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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The students trooped into the class once it was their time for class. Lunch break was over.

Jaime was on his seat, he didn’t go for lunch, instead he was reading his book.

“I’m glad you’re back to yourself now” Mickey said behind him.

Jaime smiled.

“It was useless fighting with him anyways” he muttered.

“Now that we’re at it, why don’t we have some fun when school is over? We didn’t go for lunch today” Mickey suggested.

“I’m afraid I can’t. I need to assist my Mom and Dad in the restaurant” Jaime said.

Mickey grinned.

“Look who’s changing for the better,” he teased.

“Should we go together? Let’s assist them together. It’s been a long time since I did something like this and that was when we just became friends, remember?”

Jaime chuckled at the memory. Mickey almost broke the plates while washing them.

“Yea, let’s go together,” he said.

“Great! So, have you talked to Lilian?” Mickey asked.

“Not yet. She’s still mad at me” Jaime replied.

“Well, you were a jerk. I would have done the worst if I were the one, but I can’t do that”

They both laughed. Mickey was the only son of a rich man, despite that, he treated Jaime just like a brother, the brother he never had.

Jaime’s eyes went to Lilian’s direction. She was talking and smiling with her friends.

He sighed. Maybe apologizing to her will be the best.



Hailey walked into Charles’ office, holding a book with her.

“Sir, it’s time for the meeting,” she announced.

Charles raised his head from the computer and glanced at her. He frowned when he noticed her hair was packed.

Didn’t he tell her not to pack it again?

“Are the board members ready?” He asked, getting to his feet.

“Everyone is already present, sir,” she replied.

“Okay” he got to her and went behind her. His hand went to the band that was holding her hair and removed it, letting her hair loose. Her hair fell on her shoulders, covering a part of her face.

“I told you to always let your hair down, why do you love disobeying me?” He asked as he came to her front.

He raised his hand and tucked her hair to the back of her ear before inserting his hands into his pocket.

Hailey was just staring at him throughout.

“Let’s go, Miss Brooklyn” he said professionally and walked to the door.

“Are you acting this way on purpose?” She suddenly asked.

Charles stopped walking but he was still backing her.

“If you are, then know this. It’s never gonna work. I’m only respecting you because you’re my Boss, but if you go any further, I might do what you don’t like” she muttered. She walked past him and went out of the office.

Charles chuckled.

Did she think he was acting this way just because he wanna f-__-k her??

Well, he just had to prove her wrong.



Everyone dispersed in the boardroom as the meeting was over.

Hailey and Charles were the only ones left there. Hailey closed the book in her hand, she made sure she jotted every important thing they discussed in the meeting.

“Miss Brooklyn” Charles called.


“I’ll be going to Italy for a business partnership in three days,” he said.


“We’re both going together,” Charles said.


“I just want to inform you on time” Charles said before leaving the room.

Hailey stared into space, her mind trying to register what she just heard.

A trip to Paris with her Boss in three days??

“What the hell?!” She cursed silently.

She took the book in her hand and exited the board room.



“Your friend is so hardworking,” Leah said to Jaime. They’re both watching Mickey who’s washing the plates. He insisted on washing it alone.

“He’s just trying to impress you,” Jaime rolled his eyes.

“Well, he’s much better than you. You’ve never helped me for once” Leah said.

Jaime turned to her in shock.

“Aren’t you being too harsh? I assisted you yesterday!” Jaime said.

“It was only yesterday,” Leah said.


Leah laughed.

“That’s enough,” she muttered.

“No, it’s not. I need to show you I’m a good son too” Jaime said. He went over to Mickey.

“Hey, move away. Let me do it, it seems as though you’re planning to take my mom away from me” he muttered.

Leah laughed from where she was. She’s glad to see he’s finally the cheerful Jaime that she knows.

She looked around the restaurant worriedly.

“Where are you?” She asked, referring to her husband, Sebastian.



Hailey shut down her computer as she was through with the day’s work. She stretched her shoulder tiredly and yawned softly. She’s suddenly feeling hungry.

She only ate some snacks for lunch, so it’s normal for her to feel hungry by that time.

“I can just stop by a restaurant,” she muttered. After checking the necessary things, she smiled satisfactorily as everything was already in place.

She stood up and carried her bag.

Charles came out of his office at that moment, holding his briefcase with him.

“Are you leaving now?” He asked.

“Yes sir”

“Let’s take the lift together” he muttered and walked to the elevator.

Hailey followed him behind, putting on a serious look. She wouldn’t want him to mess with her again.

They both entered the elevator and Charles pressed the last button.

“Have you thought about it?” He suddenly asked.

Hailey glanced at him.


“The dinner with my Dad” he looked at her.

“And the fake girlfriend act, have you thought about it?” He asked.

“Erm…” Hailey trailed off. She didn’t even have the time to think about it as she was so busy.

“I’m going to pay you” Charles blurted out.

Hailey scoffed. Did he think she’s going to agree because of his money?

“I’m not trying to bribe you nor am I thinking of you as a low lady. I need this help badly and you’re the only one to help me. I’m gonna pay you a million dollars” he said.

Hailey gasped inwardly. A million dollars???

“I’ll be expecting your reply tomorrow, Hailey,” he said.

The elevator made a sound and he went out of it. She did also as she trailed behind him, lost in thought.

Some employees greeted him till they got outside the company. They saw Jace just coming out of his car.

“Buddy!” Jace smiled as he approached them.

“Mabel called to tell me you chased her away. d@mn, you have never done that before” Jace said. Mabel is the name of the lady he brought to him.

“I wasn’t interested,” Charles muttered.

“Erm…. I’ll be taking my leave sir” Hailey said, gaining their attention.

“Oh, you’re here” Jace smiled.

“Are you less busy now?” He asked.

Charles frowned lightly. Why’s he asking her that?

“Yes. Why?” Hailey asked.

“How about we have dinner together? I can take you home afterwards” Jace said.

Hailey was about to reply when Charles quickly butted in.

“She can’t, she has somewhere to go” he said.

Hailey stared at him.

“Well, I can take her there too,” Jace said.

Before Hailey could say a word, he grabbed her hand.

“Let’s go,” he smiled.

Charles grabbed Hailey’s other hand and dragged her towards him. Jace is still holding her second hand, so she’s stuck between them.

“I told you she can’t,” Charles said, slightly raising his voice.

“Why do you keep answering for her? She isn’t even declining the offer” Jace said.

“Because she’s my girlfriend” Charles blurted out before he could realize what he just uttered out loud.

Hailey looked at him in surprise. When did she become his girlfriend???


Charles ooo??

Is that jealousy I’m sensing there????

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