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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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{Love Intoxicated…}

By, Ella N.

Do Not Copy, Fôol❗❗


♡´・ᴗ・`♡ POPPED IT ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

“But I’m….I’m impotent, Janella. The Doctor said…he said it that I I’m….” Janella shut him up with her forefinger, trying to calm his tension down….

“Shh….God works in mysterious ways, JJ. And if I’m not mistaking, the Doctor never said you will never be able to birth a child again. Have you forgotten the last check up we went for before the Bryson $h|t started? And then, Doctor Derek said that, with those drugs, there’s a possibility that you can get a woman pregnant. Besides, he never said you were sterile, it’s just your inability to maintain an erection, Jerome. Which will of course be hard for you to ejaculate to be able to get a woman pregnant. But you know you did the last time we….” Janella paused there, and just chuckled, pulling Jerome who was still in total shocks, into a warm and affectionate hug.

“The drugs are doing a great job, Jerome” Janella pulled away, gently. She held his face tenderly, and just kept looking at him.

“I honestly can’t believe this, baby. I swear, I never thought I’d be able to birth a child, ever in my life again. Janella, I don’t know the kind of blessings and favours you carry, but since we reunited, even though we didn’t actually know that. Things became very different, I swear.
I don’t even know what to say anymore. You’re such a blessing to and our kids. I never even thought that I, Jerome Meyers would still be alive, and talking to you”….

“Come closer, babes. I want to tell you something” Janella immediately said, giggling.

Jerome slowly began to bend his head, but before it got to Janella, she tilted her own head and captured his lips instead.

Like Jerome was actually craving for it, he hungrily began to kiss her, and that was how the wild yet, sweet kiss in the car began. With Janella kissing him, and at the same time, giggling in his mouth.

She just wanted him to stop talking.


“Mommy! Hey….daddy tricked us. He said you did not come with him” The twins said as their dad opened the car door for them, then they went in and saw their mom sitting there.

He actually just picked them from their school.

Janella felt too lazy, so she didn’t feel like following him to go get the kids.

Anyway, Jerome chuckled. “Common, girls. You’ve not given daddy his special kiss….”

Desiree and Betty immediately kissed his both cheeks before he could say more.

Then they did the same thing to their mom.

“Tell mommy how much you missed her and daddy” Janella smiled hard, saying.

“Oh….my….gawd! Mommy, do you know I kept asking our class teacher what it was by her time? If it was already closing time so you could come pick us? But she just kept disappointing me by not saying the time I wanted to hear” Desiree pouted, making her parents to chuckle, including her twin sister, who was seriously laughing at her. Because she was actually there when Desiree was bugging their class teacher, leaving the lady to wonder why.

“Your daughter talks a lot” Jerome bent his body to Janella’s side, and whispered in her ears.

“I know, right? She talks exactly like her dad” Janella whispered back with a smirk, and Jerome just gasped on hearing that.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. But I’m not a woman, only women talk a lot” Jerome said, defensively.

“Yeah, right? Possibly, the Angel in charge of creating women mistakenly made you a guy, because you talk and even smile like a woman” Janella joked, and Jerome just burst out loud.

“You’re crazy, baby. Swears….”

“Ice cream….ice crem….we want some ice cream, daddy and mommy” Those two began to sing it like a song, cutting their parents little play time off.

“Okay my little princesses. But are you sure you really want to eat ice cream right now? Because daddy has something sweeter than ice cream to tell you” Jerome spoke, smiling and looking back at them.

“Huh? But I don’t think there’s anthing sweeter than ice cream. Right, Dee?” Betty asked Desiree with a shrug, getting an affirmative from her.

“We’ll see about that. Okay. Do you know you are both gonna have a baby brother soon? Mommy has your baby brother growing in her tummy” Jerome announced it to the girls, touching Janella’s tummy, softly.

“Ahhhhh!” Desiree and Betty screamed their tiny voices out in over excitement. And they were both seen, struggling to go meet their mom at the front seat, just so they could touch their mommy’s tummy too.

Jerome and Janella actually went to the hospital immediately they left school, to confirm she was really pregnant.

Well, yes! The Doctor confirmed it, and he said she is three weeks+ gone already.

“Me first!” Betty said, struggling hard to get there.

“No! Me first, Betty” Desiree protested, not giving up at all.

“No! Me first, I’m the older one. Mommy said I was born before you” Betty blurted out, and her parents couldn’t help but to burst out laughing hard.

“She finally said It! Do you know how eagerly I have been waithng to hear her say this?” Janella laughed, and what she said, made Jerome to laugh even more.

