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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



I retired to bed thinking of my life. How easy I am. How easily I believe people. And how cruel people can be. Why must they make me trust them if they know that they don’t deserve to be trusted.

I know my parents are not saying it about what happened to me today but I know that I’m like a failure to them. I can’t even argue about my sudden marriage simply because I don’t want to disappoint them the more.

I sighed. Can I be less disappointing in my life? Is there a way to learn not to trust people, learn not to be soft?

Why do I always try to discover the good in people at all times even when they’re bad? That’s how Lucia cheated on me two months ago bringing our three years relationship to an end.

I never knew that Lucia didn’t love me but my money. My name, my fame and not me. She loved what I am in the world. She needed someone to boost up her fame in the acting industry and she found me very easy to get.

And as foolish as I was, I loved her blindly. I did everything for her. Signed every document for her. I went to her events for her. I cheered for her.

When she made her first debut in filming, I was there for her. When she was crowned the best actress of the year, it was because of my influence and that was what interested her in the first place.

And I never knew all this until the day I caught her cheating on me. With my own personal bodyguard, Khalid! I trusted him but I didn’t know that Lucia put him on my tail. To check me out at all times.

How foolish! And how heartbreaking it was. Imagine hearing I LOVE YOU fall out from the person you love all the time and then realising that it was a facade. It was all lies.

And it hurts me because back then, it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life.

I sighed and got out of my bed, strolling into my study and the table drawer. I slided one of it open and there lay the shiny box diamond ring I bought to propose to Lucia shining into my eyes.

I thought I’ve loved her enough to be able to marry her. I thought the only thing left between us is marriage and I was wrong! So wrong! I was tricked. Lucia made a fool of me.

Everyone tricks me. They call me foolish. Because I choose to trust, believe and encourage other people. I thought that’s the least I can do for the pitiful eyes I see all the time.

Isn’t my life disappointing enough. I lose money all time. My father might not talk or yell at me but I know that he’s so ashamed to have such a son like me.

And now they talk of marriage, I can’t even object. Why will I even get married? Whom am I going to marry? Who will marry a man like me? Won’t she be so embarrassed to have someone like me? Won’t she dupe me too? Stamp on me and laugh behind my back cuz of my foolishness?

I heaved. I opened the ring box and touched the shiny diamond ring lying romantically inside of it. I heaved again. Then I dropped it and closed the drawer. I reached for my coat and wore it.

I need to get some fresh air. I put on some comfy pants and then white sneakers before I strolled out of the house.

“No me sigas. (Don’t follow me.) I wanna be alone.” I said to my body guards when I noticed them following me from all angles.

“No señor. (No sir.)” One said. “Mr. Alejandro told us to never let you out of our sight.”

I turned to him and he fidgeted a bit. Maybe because of the hard gaze I threw at him. “I’m not going very far from here. And I’m fine.” I said and began to move while they still followed me.

I stopped walking and turned to them. “Don’t follow me, I’m fine. Or is it that hard to trust someone? Is it so hard to trust someone like me? You think I’m a fool too right?” I asked out of anger and frustration. Following me made me feel like a foolish son who cannot be trusted with anything, even his life.

“Sir, we are just doing our job.”

“And I say that I don’t need your services now. “

But they didn’t listen. They followed me out of the mansion and into the streets but not too closely. They gave me space. Just what I needed.

I enjoyed the weather, the people who walked past me on the busy road. Old couples passing by and smiling at me. Young girls drooling and whispering behind my back.

“Gosh! That’s one hell of a handsome man! Looks like a rich one, can’t you see his coat? It’s an Alejandrozz designer coat!”

“Wow! Angels really exist.”

“Did you see that guy? Looking like a CEO. Look how rich he is.”

“He is so handsome! I wanna marry him.”

I smirked. I get this all the time I come out. They say I’m very handsome and their ideal man but that’s not what I believe in.

I believe that everyone looks the same. They just need someone who can appreciate him/her for whom he/she is.

But seeing me all the time, drooling, dying to have me and to touch me makes me marvel on how low the level of intelligence of this world still operates at.

I sighed. The breeze blowing into my hair and calming my troubled heart. This is why I love taking a nightwalk. It makes all my day’s work and all my worries look less burdensome.

Each time I come out to see a beautiful world, shiny people smiling at each other. See children currying at their parent’s sides. See couples promising and wishing to be the best couple.

Seeing sad faces, people who wished they can be trusted a little bit so they can have hope, so they can live on a bit. It makes me calm. It reminds me of how much I owe this world.

High school kids playing around at a far distance caught my attention. I smiled at first watching them laugh with each other, I stopped walking, my hand crossed against my back as I watched them.

A small looking girl was in the circle shouting, boys surrounded her. When I looked closely, it was no play. The boys were pushing her. Tossing her from one hand to the other while the girl was struggling to keep up her pace with the toss.

I frowned. Why will all these guys be against one small girl. Do they want to hurt her? Guess some bad boys still exist in the world.

