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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



Ha!! I got what I wanted. That little witch fought me and beat me up, wounded me, but it was a good thing she did so. At least, I used that as a weapon to visit Ricardo in his office and guilt trip him. He was all over me when he saw me crying and playing the victim.

And it was more fun when I thr_@tened to file a lawsuit against his family and he was pleading, offering to do all my bidding if only I will spare his little wife, which pissed me off so much. Why would he wanna risk so much for her?

“No la toques (Don’t touch her.) She’s just a child.”

Those words. It pricked me. It made me want to tear her apart. What would I do to make her mad? What would I do to get him back? To make him look at me and then say *no* to his wedding? What can I use against him? Then her? What can I do to piss her off?

And Walla! I made him go on a date with me, I lied that I had a $h00t to go to, then a interview and he was following me around, posing for pictures. And I kissed him.

I made sure that cameras were clicking, news flying, whenever I’m with him. I held hands with him even though he acted coldly towards me. Always gave me cold expressions and always worried about something which I can’t lay my finger on. Is he worried about his wife? Why would he be? Why would he be worried when he’s with me?

I’m one of the prettiest actress in the country. Many guys are dying to have me, even if it’s for a night. I’m a hot model, I have so many cosmetic companies who want me to model their products, and what? Ricardo isnt happy to be with me!

But at least, I was happy seeing the headlines all over the place.




It made me want to try harder. At least, if I can get the press on my side, Ricardo will be trapped. They will be in so much shock when they learn that he’s actually getting married to someone who is lesser than I am, she’s not even that pretty and she’s so young!!

“Lucia, why are you doing this?” He asked as he checked his phone over and over again.

“Doing what?”

“This is not right. Why are you doing this to me? I’m set to be married few days from now. I should be with my wife and here I am, at your acting location? Doing what?”

“You can go. You may leave if you want to. But just know that, you’re being harsh on me. We once dated even if we’re no more together.”

“That’s not the point Lucia. The point is that, you using me. That’s what you’re doing. To get all these bloggers talking about you on social media. Aren’t you happy? The internet is all about you now.”

“Ricardo, I was doing this for the two of us.”

“No. I’m only doing this because I don’t want you to file a lawsuit against my wife. I don’t want you to harm her. She’s so little to be caught in the games you play but you’re taking this too far.”

“Ricardo! You’re painting me as a bad person!”

“I know what you want. You want me to sponsor your industry. Am I wrong?” He asked and words got stuck in my throat.
How did he find out? That’s not even the only reason I want him.

“That’s not it Ricardo. That’s not the only reason I want you in my life.”

“But it’s the main reason you approached me.” He cut in and then scoffed afterwards.

“You know what Lucia? I was so shocked when I saw the proposal on my desk yesterday. I asked my secretary and she told me about how your industry are requesting for a sponsor on their new show.”

I wanted to speak. To clarify myself. But I can’t find the right words to say. I was angry with the person who submitted the proposal after talking me into meeting Ricardo for it. I felt so cornered and betrayed.

“Don’t worry Lucia, I’ve already signed it. I’m gonna sponsor the show. After all, I have some designs to model and I want your industry to help me with it. It’s a win win. You don’t have to cut through corners to get what you want. Stop playing with my emotions and stop treating me like a fool.”

I grabbed his arms. “Ricardo no. I love you. I want you back. I need you back in my life.”

“Stop being pathetic Lucia. You were so brave and unshaken by anything when we broke up few months ago. As if nothing could faze you. So why now? Because you want to keep using me?”

Tears filled my eyes. “Ricardo, I will do anything for you.”

“You don’t have to. And please, I don’t want to get in trouble with my wife.”

“Wife! Wife!! Wife!!! All the time, wife!! When did you even meet her and your emotions run so deep for her? For that little girl? What would the world say when they know that you’re getting married to that kid? Will she survive the hit?”

“That’s not up to you. Just stay away from her. I’m begging you, don’t stress her. I don’t want her to be involved with you.”

I began to laugh sadly. My heart was clenching tightly and causing me so much pain.

And just then, we heard shouts coming towards us. “Where are they? Leave me alone! Let me go! Don’t touch me!!!” The voice was so loud and we were both distracted from speaking further and then he was panicking and gasping, like he saw something scary.

“What’s it?” I asked him.

“My wife is here.” He grabbed my arm. “We need to run. Fast!” He dragged me along with him as we began to run.

Why are we running? I don’t know but it felt so good running with him and hiding with him. Especially when he was holding me close to his arms in the dark hollow shed, cutting down on my breathing with his palm which was on my nose.

“Shhh. We are gonna be as good as dead if she finds us.” He whispered into my ears.

I didn’t speak. But I wished she could find us. She won’t dare cause a ruse infront of everyone like she did the last time. She will be as good as dead when she tries that. My fans will lynch her to death. I tried to make noise as much I can but he made sure we won’t be caught.

“Why are you so afraid of her?” I whispered and he ignored me, still looking out.

Why will he marry someone he’s gonna be afraid of for the rest of his life? Is he insane? What sort of marriage is this? Where your wife controls you, even where you go. How did she know we’re here?

That little witch!


What was I thinking? I knew she’s gonna find me. Those photos, the news and juicy headlines I saw about me isn’t funny. I know she won’t just sit back and watch.

I felt so guilty but at the same time, I prayed she doesn’t find me. Or Lucia. It would be disastrous if she does.

My chest was ripping apart seeing her argue with my guards and then she was struggling with them as they tried to take her away after I sent them a text to do so.

“Let me go!!” I heard her screams as they took her away.

Strangely, my eyes caught my cousin’s, Diego sticking by her side.Why is he with her? I wanted to know but not now. I need to get out of this shitty hole first and find out what he’s doing here with Carmen.

