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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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As soon as she got out of the taxi, Daisy ran into the hospital and as soon as she knew what ward Monica was in, she went straight to the ward.

Just that morning Monica had been bombarding her with texts, so how on earth did she end up getting hospitalized, Daisy thought as she got to the ward.

She walk in only to see a male student standing by Monica bed side starring at her.

“You must be her guardian” he ask and Daisy nodded.

“How is she?” Daisy ask moving towards the sleeping Monica.

“She suffered one of her attack and she wasn’t with her inhaler” the student explained.

“I always tell her to hold onto her inhaler but she does what she wants, thank you. You can go now, I will take care of her ” Daisy said to him and he nodded.

“Who should I tell her you are if she wakes up?” Daisy ask when he made his way towards the door.

“Prince, tell her that” he said before leaving the room.

“Prince? What a strange name ” Daisy muttered to herself and just at that moment, Monica open her eyes.

“Are you okay my sweet?”

She replied by blinking her eyes twice

“What happen?” Monica ask and Daisy explained.

“Why weren’t you with your inhaler, have told you severally to always have it with you! Do you know how worried I was when I got that call?” Daisy asked looking a bit annoyed.

“Am sorry Daisy, I won’t make you worry again” Monica said hugging her.

“So have you thought about it?” Monica ask.

“Don’t bring that up now! You need to go home or your brother will think something drastic happen” Daisy said.

“I doubt that cause am sure that he will be busy searching for Gianna which is why you’ve got to help” Monica said.

“Oliver may be blind but he is not stupid,he will certainly tell that am not Gianna” Daisy said.

“Fixing you up to be exactly like Gianna is not going to be a problem but the biggest problem is Gianna british accent” Monica said.


“What do you mean by And? You are also British yourself and I know that you can talk exactly the way she talk. I overheard you one night mimicking her” Monica confessed.

“You are right! I can definitely speak like Gianna and I can dress up like her to fit the role but Oliver won’t buy it, he certainly wouldn’t believe our lies and besides, I don’t want to be close to your brother, so let’s drop this conversation. You need to go home and get more rest” Daisy said.

“Is there no way to change your mind?” Monica ask pouting her lips.

“Trying to act cute won’t get me to say yes and before I forget, a cute young boy was here with you” Daisy said.


“He said his name is Prince, a friend of yours?” Daisy ask.

“Uh? Yes ” Monica replied and as soon as Daisy left to sign her discharge papers, Monica found herself wondering why Prince help her and then she remembered that she had cross path with him when she was leaving class right after her argument with Stella.

Why is he always around when she is going through something bad, she thought..



“Are you sure you will be okay by yourself?” Daisy ask Monica who was now seated on her bed.

“I will, you should get going or you will get home late” Monica said.

“Okay then,take care” Daisy said kissing her on the cheek before leaving the room.

It felt strange being in the house she once made a vow never to return to, she thought as she made her way downstairs.

If it hadn’t been for Monica, she won’t be here, she thought as she made a turn along the hall only to collide into someone.

“Am sorry ” she said before looking up only to see Oliver standing there.

“Can’t a blind man walk in his home peacefully?” He asked rudely, his gaze on the pillar just by her side.

Daisy found herself assessing him. Being blind didn’t stop him from being handsome.

Her first thought on seeing Oliver for the first time was that he was very handsome but as time went by she got to realise that under his handsome exterior lies a very cold and rude man.

Working for him for five years made her realise that he’s an arrogant devil who treats people beneath him like dirt and she was one of those who suffered those treatment.

“A blind man is entitled to stay in his room cause he will only be a hindrance to those around him ” She replied in a rude way too.

She has always held back because of her job but now that she is no longer working for him, she can say wh@ťěver she wants.

“What did you just say?” He ask with soft menace.

“You heard me, don’t tell me your ears went deaf just as your eyes did?” She asked.

She h@ťěd using his ailment as an insult but Oliver King doesn’t deserve any pity, she thought.

“You aren’t a maid of this house cause if you are,you wouldn’t dare speak to me this way” he said.

“Well I….. I…..”

“Who are you?” He asked.

Daisy h@ťěd admitting to him that she’s the same lady who made a vow never to step foot in his house again but she has no choice but to.

“Daisy, Daisy Warren” she replied.

“My! What a pleasant or rather a terrible surprise, what the hell are you doing here?” He barked at her.

“I only came here to……”

“Don’t you have any shame? After acting like a diva, saying you wouldn’t set foot here again, you still did. Ridiculous” he said scoffing.

“I also don’t want to come here, infact coming here is the…….”

“Save me the excuses and get out of my house. Having someone like you around me makes me unsafe” he said and began to walk off slowly, heading to Monica room.

“He’s such a jerk!” Daisy said, stamping her feet on the floor angrily.

He has never treated her right, insulting and telling her off each opportunity he gets.

Daisy felt so angry that she felt like hitting something.

It will be great if she could get him to pay for every little insult he’s sent her way.

She thought as she turn to leave only to stop when she remembered something.

“Getting back at Oliver is possible” she whispered to herself before pulling out her phone.

“Hello,Daisy” Monica voice drifted down the line.

“I will do it” Daisy said.

“Do what?”

“I will pretend to be Gianna. I will do it” Daisy said with total conviction.

She will pretend to be his fiancee and get back at him for every insult he has sent her way…….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Daisy has finally accept to do it o???

What do you think will happen next ???

How will they cope trying to fool a blind man ???

Stella is pure evil???

Why can’t I seem to trust Prince and his intention towards Monica ???

Or can Prince be trusted ???

One word for Monica and Daisy ???

Oliver you are about to be taught a lesson ???

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