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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Why is he always around her?” Mickey wondered, staring at Wyatt who’s all over Layla.

He looked at Jaime who’s busy reading a book, he sighed deeply. He knows his friend is crushing on Layla and seeing her with his enemy is surely going to hurt him a lot.

“Hey Jaime, what’s up? You look gloomy today” Wyatt said loudly, gaining the students attention in the class.

Jaime ignored him as he buried his head on the book before him.

“Or, did you get your heart broken?” Wyatt continued talking.

“Poor you, who would want to date a poor rat who’s obviously feeding from his rich friend,” Wyatt said.

The whole class roared in laughter.

That was it, Jaime lost his cool. He stood up from his seat and went to Wyatt in a flash. He grabbed his collar and threw a heavy punch on his face countless times.

“f-__-k you, you $cvmbag! I’m f-__-king gonna destroy your stupid mouth for you!” He yelled, hitting Wyatt with every being in him.

“Jaime, stop it! Stop it please!” Layla begged as she tried to separate him from hitting Wyatt.

Wyatt’s friends tried to interfere but Mickey beat them to it, thankfully he was also a good fighter.

The whole class became messy as Wyatt and Jaime engaged in a hot fight.

After beating Wyatt’s friends to a pulp, Mickey walked closer to Jaime and tried to separate him from hurting Wyatt the more.

“Stop it, Jaime. That’s enough, the one you gave him is enough to set his brain straight” Mickey said.

“No, he needs to get his f-__-king brain straight!” Jaime yelled as he landed one more punch on Wyatt’s face.

Lilian entered the class and her eyes widened in shock when she saw Jaime beating up Wyatt who’s on the floor, bleeding profusely.

“Jaime!” She screamed.

“Jaime, stop it please! Stop!” She begged.

“f-__-k you @zzh0le” Jaime spat, finally letting Wyatt go.

“Jaime Brooklyn, to the principal’s office now” a teacher said as he walked into the class.

“What? He did…” Jaime walked out of the class before Lilian could complete her sentence.

Lilian turned to Wyatt who’s on the floor, cleaning his bloody lips with a smile on his face.

“You disgust me” she shouted before going after Jaime.

Mickey walked closer to Wyatt and landed a punch on his face.

“That’s for doing that to my friend” he spat before leaving the class too.

“Wyatt, are you okay?” Layla asked as she touched his face.

Wyatt threw her hand away.

“I’m fine” he said, cleaning the blood on his lips.

“Your face… You’re bleeding” she whispered, trying to touch him again.

“I said I’m fine, don’t you get it?!” Wyatt yelled.

Layla moved back a bit in shock.

“I’m sorry, was…” Wyatt tried saying but she was already out of the class.

“Damnit!” He fumed silently.



“Why did you hit Wyatt?” The principal asked.

“Because he’s a jerk,” Jaime replied.

“And the best thing you could do was to hit him?”

Lilian entered the office, she walked to Jaime’s side.

“Wyatt started the fight, I’m a witness” she said.

“Jaime would never try to hurt his mate, trust me,” she added.

“This shouldn’t repeat itself again or you’ll be suspended for two weeks” The principal said.

“Yes sir,” Lilian said.

The principal dismissed them and they both left his office. They met Mickey waiting for them outside.

“Jaime, are you okay? The principal didn’t do anything, right?” He asked worriedly.

“I’m fine” Jaime faced Lilian.

“Thank you, but I’d appreciate it if you don’t interfere in my business anymore. I can take care of myself” he said.

“Why won’t I? I’m your friend Jaime, and I can’t just sit and watch while another guy hurts you” Lilian said.

“Jaime, don’t let Wyatt’s words get to you. He’s a bastard and you know that, you shouldn’t be acting this way” Mickey said.

“I know, but I h@ťě it. It makes me feel like I’m worthless” he mumbled before walking away.

Mickey glanced at Lilian.

“You don’t have to stare at me that way, I’m fine” She forced a smile.

“I know” Mickey smiled back.



Hailey rested her back on the wall as she played with her nails. Charles is yet to return to the office and she has no idea of what to do at the moment. Everyone seems to be unfriendly to her so she decided to stay on her own.

She returned from the restroom only to discover that he wasn’t in his office anymore. She already made up her mind to quit the job because of his actions that morning, but she changed her mind because of her parents. This was just her first day at work and she wants to quit already? She couldn’t even do that when she has no other job anymore. She already quitted working with Mrs. Ella.

“I’m here to work and nothing else. Just focus on what you’re here for, Hailey” she muttered to herself.

The elevator made a sound and Charles came out of it. His eyes went to Hailey who’s by his door, she turned and their eyes met.

Charles ignored her and walked past her, going into his office.

Hailey followed him behind.

“Sir, you haven’t assigned my work to me yet. I don’t know where to start from” she said.

“You still think you’re gonna work here after what you displayed this afternoon?” Charles asked not staring at her. He already changed his clothes, this time he’s looking hotter than ever.

“I’m not sorry,” Hailey said.

Charles looked at her. She really has guts, he must admit.

