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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna


I barged into her house breathing heavily. “Lucia where are you?” I asked but no sign of her. Is she okay wherever she is. I was worried and I got scared when I searched for her from one room to another and still no sign of her.

“Lucia. Lucia…” I repeated and just then, I heard her squeals and cries coming from her kitchen, I rushed over there and she was squatting down on the cold tiled floor, her face buried into her knees and she was shaking terribly.

My heart sank, tore apart as I watched her. Her long hair was scattered all over her legs and she looked like a lost puppy who is getting rained since the owner rejected him. And that made my heart reach out to her.

“Lucia.” I called again and she looked up, her eyes all puffy and wet from tears. Her lips were shaking. She must’ve cried so much.
Oh.God. who must’ve made her this way?

“Babe.” She called and I went over to her. She began to sob afresh as she fell on my shoulders, “What took you so long to get here? “

“It’s okay. I’m here now.”

“Don’t leave me. Please don’t you dare leave me now, else I’m gonna cut myself and die.”

“You will do no such thing Lucia. I won’t let you do that either.” I patted her shoulder, caressed her back before I lifted her up and carried her to her room and to her bed, I lay her down and tucked the pillow under her head.

I sat down on the bed watching her, “Are you feeling better now?” I asked and she held my arm.

“Don’t leave me.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“But you seem to be in a rush. Like you don’t wanna be with me for even another minute.”

“That’s not it. It’s just that it’s really late and I have to go to work tomorrow.”

She sat up from the bed and wiped her eyes, she sniffed and then; “Just stay a while, I’m so scared to be by myself right now, just a while and I will let you go.”she said.


“Thanks for coming.” She said after five minutes of silence. “I didn’t know you’re gonna show up after all that happened between us.”

I gave her a warm smile. “It’s fine. You were in trouble and that would be so bad of me to let you suffer alone.”

“Awww, so you’re still that sweet guy that I dated?”

I shrugged smiling from one corner of my lips. For some reason, I began to feel very uncomfortable and I wanted to leave, as quick as possible.
It felt so awkward to be here and thinking of Carmen made it worse. What am I gonna tell her? I know she might not mean so much to me but she’s going to throw a huge feat when she finds out about this? How am I going to calm her down when she acts up? Or am I going to lie? Won’t she chop off her hairs with her fingers with her puppy eyes blistering with anger?

That’s scary!

Cold shivers ran down my spine immediately, what am I doing here? At night, with my ex…oh sweet lord! Carmen will skin me alive if she gets to know of this. The situation is going to be so crazy because she have never seen Lucia before and she already have a hatred for her, now imagine if she gets to know that I’m with Lucia. Fighting with my secretary and firing her, nearly beating up a waiter will be so cheap compared to what will happen with Lucia. Because she h@ťěs to hear that name already.

“I think I need to go.” I suddenly stood up but she sat me down by just a drag of my hand.

“You promised to stay a while. And now you’re leaving.”

“You’re fine now. And I gotta go. It’s getting pretty late.”

“Why? You shy? Do you feel uncomfortable being in the same room with me? Is it awkward for you or does it still hurt you?”

“That’s not it. I just…”

“Ricardo, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I made you come here for no good reason. I’m so sorry and I will make sure to never bother you again.”she shut me out soundly deeply hurt. “Just go, if that’s what you want.” She said but I couldn’t leave, not with her looking like that.

I sighed and sat down not making a move. “Why are you still here? I know I’m a horrible human being to you and I’ve always treated you wrongly but at least, can’t you be nice to me? I’m going through a lot, I need someone but I have no one on my side and I reached out to you…do you know how hard it was for me to reach out to you after what I did to you? But I swallowed my pride and did it. And now you are treating me like I’m a bug. “

“I’m sorry.” I touched her arm while she wiped a tear off her face.

“That’s better but you can leave if you want to. I’m fine on my own. At least, I’ve been okay without you for the past months even though I missed you so much.” And she began to pull closer. She touched my face and my heart skipped.