Reason why she didn’t try to stop them from arguing and struggling just yet. Because that was just what she wanted to hear.

“Alright, that’s enough now. Mommy will join you two now at the back, so you can touch your baby brother for as long as you want, okay? Now, sit still and stop arguing” Jerome told them, calmly.

“Okay, daddy” The twins obediently replied, doing exactly what their dad asked them to do.

“Hi there, baby brother” They both said at a time, when Janella finally went and sat at the back with them.

They momentarily raised their mom’s top a little bit high and at the same time, kissed her tummy.

“I know you’re gonna be cute and adorable like Desiree and I, baby brother. I love you already, baby brother” Betty was the one who spoke first.

“Yeah. Even cuter than us. I can’t wait to play princess tea parties with you, baby brother” Desiree spoke too.

“Dee! Boys don’t play tea parties, stop that….”

“But daddy does, see?” Desiree replied quickly, not wanting Betty to say more.

Janella began to laugh as she remembered how Jerome always looks in his princess dress, hair and makeup.


“Surprise, surprise, surprise!” Jerome said, like Bryson always said it. He smiled, but in a very decisive way. “Hey, Bryson. Oh sorry, I meant to say….Big brother” Jerome sarcastically said as he walked into the torture room where they put Bryson in.

He actually couldn’t come here like he had planned to do, yesterday. Well, all thanks to the good news of him/ them having another baby soon.

Bryson is seriously unrecognizable. He’s been getting severe torture ever since he was brought in here. And shockingly, the psychopath is f_cking still alive!

If it were to be someone else, the person would have died a long time ago, even from when he was arrested and shot that many times. But Bryson is still very much alive, only that he’s slowly losing it, because they’ve not spared him even for a second.

All the people he has ki||ed, and the harm he has caused. No, no, no. The cops weren’t taking it easy on him.

Jerome was even shocked when he walked in and still saw him alive.

That’s by the way.

Bryson reluctantly raised his head up on hearing Jerome’s voice, giving him dead glares instantly , even though he was shocked to his bone marrows.

Yes. He was shocked and scared at the same time, because he was expecting, and of course Jerome was supposed to die before they could even reach the hospital, just like Bryson had said he would. He knew the kind of drugs he injected into Jerome’s body.

So he didn’t expect to see Jerome here, especially not back on his feet already. What?!

Now he believes that Jerome is really a cat with nine lives, because how the hell did he survive this again?!

He should have been dead by now….dead and long gone for good!

Because even if he (Bryson) doesn’t get to have the wealth like he had envisioned since he’s in the custody of the police now, and will sure not come out alive, succeeding in ki||ing Jerome with the drugs he injected him with, would have been so sweet to him.

That’s exactly what Bryson thought would happen to Jerome, but seeing him here
right now, strong and hearty, makes him just want to kîll him right now by strangling, and suffocating him to death.

“See me, big brother. I am alive, strong and hearty. You thought you could always ki|| people you can’t create, huh? You’ve been trying to ki|| me now for the past years, and never succeeded, Bryson. Wasn’t that enough to tell you that my grace cannot be toyed with? Was that not enough to tell you that I am untouchable? You dared ki|| dad, as if that wasn’t enough, you ki||ed Blake. Hmm” Jerome sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head and thought about Blake for a moment.

“What kind of a heartless monster are you, Bryson?
Even kids? You tried to harm my kids, why? What did those innocent souls….so pure and innocent do to you? What did we ever do to you, Bryson? You already ki||ed who wronged you, so why didn’t it just stop there, huh?! You ki||ed Blake, you monster….heartless fool! I can’t believe Blake has been dead all this while because you ki||ed him. You’re gonna rot here, Bryson! I told you karma will be waiting for you, I f_cking told that!”

“Maggots are gonna feast on your stupid dead body, you psychopath! How dare you ki|| my cousin?!” Jerome began to yell as anger surged in, trying to attack Bryson, even when he knew that wasn’t good for him since he was just still recovering.

He just couldn’t hold back his anger and pain of losing Blake to that insane man.

Hearing the sudden yell, the cops guarding the place quickly came and asked Jerome to please leave. They held him by the hand, heading out of the place with him.

“Let go of my hand! I can f_cking walk by myself! ” Jerome yelled, letting out a panting deep breath. He looked back at Bryson, only to see him blankly looking at him too.

From the way he looked, you would know he had just few more days to still leave. He couldn’t even talk nor reply Jerome while he was saying all that to him.

