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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Arabella got to Gerald’s company heading to the elevator that will take her to Gerald’s office when she bumped into someone.

“Oh am sor…….”She stopped when she saw that it was Jenna she had bumped into.

“Look we have here. Are you here to see your lover?”Jenna asked giving her a huge smile.

“Am here to see him. So get out of my way, your lucky that I have something better to do or I would have given you a piece of my mind on what you did to me weeks ago”Arabella retorted as she turned to walk past her.

“But Gerald’s agreement with me didn’t put you in more trouble” Jenna said suddenly which got Arabella stopping.

“What do you mean?” Arabella asked.

A while later Arabella went straight to Gerald’s office not even bothering to knock cause she was feeling very angry.

“My love”Gerald called with a smile but she was too angry to return it.

“What’s wrong?”Gerald asked when he saw the angry look on her face.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what?”Gerald asked.

“Jenna told me that she came to you weeks ago having a supposed recording of me and in exchange of her keeping quiet she asked for half of this company. She further told me that you will be signing it to her soon”Arabella told him.

“Its true that I will be signing it out to her but I…..”

“Why didn’t you tell me about it? Why go to such extent for me?”Arabella asked feeling hurt.

“Your safety is more important to me than giving out half of my company” Gerald told her.

“That’s unfair. You worked hard to get to where you are today and just because of me and my past. You have to give it away to that witch!” Arabella lashed out.

“Its okay. The company is nothing to me, so let’s give her what she wants and get her to shut up for good” Gerald said as he moved towards her to take her hand in his.

“I don’t want that! I don’t want you giving up your company for my sake and so I……” She stopped, knowing that what she was going to say next will be the hardest thing for her.

“So I……”

“Don’t say it!”Gerald said interrupting her.

“I have to. To ensure your safety Gerald, Its best that we break up” Arabella said.

“I told you not to say it!”He yelled at her.

“Jenna won’t be the only one demanding such things from you. Some one else will and another and am sure that you will be willing to give it to them for my sake and I don’t want that. So let’s just stop here this way none of us will get hurt”

“So you think leaving me is the best thing you can do for me?”He asked and she nodded.

“I will still come visit Fiona but please don’t be around when I do so we …….”

“No! I will be around. You will get to see me everyday and will also get to see what you are doing to me!”He said.

“Fine then. Take care of yourself” She said as she turned to leave hoping that something will occur or that Gerald would stop her but that didn’t happen.

She walked out of his office crying softly. This isn’t the time to cry, she had to get Jenna off Gerald back and the sooner she does that the better for him.

Bringing out her phone she dialled a number. “I need your help”


“The documents are ready for signing and miss Jenna just arrived” Gerald secretary told him as he stood by the window gazing out.

“I will be there shortly” Gerald replied.

Its been a week since Arabella cut off ties with him. He had thought that she was just angry at him and decided to give her space for a week but she didn’t change her mind.

Though she still visits Fiona and those are times she knew that he would be busy at the company. She avoids the places she knew he might be and when he went to see her at home, she pretended not to be home and didn’t open the door for him.

He tried calling but she wouldn’t pick, his messages were unread and though he’s told John and Nina that he would like to see her, she still wouldn’t budge.

The second week have passed and he hasn’t heard from Arabella seems like she really wants to end things with him. He thought sadly.

He called her number again and when there was no answer. He head to the board room where Jenna would be waiting for him.

She had told him not to do a thing but he couldn’t just sit back and watch Jenna ruin her career and prestige so he decided to proceed with Jenna demands.

He got to the board room and ignored Jenna greetings. “let’s do what we are here to do and leave”Gerald said to her.

“I will only leave because am going out to celebrate but come tomorrow, I will be here everyday to check on things, afterall am your partner “Jenna replied.

Both their lawyer went over the contract again and when they were sure they told them both to sign.

Gerald’s pen was up already and he was about to sign when the door burst open and Arabella walked in accompanied by a man.

She stared at Gerald before glaring at Jenna who was still surprised by her arrival.

“And to what do we owe this visit? Are you here to watch us sign the deeds?”Jenna asked.

“No. Am here to stop you from signing anything “Arabella told her.

“You know that stopping this will only get the recording out and that will harm you badly”Jenna told her.

“I know but I think that you should check this out first before doing any other thing” Arabella told her as she took the phone from the man that had accompanied her and gave it to Jenna to watch the video.

“What’s going on Arabella?”Gerald asked.

“This is a video of a illegal gambling den run by Jenna. She bought it while knowing that it’s illegal and used it in making profit and that’s not all”Arabella said as she took a paper from the man behind her. She gave one each to everyone.

