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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{Arrogant boss
Crazy Nanny}


Gbemi Writes.



“Common! Say yes and let me get you out of this false marriage, am right to believe that it’s a false Marriage” Stephen asked while Daisy kept starring at him.

“Why do you want to know that?” Daisy asked slowly

“Cause it’s only thing I can use against Oliver, so if your marriage is a false one i can help you get out of it right here, right now. You just give me the word” Stephen stated.

Daisy stood with mix feelings wondering if he meant what he’s offering and also wondering if she really want to leave.

Her attempts at leaving Oliver in the past has failed and she’s sure that if she agree on going, it won’t be a failure this time but then she doesn’t want to leave.

A part of her wants to stay with Oliver even though he keeps on acting like a jerk to her.

“What’s taking you long?” Stephen asked jolting her back to the present.

“Nothing. Am just wondering why you seem desperate in helping me and I finally realise it ” she said.

“Realise what?”

“That you will try to use my marriage with Oliver to get the board members to vote for you as the president of the company. You can think again Stephen cause Oliver and I are perfectly happy together” Daisy said startling Stephen.

“If you are then why is Gianna here?” Stephen asked.

“Cause you invited her to scheme a plan or two but let me make it clear to you that you won’t succeed in your plan cause I love Oliver and he loves me too, so take your offer to some one else, am not interested” Daisy said.

“You fool you……”

“You heard my wife, Stephen. She’s not interested and so you should get lost” Oliver said suddenly even as he walk into the room.

How long has been there? Did he hear every thing she said to Stephen? Daisy thought even as he got to her.

“Is Stephen being a pest to you?” Oliver asked pushing back a strand of her hair while he put his other arm around her waist.

“When did you get here?” Daisy asked more slowly.

“A while ago. I was wondering where Stephen was and it turns out that he’s here with you. Aren’t you going to leave?” Oliver said to Stephen who stood starring at them.

“You will regret not accepting my offer!” Stephen said to Daisy before barging out of their room.

Daisy let out a sigh and when she tried to get out of Oliver arms, he stopped her by tightening his hold on her waist.

“Is it true?” He asked

“What is true?” She asked in return.

“What you said to Stephen a while ago” he said.

So he did heard it, she thought looking away from him.

“I said a lot of things to him” she said hoping he wouldn’t press for more details.

“The I love him part. Do you love me?” He asked and she stood in silence watching him.

“Why didn’t you accept his offer, if Stephen wanted he could hide you away from me and I will never get to know where you are. Why did you choose to stay? Is it because you really love me?” He asked pressing her for answers.

“I just…. I just didn’t like his offer and I only told him that I love you because…because…you….” She didn’t get to complete her sentence because he kissed her silencing wh@ťěver she was going to say.

“You do love me” he said when he ended the kiss a while later.

Daisy h@ťěd the fact that he could read her well.

“So? That doesn’t mean that you feel the same way and it doesn’t mean that our relationship will change. So forget about it cause I will find a way to get you out my heart” she said pulling away from him and moving to the balcony where she hope that he won’t bother her.

She was still trying to calm her nerves when his arms came around her and he pulled her into him.

“I don’t want you getting rid of the feeling you have for me cause I feel the same way” he murmured into her ear and that got her turning in his arms.

“Are you playing with me now?” She asked not wanting to believe that he feel the same way.

“Have never been more serious in my life. Does it looks like am playing with you?” He asked and she took her time to study him and what she saw is a man who loves her as much as she is with him.

“Do you still doubt me?” He asked and she nodded slowly.

“Then you wouldn’t mind if I showed you my sincerity?” He asked again.

“What do you plan on…..what are you doing!” She half yelled when he lifted her into his arms.

He carried her back into their room and straight to the bed where he layed her on it.

“What are you doing?” She asked even though she knew what he intend to do.

“I intend to make love to you till you are fully convinced of my feelings” he said as he went ahead to kiss her and Daisy who felt like the most happiest woman alive allowed him to do it.


While Oliver slept upstairs, Daisy had put on her robe and had went to the kitchen to prepare him his breakfast.

Knowing that Oliver loves her as much as she loves him as got her feeling giddy and excited all day.

She was whistling to herself while preparing his tray of food when Gianna walk into the room.

“You look happy?” Gianna enquired glaring at her.

“That’s because I am happy” Daisy replied.

“Mind telling me why?”

“I don’t think it will make you happy if you heard it” Daisy said.

“Just tell me and how I react on it will be my problem” Gianna stated.

“Well you see, I just found out last night that Oliver loves me” Daisy told her with so much pride..

“Did Oliver tell you that?” Gianna asked.

“He did and so wh@ťěver thing you have etched in your mind, I suggest you give up on it cause he’s mine now” Daisy said with pride.

“Just for a while”

“What do you mean by that?” Daisy asked.

“I meant that Oliver is yours for a while and that’s only because you are staying with his grandmother but when you get back, he would discard you” Gianna told her.
Ok some one who gives out his heart to anyone. It took me a lot of effort to make him fall for me in the past and when he discards you, I will be waiting to get him to fall for me again. So enjoy your time with him for now cause it won’t last” Gianna said leaving the kitchen with a evil smirk on her face……

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Gianna has planted a seed of doubt in Daisy ???

Will Daisy let the doubt grow ???

What will happen to their relationship now ???

If you were Daisy, what will you do????

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