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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Charles knocked on Stephanie’s door but there wasn’t any response. He opened the door and luckily for him, it opened.

He entered the house and went straight to the bed, searching for his handout. He actually forgot it in her place.

He went to the drawer and opened it, and he smiled in relief when he saw his book lying peacefully there.

He picked the book and to his surprise, a paper fell out from the middle.

“What’s this?” He muttered, picking the paper up.

His eyes scanned through the contents and they suddenly grew to the size of an orange.

“Stephanie is pregnant?” His breath caught up in his throat and beads of sweats started forming in his head.


The door opened and Stephanie entered. Her eyes widened when she saw a paper with him and by the look of things, she already knew what the paper was about.

She walked to him and snatched it away from him, tearing the paper into pieces.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Charles asked slowly.

“You’re pregnant? And I didn’t know about this?”

“That’s because I already got rid of the baby!” She fired at him.


“How could I get pregnant for a poor rat like you? Do you expect me to give birth to your useless child so I can suffer for the rest of my life? Capital NO!”

At that moment, a guy showed up with a P@ŋtîēṣ in his hand.

“Babe, you forgot this” he smiled, stretching the P@ŋtîēṣ towards Stephanie.

Stephanie giggled and collected it from him shamelessly.

“Thanks boo”

“What the hell is going on here? Who’s this guy and what the f-__-k is this?!” Charles yelled.

“Sorry boo, he’s that guy I told you about earlier. The one who keeps disturbing me but don’t worry, I already got rid of him” Stephanie said.

Tears trickled down Charles’ cheeks as he stared at her in disbelief. This was the girl that he had come to love with his whole heart! This was the girl he was already planning his future with!

“Oh really? Then chase him out, or would he like to watch live porn?” The guy smirked.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind,” Stephanie grinned.

Charles rushed out of the room, running with all his might as he kept crying profusely. This was a dream to him and his wish that moment was to wake up from the horrible nightmare.



Charles chuckled as he recalled the memories.

“Whenever I think of the past, I laugh at my foolishness. I couldn’t believe I tried to ki|| myself just because of her” he muttered.

All through, Hailey’s gaze was on him. With his explanation, that Stephanie of a girl must be the one Joanna told her about.

“She doesn’t deserve me, she’s only a bìtch who’s after rich men and their money. Her life is so pathetic right now”

“I really don’t know why you asked me to talk about this” he muttered and stood up, walking towards the door.

Hailey suddenly rushed to him, hugging him from behind.

“I’m sorry” she whispered.

“You had to go through all those, it must have hurt a lot,” she said.

“I promise I won’t be like her, I’ll love you till eternity, I swear. I won’t break your heart”

Charles smiled and held her hand which was on his stomach. He broke the hug before turning to look at her, cupping her cheeks.

“Do you know why I fell in love with you?” He asked softly.

“Because you’re different. You’re different from every other girl, you’re naive, you’re fragile like an egg and lastly, because you’re mine” he said.

Hailey smiled widely.

“Don’t worry Sunshine, if I ever see her any close to you, I will break her bones and send her back to her creator” she said.

Charles laughed and pulled her to a hug.

“I love you, Cara,” he mumbled.

“I love you more, Sunshine,” she whispered.

He smiled and held her tighter to him.

“Stay with me forever please, I can’t imagine my future without you in it” he said to himself.



Stephanie entered the house and met Alberto in the living room, she rolled her eyes before walking to him.

“How did it go?” He asked.

“He f-__-king humiliated me! I’ve never felt like that in my entire life!” She screamed.

Alberto smiled before getting to his feet, he took slow steps towards her.


“I don’t think I can do this anymore, Alberto,” she said and tried to walk away.

“Don’t” he stopped.

“Do you think I don’t know?” He asked and she turned to face him.

“What are you talking about?” She asked.

“Charles Monterio was once your lover, right?” He smirked.

“And right now, you’re planning on going back to him” he shook his head and laughed.

