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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



I am not going to let him go. I will make sure to never let him go, anywhere he’s going, he’s going to that place with me. He can’t leave me behind. I won’t let him leave me behind ever again.

I clutched onto him tighter as we both got into the car, I held him more tighter as we got off, when the car stopped inside the garage.

And he let me hold him as I want. He lifted me up into his arms, looking into my face.
“Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you again.” He said as if he knew that this is what is on my mind since he showed up at the fashion show earlier.

Am I to buy that lie? No, he might run away again. Useless work might call him out again and he will slip away from me. Who knows the condition I will be in when he leave me again, maybe I might be bathing or writhing in pain, on top of my bed.

And am I even sure that this is not a dream. Maybe those two witches knocked me down on the floor and I’m unconscious and daydreaming.

Which means that I don’t have to wake up, I can’t wake up from this dream. I wish I sleep like this forever. A world where there’s Cardo is in it , is the real world but, the world without Cardo is a boring one.

He dropped my feet on the floor when we reached the room and he turned my back to him. He unzipped my dress and it fell to the floor.

“You need a bath Carmen.” He said as he unhooked my bra and it dropped to the floor too, his hands came to my P@ŋtîēṣ and a hot liquid passed through my legs.

A very strong sensation was building up at my lower abdomen. He kissed my shoulder and I stilled at where I stood. What’s he up to? So he’s not a dream? I turned around and he looked away from my body immediately. As if he’s trying to fight off a force which is holding him down at the moment.

“Cardo.” I called and his gaze landed heavily on me like a beautiful lash. He was beating me up with his yellowish eyes.


“Did you really see me fighting those people?” I asked and a smile tugged at one corner of his lips.

He held my jaw. “You didn’t do anything wrong Carmen, mi esposa right? I need to start getting used to calling you my wife and not Carmen anymore.”

My cheeks heated up. Especially when his eyes started to roam around my body again. His yellowish eyes getting deeper and deeper at each gaze, he could tear me off, I could see that in his eyes.

“You need a bath Carmen. You look so messy right now.” He said and walked into the bathroom, I followed him.

He was taking off his clothes, hanging it on the rail, folding his sleeves and turning on the bathtub-tap. “Let me run a bath for you myself.”

“Here.” He stood up and gave me a robe, and when I hesitated to take it, he put it on my body, he tied the rope around my waist rather loosely, “you gonna catch a cold before I get the bath done for you.” He said and brushed his fingers on my hair.

And I wanted him to kiss me. A deep kiss. One that will linger for a long time. One that will make me forgive him for leaving me and running off on our wedding day.

I wanted him to touch me, maybe from my waist, fill my butts, my thighs and then lift me up, touch my insides and make me totally melt for him.

“I missed you so much Cardo.”

He smiled but didn’t return the words to me. Didn’t he miss me? Did he enjoy being away from me all this time. So why isn’t he gonna say the MISS YOU word back to me!!

“What? Are you gonna cry?” He asked as he palmed my cheeks.

“You didn’t miss me, did you?”

“I did Carmen. So much. But now, you need to bath, okay? You look so messy.”

“Those girls…”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything about what happened out there. It won’t make me love you less, but__”he frowned a he began to mix body fragrance, sweeteners into the water, mixing with soaps. “If only you can make me worry a little less, I will be so glad. I thought my world will tear apart when I saw you fighting like that.”


He smiled at me. “Here, come.” He beckoned to me. He was already done running the bath. I walked cautiously into his reach.

And he took off my robe, staring at my nakedness again and breathing so hard. His hand came to my chest and hung in the mid air. Just his eyes feeding on me instead.

Why is he restricting? I can’t tell but he let his hands rest on my shoulders, caressing softly, maybe deciding on what to do next and what not to do next.

“Get in.” He said hoarsely, my eyes went to the flap of his trousers and there was a little bump there and my body twinkled with pleasures as I saw that. He was hard for me. My Cardo is so freaking hard because of me. How thrilling. I felt like his woman. So I do move him.

He lowered me into the tub and turned to go.
Why? So he can slip away even before I can finish bathing. I don’t want this dream to fade away, I don’t want to face the door after bathing and not see him waiting for me in the room.

“Stay back.”

