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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{Arrogant boss
Crazy Nanny}


Gbemi Writes.




Just like she always did and for the past three days, Monica went in search of Prince in the private lounge they use but she was told by the cleaning lady that he isn’t around.

He’s been absent since the past few days and that has got her feeling worried.

After his confession to her a week ago, she had gone home thinking about it and when she finally came to a conclusion, he’s no where to be found.

She had to give him her answer before any thing else happen.

She was leaving the lounge when she bump into Lewis.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“I am” she replied.

“What are you doing at the lounge when no one is there?” He asked.

“I came looking for Prince ” she replied.

“Prince won’t be coming for a while” Lewis said.


“Apparently he got into an accident which….”

“What! Prince got into an accident?” Monica yelled.

“It’s not that kind of accident what I mean is …..”

“Can you please tell me where he is?” Monica asked cutting him off abruptly.

“At his home and….” He stopped when she ran off not waiting for him to say more.


Prince layed on his bed munching on his snacks while watching a movie.

He was about opening a can of cola when a knock came and the maid came into his room.

“You have a visitor” She said.

“Is it the boys” he asked referring to his friends.

“No, it’s someone else” She said.


“A girl, she said her name is Monica and….”

“Monica is here!” Prince yelled startling the poor maid who came to give him the news.

“Yes she is and is waiting for you downstairs as we speak, should I tell her to come ” the girl asked

“Not yet! Tell her to wait” he said as he quickly began to pick his things from the floor, setting his room in order since he made a mess of it.

When he was done, he open the door only to see Monica there.

“Err, Hello” he said and her reply was to hug him.

“I thought some thing bad happened to you” Monica said crying in his arms.

“Am okay, nothing is wrong with me” he said pulling her back to wipe the tears off her face.

“Come” he said pulling her to his bed where they both sat on it.

“What made you think some thing happened to me?” He asked.

“You’ve been absent for some days now and then when I ask Lewis about you today, he told me that you got into an accident” she admitted.

“The accident he meant is that am not allowed to go out. You see my dad is currently campaigning for a government post and each time he does, he locks me up to prevent a scandal from happening and that’s why I haven’t been out in ages ” he said as she let out a relieved sigh.

“I thought some thing happened to you” she admitted sheepishly.

“Well am hale and hearty. Why did you come? ” He asked suddenly.

“What do you mean by that? ”

“You could have just called to check up on me but then you came personally and even gave me a hug which tells me a whole lot of things” he said.

“What does it tells you?” She asked.

“Why don’t you answer that your self” he suggested.

“Well I….I think am in love with you” she let out in a rush.

“Think?” Prince said quirking an eye brow at her.

“You not coming to the school for the past few days have left me thinking and missing you. I can’t do anything without remembering you, I sleep at night only to dream of you and I wake up with the thought of seeing you. If that’s what you call love then I do love you” she admitted.

Prince let out a smile which got him looking very attractive and slowly he bent and captured her lips in his.

“It is love” Prince murmured a while later when they broke apart.

“You do feel the same way right?” She asked looking doubtful.

“I do and I won’t hurt you like Micheal did. Just put your trust in me and love me like I love you” he said while she nodded happily.

“Am starving, I haven’t eaten” she admitted petting her stomach.

“Then let’s go feed my girlfriend” he said taking hold of her hand while Monica kept grinning like a fool even as she followed him out.

Daisy walk out of the hospital starring at the result in her hand.

She still can’t believe that she’s pregnant.

She had been dizzy and sick a few days ago and though she tried to hide it from Oliver. He figured it out and book her an appointment at the hospital.

What they thought was a mild sickness turned out to be a baby.

As she got into the car, she was filled with worry wondering how Oliver will take it once he knows about their baby.

Not that he’s given her a reason to doubt him, infact he’s been the perfect husband and have spent the whole week showering her with love and also getting her to fall more deeply.

And though Gianna still linger around them, not wanting to leave the ranch where they still stayed with Oliver grandma, he ignores her and pretend that she is not there which relieves Daisy.

Daisy was still thinking on how to tell Oliver when she heard some voice in the study.

Is Oliver back from his outing, she thought as she head to his study only to stop when she heard Gianna laughing.

“Until when will you keep using Daisy?” Gianna asked.

“Care to elaborate on that?” Oliver asked in return while Daisy payed attention to their discussion.

“I know for a fact that you’ve been using Daisy to make me jealous while also having your revenge on her” Gianna stated.


“Yes. You made the poor thing fall for you when you feel nothing for her while you use her affection for you to make me jealous” Gianna explained.

“Have you been watching some revenge drama?” He asked.

“You know I h@ťě watching movies and you also know that am correct in my assumption. You are using Daisy to make me jealous, just admit it” Gianna said while Daisy stood by the door hoping he would deny it.

“You are right. I am indeed using Daisy to make you realise that you’ve lost wh@ťěver chance you had with me and also exacting my revenge on her” Oliver admitted shattering Daisy heart into pieces.

“So you are saying you never loved her? Answer me” Gianna demanded.

“Lets just say she was useful when I needed her”

“So you will get rid of her when the time comes?” Gianna asked and Daisy who had heard enough dashed out of the house.

She kept running until she got to the little beach which was just a few distance away from the house.

There she let her tears pour while berating herself for having trust Oliver.

He didn’t love her, he had only been exacting his revenge on her, she thought as she crouched on the sand while she thought of all the things he did with her.

It had only been an act, an act so he could make a fool out of her cause she once made a fool out of him too…….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Poor Daisy ???

Oliver is a jerk ???

What do you guys think about what Oliver said???

Did he really try to get his revenge by making a fool out of Daisy ???

Monica and Prince are now a couple ✌️✌️✌️

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