“You were at fault, you touched me without your permission. Now, your father has to believe we’re in a relationship which is what I’m not gonna accept. If you still wish to fire me then it’s fine. But, I’m not gonna apologize because you were at fault” she said.

“Just go, I’ll send someone over to you” he said.


“The desk outside, that’ll be your working place. I’ll send someone to direct you on the work you’re to do”

Hailey nodded and went out of the office.

Charles picked a pen from the table and rolled it in-between his hands, a smirk could be seen on his lips.

“You won’t apologize? Let’s see if you’re gonna stay after what I’m gonna do to you” he said.



Immediately the bell rang for closing, Jaime carried his bag and went out of the class without waiting for Mickey.

“Hey, Jaime! Wait for me!” Mickey yelled. He hurriedly packed his books inside the bag and ran out of the class.

“Were you planning on leaving me alone?” He asked when he caught up with him.

“I have something to do,” Jaime simply said.

“Is it because of Wyatt?” Mickey asked.

Jaime stopped walking and turned to look at him.

“Why should I bother myself about him?” He asked.

“You don’t know what’s trending in the class?” Mickey asked.

“What?” Jaime asked cluelessly.

“No… Nothing” Mickey stuttered, walking ahead of him.

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” Jaime asked as she trailed after him.

“Of course not,” Mickey chuckled.

“Jaime!” They heard someone calling. They stopped walking and turned to see Lilian.

Lilian looked at her two friends, Tracy and Pearl.

“You guys should go ahead, I’ll chat you up” she said.

Tracy and Pearl bade her goodbye and went on their way.

Lilian took a deep breath before walking to Jaime.

“Are you avoiding me?” She asked slowly.

“No,” Jaime answered.

Lilian bit her lips.

“Am I disturbing you too much? Is my presence suffocating you?” She asked.

“What are you saying?”

“I get what you’re doing and it’s fine. I’ll try and keep my distance from you, I took you as a friend but it seems like you don’t. I won’t bother you anymore, Jaime. Have a nice day” she smiled shortly before walking away.

Mickey watched as she walked away before looking at Jaime.

“Don’t you think you’re being too harsh? That girl has been your friend since you started schooling here, you shouldn’t have said those words to her” He said.

“She’s my friend too but I just don’t like it when she interferes in my business,” Jaime said.

“And… I’ll be going home alone today, good-bye” he said and then left.

“That devil,” Mickey mumbled, referring to Wyatt. If it wasn’t for Wyatt, his friend won’t be acting this way.

“He’s purposely getting on Jaime’s bad side and this is not good. How will Jaime react when he finds out he’s dating Layla?” He wondered aloud.



Hailey yawned loudly, she checked the time on her wristwatch and she breathed in relief.

Finally, she could have some rest. There were a lot of files on the table, she’s to take a review of them before the next day, according to Charles.

“Still don’t get why I have to do all this on my first day” she grumbled. She was already tired, her hands felt numb from typing for the whole day.

She stood up and started packing the files, after she’s done, she went to Charles Office.

She met him just preparing himself to leave the office.

“Sir, here are the files you asked me to review,” she said.

Charles collected the papers from her, he flipped through it before staring at her.

“There are still some errors, you have to correct them,” he said.


“Didn’t you hear me? I need it tomorrow, so get back to work. Even if you finish it tomorrow, I don’t care, just submit it to my table by 8am” he said.

“I’ve been working on this since morning, I didn’t even take my lunch because of it. Now, I have to start all over again?”

“Then do you wanna lose your job?” Charles asked emotionlessly.

“I’ll work on it sir” she muttered.

She turned and walked to the door, she opened the door and her eyes came in contact with Jace’s.

“Hey” Jace smiled.

“Good evening” she simply said and walked past him.

Jace stared at the door before facing Charles. He walked to him.

“What’s up with your new secretary?” He asked.

Charles smiled.

“I’m having my revenge” he simply said.


“I won’t back down till she bring down that ego of hers”

“All this just because you want to f-__-k her? There are thousands of ladies out there who would gladly jump at the mention of your name not to talk of spending the night with you. Why do you keep insisting on this same girl?” Jace asked.

“Why?” Charles asked. Deep down, he also doesn’t know the reason why he’s doing all this just to have her in his bed.

“You don’t know what’s wrong with you” Jace shook his head.

“You need to get yourself together and stop acting like a kid. Tsktsk” Jace said, he turned and went out of the room.

“I’m doing this just to lay with her and nothing else. She’s just too segzy to ignore” Charles assured himself.

He carried his briefcase and went out of his office. A frown appeared on his face when he saw Jace with Hailey. He’s busy checking the papers on the table.

“What are you doing here?” He asked as he approached them.

“There’s nothing wrong with the work here, she already edited what’s to be done. Why then did you ask her to redo it again?” Jace asked.

“What has that got to do with you?” Charles asked.

“I’m the Boss here so you don’t tell me how I treat my employees”

“And I can’t watch you treating her unfairly just because of your segzual desires” Jace looked at Hailey.

“You should wrap this up and take your leave. Don’t stress yourself too much” he said.

“Take one move and consider your job gone,” Charles said coldly.


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