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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



“Cheers!” He said and we clicked our cans of soda together for the tenth time this evening, and drowning the content into our system.

“Cheers!” He said and we clicked glasses again, but he didn’t drink. “Carmen, don’t you think we should go home now? We’ve been out here since morning, it’s already getting late and our wedding party is tonight.”

I scoffed.

“They can have it without us. Aren’t you happy spending the time alone with me in this cheap pub?”

“I am but then, what if they’re looking for us.”

“They chased us out of the house Cardo. We have to live our best lives now. Then tomorrow, we sneak into the house, wash and wear our wedding clothes, fly to the church, get married and come back home.”

“Carmen, does that make sense to you?”

“I thought it made sense to you too.” I said furrowing my brows, I raised my can to my lips and he stopped me.

“You’re getting drunk now Carmen.”

“I’m not. This is the happiest day of my life and I need to live it to the fullest, don’t you think so?”

He nodded his head and released my arm while I drank from my can.

“Look at that guy over there, he’s so handsome.”

“God d@mn it! He looks so rich, look at his skin.” I heard whispers all around us. So much for getting into a cheap pub where everyone is busy trying to get a seat for him or herself.

And I guess these stupid girls who never mind their business have noticed my Cardo at last.

I rolled my eyes.

“Look at that man sitting beside that little girl. Isn’t he so cute?” I heard someone say directly behind me, I know Cardo heard that too.

He looked at me. “Ignore them.” He said as he opened a new can of soda and sipped the foam which sprouted from the mouth as he opened it.


He nodded. “Yes. You just have to let them talk.” He said, even as one girl stopped infront of him and handed a sheet of paper to him.
I still kept my cool. Because he said so. Tsk! I wanted to react but the crowd inside this pub is too many. I don’t want to attract attention to us, not when Cardo is here. What will the press say when they recognize him inside a pub as cheap as this?

But as soon as a teenage guy stopped infront of me and winked, his eye colour changed immediately.
“Hello pretty. I…” The guy didn’t finish speaking before he stood up to his full height.

“What do you want?” His eyes burned into the guy’s eyes, I pitied the poor teenager pretty badly especially when Cardo was intimidating him with his height.

“Sorry, Ur…I wanted to speak to your sister.”

Sister? Oh that was bad.

“My sister?”

“Or isn’t she your sister?”

“Can you f-__-k off?”

“No need for you to be aggressive.” The teenage guy mumbled, winking at me before he left.

I smirked watching Cardo’s angry face. I can’t believe he’s actually jealous right now. “Someone said we should just let them talk.” I teased as he sat back down on his chair.

“Did I say that?” He grumbled avoiding my eyes and drinking his soda.

I half laughed. He looks so cute when he’s jealous. “Cardo, you changed so much. When did you start becoming so aggressive.”

“Aggressive? Hey, that guy was talking to you.”

I dropped my hands on the table. “And that lady over there gave you a sheet of paper.”

“Didn’t you see me tear that up?”

“But she still gave it to you, didn’t she?”

“But that doesn’t mean he have to walk up to you just like that. I wasn’t gonna sit and watch that happen.”

“Cardo.” I called and watched him for a while. “Cardo, this isn’t you. You are not usually like this.”

“Like how? Carmen, I know I’m soft and all that $h|t but I won’t just let him speak to you like that.”

“Are you jealous right now?”

“I’m not!” He replied nervously, his face looking so flustered.
Cardo is such a big baby. I chuckled at that thought.


“Cheers.” He lifted his can and clicked mine. Maybe trying to change the conversation but it made him look more like a baby than a grown up.
I can’t believe I’m actually marrying a child tomorrow, so childish.


“Lucia, you don’t necessarily have to go to his wedding party. He didn’t invite you. You can’t doll up just to go for an uninvited party Lucia. Puedes escucharme? (Can you listen to me?)”George whined as he watched me dress up for Ricardo’s wedding party.

I ignored him. I don’t know how many times I’m going to explain to him that this is what I need to do at the moment. This is my last chance to bring Ricardo back to his senses.

“Lucia, you will end up hurt. What if this didn’t work out as planned?”

“George, puedes dejar de preocuparte? (Can you stop worrying?) I’m gonna be fine.”

He touched my arm and made me stop doing my make up. “Lucia, this is not good. You still look a mess from the wounds of last time. He already signed the documents of sponsorship for your industry, haven’t he? The press have helped a lot, at least, people think that both of you are dating. The press is on your side, can’t you stop there?”

“We are supposed to have an interview today and he didn’t show up. It was cancelled and rescheduled till next week George. It should’ve been my last chance.”

“Last chance? Can’t you forget Ricardo? I know I was your drive for him at first but not anymore, he’s getting married.”

“To a young brat!! An arranged marriage which he never asked for! I feel like he’s being manipulated!”

