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Friday, October 18, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



“What’s your problem?”

“What? So you really want to go for the interview? How can your secretary be so brazen? She didn’t ask for your permission before setting that up?”

“That’s because__”

“Because of what?” She crossed her arms beneath her chest, rolling her eyes. “Is this how you have been running this company? Your workers behave as they want? She doesn’t even have respect? Calling you when you’re at your own convenience!!”

“Carmen, she’s supposed to call me, okay? Not like I’ve been to work for two days now. She’s actually doing a good job for me!”

“She’s not! She has a motive! She wants something! Why can’t you see that? She even wants to travel with you?! Why! How!!? Who does that?”

“That’s because she’s my secretary Carmen. She’s supposed to go anywhere that I’m going.”


“You didn’t even have to fire that poor guard! Did you even think about how he’s fending for himself and his family before you fired him!”

“I don’t care to know! People like him who enslaves for their family are quick to betray you if they get thr_@tened with family.”

“What are you saying?”

“I didn’t like the way he was looking around the room like a fool. And he was looking at me, why would he do that?”

“He has to! He’s my security guard for a reason!”

“By turning CCTV camera? Cardo why don’t you see all these that’s happening around you when I see them?”

“And what made you think that you’re seeing them?”

“Because I’m not you who considers everyone’s reasons. You, who tries to see reasons with people. I bet you were going to forgive your secretary just like that even after scheduling for an interview with your witch just because of some stuff she read online! How can a secretary believe some crap without verifying with her own boss!”

“She might’ve had her own reasons. She might’ve been pushed to consider that. And if I should see this from her own perspective, it would’ve helped with the company’s stocks.”

“What the f-__-k are you blabbering Cardo? Don’t tell me that you wanna go on that interview with Lucia.”

“Yes! Grow up Carmen! This is business and you really have to stop acting this way towards my business life!”

“What? Cardo, you must’ve gone crazy! I see that you’ve actually gone nuts!”

I reached for my phone and she snatched it away, threw it to the floor and it smashed to pieces.

“Carmen!!!” I rushed towards her. I was angry. That was my iPhone 14 pro max! I just recently got that phone! And this little rat just wrecked it. And she’s still putting up with that innocent face of hers.

What am I to do with her?

I swallowed hard. “What? You gonna hit me? Do it. Do it Cardo! You must be so mad Cardo.”

I tried calming my nerves. Both of us can’t be angry at same time.
I held her shoulders. “Carmen, look at me.” I said peering into her eyes. But she refused to look at me. “Carmen look at me.”

“What?” She said as her eyes went directly into mine.

“I’m sorry. Okay? I’m so sorry.”

Her eyes went soft, so soft that I wished I could kiss those eyes of hers. “I’m sorry for making you worry so much again.”

She pouted. “Cardo.” I touched her face. “I don’t like your secretary and I don’t want her working for you anymore.”

“She won’t. She won’t work there anymore, I will make sure of that.”

She nodded while I cuddled her into bed. I didn’t leave her side until she slept off.
“Where’s your little wife?” Cousin Diego asked as I went over to my uncle’s place for his birthday party in the evening.

I was invited earlier in the day by the family for the party and no matter how impossible it is to exist in that house, I still have to go, if not for anything, for my father’s sake. Keeping malice with his brother’s kids isn’t ideal and I can put up with it for a night if I tried so hard.

I was seated with five of my cousins, drinking and dining with them while everywhere was busy with family and friends welcoming each other, music blaring from speakers.

Carmen was supposed to come with me since it’s marking our first visit to the extended homes but she couldn’t make it. She said that she had to be by her father’s side tonight due to the car auction happening in the midnight today.

It was boring staying with my cousins, just like it have always been. The questions, the answers, and the laughters, the mocking and the envious talks, jealousies flowing from all directions, and the heck, I’ve to stomach it all and smile with a bright face. Trying not to be hurt by wh@ťěver they’re saying to me.