“What?” He replied sharply as if he had been shocked to his marrow. His eyes were quivering, his hands shaking.

“Don’t go anywhere. I don’t want to let you out of my sight.”

“But you have to concentrate and bath Carmen. I’m waiting for you outside, I’m not going anywhere.”

But I can’t buy that.

I don’t trust him. I’ve stopped trusting him the moment he left me hanging on our wedding day.

“No. Stay back. That’s what I want you do for me.”

And he stood still, not coming close and not going away. But I could see that he was trying his possible best to avoid looking at me.
That’s his punishment for treating me so rudely, does he think showing up just because I wanted him to will solve the problem, hell no, it won’t.

And I was washing my body, I caught his eyes staring at me, my body stirred. I was so uncomfortable and at same time, I felt so happy. Cardo was here.

“Want me to help you?” He suddenly asked and a stray saliva went down my throat immediately.

“Huh?” My heart was pounding greatly on my chest. He was advancing towards me, making my heart beat more faster. He came behind me and his hands were dipping into the tub, he scooped some water and poured it on my back, his hands scrubbing.

I suppressed a Mõ@ɲ. Then another until I was almost gasping out because of how pleasurable and how nice it felt to have his hands on my body.

“How have you been? Did you cry a lot?” He nearly breathed into my ear, gathering my wet hair and scooping water into it gently.

“Keep quiet Cardo. You don’t have to ask me that.”

“I’m sorry Carmen.”

“You don’t have to tell me that either, you are back to me and that’s all that matters.”

“Did my sisters give you any trouble?” He asked and before I could answer, he touched a lump at my back which got me wincing in pain. “What’s this? What happened to you? When did you get this wound?”

He had turned my face to look at me, he was inspecting vigorously from head to toe. “Carmen, look at scars everywhere.”

“It’s not everywhere, it’s just that one at my back.”

And he was raising his voice. “You call this just? Carmen…” He went silent. I couldn’t tell if he was angry or not, but his face was so dark as he stared at me.

“Must you fight all the time?”

“What do you want me to do?”

“You can always run away from it.”

“From who? Louisa? Or Bernadette or Victoria, when they pick at me at the meal table everytime! They whine about how I dress! How I eat! How I sleep! Everything and I should always run away from it.”

He was mute. He was scooping water and washing my shoulder. Five minutes of long suffocating silence, “I’m sorry.” He said warmly. “I’m sorry you had to endure all that behind my back.”

“If you’re sorry, then you better don’t let me go, ever again. Don’t you ever dare make me wait on you again.”

He hesitated before answering, meaning that he will make me wait. He will let me go at some point and at this point, wh@ťěver he say, I shouldn’t believe them all.

“Carmen, I don’t want to make empty promises to you. You’re so young too. And I need to make things right for the two of us. I want the best for you.”

“Please don’t talk about school.” I snapped. Because I know that that’s the next topic he’s gonna put up. I don’t want to hear anything about that.

“Carmen, you can’t stay at home all time.”

“I know what I want. And that’s you.”

“It can’t always be me all the time.”

“It has to be!” I yelled and then regretted yelling at same time.
Why is everyone so obsessed with me going to school. I don’t want to. I just want to be married to him, love him, have kids for him and raise them so lovely, I want to raise them with all the love they need. Something I couldn’t get as a child, I want my children to get them all.

So I don’t want to go school. Marriage have always been my dream since I was a child and not school!

He pecked my forehead. “I’m sorry Carmen. I’m making life so difficult for you right?”

He wiped a tear off my face and held my hands. “I love you Carmen and no matter what, it’s always gonna be you. I won’t let any harm come to you. I can’t, I just can’t dream of it okay?”

I nodded my head.

And he got up, half of his shirt wet, his hairy hands looking so edible because of how wet they’re down to his fingers.

He grabbed a towel, jabbing and wiping off the water in his hands. “Here.” He tossed the robe as I got off the bathtub.

I dropped it on the floor, unexplained anger eating me up already, I walked out of the bathroom and I’m so sure that his eyes followed me before his entire body did.

“Carmen, what’s the problem?”

“Just leave me alone.” I said as I walked into the closet, to get dressed.

He followed me still. “Carmen__”his phone began to ring.