“You seem lost. And you’re breathing heavily, are you sure you’re okay?” Lucia asked and I wished she can just shut up for once. I’m in big trouble because of her and she’s still dragging this out huh?

Few minutes later, the ruse died down. And we stepped out of our hiding place. “Are you okay?” I asked as I checked her out from head to toe, apart from her current wounds, no new one was added to her body.

I wonder what would’ve happened if Carmen got her hands on her. She would’ve added new ones or maybe she would’ve sent her to the ICU for some years. She will make sure Lucia will be in coma for a long time because of the kind of beating she would’ve given her.

“I’m fine. You look more shaken than I am. Are you sure you can go home now?”

“I have to. I need to see her before she goes crazy looking for me.” I said and turned to go but she grabbed my arm.

“Ricardo, are you sure you don’t need to take this girl to the rehab or the juvie? I mean, why is she acting this way? Are you sure you’re marrying a normal girl?” I pecked up my brow looking at her, trying to get her point.

“I mean, she’s a teenager and don’t even know how the marriage world works. I’m sure she haven’t even had segz before, she don’t even know what it’s like to be with a man and yet, she’s crazy and disrespectful_”

“Watch your mouth Lucia.”I warned snapping at her. I rolled my eyes afterwards. “You’re so lucky she didn’t get her hands on you today. Just pray to God, she doesn’t find you afterwards. Cuz it’s gonna be disastrous.” I said and left.
I drove straight to my company, thinking she’s gonna be there but she wasn’t there, though, my secretary told me that two young teenagers stopped by looking for me with utmost anger.
Young teenagers? That must be her and Diego. I wonder why Diego is sticking to her side. What’s with him? How did he come to be with her? That shouldn’t bother me now. Finding her is my top priority at the moment.

And I drove to her place, she wasn’t there either. I went over to mine, she wasn’t there too. I went to my Designing room, thinking that she may be there but she wasn’t! Where could she be? I phoned her school, no record of her being in school?

Where is she? Where did Diego take her to? And why will Diego be with my wife when we’re not even in good terms? When was the last time we spoke to each other and he’s with my wife!! I phoned him immediately. He wasn’t taking my calls. Neither was she.

I was going crazy. My head wanted to burst. My heart was in pieces. Not like she had friends I could call to ask after her.

Why did I run away from her when she came looking for me? I asked myself breathing heavily, it was getting dark and yet, I can’t find her. I sent out my guards to look for her, I was scared that something might’ve happened to her.

How could I have been so foolish? How did I leave her alone, all by herself when she took pains to meet me and all I did was to hide away from her. And now I can’t even reach her.

I was restless. It was getting pretty late. 09:30pm and still, no sign of her.
I was so scared to phone her father, not after what I did. He must really h@ťě me now.

Soon, my father was home, a grim expression on his face. And it’s because of me. My mother was angry with me over dinner.

“You’re still going out with Lucia, after what happened the last time? Ricardo, when are you going to come to your senses.”

“Mom, he’s doing the right thing. I don’t know why you guys are so obsessed with that little child.” Louisa chipped in.

“Can you keep quiet and let your mother speak?” Father shunned her and eyed me. “Where’s Carmen?” He asked and I couldn’t answer that. Not when I don’t even know where she is.

“Do you even know how she must be feeling right now?” Mother asked and I felt so terrible. Of course, I know how she’s feeling and it makes me feel worse, not being able to find her is crushing me internally.

“Serves her right. She should know her place and stop trying to dine with the elders when she’s nothing but a child.” Victoria said with disgust.

“Victoria is right mother. I’m glad our little brother is coming back to his senses.” Bernadette said.

“Find Carmen. Now!” My father screamed and I was off the table immediately.
I was out of the house, with the guards, I drove out. I phoned her number severally, no sign of her.

And that’s when I realized, how little I know of her, what she likes, what she loves doing, places she loves going to, what she loves eating. Infact, all her likes and dislikes, I knew nothing about it all!

And it’s so frustrating because I can’t even tell where she is at the moment. Where she will be in this kind of situation. Where’s her solace? Aren’t I the worst husband material.

I’m sorry Carmen.

I’m sorry that I’m not being a good husband to you but I will try harder.

I tried Diego’s line one more time but still, he wasn’t taking my call! I phoned Diego’s brother.

“Yes. How you doing?”

“Ricardo, you’re calling me today of all days. What’s popping? It’s strange to have you call me.”

“Where’s your brother?”

“Which of my brothers?”

“Diego. Where’s he?”

He smirked over the phone making me more enraged. “Diego? When did you become so close with Diego to the extent of asking about him?”

“Where’s he!!!!!” I yelled, I was very surprised to hear my own voice.

“Ricardo, first time you’re raising your voice at someone.”

I clenched my fist. I was losing it. “That’s not my question. Where’s Diego?”

“I’m not his guard, I’m not my brother’s keeper. ” I hung up immediately, he wasn’t helping matters at all.

After several minutes of frustration and anger, Diego finally returned my call. I took it immediately.

“Yes? Where’s my wife? Where’s she?”

“You talk as if you know that I’m with her. So you were actually at the location when we came to look for you?”

“That’s not my question, Diego. Where’s Carmen?”

“Come pick her up in the Alejandrozz restaurant, she’s lying wasted on her chair.”

Wasted? I panicked.

“What did you do to her?” I’m gonna skin him alive if he did as much as touch her not to talk of doing something funny with her.

“She’s drunk. Dead drunk because of you. Come and take her. She have refused to go unless you come to her.”

No need to exchange words again. I ordered the chauffeur to turn the car around and head to my restaurant.


This is all my fault.

Carmen is dead drunk because of me?

I must’ve stressed her out a lot.

Foolish me.


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