“So tell me Cardo, how are you coping with two women in your life?” Diego’s elder brother, Juan asked me as he dropped his wine glass on the table and crossed his legs.

“Yes bro. How are you doing that?” Pedro concurred as their eyes fixated on me. I ignored them, instead I picked up my wine glass which I’ve barely touched since I sat down and sipped slowly on it.

“You’re making him shy.”Diego said smirking.

“Shy? Come off it bro! Shy people do the worst things. Imagine our cousin dating that hotshot actress along with that tiny thingy called Carmen.” Manuel added.

I eyed him. Calling Carmen a thingy isn’t something I will just take with open arms. “Manuel, language.” I said while they all laughed.

“Language you say Coz.” Javier said. “We all know why you wanna marry that little thing.”

“She’s not a thing Javier.” I corrected and warned him with my eyes.

“Stop acting like you care about that little girl Ricardo. You know what we’re trying to say. So no need to pretend infront of us.”Fernando who was sitting beside me nudged my shoulder.

“Exactly! You’re in this with him because of her father and we all know it! You know that if anything happens to Alejandrozz tomorrow, you have somewhere to fall back on and that’s her father’s company!” Juan rattled and I clutched my wine glass tighter in anger.

“Did he lie bro?” Diego asked and I tried to get up but didn’t want to act shaken by what they were saying.

“Shut up Diego!” I yelled.

“But my brother isn’t lying. Because I don’t see why you will choose to marry that little girl over Lucia. One of the prettiest women in the country. Or do you wanna keep Lucia as a mistress after marrying Carmen?” Diego pursued further.

“And is that why you’ve been following her around all these time?” I asked sitting up from my seat.

“Shouldn’t I? At least, I should protect my brother’s wife. Isn’t that what brothers do for each other?” Diego said chuckling.

“We’re not brothers Diego. We’re just cousins.” I corrected glaring daggers at him. I wish he can stop the stunt he’s trying to pull right now. I don’t like it. And things like this never end well.

Fernando touched my shoulder. “Why are you getting angry? We’re actually brothers, aren’t we?”

“Of course.” They all chorused except me, I removed his hand from my shoulder.

“Am I?” I asked and then stood up to leave.

“Yes of course or what are we? ” Manuel asked as he got up. “Come on. Let’s go hit on some girls before you get married.”

“I’m sorry but no. Thanks.” I turned to leave.

“Why? Tryna act faithful?” Juan stopped me. “Ricardo, I wonder what you use to feel like sometimes. A god? Or what?
That you’re the CEO of Alejandrozz doesn’t mean that someone else can’t take it away from you.”

“Juan, you’re going a bit overboard.” Pedro cautioned.

“What? You wanna thr_@ten me?” I asked.

Juan was on his feet. “Yes. Can’t I? Why? Because your little witch will show up and wreck it?”

“You think she can’t? Are you scared?” I asked pulling closer to him.

Javier pushed me back slightly as I got too close to Juan. “I think this joke should come to an end now.” He said.

“You all started it.” I replied glaring at Juan.

“Ricardo, it’s good to see you coming close for a fight. I guess your little witch is grooming you to be a fighter too.”Juan said smirking.

“And stop calling her a witch. I don’t wanna hear that from you, one more time.”I warned.

“Or you do what?” Javier was cast aside as we came close to each other, fire and brimstone cooking between the two of us. I wanted to hit him real hard if he dared push me more than he had already done.

“You guys should stop. The girls are watching.” Pedro said.

“They won’t stop, leave them to fight. I wanna know where Ricardo’s new strength will get him.” Manuel said half laughing.

“I’m concerned. I mean, he’s a groom-to-be. Imagine walking down the aisle with patches of wounds on his handsome face. That won’t sit so nice yunno.” Fernando said while they all laughed.

“That’s not gonna be funny at all. Especially when his wife shows up. We’re all gonna die.” Javier said and the laughter increased.

