tiny baby in his eyes but still, I can take care of this.

I wish he can avoid getting into any trap and temptations because of me.
There is only one way to treat this sort of issue and that’s by back lashing at them, telling them that you have the upper hand no matter what. You don’t romance words with beasts, all you have to do is become a beast yourself. You grab the bull by its horns.

And if it’s not a bull but a snake, you get a sword and if it’s not a snake but a human being, which is actually the worst creature on earth, become worst too. If there’s any word bigger than worst, that’s what you should be if the humans turn out to be the ones who don’t have conscience.

And Cardo doesn’t know all these. Even his family is giving him such a tough time. And hold on, how did this get out? I thought they initially wanted to keep it a secret for the main time? Who could’ve done this? It’s definitely from that family and more or likely from the three sisters.

They never stop coming for him. Every slightest opportunity they get, they use it to torment their little brother. Is that how purposeless they’re in life? I mean, who will h@ťě and pick on their little brother if not the Alejandrozz? That’s why they can’t be the CEO, because they can’t be like my Cardo. Calm and loving, accomodating and kind to all.

“I need to hold a conference meeting under your name dad.” I said.

“No Carmen.”

“Yes dad. I think this is the first favour I’m asking you since I got married. Even when I got stood up on my wedding, I didn’t ask for you to help me out and I think this is the time for you to show me that you haven’t given up on me as your daughter.”


“Please father. This is the first time I’m begging for something so passionately, don’t make me request for it with force.”

He sighed from the end of the phone. “Alright, come to the company, I will have that arranged for you. But no fighting!!”

“Even when I promise Cardo, I rarely keep that promise, so please, don’t make me promise what I won’t keep in the end.”

“Promise me that you won’t fight, okay, maybe just a little bit. Just a little fighting and that’s all.”

“Just prepare to go to court and defend me with your lawyers because there’s no way I won’t wound someone when I get there.” I said and hung up.

And it did happen. The crazy questions, crazy flashes of cameras on my face, the crazy murmurs and nasty eyes and the harsh questions. It got to me and I was waiting for the right person to jump on. Crawl my fingers on the person’s head and finally, pull the hair out one by one.

I felt so fulfilled when I finally did what I wanted. I know I’m gonna go viral but I didn’t care. I don’t want to. I want to teach someone a lesson. I wanted to teach the masses a big lesson.

They should stay away from my life, my marriage life, it’s no one’s business. What if I’m married to Ricardo? What if I get pregnant for him? How’s that anyone’s business? I wanted to send a big warning to anyone who doesn’t love to listen to soft words and loves them hard. They can’t be mad. At least, not mad enough to touch what is mine ever again.

“No, keep talking!! Yeah, insult my father!! Insult everyone in my family including me but I don’t see how it’s anyone’s business!!” I was biting her shoulder while she was screaming on top of her voice. Stephen was still trying to gain his balance among the large crowd.

“Oh, you guys thought I’m gonna sugarcoat this? Or apologize or maybe deny it? Then y’all must be mad.” And that’s when Stephen started pulling me off and away from her and now he’s taking me home.

My anger, full and loaded for Cardo. If he dares stand infront of me and talk rubbish, I will make sure I sit beside him tomorrow on his hospital bed. I will nurse his wounds since I’m the one who inflicted them with my own hands.

The car stopped in side the parking lot and I didn’t wait up for the car door to be opened for me before I got out. Cardo was standing on the balcony, his face grim and troubled. He was surrounded by his secretaries and guards, who were frantically making calls. Every once in a while, someone would approach Cardo and speak to him, but he would only reply with a few short words. The air was thick with tension, and it was clear that something was very wrong. Maybe more than I thought. I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. I have never seen Cardo this troubled since I met him. I know he used to be but this evening was so different. His handsome face was so worn out, even as I stood just a bit far away from him, he barely noticed me.

As I watched Cardo, I could feel my anger fading away. He looked so tired and worn out, and it made me want to comfort him and take away his pain. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him close until all of his worries melted away.

When Cardo’s eyes met mine, a light flickered in his eyes. He ran towards me, and I was filled with an indescribable feeling, a mixture of excitement, love, and fear. My breath caught in my throat as he lifted me off the ground and held me close to his chest. I felt safe in his arms, as if nothing in the world could harm me. My heart was beating so fast, and I couldn’t think of anything but him.

“Carmen, aren’t you scared? Didn’t you get scared standing infront of all those people? Huh? Why would you do that? You could’ve__” he was looking into my eyes with so much affection, I couldn’t even look away, I wanted to cry. I don’t know why but I just wanted to. “They could’ve done something bad to you and what am I gonna do? Huh? I won’t be able breathe again Carmen.” He put me down, brought his height down to meet mine, still looking into my eyes and palming my face with his large palms.

I swallowed hard. I pouted. “Why don’t you ever tell me anything? Why didn’t you tell me that this is one of your biggest problems and why you have to struggle all the time?”

“I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“But it’s okay if you get hurt!!!” The tears have begun to flow so freely. I couldn’t even stop them. “You make me feel like I can’t protect you Cardo, you always make me feel so useless.” I cried out and he hugged me, I wrapped my hands around his waist while he pressed me so tightly to his skin.

“I’m sorry. I was just so scared. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I h@ťě you right now Cardo so stop talking.”

“Let’s get in.” He said picking me off from the floor.

“Don’t you have your secretaries to attend to?” I asked but he smirked.

“They can wait.” He mumbled into my ears. “They have to wait because you come first all the time.”

I giggled enjoying myself in his arms until we got into the house and into our room.






