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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Now is the time for you to apologize to Lilian,” Mickey said to Jaime. It was closing hours already and almost all the students had gone home.

“Yea” Jaime muttered. He glanced at Lilian’s seat to find her preparing to leave with her friends.

“Now” Mickey nudged him.

Jaime stood up and walked to their table.

Lilian looked away when she saw him. She carried her bag and tried to walk away but he held her hand.

“What? I thought I was a burden to you” she said.

Jaime sighs, he felt guilty at that moment.

“I’m sorry, Lilian. I was just out of my senses” he muttered.

“Thank goodness you know that,” she said.

Tracy and Pearl looked at each other and did the eye contact thing.

“Lilian, we will be leaving now. Bye” they quickly left the class.

“Those two” Lilian mumbled under her breath.

“I’m sorry if I was being harsh to you, I’m so sorry” Jaime said.

She smiled

“It’s fine. I missed your big head” she said.

Jaime laughed.

“Same here,” he said.

Lilian gasped.

“Are you tryna say my head is big?” She asked.

“Kinda” Jaime grinned.

“What? You….”

“Am I missing something here?” Mickey asked.

“You are,” Lilian giggled.

“I’m glad you both are finally on good terms” Mickey said.

“Let’s leave. I need to assist my Mom and Dad in the restaurant” Jaime said.

“I wish I could go with you, but I need to do something for my Dad” Mickey said

“It’s fine. Let’s go”

They all went out of the class.

They were walking to the school gate when Layla approached them.

“Hi” she greeted.

“Hey” Jaime muttered.

“Erm, I’m kind of having some difficulties in solving my math assignment, can you help me tomorrow?” She asked.

“Me?” Jaime asked.

“Yes please,” Layla said.

“I’m here for you, you don’t have to go to someone else” Wyatt said as he joined them.

“I’ll come to you tomorrow, Jaime,” Layla smiled before walking away.

“Babe!” Wyatt called but she ignored him.

He faced Jaime in anger.

“Stay away from my girlfriend, or else you won’t like the outcome” he warned.

Jaime smirked.

“Well, it seems your girlfriend is the one craving my attention,” he said.

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in her. You can have her all to your d@mn self” he said.

“Let’s go, I don’t have any time to waste” he muttered before walking away with Lilian and Mickey.

“That bastard” Wyatt gritted his teeth.

He looked around the school, he sighted Layla not far away from him and he walked to her in anger.

“What was the meaning of what you displayed out there?” He yelled.

“You don’t have the right to yell at me, okay?” Layla shouted back.

“How dare you go to Jaime for help? You should have gone to someone else, not Jaime instead!”

Layla shook her head and tried walking away but he quickly grabbed her hand tightly.

She winced as he was holding her hand very tight.

“You’re hurting me” she whispered.

Wyatt ignored her.

“I’m talking to you bìtch, you don’t dare walk out on me!” He shouted.

That infuriated Layla, she raised her other hand and hit him hard on the cheek.

“f-__-k you, bastard!” She shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“You know what? I’m done! I’m done with you, you $cvmbag!” She shouted.

She freed her hand from his grasp and held it with her other hand. It was so red.

She glared at him before walking away in anger.

Wyatt folds his fiat before hitting the air in anger.

“f-__-k me!” He shouted.



The ringing of Hailey’s phone filled the air, Hailey took her eyes from the computer. She glanced at her phone to find an unknown number calling her.

She picked it up.


“It’s Charles. Come to my office now” he said and the call got disconnected.

She brought the phone to her face and scoffed loudly.

“Just like that?” She shook her head before going to his office.

“You called for me,” she said when she entered.

“Yea. You should go home and prepare yourself for tonight’s dinner. I’ll come to pick you up” he said.

“Huh? How…”

“Now” Charles said, cutting her off.

She rolled her eyes.

“Okay sir. I’ll pack my things before taking my leave” she muttered.

Charles smiled.

“See you tonight, Hailey,” he said.

Hailey went out of the office. Charles took his phone and dialed a number.

“Do what I asked you to do now” he said before hanging up.



Hailey entered the house to see a surprising view. Her parents and Jaime were in the sitting room with various dishes on the table.

