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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



“Please. Just stay a bit more before you leave.” I said trying to come close to her but she retraced her steps.

“Hey Edgar, why are you acting up today? Are you sure you’re okay because I don’t think you’re.” She turned to leave while I caught up with her. I held her arm.

“Look, I’m fine. I know what’s wrong with me. I know__”

“You don’t know. You are acting up in a very strange way and I don’t like it. Why would you tell me not to leave when I have to be home right now.”


“And you even lied about a party? Why?”

I couldn’t say a thing, I just stood looking at her. “Why? Any reason? Why would you do that? Did something happen to you at home? Did your father do something to you again?” Her phone was ringing again.

“Carmen__” a loud screeching sound of cars cut me up and we turned to see two cars come to a sudden halt, their doors swinging open with a loud bang. My heart started to race as I saw the figures inside step out into the light. I couldn’t tell what would happen next, but I knew it wouldn’t be good.

I watched her face change and gasp as the last car door was opened and Ricardo stormed out furiously.

He was coming towards her with utmost anger. “Oh My God. I’m done for Edgar.” She was shaking as she stared.

I reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her close behind me. “Don’t worry,” I whispered. “He won’t do anything to you.”

“Eddie,” she said, her voice trembling with fear.

“Shh,” I said, trying to reassure her. “Just stay calm and don’t say a word. He won’t hurt you, I promise.”

And he stood infront of me, his eyes first went to our locked hands and I think it aggravated him the more.

“Carmen.” He called trying to ignore my presence.

“Leave her alone. Stop lording over her like that.”

He still tried to ignore me. “Carmen, I’m talking to you.”

“And I’m saying that you should know how to treat women with respect, you should stop scaring her all the time you come here. It’s not right.”

And I think he lost it, he grabbed my collar pulling me up with one arm. “Shut the f-__-k up. I’m not talking to you, I’m speaking to my wife!! Not you.” Then he dropped me. Like a stupid thing that I am. I snorted and batted my eyes at him with utmost h@ťě.

“And so what?” I fumed coming close to her. h@ťě that I never knew was inside of me began to grow, my father’s voice was in my head screaming. SHE’S YOURS. YOU CAN HAVE HER. SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE YOURS IN THE FIRST PLACE.

“I’m here.” Carmen crawled out and his eyes fell on her.

With force, she snatched her hand away from mine, staring at me with utmost fury. “Let’s go.” And he pulled her away with him.


Exploding was an understatement. I wanted to scream her head off. “Cardo you’re hurting me!!” But I gripped her tighter. I tried to keep it together, to piece it together. I wanted to go to a far dessert, scream and scream until I’m tired of screaming.

“Cardo, you’re hurting me!” She tried to slip away but I didn’t let her, she’s strong and she’s hard to control but I didn’t give her a chance to act out her strength like she wanted.

“Cardo! My wrist hurts!!!”

I still pulled her along with me. Seeing Edgar holding her hand is driving me insane. The look he had, trying to claim what’s mine wanted to ki|| me. I almost died earlier, I wanted to ki|| someone especially when Mando told me that she is not at home.

“Where is she?”

“She went out earlier.”

“To meet who?” I asked panicking over the phone while sitting beside my father and having a heated conversation with him.

I prayed he won’t tell me that she went out with Edgar, I don’t wanna hear it. They are friends, I understand but I’m not comfortable with him being friends with her.

I can see through him, I know what he wants. He wants my woman and I won’t let that happen. Carmen is young, bubbly and lovable. And she’s so pretty too. It would be so bad if he doesn’t have feelings for her! If he doesn’t, he will!!! I don’t want that!

“She is with Edgar.”

I sprang up from my seat. “Where are you going?” My father asked me but I wasn’t there anymore.

“Dad, I will come back tomorrow but right now, I need to be somewhere.”

“What happened?”

But I’ve already left, and i began to dial her number. She’s not even taking my calls! She don’t even want to answer me. She don’t even want to take the call and when she finally did:

“Well, he’s my friend and I can’t take that away from myself!” She was raising her voice at me. Why?

“Carmen, where are you? I will come take you myself!”

“You don’t have to. I’m coming back myself.” And she hung up on me!!
Carmen…Carmen must be kidding me!! I have never been so angry at anyone until today, I didn’t know when I grabbed Stephen glaring at him with anger.

“What were you doing when she left the house?”

“Carmen is hard to control. __It’s hard to keep her in one place.”

“You have only one job and that’s Carmen!!! Just one woman and you can’t take care of her!!!”

“But you can’t even keep her in one place yourself. You know you can’t, how am I supposed to keep her when you can’t even do that.”

He was harsh but that was the truth. I couldn’t even say the word YOU’RE FIRED to him. “Get the car ready and track her location now!! She won’t have gone far!!” I said and stormed angrily into the car while the guards followed me.

And now I come here. My breathe seized, my legs stopped working when I saw him holding her, he was even speaking to her so tenderly infront of me. Is he okay? I balled my hands into fist, ready to hit him.

You can touch every part of me, cut every of my limb, feed it to the dogs. Do wh@ťěver you want with me but don’t touch Carmen, that’s the rule.