MISS CARMEN SHOWED UP ANGRY…I shut down my laptop. I didn’t want to see the news neither did I want to see the Tiktok videos which have began to trend, her voice is now dubbed to create content by content creators and the stupid sight which I h@ťěd to see was when she jumped into the woman giving her the best beating of her life.

Why does she always have to result to violence? If she knows how to fight, then why not keep it to herself and fight things out like a rich Ɓîtçh that she is. Why fight all the time? I don’t blame her, I blame Cardo for letting her override him.

I was so happy when I saw the news online, I was so relaxed until they ruined it all over again because of the press conference streamed live for everyone. The little witch standing like a Ç0çƙroach and saying God knows what!

And for Pete’s sake!! When is that unknown man gonna get her for me!! It’s taking so long!! Each day I see her, I found new reasons why she’s got to die and it’s ki||ing me!! I want to achieve it so quickly, I don’t want to have it delayed.

“What’s bothering you again?” George asked as he barged into my room without warning, something I’ve told him before, not to barge into my room without knocking but I guess, that never gets into his head.

He jumped into my bed and made himself comfortable going through one of my phones on the bed.

“Mmm, I guess it’s Carmen again right?”

“Shut up George before you say something wrong with that tongue of yours.”

“I wasn’t gonna say anything apart from the fact that Carmen is such a brave girl.” He shrugged while I eyed him. “I mean, come on, she doesn’t care about what anyone says about her, if you cross her path, she shows you how it’s done. No one escapes her fist including you.”

“That’s why I said that you should shut up!!”

And he did but that’s for a while. Before I was done putting on my clothes, he’s got another word to say. “Why don’t you accept it?”

“Accept what?”

“That you lost Ricardo. Carmen will cut off your limbs if you go an inch close to him ever again. Remember the humiliation from last time at the family gathering and at the club, who knows what she’s gonna do to you next.”

“I think I’m going to stop telling you about me because I think it’s beginning to get into your head.”

“Well, I’m just stating a fact. It would’ve been better if they’re not married, you know__”

“They’re not married. They’re just living under the pretence of marriage and that will soon be over before you know it.”

“Lucia,” he was standing now. “Just stop. Stop hurting yourself and that of your personality. Instead of chasing after Cardo, how about you invest in yourself more like you always did?”

“I can’t. If I can’t have Cardo then no one should.”

And I mean it. The unknown brother of Ricardo should be fast and get her to me. I need to teach her some serious lessons which she won’t forget in her life.


Getting out of the house was impossible, we were trapped inside our house by pressmen, journalist and interviewers who wanted to have a word or two with us. From our room, I could see them and I could hear their voice. Our bodyguards is trying their best to get them away but it’s not working which probably means that we are gonna stay indoors all day.

I smiled remembering last night, I touched the bedsheets and lifted it slightly, I was naked. My cheeks heated up. I tossed to the other side of the bed so I can see and hold Carmen in my arms but there was no sign of her in bed with me.

The smile on my face slowly faded as I realized I was alone in the bed. I stretched my arm out to the other side of the bed, but there was no trace of Carmen. I sat up and looked around the room, but she was nowhere to be found. A sense of panic started to set in. I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom, but she was not there either. I began to worry that something might have happened to her. I grabbed a robe and put it on, I got into my flip flops and got out of the bathroom.

I started to pace the room, my heart racing with each step. What if something had happened to her? What if she had gotten hurt? I tried to tell myself that I was overreacting, but I couldn’t help but feel anxious. I decided to go and check the rest of the house, starting with the living room. I looked around, but she was not there either.

Is she in the kitchen? I don’t think so, Carmen never visits the kitchen, even if she’s gonna do that, she does that through her maids. Still, I need to be sure. As I approached the kitchen, my heart was pounding in my chest. I could barely breathe as I stepped into the room. But I felt relieved and a little better when I saw her maids lined up infront of the kitchen, which means only one thing, that’s she’s in there.

Doing what exactly?

Carmen never cooked her own food. She always had servants to do that for her. So what was she doing in the kitchen now? I decided to ask her as I stood behind her.

“What are you doing in here, cooking by yourself?” I asked gently. She looked up at me with a small smile.

“I wanted to try something new,” she said.

“You wanted to try something new?” That sounded so strange in my ears. I leaned at the table watching her chop the vegetables, my eyes roaming the kitchen, how scattered everything was because Carmen is cooking. I guess she fights with everything she lays her hands on even the kitchen. “You got bored being with me in bed right? You wanted to pick on something and you decided to pick on the kitchen?”

She frowned. “No, I wanted to cook for you myself.”

She wanted to cook?!

And why do I feel like this food is gonna be a disaster? She should’ve told me that she wants me to stay hungry this morning instead of deciding to make the morning meal.

“You aren’t going to school today?”

“How am I going to school with those poke nosers all over our house?” She sighed out “And it’s fine, so you can spend more time with me.”

I smirked. “Let me help you.” I said trying to take over the cooking from her since I’ve observed her for some minutes adding the wrong ingredients to wh@ťěver kind of soup she’s trying to make.

She’s even looking up the recipe on her phone! Why didn’t she ask the maids to cook? And if I tell her now, it’s equal to starting an argument early this morning with her. Let’s just play along with wh@ťěver she wants.

“No, don’t help me. I want to cook myself.”

“I want to help you, you are looking tired.”

“Women don’t get tired cooking for their husbands. If you badly want to help me, go upstairs and wash up. And come down for breakfast, I’m serving in five minutes.”

Five minutes!!

What is she even cooking?

This sounds like a bad idea.

Carmen never cooks food. So why is she doing that all of a sudden?



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