“So foolish,” he mumbled.

“How did you…”

“Have you forgotten who I am? I’m Dragon and I don’t let myself get swayed with that stinking word LOVE!” he suddenly yelled.

Stephanie shivered.

“You wanna go back to him, right? Then do that and you get ki||ed!”

He went closer to her and suddenly pinned her to the nearest wall, his hand pressing on her neck.

“Right from this moment, you’re going to be a toy in destroying Charles and if you ever think of betraying me, then you find yourself in hell where you belong” he growled, his eyes turning darker at each second.

Stephanie panicked under his hold. What had she just gotten herself into?



School throughout that day was boring to Jaime, his mind wasn’t even in the class. Thankfully, they only did one subject in school that day.

Lilian walked to his seat and sat beside him.

“Are you still worried about her?” She asked softly.

“Do you want me to come along with you to the hospital?”

Jaime looked at her.

“She’s my best friend’s crush, I need to visit her too” she smiled.


“Don’t worry Jaime, I’m getting over you already” she muttered.

Jaime smiled and patted her hair slowly.

“That’s more like you,” he said.

Lilian frowned and removed his hand from her hair.

“Stop treating me like a kid, I’m not one” she said.

Jaime chuckled. Mickey joined them, sitting on the desk.

“What are you both discussing without me?” He asked.

“We’re busy planning your death” Lilian replied sharply.

“What? Oh my, you just broke my heart. Can’t believe the girl I love would say this to me” he touched his heart, feigning a hurt look.

Jaime and Lilian exchanged glances before staring at him.

“What? Why are you staring at me that way?” Mickey asked. His eyes widened when he realized what he just uttered out.

“Erm,I…” The bell jingled at that time, signifying that school was over.

“I need to go now, bye!” He carried his bag and rushed out of the class.

Jaime stared at Lilian who was suddenly feeling uneasy before laughing.

“What’s funny?”

“Nothing” he muttered and laughed again..

“Stop! That’s not funny!” She frowned, hitting his shoulder.

Wyatt appeared at that time and Jaime stopped laughing.

“Can we go now? I’m f-__-king eager to see her” he said.

Jaime sighed.



Jaime, Lilian and Wyatt entered the ward Layla was in and Mrs. Rogers stood up from where she was sitting.

“Layla!” Wyatt screamed and rushed to hug her tightly.

“I was so worried about you, I know I did wrong but please don’t leave without any word again” he said.

Layla rolled her eyes before breaking the hug, she pushed him away.

“You guys are just weird, coming in here and then hugging me just the way you like… So annoying” she said.

“I’ll excuse you guys” Mrs. Rogers said and left the ward.

“Hey” Layla waved at Lilian.

Lilian pointed at her chest before glancing at Jaime.

“I’m greeting you” Layla pouts.

“Oh, hi”

“You’re beautiful. Come here, tell me about you” she nudged the space close to her.

Lilian walked to her in confusion and sat beside her.

“We’re friends, right? Tell me more about you and my school. I just can’t seem to remember anything” Layla said.

Wyatt stared at Jaime and he(Jaime) shrugged.

“I’m Lilian,” Lilian introduced.

“Your name is cute,” Layla smiled.

Lilian was surprised at her behavior. The Layla she knows will never act that way towards her.

“Tell me more. Who are they?”

“Erm… He’s Wyatt and this is Jaime”

Once again, Layla’s gaze lingered on Jaime’s and her head started hurting her.

“Oh no,” she gasped, holding her head tight.

Both Jaime and Wyatt rushed to her, holding her hand at the same time.

“Are you okay?” They chorused.

They stare at themselves for a while before looking away.

“Who are you?” Layla asked, staring at Jaime.

“Why does my head hurt whenever I hear your name?” She whispered.

“Argh!” She groaned, shutting her eyes very tight and tears began rushing out of her eyes.

“My head,” she whispered before blacking out.



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