She’s mine__how many times am I gonna say it? It’s so bothersome being with someone like Carmen but I still want her. I can’t be with her, I can’t stay with her but still, it’s her that I want. They thr_@ten me all the time because of her. They know they have me in the palm of their hands because of Carmen but I don’t give a f-__-k. I am a weakling to them. To them, I’m a fool who’s still sprouting up but then, you touch Carmen and you’ve crossed my boundary. She’s like a boundary which no one has the right to cross except me.

Yes, I know it’s hard. She fights, have the sharpest mouth I’ve never seen. Dumbest brain I’ve ever met, smallest baby I’ve ever met, she gets me angry all the time, but then, I love her that way. I want her all the time. No one has the right to hold her and that’s why I got so mad when he kept rattling without keeping quiet. I wanted to smash his face. I wanted to cut off his tongue. What’s he doing? Does he think I’m playing highschool love triangle with him? Does he think I’m fighting over a girl with him? Carmen is my woman!!! She’s my wife. Mi Esposa!!

He has no right to tell me that I’m lording over her when she’s actually the one lording over me, rendering me useless and always making feel like a fool. Who does he think he is? Does he even know who I am? And he dared to stand infront of me and spew nonsense.

He’s so lucky today.

“Cardo you’re hurting me!!” She yelled and finally wriggled her hand off mine. I came close and she stepped back. “What’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me? Carmen, you dare ask me that? ” I held myself together. I didn’t wanna yell at her, vent at her as much as I feel right now.

“I went out because I was feeling lonely at home,” she said, her voice sounding fragile and vulnerable.

Hearing her say that, something inside me softened. In spite of myself, my anger started to fade, and I could feel my resolve weakening.

“Get into the car. I’m talking you home.”

“Are you upset with me?”

“Just get into the car.”

She hesitated, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. I could tell she was nervous, but I couldn’t risk showing any weakness in front of that Edgar who was watching us. Finally, she climbed into the passenger seat, and I buckled her in. I glanced at him one last time, then got into the driver’s seat and started the engine.

My eyes fell on him again, he was staring at me with utmost anger written all over his face. But like I care, I’ve gotten what I wanted and I don’t care anymore.

“Who’s gonna bring my car home?” She asked me while I ignored her. “Cardo.” She called but I ignored her. I don’t want to talk to her.
Half of the journey, I spent it trying to cool off from everything. Before we could get into the house, Griffin was phoning me.

“Yes?? What is it?”

“The media is in chaos right now. She posted it.”

My heart skipped. “Who posted what?”

“Miss. Bernadette posted your marriage to Miss Carmen Sebastián online just a few moments ago and it’s really making waves all over.”

Oh. My. God. I’m doomed for real. I brushed my eyes at Carmen and looked away. Oh. God. What am I gonna do? Bernadette didn’t even waste time taking out her thr_@t.

Giving her 2% shares is something I was gonna think about and she didn’t even give me enough time to think it through! I guess she really wants to deal with me. This is not about the shares, it’s about going all out for me. She wants everyone to know how incapable I am to sit over the Alejandrozz.

“What’s going on?” Carmen asked as I pulled the car over to the side of the road. I got out and stood on the curb, staring at the horizon.

My bodyguards’ car pulled up behind us, and I saw Stephen step out, his expression serious. “You okay?” he asked, walking over to me.

“One of you should take her home,” I said, my voice tight. I didn’t want to talk about it, but I knew they would have questions.

“Stephen, make sure Carmen stays in the house. I need to go and meet my family right now. I want to come back home and meet her there! She’s not to go anywhere, did you get that?”

“What if she won’t listen to me?”

“Force her to stay back. Did you get that? She must stay in? Okay?” I ordered while he nodded with a slight bow and then I redialed Griffin’s number and he didn’t waste time picking up.

“Yes?? Can you take everything down?”

“I tried to. Mando have been trying to get a negotiation with the presses but they’re not giving in.”


“Alright, get ready for a press conference tomorrow.”

Okay, here’s my version:

“Sir?” Griffin’s voice came again.

“Yes?” I replied, trying to focus on the present moment.

“I’m listening to you.” I said, settling back into the plush leather seat. A moment later, one of my personal security guard handed me my laptop, and I opened it, entering the password. The screen came to life, displaying the familiar desktop environment.

“I think it’s high time we bring out Carmen to face the public.”

“I can’t. It’s doesn’t look good.”

“But she might do well with some positive press,” he continued. “It’s better than ignoring the situation entirely, or are you going to deny the fact that you are married to her?”

I sighed, knowing that the photos of us were already circulating online. “What do you suggest?” I asked, resigned to the fact that this was not going to be an easy situation to navigate.

I scrolled through the newsfeed infront of my laptop and actually, we were the one making the headlines this evening.








I closed my laptop, every headline was so hurtful and depressing. “Griffin?? Can’t you do something about this?”

“I wish we had signed the shares over to her,” his voice tense. “Or we need to be honest and transparent about what happened. The comments online are really bad, and by tomorrow the stock price will have dropped. This could affect your shares.”

