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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Craving for the whole of her….)


By, Cassie B.



Charles stared at her body in shock. d@mn, this lady in front of him was perfectly made.

Her fresh B-__-bs with her pink Ɲīpplës which were very hard as a result of the shower she just had. Her flat tummy and her segzy navel then to her….

“Can’t you just take your eyes away?” Hailey’s loud voice jolted him out of his imagination.

That was when he realized it was all an imagination. Hailey was still in her towel!

The kiss and the sudden loosening of the towel was all his imagination.

Seeing her in his towel really brought crazy thoughts to his mind.

“You keep staring at me and it’s making me uncomfortable” Hailey muttered, holding the towel very tight.

“Because you’re so beautiful, I just can’t take my eyes off you” Charles said truthfully.

He moved closer to her and Hailey held the shirt in her hand nervously. Why’s she suddenly acting this way around him?

Charles got to her front, he placed his hand on her bare shoulder, rubbing it lightly.

“I badly wanna do something right now” he whispered, his eyes fixed on her lips.

Hailey bit her lips slowly.

“But I want you to trust me first,” he muttered.

“Our first encounter wasn’t that good, so I need to let you know I ain’t like that anymore” he said.

Hailey lowered her gaze to the floor, she couldn’t even face him. Firstly, she kissed him by accident, then he cleaned her lips and licked his fingers. After then, he saw her in his short towel and then this?

“Hailey,” Charles whispered.

She raised her head to look at him.

“I’m sorry. For treating you like other girls and for taking you for granted” he muttered.

“I shouldn’t have done that to you. I fired you at your place of work because of my selfish desires, I made you work against your will and….”

“Charles” Hailey called slowly.

“Can you call me that again?” Charles whispered, his eyes getting misty.

“Call my name”

“Char….” He slammed his lips on hers before she could finish her word.

Hailey’s eyes widened as he feast on her lips hungrily. Her heart was beating so fast that she feared she might faint with the way it kept thumping out loud.

Charles pinched her slowly and she gasped, he used that opportunity to th-ru_st in his tongue, tasting every corner of her mouth.

Even though her mind was against this, she could find herself slowly giving in to the kiss.

She closed her eyes and responded to the kiss, savoring the moment.

He was a good kisser and he knew how to make her succumb to his kisses.

Charles drew her more closer to him, his hands resting above her a*s, she tasted like strawberry and he felt like kissing her till forever.

This wasn’t lust anymore, that’s what he’s sure of. This was a dream come true for him.

When the kiss was about to get hotter, Hailey pushed him away, breathing heavily.

Her face was all red as she was busy staring at his chest.

“Hailey…” Charles called, his arms were still around her.

Hailey pushed him away and ran to the bathroom, holding her towel tight for the fear of it loosening in his presence.

Charles touched his lips and he smiled. He could feel his heart beating very fast.

“She’s so cute,” he mumbled with a smile.


Hailey rested her back on the door, holding the shirt to her chest.

She couldn’t believe they just kissed, a deep one at that.

She raised her hand and touched her lips which were a bit swollen.

“f-__-k, why did I allow him?” She shut her eyes tightly.

“How am I gonna face him now after this?” She covered her face with her hands.

After spending some time in the bathroom, she slipped the towel off her body and put on the shirt.

The shirt was a little bit big for her though it stopped at her mid thighs.

She inhaled deeply before going out of the bathroom. She met Charles arranging the bed and she grew nervous.

Were they going to sleep on the same bed?

Charles turned and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her wet hair was clinging to her face giving her a very hot look. She was looking so beautiful in his shirt that he feared that he wouldn’t be able to control himself tonight.

“You look hot…. In my shirt” he smiled.

Hailey bit her lips, dragging the top down a little to cover her exposed thighs.

“Have you called your parents to inform them you won’t be coming tonight?” He asked.

“Yes” she muttered.

“Good. Let’s go to bed, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow” he said.

“Bed? Are we gonna sleep on the same bed?” She asked.

“It’s just for tonight,” he said.

She shook her head.

“Don’t worry, I’m gonna sleep on the floor,” she said.

“Do you think I’m going to accept that? You can sleep on the floor but we’re gonna sleep there together” he said.

“My Dad or Lilian might decide to check on us, we don’t wanna get caught, do we?” He asked.

After convincing her for sometime, she agreed and they both laid on the bed.

Hailey lay at the far end of the bed, turning her back to him. This night is really gonna be a long one for her.

“Am I making you uncomfortable?” She heard Charles’ voice in the darkness. They already switched off the light. The moon was the only thing Illuminating light into the room.

“Is it about the kiss? I’m sorry if I passed my boundary, I just lost control of myself” he muttered.

Hailey played with her fingers, not saying a word.

“Goodnight, Hailey”

Everywhere went silent after that. Hailey licked her lips slowly as her mind went to the kiss.

She was getting soft towards him which baffles her a lot. Was it because he already apologized to her? Or because of the way he’s acting sweet towards her?

She touched her chest which was thudding loud.

“Is he asleep?” She asked herself.

She turned to face him but got shocked when she saw his eyes wide open, staring at her.

“You… Weren’t sleeping?” She stuttered.

Charles smiled softly.

“I was about to,” he muttered.

“Can I ask you a question?” She asked.

He nodded for her to go ahead

“Don’t you have a mom?” She asked.

“Mom?” He chuckled.

“You should sleep, it’s getting late” he turned his back to her.

Hailey stared at his back wondering if she asked the wrong question.

She yawned softly before closing her eyes, dozing off instantly.

Charles turned his body to face her, he smiled when he saw her sleeping.

He found out something about her that night…. She isn’t actually strong the way she claims to be, she’s actually soft inside. So tender and fragile and she values herself a lot.

He leaned his head closer and pecked her lips softly.

“Goodnight, Hailey” he muttered before closing his eyes.


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