And my heart quickened immediately. “Don’t go anywhere. Don’t take that call.”

“Don’t worry, okay?” He pecked me or rather brushed his lips on my forehead and then left with his phone.

I could hear his voice till he disappeared out of the room.
I clenched my fist. I was boiling, tears filled my eyes. I wiped my tears and reached for a dress.
In my head, I was humming, h@ťě CARDO, I want to h@ťě him. This is not the Cardo I used to know.

This is Ricardo and not my Cardo. Fire me up, make my body burn and then leave me unattended to.

Am I to start waiting on him again?



“Griffin, is this the right time to tell me about all this problem?”

I asked as he stood infront of me unable to speak. I need to be with Carmen right now and not here. And here I am, faced with work again. Signing, calling, receiving calls and checking out documents over again.

“I told you to put off some work till the next few days, didn’t I?” I raised my face at some point feeling so exhausted.

“And he won’t.” My sister Bernadette entered the study, she stopped at the doorway first, before she finally catwalked into the room.

“Sis?”I sat up from my chair, dropped my pen on the table.

“What? You surprised? I thought you were in for some games and I irked it up for you.”

My head was aching, just as my body was burning for Carmen. Her naked body in my head, work fighting for dominance was giving me so much migraine.

How could they put up a fashion show for the Alejandrozz without my knowledge. That was a huge bother to me at the moment.

Aunt Saphhire’s isn’t enough! Luring Carmen to that place isn’t enough!

“I heard you took down the vidoes which had the face of your wife in all of it.” She said as she sank into the couch and I scoffed.

“What do you wanna hear? That I did it out reputation for the company or that I did it for her or for myself? Which one do you wanna hear.”

She laughed. “It’s good to see you home.”

“But it’s not good seeing you home sis. I heard you and your sisters bullied my wife.”

She snorted. “Oops, she already reported to you? Can your wife be bullied in this life?”

“I’m so glad you know that you can’t do anything to her.”


“Can you please leave and tell your sisters and your family members that the fashion show cannot hold today.”

She sprang up to her feet. “Then be ready to face the board members.”

I cast my eyes at Griffin as I realized the trick my family are using this time. They have probably bought off the board members already, to punish me.

Griffin was apologetic. Obviously, he couldn’t reach out to the board members about the conference meeting holding tomorrow before they did. Which means they always have the upper hand. They’re probably toying with my head. They want to see me go crazy.

She half laughed. “Oh, sorry, you know you have to show off your new bride or are you scared of that? Carmen might get hurt.”

I banged the table with my clenched fist, gritting my teeth to express my anger. Then I gave out an evil laugh.

“I know what you guys want and you can never get it.” I turned to him. “Here Griffin, pass me the list of the names of board members.”

She smirked. “Just let the fashion show hold. We’re already preparing everything for you as good sisters that we’re. And the lady of the Alejandrozz must be presented today at the show__”

“Take out all those board members. One by one, I want to have all of them fired before dawn Griffin.” I interrupted her

“Ricardo, what do you think you’re doing?”

I got up from my seat. Stepped up to her. “I’m doing things my way. I won’t break down so easily. You guys must be so insane to have me run a fashion show today!! It’s night for crying out loud Bernadette.”

“You must be crazy to call me by my name now little bro.”

“You ceased being my sister a long time ago. I’m dealing with beasts and I need to be the alpha in your midst!!!”

She raised her hand and slapped my face. “You $cvm!!! You can’t hold the fashion show? Why? Because of Carmen.”

“Is that what you want to hear?” I snorted this time, “now go and tell your sisters and your family that I’m up for any of their game. This company is mine, and I run it like I want! Okay?” I brushed past her.

“Griffin, take care of the problems. Phone every fashion designer who have auditioned for their designs before, look out for new fashionistas too__I’m seizing everything from…” My eyes went to my sister’s who was shocked beyond recognition, but I haven’t started yet. “I’m seizing every thing that my family has. Every company under the Alejandrozz, I want all their files in my study tomorrow.”

“Yes sir!!”

“Ricardo!! What do you think you’re doing!!” Bernadette was yelling on top of her voice. Like she wanted to scream her head off.

