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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi .?




I turned to Moana beside me as I smiled at her…I know how happy she would be now because this has always been our dream.

Wovia and Moana, you’re officially husband and wife ” the goddess said as everyone began to clap”

” I was so happy but felt uncomfortable because kiddie wasn’t around to witness this engagement”

Wovia and two should go to your room and do what husband and wifes does… that is also one of our rules in the underwater.. while everyone is drinking and should go have fun with each other ” the goddess said smiling”

Okay my queen ” I said happily as Moana rushed Infront and began to head to the room”

” Goodness she couldn’t even wait for the goddess to finish talking..gosh I didn’t know she could be this spoiled…oh will I make love to her, I’ll be shy”

I began to move some steps too heading to the room when the goddess whispered to me saying.. vigilant ” she said as I nodded and left”

” I understand what she means,she think cansana or Shantel will show up to turn things upside down…no one dares to ruin this day for us”

We got into our room as we saw kiddie lying on the ground.. immediately she saw Moana she jumped on her and began to play..I was Shocked.

Seriously? Moana kiddie likes you again.. could it be that the charm has left her already?” I asked Moana helping her to sit on the bed”

Yes my husband” she said in a tiny voice as I carried kiddie to her cage and locked her up then smiled saying ”

Moana I noticed you’ve been a bit nervous today… I’m sorry if you think we are about doing the wrong thing but this is one of your rules in the underwaters, listen Moana I won’t be hard on you okay, I’ll do it gently beside I haven’t done it before.. I’m not an expert ” I said smiling as she pushed me immediately to lay on the bed as she layed on me and began undressing her down part”

Moana ..I should take off the veil from your face okay ” I said about to but she turned to the other way”

What’s the problem Moana ” I asked”

I’m shy Wovia ” she said in a tiny voice again”


Wovia be vigilant ” the goddess said”


I looked at her and quickly I removed the veil from her face…

I couldn’t believe what my Eyes were seeing….

Laura??” I called in Shocks”

Manley.. I’m so happy to become your wife ” she said smiling as I hit my head hard to reset it if it was malfunctioning”

Laura you…you… wait a sec.. where’s Moana ” I asked trying to control my tears as she began to laugh saying ”

Hahaha..Manley this is the happiest day of my life…” She said as I walked up to her and grabbed her neck saying”

Where is Moana..what have you done to her, where are you keeping herrrrrrr” I asked angrily as I began to feel some hotness in my eyes”

” It has always been like this whenever I’m seriously angry…I can’t control the wolf power,my wolf mother gave me some leaves to eat when I was still made me very powerful, and right now I don’t think I can spare her life if she doesn’t tell me this whole thing is a dream”

Manley please calm down.. your eyes are changing colours you’re getting me scared” she said as I grabbed her hand and began to drag her out acting just like the wolf I am”

Let me goooo.. please Manley” she screamed as we got outside and everyone were looking at us surprisingly”

Laura” the goddess called surprisingly as I dragged her out while everyone followed”

I landed her on the ground and took out some arrows to $h00t on her…my powers were controlling me now..I don’t even know how to resist them for a sec”

Laura Don’t Tell me acted to be Moana in the blood engagement” the goddess said surprisingly”

Of course I did..why shouldn’t I have huh, Manley is the one I love.. Moana has the crown prince of Bruzuna but she still wants to be with Manley” Laura said as Samuel said to her angrily”

Shut that mouth of yours you demon girl,who doesn’t see it clearly that Moana and Wovia loves each other so much..who doesn’t know what those two have gone through…we all know you saved him some months ago but you know nothing about why he landed in your arms, were you there when those two were suffering together? Were you there when Wovia went to save Moana from getting married to cansana? Were you there when she lived in a hole with the wolves? Were you there when Wovia was trying his best to take care of her bleeding? Were you there when all the wolves were ki||ed including kiddie’s mum and wovia’s mother wolf? Tell me nowwww” Samuel asked angrily in tears”

That is not my business…go to hell because we are officially married and no one can change that” Laura said in tears as we saw a guard rushing in with Moana In His arms ”

My queen..I found Mõ@ɲa this way in her room… she’s been tied up with black chains” he said as I turned and looked at Moana in tears still with my arrow ”