“And you forget that he’s getting married to Sebastian’s daughter, even if Ricardo doesn’t have a reason for marrying that young girl, remember that she’s Sebastian’s daughter!! Do you get that?”

“And that’s more reason why I think that he’s being played. Can’t you see that George? He’s going to regret this marriage.”

“That’s on him and not on you Lucia. I’m worried for you. You were such a mess, the last time you went to that house.”

“I’m gonna be fine George. I can’t let anyone trample on Ricardo. I will try my best and win him back into my life because I’m the only person who’s for him.”


“Please George, I know. I’m shameless but this is what I should do. If possible, I need to get the press into this barbaric marriage. They need to see what the rich elites are trying to do. What they’re up to and the kind of child abuse they’re getting into simply because of business!!”


“I will do this George and nothing will happen to me.”

“Have you phoned him ever since the last time you met him?”

“He doesn’t take my calls anymore. Like he’s trapped by them. They don’t even give him any breathing space at all, he’s always scared…”

I remembered the last time I hid with him because of his little witch who showed up out of nowhere to torment him. How scared he was. Like he’s gonna die if he get caught by her.

“Ricardo is suffering and I need to get him out of it. I don’t want him to live this kind of life which they are imposing on him. Not after suffering so much.”

He squeezed my arm and nodded his head. “Just be careful, the Alejandrozz is no piece of meat. I read the news this morning about them.”

“What happened to them?”

“They were seen running after something or someone in broad daylight. The aunts and uncles.”

I gasped and cupped my mouth. “Even Aunt Sapphire, the legendary designer?”

He nodded and I leapt out of joy. “Gosh! But why were they running?”

He shrugged. “No one knows.”

Anxious. “Did you see Ricardo?”


I sighed and resumed dressing up to leave. Few minutes later, I was done. I looked my best. My stylist did a very good job with my dress and the heck! I wanted to dress hotter than the little bride, even though I don’t need to try so hard to beat that little witch, I needed to be widely recognised by all, and to charm Ricardo away from that marriage.

I smiled. “How do I look?” I asked George.

“You always stand out in anything you wear so no need to ask me if you look good.”

I nudged his shoulder chuckling while he smiled. “Just be careful.” He said.

“You’re the one who needs to be careful. Your new boy friend looks like a gold digger to me.”

“I’ve told you to stop saying that Lucia. He’s not what you think he is.”

“That’s because he gives it to you so well in bed. I get it.”

George frowned at me while I laughed. “Can you get going?”

“Of course.” I replied laughing and getting out of the house. I walked into my car while my chauffeur drove me off to Ricardo’s house.


Woah!!! It’s so good out here. Lying down on the ground of a rooftop with your most precious person lying next to you. The feeling is out of the world.

I’ve never felt like this all my life. All my life, I’ve always lived a highly protected life, of course, I’m an heir to the largest company in the country, so everywhere I go, I’m always followed around, either close or from afar.

And now, I have the most precious person in my life lying next to me and giggling as we both watched the stars which littered around the sky. Her hair scattered all over her head like a pillow. So silky and dimming in the moonlight.

She was smiling the next minute. “I’ve always wanted to live my life like this, Cardo.”

I sat up, enjoying the feeling which came from watching her. “Like how?”

“Running away from home. To a quiet yard like this, climb into their rooftop, spread a sheet on the ground and lie facing the sky like this forever.”

I smiled. She turned to look at me. “Now that I’m doing it, I feel so happy. So so happy Cardo.”

I smiled harder while she brought her hand to touch my face. “I’m so happy. We’re getting married tomorrow.”

“And we ran away from home Carmen.” I replied and we both laughed so hard falling into each other.

“We’re the worst beings I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” We both chorused together, unaware that we were gonna say it together, the realization of that got us laughing again.

I was exhausted but seeing her laugh so hard made me not wanna stop laughing, watching her laughing face was such a sight. How she shakes when she laughs was so beautiful.

Then she stopped looking at me. “What are we gonna do now?”

“What?” I asked while she sat up, grabbed the collar of my shirt and kissed me.

“Kiss me Cardo.” She said with her voice filled with these emotions which I tried to figure out but can’t, instead, it was slipping me into a world which I’ve been trying to ignore since I lay down beside her.

I gulped taking notice of her lips. Her eyes which never seizes to spell it out to me that I can’t resist her, no matter how hard I tried.

She slided a hand into my hair and the scrape of her nails against my scalp
made my skin break into goose bumps. She licked them. She coiled up smoothly
to kneel between my feet, seemingly just for a better view.

So I could watch her, get drowned with her in that world. I wanted to speak but she hushed me.

“I know you gonna talk. Yeah, I know we’re out here in the cold, facing the sky and still, I want you to kiss me.”

“Carmen thank God that you know that this is a crazy idea.”