All he could think of, was how to still ki|| Jerome by strangling him to death that very moment, even when he got no single strength, nor chance to do so anymore.


As soon as the car halted in Jerome’s personal space, Alex gallantly, in his black suite and black shades, got out of the car and opened the door for Jerome.

For the first time in the past few months now, that Jerome has allowed him act like his personal bodyguard that he actually employed him to be.

Alex is on top of the world right now, and he feels so alive as he can’t remember the last time he did this with his boss.

He actually followed him to the police department too.

“Thank you, Alex” Jerome let out a small smile, picking up his phones.

As they began to walk to the elevator that will take him to his office, the workers downstairs began to look at Jerome, weirdly, murmuring even.

A lot of them heard the rumour of someone who was impersonating their boss, and even came to the company.

So, they were wondering if that was really Jerome, or the impersonator again. Even with Alex that came with him, they were still having some doubts.

However, Jerome and Alex walked past them all, with every one of them greeting Jerome though.

The elevator dinged, when they reached the fifth floor. And Dorothy, the lady who has been trying to get Jerome to fall in love with her, was the first person that they saw through the hall way.

Dorothy’s jaws instantly dropped, the moment she set her eyes on Alex.

“Oh my p@zzy!” She exclaimed inwardly, sucking in air.

The tall, masculine and handsome Alex was taking her breath away from her body.

Seeing that, Jerome couldn’t help but to laugh, shaking his head as he knew the lady was already head over heels with Alex.

Or should he just say, she was already dreaming of how well Alex will handle her in bed if she gets the chance to do so with him.

“Daughter of Jezebel. At least no more stupid chocolates, notes and flowers on my table. Eish! Such a p*ussyhole. Why have I not even fired her yet?” Jerome muttered within, and just walked away.


Alex was seen seriously smiling, as he watched Dorothy who was awkwardly walking away, turning to steal glances at Alex.

“Ɓîtçh!” He chuckled, shook his head, went further to Jerome in his office.


“Babes…?” Janella who just woke up from her nap, began to call Jerome.

She had been sleeping since like two hours now, and just woke up, only to see that everywhere was dark.

She actually decided to sleepover over with her kids and Jerome today. So she felt like sleeping, and just decided to take a nap, but has actually overslept.

“For how long have I been sleeping? Why the hell are the lights out? What happened to the power supply? JJ?….?” She called again, but there was no reply.

“What’s happening? Or….am I actually dreaming? Why is no one answering me? Desiree…. Betty” Janella called out. She managed to search for her phone by moving her hands gently around the bed.

She immediately turned her phone’s light on, then began to walk out of the room.

“Brody….?” She called one of the guards, who is in charge of guarding the upper part of the mansion.

Still, she heard no one answer her.

“Is this a prank or what? Lucie!….Alex! Why the hell are the lights out? Where are my kids? JJ….Jerome!!” Janella called out loudly, as she began to walk fast, heading to the living room. As all she was thinking about, was her babies and Jerome, her phone’s light, flashing at every angle.

“She’s close, start lighting up the candles” That was Bianca’s voice.

“Dude, where are you? She’s coming” Fred asked, and Jerome answeed from where he was.

Everywhere was so d@mn dark that you could barely see anything.

“She’s coming…. Oh my gosh! Give me some, let me help you out” That was Alexa’s voice, talking to Lenora.

“Babes, stop it if this is a prank. You’re scaring me the hell out. Where are the kids….”

Janella’s words hung, the moment she began to see candle lights, lighting up one after the other in a line. Then, the line stopped at an angle, then curved in and out, then went in a straight line again, until it met the first lights. Which then formed a very big heart shape, with roses scattered around the heart shaped candle settings.

“Huh? Jerome? What’s going on?” Totally confused Janella who had no single idea of what was going on, asked.

“Turn on the link lights, please” Overly excited Abbey said it out loud.

The moment the lights came back on, Janella was shocked to see everyone in the living room. Then lights, candles, flowers and then….

“Will You Marry Me” Was boldly written, though it was written with roses. Like, they used roses to write it in a very beautiful and charming way.

“Let’s take care of our kids, grow old and spend the rest of our lives together. Let’s make everything complete at the altar, Baby. Will You Marry Me, Janella Hills?” Jerome popped the question.

Janella who never saw this coming, at least not so soon…. “Ah!” She screamed, giving little short jumps on her tipie toes.

“Yes!! Of course, Jerome!” She screamed it out loud.

And the moment she said yes, bottles of champagne popping here and then, were the noises that could be heard in the living room.


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