I think it’s high time I left. But why is my butt still glued to her bed? I can’t avoid her charming face. Not her lips either.

Remember Carmen??

Oh yeah!!

She’s gonna ki|| me for real this time. I tried to push Lucia away but I was so afraid of hurting her feelings, when she might have nice intentions.

“Ricardo, I missed you. I really did and I think everything is punishing me for leaving you. Everyone talks to me anyhow, my industry treats me like a leper and they talk to me as they wanted just because you’re not there anymore for me.” She said and I couldn’t help but pity her.

Hold on. Pity her? We can’t pity her, not now, we need to leave. She was touching my chest and my shoulders and her fingers are moving lower and lower and my body is getting stirred up!

Oh Carmen!! I’m so done!! That little kid is gonna make sure I die before the day of our wedding.

I pulled her hand away carefully so it won’t hurt her feelings and she was quick to return her hand, going a bit harder on me this time. “Ricardo, I didn’t want our relationship to end. I just couldn’t let go off you and when it finally occured to me that I couldn’t have you anymore, I was so broken.” Her fingers were playing with my fur coat, as if she wanted to take it off.

What’s she doing?

Her face drew closer to mine. “And you still make me want you Ricardo. Remember our first night?”

“I do. I can never forget it.” I replied hastily.

“Me too.” She pecked my cheek and I think that was the highest I could take. I pushed her away slightly. If I’m not thinking about anything, at least, I think of Carmen, I’m not ready to die yet.

“What do you want Lucia? Is anything bothering you? Do you need some money?” Because I know she loves money so much. And not like she loved me when we were dating, she was after my money and what I could do for her outside the bed.

“Ricardo?” She gave me a hurtful look which made me feel like a bad guy. I’m hurting her feelings again. “So you think I called you over here because of your money?”

“I don’t think so but, at least, you may want something. That’s why you called me over.” I said shrugging praying to God to help me at this moment.

“I want you.”


“Can’t I want you back into my life? Is that rude? Or you don’t want me back?”

My head became heavy. I blinked more than twice. I first of all, stood up from the bed to know what exactly is happening. Did I get tricked again? Did she get me here with her stupid cries to whine about wanting me? Or wanting my money? Okay let’s slow down with thinking or getting unnecessarily worked up.


“Can’t I want you back?”

“We both know that you don’t want me back. You want something that’s not me and you know it. Name your price, how much do you want?”

“Ricardo!!” She got down from her bed coming towards me. “Is that what you’re gonna say to me? Someone who have had so many sleepless nights because of you. Didn’t you see me crying and calling you? It’s the extent I missed you, I was wrong to think that I only wanted your money, it’s now that I realized that I want everything about you.”

She sounded so convincing.

Cruel me! Why did I doubt her?

“But it’s too late. It’s too late to want me back.”

She frowned, crossed her arms beneath her chest. “Why? Why is it too late to want you back now?”

“Because I’m getting married.”

“What? You’re getting married? Tell me you’re lying because that can’t be true.”

But I’m serious and she saw the look on my face to confirm that. I guess this should put her off for a while.

She was mute for a while. And then she was pacing the entire time. What’s she thinking? Why is she pacing so seriously? What’s her plan? Why did she call me over? Did she really want me back? And why am I so excited about it? And why am I so scared of being here on a second thought?

Can I trust her? This is why Carmen will always say that you don’t need to flirt with them because they will. Because I’m already good enough and I don’t need to try to get them, they will always come for me.

Speaking of Carmen, is she okay? I checked for my phone in my pocket and it was switched off. f-__-k! She might’ve woken up and tried to call me but can’t reach me.

What kind of mess have I put my self into?

Why do I feel like I’m regretting coming here in the first place. I mean, my chapter with Lucia have been closed few months ago and I ran over to her just because she gave me a depressing call.