Moan” I called in tears ”

My child…oh no I couldn’t protect you well” goddess said in tears ” mother..are..are they really married” Moana managed to ask”

Yes my child…” The goddess said in tears as Moana fainted immediately ”

MOANA Moana.. Lydia take her and sprinkle the healing water on her immediately” goddess said ”

Yes my queen, Moana..come here.. don’t worry you’ll be fine okay..” Lydia said in tears taking her away ”

” I stood still in tears with my arrow pointed at Laura ”

Nooooooo” I screamed as my voice brought down some waves as everyone were closing their eyes ”

Goddess what’s happening to Wovia” Samuel asked ”

I think the wolf power is working on him now… he’s very angry and won’t be able to control those powers until he ki||s Laura” the goddess said when suddenly we saw the demon king and queen appearing ”

” They were about rushing to get their daughter but the goddess tied them up with her white robes”

Don’t go closer else the three of you will be whipped out… your daughter has done an abominable act which has put Wovia in that state…” The goddess said angrily”

Goddess of water.. could you please calm Wovia down.. please don’t let him ki|| our only child ” the demon queen said”

Father please help me ” Laura said in tears”

Shut your mouth Laura..I have warned you to stay out of their business..why do you want to ruin my friendship with the goddess of water because of your selfish interest…why have you gotten yourself into this…” The demon king asked angrily as I began to Walk closer to Laura with my arrow saying”

Youuu dareeee.. hurt Moana…I|| youuuuu” I said angrily as she began to say”

Manley.. please.. please.. please I’m begging you not to ki|| me.. I’m sorry..I did everything because I love you… please don’t ki|| meeee.. please Manley” Laura said in tears”

I can’t control it…I can’ttttttttttttttttt” I said directing the arrow to her forehead to $h00t”


Oh no….are you okay..why are in the forest.. does it hurt..hey..hey..

Jess I need to take you with me and have you treated…but how do I escape from our soldiers…

I can’t let them know I want to help you because they may tell father and he’ll be very mad at me…

Wh@ťěver..I still need to save you,I can’t just pass you by..hey.. let’s gooo

Oh’re so heavy..

” She took me down to an unknown house and lay me on the bed whipping my face with warm water”

Don’t worry.. you’ll be fine okay,I won’t leave until you get better..let me go and get you some food to eat…hey.. what’s your name…my name is Laura..

Oh..I see you’ve not yet recovered to tell me your name, anyway I’ll call you Manley…my late boyfriend’s name… I’ll be back soon”


My hands began to shake as I remembered the past…

I closed my eyes to $h00t…

My hands kept shaking as I threw the arrow away and Screamed in tears..

Nooooooooo” I screamed in tears as the wolf power left me as the goddess rushed to me immediately ”

Wovia..are you okay now” she asked as I said in tears”

I can’t be with any other woman…I can’t be with Laura..I love Moana ” I cried bitterly”

I only want to be with Moana, she’s my mother, she’s my father, she’s my sister and my woman.. she’s the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with…” I said in tears as the goddess held me up and hugged me tightly saying”

Wovia, Dear..I can see that Abigail and Tasha’s friendship really crossed to you and Moana ” the goddess said in tears as Laura stood up saying”

You’re talking nonsense goddess of matter what you say,you can’t change the fact that we are now married and there’s nothing anyone can do about it ”

Still talking? Can’t you keep your mouth shut?” The goddess asked Laura angrily ”

Why should I keep my mouth shut when there’s allot to talk about” Laura asked angrily ” dear.. please stop crying.. you’re not just an ordinary man but a king , please put yourself in other, watching this drama just now..I must say you’ll really protect my daughter in future… even after knowing what Laura did and passing through the wolf still didn’t allow your anger to over do” the goddess said to me”

Goddess of water..stop talking much and let I and my husband leave to sukunda ” Laura said angrily”

Shut that thing you call a mouth ” goddess said angrily”

And why should I” Laura asked angrily”

Do you want to know why you should shut that mouth? You should keep quiet because the blood I marked on your foreheads did not come from the pot but from my fingers ” the goddess said getting us confused”

What do you mean” Laura asked”

You think I was that stupid not to find out you weren’t my daughter? Listen your engagement with Wovia was fake” the goddess said aloud”


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