I dug my hands into my hair. “Just do something!! Set a for a conference meeting tomorrow, then a press conference, schedule and invite every journalist, press men, I want them all infront of me.”

“But that won’t help a lot.”

“It will for now Griffin. You don’t expect me to put out Carmen out there to be lynched on as they want! She’s too young!!”


“Do as I say! I pay you for your job.”

“Yes sir.”

“Good, I’m going out to meet my family, just stay put for now okay. Tell Mando to report everything to me later on, okay?”

“Yes sir” and I hung up.
I barged into the living room and everyone was there for the usual hypocritical family gathering, every face I h@ťěd to see was there looking at me, every one I never wanted set my eyes on quickly stared into mine as I got in.

I tried to tone down my anger, not to show it off to them but it was coming off already. My eyes fell on Bernadette who was sitting within p. Aunt Sapphire and drinking warmly to herself.

Her eyes met mine and she smirked. “Hey! I didn’t know you gonna come here so quickly, I was thinking you gonna show up tomorrow.”

I looked around, my father wasn’t there. Likewise my mom. “Mom and dad is not here and that’s because they’re so embarrassed of having you as a son who can’t take care of his own family when he claims he can.” Victoria blurted smiling.

Fernando’s eyes met mine and he winked. “Hey, I didn’t know you’re gonna show up for something like this. You know, you are not in our league anymore.”

“Bernadette, how do you feel after what you did? You feel great right?” I asked ignoring everyone’s presence in the room, especially my two uncles who sat down at one side of the room discussing with friends and my grand uncles who were already casting their eyes at me.

“Why won’t I feel great? At least, how fast you were to get to this place is so amazing! I wanna know how you gonna wriggle out of this case now. I wanna know who you are going to try and save, Alejandrozz, Sebastian’s or your darling little Carmen.”

Everyone laughed, not in unison but I know they were all laughing at me. I clenched my fist, gritting my teeth.

“Of course, the foolish boy will always save his Carmen.” Louisa chipped in. “Carmen comes first, that foolish boy is such a lover boy, that’s why Lucia used and dumped him.”

“I really want him to save her first. Won’t it be fun watching him do that?” Aunt Sapphire added smirking.

“He thinks staying out of the Alejandrozz house will save him from trouble. He’s so wrong when he thought that. Such a foolish boy.” One of my girl cousins said.

“Don’t worry, Bernadette is not stupid. All the humiliations his little wife have caused us, we’re paying it back in hundred folds.” Victoria said clinking her glass with Bernadette’s.

“Trust me, I told you. It won’t take long to break the mighty Ricardo who have been busy rendering us all useless for the past few weeks.”

“Being careful is not even in his diary at all. Like husband like wife.” Louisa bickered and everyone began to laugh again.

And the feeling I always felt being among them, growing up among them crept back into me. The intimidation I always felt while growing up began to rise, like a depth, their faces suddenly began to scare me and the worst part, I couldn’t even move. My head began to spin. I gripped my shirt almost shaking.

Save me.


Where are you?


Someone nearly jumped into me as he ran past me and almost crashing into the drinks on the table.

“What’s it?” Bernadette asked him as he nearly knocked her over.

He is one of my cousins, I think Winnie is his name. He was panting as he sat down beside Bernadette.

“What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

“Check the news!!! Carmen is holding a press conference right now!!!!!” He yelled and everyone married their phones immediately, including me.

I logged into my IG and there Carmen stood holding a press conference!!


I rubbed my eyes. Is that…isn’t that my Carmen?

“__So uhm…I’m Carmen Sebastian Alejandro and I’m Cardo’s wife. Do any of you have a problem with it? Why do you have a problem with it? Please, just ten questions and I’m getting off here.”

I gulped.

How did she set that up herself? How did she get herself to do that? When? How? Where???

In as much as I was shocked and surprised, my heart wanted to tear out of my chest.

I mean, that’s my Carmen. My baby. My smile isn’t something I could shake off.

“Miss Carmen, so why did you marry Mr. Ricardo when you’re still a teenager growing up. Don’t you think__”

“And why do I have to explain my personal life to anybody? What’s your business? Why do you all love poke nosing into someone’s life? Why can’t you all be on your own and think about your life instead of worrying about another person? Are you all that jobless?”

And she pushed the microphones away from her face. She left the stage coming down to meet the press men while the cameras didn’t stop flashing and capturing that beautiful face of hers. Her pretty puppy eyes shining like the morning star.

“Miss Carmen, you seem to be a rude little teenager__”

“Stop calling me a little teenager!!” And she jumped into the woman, grabbing her hair and nearly tearing her apart. People gathered around separating them. Stephen was there too.

My mouth hung open.

I couldn’t even say a word.

I just glued my eyes to my screen. “Are you mad? How dare you call me a little teenager. No, answer me! Are you guys okay?” The woman was already bleeding.

Oh my God. Carmen is going to ki|| that woman.

I stopped watching and phoned Stephen immediately. “Get her outta there now!!” And my legs were moving towards the door. I hung up my phone and then I heard Bernadette groaning out in pain.

“No!!! This can’t be happening?” She groaned.

I smirked.

My Carmen did the magic…


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