And all she’s talking about don’t make sense to me now that I think about. And I can’t even leave. Because I’m waiting for her to stop pacing and speak to me so I will know if I should get going or not.

She suddenly stopped pacing as if she heard my thoughts and her eyes were fixed on me. “Since when?” She asked.

“Is that important now?”

“Yes it is!! Because I need to figure out if you’re trying to get a revenge on me or just being real. Who is she anyway and why is their no news of you getting married.”

“Because we’re not ready to make it public.”

“Why can’t you make it public? It’s so obvious that you don’t love her. An arranged marriage right? I thought so.” She touched my shoulder. “Ricardo, I can tell that you still care about me. If not, you won’t be here in the first place.”


“It’s okay. I wish you luck on your wedding and I’m not gonna bother you again for real.”


“Just know that I love you. I always do. You can go. I don’t want you to get into trouble because of me.” She said while I nodded. I should leave, I shouldn’t let her words confuse me, not now, else, I will make things worse.

I turned to leave but before I reached the door, I changed my mind. I didn’t want to leave again. I can’t leave her all alone to cry by herself. She said that she have been heartbroken for so many nights because of me, leaving her like this, won’t it be so rude.

“Aren’t you leaving again?”

“I will leave after I tuck you in bed and watch you sleep.”

She smiled towards me while I led her to her bed. I laid her down and tucked her into sheets…

Next morning,

I stirred. I yawned before I finally opened my eyes and I was shocked to see Lucia lying next to me. I sprang up immediately. What’s going on? What’s happening? Why am I lying next to Lucia. I peeped into the sheets and we were both naked.

I gasped. How?

I cupped my mouth. No. It can’t be. Did I do anything to her? No, there’s no way it happened without me knowing of it? But how come we’re naked? Gosh! This is not happening. Hope I’m dreaming? I need to wake up pretty quick because this isn’t good.

I climbed down from the bed pretty fast, I didn’t even wait up for her to wake up, I rushed my clothes into my body, my heart beating really fast.

I’m in trouble…was the only sentence my head kept screaming.

Carmen. What am I gonna tell her? How am I gonna avoid her?

What went wrong? Not like I was drunk last night.

I rushed home. “Ricardo, where have you been?” My immediate younger sister Victoria stopped me at the door as soon as I walked in. But that wasn’t my bother now, I need to wash, if possible, scrub myself clean before that kid shows up.


“Please I need to be alone right now, sis.”

“Sure but Carmen have been waiting for you all morning.”

Those words made my legs shake. It stopped moving. “What did you just say?”

“Your wife, she’s in your room, I think she’s being in there since last night.”


Oh $h|t. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna tell her?

We need to calm down and think. We need to think… My mind repeated even though my heart was beating so fast, I was so scared. Goose pimples filled my skin. How can I lie, lie about what? That I went back to the office after dropping her off? Or went on a night strolling and ended up sleeping in my car. That’s so lame!

She can be dumb but not so dumb as that. And why am I so bothered about what she thinks of me? Not like we’re married__ I tried to shake her off my mind and walked into my room.

And my heart jumped when I saw her lying on my bed so innocently. Like a new born kid, she was curled into my sheets breathing so innocently. Her hair was all over face.

I felt so guilty.

How can I leave such a little girl like her all alone in this cold room all night, by herself! And I think she have been trying to call me, if not she won’t have come here.

I found myself sitting next to her and touching her hair. So cute. My five year old baby who is so adorable. I wanted to kiss her so badly but guilt won’t let me. I can’t still figure out what happened between Lucia and I but I felt like a total jerk. Carmen is too young to be treated this way. She can be strong but she’s frail too. And she’s little. I wonder how she’s gonna react when she finally wakes up.

I should be getting ready to die.

I touched her lips and that caused her to stir and then open her eyes, she saw me. My breathe seized. I swallowed hard.

She was frowning and all of a sudden, she sprang up from the bed and grabbed my throat. She began to squeeze.

“Donde has estado toda la noche? (Where have you been all night?)”


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