“The paper with you all proves that Jenna has been stealing the company money. As if owning an illegal gambling den isn’t enough, you had to steal from the music company”Arabella said this starring at her.

“Th….this is a lie. You did this to frame me”Jenna shrieked out.

“Trust me when I say that all of this is real. While you were lounging around, I got my private detective to dig out something about you and he came with all of this. Do you know that this could put you in jail for a lot of years?”Arabella asked and Immediately Jenna got out of her seat.

“Do you think that by doing this it would stop me from posting the recording? You should think again because I……”

“I don’t care what you do with the recording but I do care when you try to take what’s rightfully Gerald. Come in!”Arabella said and John walked into the room with two police men.

“Did you bring them to take me?”Jenna asked.

“Of course. You will be spending a lot of years behind bars”Arabella said as the police men came to pull her out of the room.

“What are you doing? Let me go! Do you know that am a star, I will sue you all once I get out “Jenna said as she tried to break free.

“Enjoy being a star behind bars” John added as they walked past him.

“You did great Arabella”John said giving her a thumbs up and when he saw her unsmiling face and the same unsmiling face on Gerald. He ordered the rest to leave with him while leaving Arabella and Gerald alone in the board room.

“I told you to stay out of my affair”Arabella said the first thing that came into mind.

“How can I do that when your career is at stake. I just couldn’t sit back and do nothing”

“So you chose to give out your company. I would really appreciate if you don’t do something like that again. We are no longer together so wh@ťěver protective instinct you have towards me should stop right now”

“You really don’t want to have anything to do with me?” He asked feeling hurt by her words.

” Yes. I want nothing to do with you” Arabella said steeling her heart from softening towards him. If she doesn’t do this there will be more blackmailers in the future and knowing how much Gerald loves her, he would be willing to die just for her and that is what she’s trying to prevent from happening.

“Take care of yourself Gerald. I have to go”She said as she turned to leave only to be pulled back into his arms.

“You might want nothing to do with me but I still want something with you. I still love you” Gerald said hugging her tight.

Arabella blinked back the tears that thr_@tened to pour before pulling out of his arms.

“Loving me will only cause you harm. Jenna won’t be the only one asking,they will be others and you will be willing to give it out for my sake. I won’t feel gratitude towards you, I will only feel indebted and so to avoid that, I think it’s best that we go our separate ways. Stop loving me and find someone else to be with. I already did that” she told him softly.

“With John?”Gerald asked and she nodded.

She knew it was a lie but she had to make Gerald stay away and it’s the only way she can succeed in achieving her aim.

“So John is the new man in your life?”Gerald asked and she nodded in affirmation.

“It didn’t take you long to get over me”Gerald said sadly.

“It didn’t and am sure it wouldn’t take you long to do the same. So find someone better and worthy of your love”She told him.

“I sure will. I will find someone better and get you out of my heart for good”He said looking very angry and before she could say a thing to placate him, he walked out of the board room.

Arabella sat on one of the chair crying and she was still crying when John walked in.

“I knew something was still wrong as soon as Gerald walked out of the board room. Didn’t you two make up?”John asked.

“How can we? He will keep on suffering all sort of harassment if he stays with me. Jenna won’t be the only one, others will and am afraid that Gerald will give out everything he posses just to keep me safe. Its something I don’t want John and though it hurts, Its best that he finds someone better” she told him as she kept on crying.

“What makes you think that even with you out of his life, he still wouldn’t be thr_@tened? He is rich and he will certainly meet a lot of thieves who wants some of his money and it’s left to Gerald on how he handle it. Don’t let Jenna ruin the chance of a lifetime with Gerald for you”

“Have seen you with Gerald and your the happiest whenever your with him like wise Gerald. For the past two weeks you’ve been a shadow of yourself and the song you were composing lacks so much affection. Being with Gerald makes you happy and your happiness is what we all want. Don’t let a good man get away due to your fears. I suggest you face wh@ťěver obstacles that might come your way together” John advised and she thought about it for a while. Her happiness depends on Gerald just like his depends on hers.

She sat up kissing John on the cheek. “thanks for the advise your the best”She said as she turned to leave only for John to stop her.

“What exactly did you tell Gerald cause when he walked out of the room, he stared at me like he was going to ki|| me “John asked.

“I told him that I am dating you” she replied looking a bit guilty.

“Well I hope you clear that misunderstanding”John said and she nodded before leaving the room..