But I don’t care anymore. Naked Carmen in my head was poking me down to my very soul. My body yearns for her so much that it has begun to hurt me so much.

I want to be with Carmen. It has been over five hours ago since I left her alone in the room.
I bit my lower lips, she must h@ťě me so much right now.

My Carmen.

I bursted into the room and looked around, she was nowhere to be seen. “Carmen.” I called but she was nowhere to be found.

My heart missed a bit. Where’s she?

I came out of the room and headed into my designing room, maybe she is hiding there but she wasn’t, I was breaking out. My thoughts far and wide. I know what my family can do and it’s already 8pm!! And no sign of mi esposa.

Did they kidnap her!!

I ran into her maid at the hallway which led into the archery. “Where’s Carmen?”

“She left with her bodyguard.”


Extreme anger.


“Bodyguard.” I tried to sound calm almost scaring the little girl. I nodded and reached for my phone immediately.

“Tony, just what the hell are you doing these days?!”


And the background was so noisy. I could barely hear what he’s saying. Indescribable feelings wanted to choke me to death. “Where are you? Where did you take my Carmen to?”

“We’re at a karaoke club.”



“Where? Which side?!”

And he hung up.


Why is everyone determined to make me go crazy in this house!!

Just why did she leave the house just like that!! Have she been doing that since I left?

I’m definitely going to fire Tony.

“Griffin.” I phoned him. “I need you to track Tony’s whereabout right now.”

“Yes sir.”

“Do it fast and now!!!”

And he tracked him, forty minutes later, he sent me the location and I grabbed my car keys, left the house. “Don’t follow me” I told the bodyguards as they ambushed me at the parking lot.

I knew they won’t listen to me. So no need trying to stop them. I got into my car and zoomed off to the Karaoke club.

“I can do anything to make you mine!! I can do anything to make you smile!!! Oooohhh!!”Carmen was singing when I got into the club filled with stenched and smelly men. Though there were few girls at each corner, the thought of seeing those hungry men glancing at Carmen every now and then wanted to make me snap Tony’s neck into two immediately.

Just what is he doing? How can just escort her to everywhere she wants to go just like that!

“I have a bad smile but can’t you love me with that flaw!! Oh baabbbby!!” And I couldn’t help but smirk, seeing her stretch out her baby voice with so much effort.

Why sing when she can’t even do that so well.

I saw Tony tugging by her side. “Let’s go home.” And she was refusing to go anywhere.

“Oh baabbbby!!!”

“Hey little girl, get off that stage! Stop singing and go home to your parents.” A man raised his voice at her.

“White haired young man speaking to me, are you that jealous? Are you from Puerto Rico? Or from Las Vegas?” She was singing for the man.

Tony was still tugging by her side. But she refused to drop the microphone.
“Oh baabbbby!!!!”

“I said get off that stage and go home. Your parents maybe looking for you.”

“You don’t have to shout at her sir.” Tony snapped at him and he stood up, definitely out for a fight.


Another fight.

I don’t want that to happen. Cuz if it does, Carmen will get involved, the red lump I saw on her back when I was washing her back, still breaks my heart.

I moved forward, my guards from nowhere clearing the path for me till I stood infront of Carmen.

“Cardo.” She was surprised to see me.

I ignored her.

“Tony, tell me why I will not fire you when we get home?” I asked him and his face bowed down immediately.

“And who are you?” The man chipped in. “Oh, The CEO?” He raised his phone to my face and it got smashed to the floor by one of my guard.

I sighed.

My eyes came back to Carmen and my worries increased. Even if she’s going to go outside, can’t she wear something to save her from cold?

“You sure have a knack for making me worry all the time.”

She scoffed at me. Trying to get off the stage and maybe walk past me, stress me all over again but I was so quick to pick her off from the floor, on my shoulder she hung, as I walked out of the room with her screaming and whining, hitting me feebly to let her go.

“Let me go Cardo!!”

Can she keep quiet?

Does she know how worried she makes me?

She sure doesn’t know.

I can’t even bear to let her out of my sight, not after what I just did to my family an hour ago.

Carmen is their target.

And they will do anything to get her.

“Can you keep quiet!” I raised my voice at her as I tucked her into my car seat and she went still immediately.

“Cardo, you’re raising your voice at me?”


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