“His wife show up here. I want her to, I wanna give her a place to stay. She can’t be stupid enough to show up here and defend this fool.” Fernando boasted.

I clenched my fist. If I’m gonna fight, who am I gonna start with? Juan, Javier, Fernando or Manuel or even Diego? They’re all annoying.

“I think Ricardo is really pissed. You guys should stop pushing him to the edge.”Diego said.

“We’re not doing anything to him Diego so shut the f-__-k up and stop pretending to be nice. I heard you speaking with your friend Luis on how you plan on f-__-king Ricardo’s wife.” Manuel said and I cast my eyes to Diego.

“That’s not entirely true Ricardo. Cousin Manuel is lying.” Diego replied half laughing and rolling his eyes.

“Not entirely means that it’s true Cousin.” Pedro said chuckling. “Wow! But why are you guys so obsessed with Ricardo’s bride anyway. She’s so tiny compared to Lucia.”

“Because she’s got everything! Can’t you see that? Even dumb Ricardo knows what’s good for him. Imagine choosing the highest car company and dealer in the country, mehn! Ricardo is a bastard.” Juan said and I punched him. And suddenly, the light in the room went off.

Hell yeah! I lost it, hitting him in the dark with all my might.
Punching someone for the first time in my life felt so good. Especially when all my anger, everything I’ve been bottling up flowed out, I kicked him to the floor.


Yes! Why do I let them take advantage of me all the time. When I got myself again, I was on top of him, giving him the biggest beating of his life. Something I’ve never done before. I’m doing it and it felt so good to finally act on my feelings.

Pedro came at me and I kicked him away. Fernando wrestled with me, he gave me a punch which sent me sprawling to the floor but I was quick to get up, to fight back. I imagined Carmen venting her anger, how she’d look like if she was actually the one fighting at this moment.

I latched at Fernando, my fingers went to his face. I made sure that I left marks on his face as I grabbed his hair and yanking him from side to side. I made sure that he will have to see his doctor for a week before he will be able to reason or think again. He punched me in my stomach and that’s when I lost balance and let him go.

The rest of the families have already gathered around us. The light restored. Everyone at the party made their way towards us.

Cameras where clicking everywhere while the guards struggled to keep every camera out of our faces, especially mine.

The guards made sure to send Non-family members away from the house unknown to me.

“Wow! Ricardo, guess you’ve learnt how to fight back.” Manuel said as he launched towards me.

I slapped him. Once and then twice. I imagined Carmen doing that and it felt so good. Is this how she always felt fighting back to everyone who trampled on her.

“Are you shocked that I’m finally retaliating?” I asked and didn’t give him a chance to hit back before I slapped him again. He kneed my stomach with his right knee and I thought I’m gonna die because of the pain.

“You forgot that I’m older than you huh!” He grabbed my hair and held tight, pulling and I felt like my scalp will burn out because of the way he was dragging it.

“Can you all stop!!!” Diego’s mother yelled as she came to us but no, the five of us isn’t done yet. Or rather, I’m not done yet. I don’t care if I get beaten today but these five, I must give them a mark which they all won’t forget in a hurry.

Especially Diego.

The speed which I used to hold him, punching him like my life depended on it was out of the world. I wanted to just ki|| him. What? He wants to sleep with my wife? Is he crazy? I know that I don’t get any respect from them but my wife, can he go that far? Is he insane!! Is he mad!!

“Wow! Ricardo, your father will be so proud of you right now.” Diego was giggling with blood in his mouth. I spat on his face.

Before I could hit him again, the guards held me down. And the rest of them. “Let me go!!” I was struggling. “Let me go!! I’m not done yet! I’m not done with all of them!!”

“And why are you all holding him?” I heard Carmen’s voice as she stood before me. An unusual feeling crept into me at the sight of her.
She was fuming like she always does. Her hands on her waist, she was tapping her feet furiously on the floor.