“It is but you’ve still got to kiss me.” She brought her hand to my chest and I swear, I forgot what I wanted to say. “You don’t have to hold back Cardo. All you need to do is kiss me. Or don’t I matter to you?” She asked feeling sober.

And when I finally kissed her, her exhalation is long, until she was completely empty.

I wanted to fill her back up. I didn’t realize this until a few minutes of dreamy, melting minutes have passed that I’ve been talking to her with my kiss. “You matter. You’re important to me. This matters.” I was whispering into her ears.

I know that she understood, because there is a fine tremor in her hands as I slided one fingernail up the side seam of her dress, across her shoulders to her nape.

She told me things, too. “Eres quien yo quiero. Tu siempre seras, Cardo. Esto realmente importa.
(You’re who I want. You will always be, Cardo. This really matters.)”

I toyed with the zipper of her dress for a tiny, jingling eternity, and then pulled it down. It made a sound like a needle dragging across a record. I deepened the kiss and she pulled closer in between my knees, and the heck! Nothing is gonna pull her away from me.

I will kiss her until I die of exhaustion. I will never leave her alone. I swear, I will protect her will all my might. I will make sure that she’s the only one for me forever. I will never love anyone else but her.

I let the dress drop to the ground while I gobbled down her nudity. My breathe was cutting out, I noticed as I fixated my eyes on her skin.

“Cardo.” She whispered breathlessly and I was so helpless on what to do next. She led my hand to one of her br3ast and let my palm cup it looking at me.

And I let my hands rest on her waist as I resumed kissing her again…


“You can’t find them yet?” I asked Bernadette as new sets of body guards came back without the couple.

“Yes. They are nowhere to be found.” She said and walked past me.

Why? Why would Ricardo disappear at his own wedding party? Who does that? What have that witch done to him?!

And why are they throwing the party so big without the celebrants?! Like no one cared if they are there or not.

“Hey!” Louisa waved as she walked past me with a drink in her hand.

“Hey, uh…”

“Ricardo is not here.” She replied even before I could ask the question.


“Don’t know. He decided to disappear from this house when he knows that he’s getting married tomorrow and it’s a good thing though.” She shrugged offering me her wine while I refused politely with a nod of my head.

“It’s a good thing.” She continued. “At least, he might not get married tomorrow if he’s not found tonight.”


“Don’t worry, Ricardo is not getting married.”She said smiling and walked past me.

What’s happening? Why am I so confused right now? And why do I feel so lonely? Where is Ricardo? And…is he really not getting married tomorrow??

I shouldn’t have come here in the first place.


“You’re so soft, it’s ridiculous. You’re so small. Everywhere my hand slides, you fit me so well Carmen.”

He demonstrated. Throat. Br3ast. Ribs. Hips. Then he showed me how his mouth fitted perfectly too. My skin heated with every kiss and press. He licked at the sheen of sweat beginning to mist across me, and I hear a faraway sound that I realize was me.

Whimpering, begging noises. He took no notice and showed no pity. He pressed his perfect mouth on wh@ťěver section of skin he pleases.

Inch by inch, he is charting me like a map. Conquering me bit by bit.
I ran my hands down his neck to the big
muscles at the tops of his arms. I squeezed. I bit. I use both hands to stroke down one bicep, weighing the muscle in my hand.

It’s such a pleasure, to be touching someone else and for the fact that he let me touch him, I felt so happy. I wondered why he’s so bulky and yet so weak to other people.

My palms tingle from stroking him. I began to kiss him and he let me. My mouth fitted everywhere on his skin. And he was watching me with a glint in his eyes. He dug his hands into my hair still watching me, I took my time kissing his muscles, every joint that my lips fell on.

Then he slipped into me. We both sighed out together as he gathered me closer to himself, as if he didn’t want my body to touch the cold ground, one of his hand serving as pillow for me, his eyes deep into mine, and his lips hanging open as he kissed me at intervals.

He moved slowly, grinded slowly, watching me groan and lose my mind for him. He kissed my face. My eyelids started to flutter when he went deeper into me.

“Carmen.” He whispered but emotion had tightened in my throat to the extent that I can’t reply. It’s his eyes, which I fed on.

He moved against me with measured control. This is the hottest moment of my life. I can’t process each sensation. A feeling similar to freaking out is beginning to fill my chest.

I can’t keep my composure under his eyes. Passionate eyes. Intense, fierce, yellowish eyes.

“Talk to me.” He touched my nose with his. His breath was heavy and even.

But I can’t speak, my body, my voice wasn’t mine anymore. He gathered me closer trying not to put all his weight on me, he groaned next to my ear.

But I knew that it’s him. It’s him that I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with. No matter what, I’m never gonna stop having these sort of moments with Cardo.


Nothing can ever stop it.



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