I changed my direction to that of the high schoolers. And as I came closer, I could hear their giggles and laughs, they were really having fun scaring the little girl.


The bastard called me as I climbed the stairs, heading to my room, to sleep as my father had instructed. I refused to answer his call and he texted me.


I won’t have been angry, the message won’t have fazed me at all but seeing Ɓîtçh at the end of his message made my stomach boil. It made my whole body itch. I know that I won’t rest until I get out and have it out with him.

He must’ve been so unsatisfied with the beating earlier. I promise to give him a good beating this time. Frail? He calls me frail.

I went into my room in a rush, wore my boots. My thick Alejandrozz designer jacket, I put on my black jean pant and headed out.

“A dónde crees que vas? (And where do you think you’re going?)” My father’s voice stopped me at the door. I sighed. It’s already an end mission if he had caught me. So all my tiptoeing was in vain. How can a father have such sharp eyes and sharp ears?

I turned and tried to smile. “Uhm, wanna buy something outside.” I lied.

“What about your servant?”.

“Stop calling Amélie my servant.” I pouted. I wonder how many times I need to remind him about it. Amélie is more than a servant to me. She’s my only friend, she understands me more than anyone. She never judged me. She saw reasons with me at all times.

“And where is she? What is she doing? That’s her job and that’s why she works for you.”

“Dad, I can’t make her do everything for me. And she’s sick. I’d be so cruel to make her buy something for me in her sorry state.” Good job! This lie was smooth__I praised myself but my father’s next question made it crumble, null and void.

“What do you want to buy?”

“Something.” $h|t! Can’t he just let me go already? My phone was buzzing. The bastard was calling me again. He was texting me. Calling me a coward. I need to show him that I’m not. That I can beat ten times of him without getting tired.

“And it doesn’t have a name. I will make Jasper get it for you.”

“You don’t have to. I can go by myself.”

He shook his head.”Of course not.”

I pouted and then frowned. “Why? I can take care of myself. Tengo dieciocho papá. (I’m eighteen dad.)

“You’re not going anywhere and that’s final. Get back to your room.”

I didn’t argue. His angry eyes warned me not to throw a tantrum right now, not after all the troubles I’ve caused. I gulped and dragged my feet to my room. I heard him shouting to the guards to make sure I didn’t leave the mansion.

That was more annoying because immediately I got in, I heard their footsteps at my door and then, they locked me in. I will make sure to fire them all when I get out.

I sat down on my bed feeling so frustrated, wasted. His messages pouring into my phone, each message hurting as much as the last one, I wanted to badly crack his head open until my gaze shifted to my window. A perfect escape.

I smiled. And rushed to the window, I opened it and a cool breeze filled my nostrils warming me up. Cooling my temper and encouraging me to jump as high as possible, that it’s gonna be there to catch me.

But not so, as I managed to jumped down through the aids of a fake rope I made with my curtains and long dresses, I had my knee scraped and my expensive jacket torn.

But it didn’t stop me from sneaking out of the mansion, I found myself in the streets heading to the location the bastard texted to me earlier.

And when I finally met him, I was so happy. “And the Ɓîtçh is here!” He shouted and several boys came out from nowhere.

He tricked me. How can he gather boys because of a girl like me. It was amusing and then interesting. Is he already admitting that I’m stronger than him, else, why call so many boys.

“So she’s the girl?” One asked and he nodded.

“Yes, she’s the Ɓîtçh who disgraced me in school. The girl who burnt all my belongings in the motel yesterday.”

“You mean this thing?” Another said smirking and sizing me up with his gaze which was so insulting to me. So I removed one of my boots and threw it to his face.

He got a nose bleed. “How dare you!!” They screamed coming at me while I was smiling, seeing the guy clutching his bleeding nose.

They tossed me, hit me, it wasn’t funny, they were stronger than me, I wish I was fighting one of them at one time but it was impossible, because they all came at me at once.

“You guys should stop! My dad is gonna sue all of you!!” I screamed while one kicked me. Real hard that I fell hard on my butt.

Then the bastard told them to stop, he rushed to me. My body was aching. I couldn’t move. Only looking at them and trying not to cry or show off my weakness to them.

“You’re still glaring at me like a witch that you’re, huh?” He said raising his hand to strike my face, I closed my eyes expecting the worst.

Deep inside of me, I prayed for someone to show up and save my beautiful face. I so much love my face and a slap might ruin or leave a scar on it. I didn’t want that. Why don’t he kick me or boot me in other parts of my body? My face is a no no.

I shut my eyes so tight. Shut my ears so I won’t hear the sound of the slap. My eyes were closed for too long, no strike was happening. I wondered why. Is he taking his time or wanna play with me?

Time to act then, I raised one of my knee and butted him in his groin, I heard a loud groan.

I acted swiftly, I pushed him down and landed on top of him before I opened my eyes so I can begin to punch his stupid face.

But I went limp when I was greeted with the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Yellowish and glowing.

He was staring into my eyes, his mouth a bit parted. His breathe warmed my face, making my face grow red and hot. Who is he? Where is the bastard?


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