“Why are you holding him? Let him go!! He needs to beat those men parrots!! Why hold him back when he’s actually doing a very good job for this family!?”

“Can you please shift Miss Carmen?” One of the guards requested but she still stood.
Not moving.

“I’m not going anywhere! And if I do! Better hold me because I’m gonna break some necks.” She looked at my face. “Look at those bruises on my Cardo’s face!! I’m not gonna take that!!”

“Take her away!!” I heard one of my aunties shout.

“Don’t touch her. She’s out of this.” I replied as guards advanced towards her. They stayed back.

“Carmen.” I heard her father call her but she still stood. Not going anywhere. “Carmen.” Her father repeated but she still refused to move.

My Carmen.

“I’m not going anywhere. Why is the entire family against one person!! Well, I’m here and everyone who did as much as punch him has to pay for this.”

“Carmen. I’m fine.” I said trying to smile but she wasn’t comfortable with my answer. She stepped closer to me and touched my hurting cheeks due to punches.

“You look terrible Cardo.” She sobered saying in a lowly voice.

“I’m fine.”

She smiled back at me. “You did a good job back there Cardo. I was cheering for you. I made sure no one would interrupt the fight. That’s why I turned off the light.”

Oh. I wonder why the light suddenly went off when I was beating up Juan. So it was her who turned it off. So she have been here for quite a while now?

Oh my Carmen. Can she be less attractive in her life?

The guards pushed her aside with a shove, I was led away facing the cursing from my aunties, the speechless faces on my uncles and grand uncles. But I didn’t care. As long as Carmen isn’t angry for seeing me fight, I didn’t give a f-__-k about anything else.
“How dare you!” Diego’s mother asked as she raised her hand and slapped me as I knelt before her in her private living room. Her husband, the birthday celebrant sat on the couch fuming furiously.

I gritted my teeth because of the pain coming from the slap. “How dare you hit my sons? What? You wanna act mighty because you think you’re mighty?” She was yelling.

“Babe, calm down. It’s okay. I’ve already spoken to his father. He’s on his way.” My uncle said.

“On his way? Babe he’s on his way? After what he did to your sons? That’s all you’ve got to say! Haven’t he disgraced us enough?”

“Babe, calm down. Come and sit down here and let’s talk it out.”

She insisted, “No! I can’t talk it out.” She turned to me once again. “Who do you think you’re? What made you think you can beat up my sons as you wanted?
So finally, you’ve gone crazy! How dare you! How dare you Ricardo.
I know, you’re the Alejandrozz CEO, maybe that’s your drive, maybe you think you can lord over anyone since you’re the CEO of that big company but remember this, you’re nothing but a full grown fool! We all know it!!”


Her words stung like hell. I felt so ashamed of myself and for the first time in my life, I saw through the woman’s smiles towards me.
It’s a fake! She wasn’t actually smiling with me from her heart. Hypocrite!

“Babe that’s enough. Let him go. Ricardo never gets angrily easily, the boys must’ve gotten on his nerves so badly that he could hardly resist__”

“What? What are you saying babe!”

The door suddenly flew open, guards repeatedly trying to hold someone back, shuffling their feets and mumbling until she struggled her way out of them.

And she was Carmen.

My baby Carmen.

She always knows how to show up at the right time in my life.

“And what’s this rat doing here? And why are you all not taking her away?”

“First person to touch me will lose his balls and I will make sure of that. I don’t make empty promises.” Carmen’s words flew out and every guard stayed back.

“Take her away!!” But no one dared to come close, not to talk of touching her.

I smiled.

She’s my Carmen of course.

My baby boo.

Mi esposa.

She was standing like my little heroine. Her hands on her waist and glaring at my aunt with so much h@ťě in her eyes.

“Cardo, did she touch you?”



“She slapped me.”

“Then we need to get the slap back.” She said as she threw herself at her.


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