“Am sorry but Mr Dalton just left for the Airport. He’s flying to Egypt for a business meeting and he would be staying for a week”His secretary informed her as soon as she got to his office not to find him there.

“Thank you”Arabella said as she left heading to the parking lot to get her car so she could go after Gerald.

She got to the airport late and that’s all due to the heavy traffic on the way. Checking the boarding sign. The plane to Egypt will take off in half an hour but Gerald could use his private jet which would prevent her from seeing him. She had to talk to him before he leaves.

Arabella ran into the airport forgetting to hide her identity. The thought of Gerald leaving her made every other thing useless.

Some of her fans who had noticed her rushed towards her, all screaming out her name and wanting to get an autograph from her.

She couldn’t pander to their wish right now and she didn’t want to be rude to them so instead she got them to help her.

“I will give an autograph to everyone of you but first I need you to help me find someone. He’s here right now and if I don’t stop him, I will end up losing him for good. You all know Gerald Dalton, the owner of Dalton cosmetic. He’s the one am looking for and so if you find him before I do kindly give me a call” She said calling out her number to everyone who had gathered around her.

“Call me”She urged as they all went insearch of Gerald. She was glad to have fans who are ready to help. While doing her own search, she saw some of them searching for Gerald, some even went as far as to visit the broadcasting station to call out Gerald’s name.

She was heading to the boarding unit when she got a call from someone.

Going straight to the cafeteria where she had been told that he was spotted, she found him there sitting at one of the table while two of her fans stood beside him.

He looked up on her arrival and she gave him a smile which he didn’t return.

“What’s with all this?”He asked.

“I couldn’t find you and I got my fans to help me”She explained.

“And why are you even looking for me? From what you told me earlier, we’ve finished with each other”He said.

“I was a fool. What I said back then was to push you away Gerald. I was scared that people like Jenna will approach you and try to get something out of you. I didn’t want that and that’s why I tried to push you away”She told him.

“You could have put your trust in me. Am not that stupid to pander to every blackmailer wish. What you did certainly made it clear to me that you couldn’t rely on me and if am not someone you can rely on then there is no use in us being together” he said as he turned to leave but she stopped him by holding onto his hand.

“I do rely on you. I do trust you Gerald and i still love you. I did it all to protect you, if John hadn’t made me realise my mistake I…..”

“So if John hadn’t talk to you, you wouldn’t be here? Have heard enough Arabella, just go away “He said as he pulled his hand out of hers.

“I love you Gerald. I love you so much and I don’t want you to leave, what can I do to make you stay?”She asked as tears began to pour.

She didn’t care about the people who had gathered around her now to watch them, all she wanted was Gerald back in her arms.

Gerald stopped to stare at her .”Nothing, don’t do anything”He replied as he walked off while Arabella crouched on the floor, crying for her lost.

She brought this on herself, she lost the love of her life just because of her insecurity.

She could hear her fans saying things to console her but it only made her cry harder. All she wants is Gerald.

Just then someone pulled her up and it was none other than Gerald.

“Don’t you ever leave me again cause if you do, I won’t take you back”He said to her and she nodded in agreement before he pulled her into a fierce hug.

“I love you and I will always love you” Gerald muttered into her ears while she did the same.

The people standing around them all rejoiced at their coming back together and for a while they thanked each and everyone.

“Isn’t it best that we go back home and reconcile In a much more better way?”Gerald asked giving her a naughty look.

“I would love to but I promise them all to give an autograph if they help me find you which they did”She told him giving him a smile.

“So I will just have to wait for you”Gerald replied and she nodded.

“Your not angry right?”She asked.

“Am not. I understand that my future wife is a star and so I…..”

“Your future wife? Are you proposing to me Gerald?”She asked and he nodded in return.

“What do you say about being my wife?”He asked and she nodded quickly.

“I would love to “She added as she gave him a kiss on the lips and in front of everyone.

“Common Ara, we are all waiting”Her fans said and she pulled away to give them all her brightest smile.

“He proposed to me and I said yes”She told them all and they all congratulated them.

“Go and give out your autograph, I will be waiting”Gerald told her.

“Thanks. I love you!”She yelled this as she was already walking off.

“And I too”He replied as he watched her walk off with a smile on his face.

Gerald was assured that with more years to come, Arabella will always love him just like he will always love her.


Another story finished???

Thanks to all my fans who have started this story with me to end it with me also???

You all are loved and I hope that you keep on reading more of my stories. I might be late in updating for you guys but know that I will always do my best in making it up to you???

I hope you’ve learned something from this story. Well give me your comment, wanna read them all???

Encourage ur writer.. ?
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