She removed her shoes before walking to them.

“Wow! This is a sight to behold. What’s with the occasion?” She asked as she settled down on the floor.

“Mom said she has a surprise for us,” Jaime shrugged.

Hailey glanced at Leah who smiled at her in return.

“Before we say anything, here” Leah gave her the envelope.

“That’s your money. There’s extra cash in there, I’m sorry if it’s too small” Sebastian said.

Hailey chuckled.

“Are you kidding me? I don’t need this, you can take it” she said.

Sebastian shook his head.

“No. It’s your money so you have it. Thanks for always helping out, Hailey” he said.

“Looks like I’m the only one in the dark here. What’s going on?” Jaime asked.

“It’s not for a kid like you,” Leah said.

“What? I’m not a kid, I’m an adult” Jaime frowned.

“So, who’s the man that helped us out? Do you know him?” Hailey asked.

“No, we don’t. I wish we can just see him again, he’s so nice” Leah said.

“I cooked this specially for us, so let’s dig in” Leah said.

They all started eating.

“Mom, I’ll be going somewhere tonight and…”

“A date?” Jaime cuts her off.

Hailey eyed him before continuing.

“Like I said, I’ll be going out tonight and I might return late” she said.

“You don’t have to inform us, I trust you, Hailey,” Sebastian said.

Leah smiled.

“And I do too,” she said.

“Well, I don’t,” Jaime said.

They all laughed.

After they were done eating, Hailey went to her room to prepare herself.

“Goodness, I don’t have anything to wear” Hailey groaned after she’s done ransacking her little closet.

She’s not the type to care about the dress to wear, but tonight is different. She’ll be meeting with her Boss’s father and she needs to dress well.

“Hailey! You have a visitor!” She heard Jaime’s voice.

“Charles?” She quickly went out of her room.

“He’s outside,” Jaime said.

She went outside to find Lewis.


He smiled.

“I’m glad you recognized me,” he said.

“How can I help you?” She asked.

“Here, Boss asked me to give this to you. He said you should wear this tonight” Lewis said, stretching a box to her.

Hailey collected it from him slowly.

“Thank you” she smiled gently at him.

Lewis nodded and left.

Hailey closed the door and turned to meet Jaime’s curious gaze.

“What’s that? A gift from your boyfriend? Who’s he? Tell me” he said.

She ignored him and went to her room. She placed the box on the bed and opened it to find a blue velvet gown in it and some blue heels.

She gasped. It was just like a princess gown! She has never owned something like this in her life.

Her phone rings and she picks it up.

“You should wear that, I’ll pick you up in 30 mins time” Charles said.

“Er, isn’t this a little bit much?” She asked.

“Nothing is too much for you, Hailey” Charles said before ending the call.

“What does he mean by that?” She wondered aloud.

She shook the thought off and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower.



Hailey looked at herself in the mirror, she looked totally different. Her hair is down just the way Charles loves it.

She breathed out loudly. She suddenly felt nervous.

“Hailey! There’s a car outside, I think it’s here for you” Leah said as she entered the room.

She gasped when she took in her daughter’s dressing.

“Oh my goodness!” She smiled.

“How do I look mom?” Hailey asked.

“You look so beautiful baby, you’ve always been,” Leah said.

“Thank you Mom”

Leah continued staring at her.

“I know that look, Mom. Don’t worry, I’m gonna tell you the full details when I’m back. Bye Mom” Hailey pecked her cheeks and left the room in a hurry.

She got outside and met Charles resting beside his car outside.

She exhaled loudly before walking towards him.

Charles checked the time on his wristwatch and tapped it slowly. Time was moving really fast.

He raised his head and his mouth grew open when he saw Hailey walking towards him. She was looking drop dead gorgeous that he momentarily forgot how to breathe.

His heart wasn’t wrong when he wanted her the very first day he met her.

Hailey smiled at him nervously as she took slow steps to him. She isn’t that good in heels so she had to be very careful.

Just when she was about to get to him, the unexpected happened.

She stepped on her other leg and lost her balance. Charles was quick to catch her and they both rested on the car with their lips glued together.

They just kissed. WTH!!!


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