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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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{Love Intoxicated…}

By, Ella N.

Do Not Copy, Fôol❗❗


♡´・ᴗ・`♡BIG BÃD WOLF….♡´・ᴗ・`♡

“When you see someone coughing, what you should do is look for water to give to that person, not start talking nonsense like people whose brains got washed with bleach water” Janella said, and began to walk closer to them, still with the oraimo cord in her hand, smiling like a wîtch who just tasted alcohol for the first time…..

“What’s she doing with an oraimo cord?” Alexa asked with raised shoulders, her eyes on Janella who is still smiling like a wîtch.

“I think she wants to…..

They were all interrupted as the Pink Stars Dancers trooped in, crazy but awesome dance moves following afterwards.

One of them can be seen holding an MP3 with her right hand, while the other held her phone where the music that is playing is coming from.

The moment some people saw them, they went crazy as always and they began to scream in excitement.

👤 I think they’ll be holding a concert soon!!….

👤Where, please? I won’t miss it for anything…

👤Yahhh! Oh my gosh!….

👤Go, Nita, my favorite girl!….

👤I love you, Lisandra….

Screams from different angles sounded in everyone’s ear as they felt so excited.

Meanwhile, Janella and her friends sat down back to watch too.

They wouldn’t lie, they enjoy these girls concert whenever they host one, especially here in the school.

“And….what’s going on?” Janella asked who has no idea of what is going on, asked, turning to look at her friends for answers.

“Well, I think they’re gonna be hosting a concert soon. Will you come?” Alexa asked Janella who was still looking at the Pink Stars.

“Nope, I’m….

“Yes, definitely, she’ll attend…we’ll all attend, right?” Lenora quickly cut in, stopping Janella from saying more.

“Did I not just say I wasn’t coming?” Janella eyed Lenora who eyed her back with an eye roll.

“Well, your statement was cut short, so what you said is irrelevant” Lenora replied, smiling sardonically at Janella.

Lenora loves the way Janella is now, how happy she is and how she has become a bit free, unlike those days.

She really can’t tell what is suddenly making her become this happy, but she loves it and will do more to make her happy.

She really wants her to loosen up more and be happy more than she is now.

Anyway, Janella scoffed and still said she wasn’t coming.

“C’mon, sweetheart, you will love it, trust me” Lenora said, persuasively, but Janella only rolled eyes.

“So, when is the concert?” She surprisingly asked, and Lenora almost jumped on her for agreeing. She stuck hands with Alexa as they felt happy that she actually agreed without them pestering her much.

“We don’t know yet, they will tell us once they are done” Alexa replied, simply.

Anyway, Jerome and his friends can be seen just walking into the class, looking extra hot as always.

They actually stepped out after the lectures ended, but it looked like they went to beatify themselves, because they look more handsome than when everyone saw them in the morning.

As Jerome walked in, the first person that his eyes landed on, was Janella who coincidentally looked at him that very moment too, thier eyes instantly locking.

Jerome quickly flashed a smile at her and was about to wave when Lisandra danced until she got close enough to Jerome. And like she did the other day, she moved her head to kiss Jerome again, but Jerome was fast to put his palm on her lips, stopping from going any further.

“My woman’s watching, I don’t want her to think otherwise” Jerome said, referring to Janella and as he said that, he turned to look at Janella who was literally looking at what Lisandra was about to do. But she immediately looked away.

Jerome could only smile, proudly as his gaze was still on Janella.

Anyway, Lisandra still smiled and brought out a ticket to the concert, handing it over to Jerome.

“My VVIP” She smiled and gave him the ticket, pecked his left cheek, before she went back to dancing.

👤Whoa! What just happened?….

👤Did he…? What the f_ck?!!….

👤I think our f_ckboy is repented….

👤Pfff! It’s like you came late for class and didn’t see who he walked in hand in hand with this morning….

👤Go, girl…I love you, Sandra!….

The last student screamed in excitement, cheering for her idol; Lisandra.

Meanwhile, Lenora and Alexa turned their gazes to Janella to see what her reaction would be after seeing what Jerome did when Lisandra was about to kiss him, but she was expressionless.

“Janella? Um, did you….

“What? I wouldn’t care if he had let her kiss him or even f_cked him right there” Janella replied, and Lenora chuckled, turning to look at Alexa.

“I think someone’s in…..

“Complete that statement if you still value your tongue and teeth” Janella thr_@tened seriously and Alexa was the one who burst out laughing like a maniac, with Lenora joining her afterwards.

“I seriously don’t know where this sudden mãdness is coming from, but I love it, my cutie potootie!” Lenora said and wanted to squeeze Janella’s cheek like she always does, but Janella slåpped it off with a glare, making Lenora to laugh more.

After some minutes, The Pink Stars finally announced when they are holding their concert, and everyone was surprised to hear that it’s just in two days time.

Whoa! That actually came earlier than they all thought.

Anyway, the class was quiet after some time as the Emcee came into the class, another noise ensued afterwards as everyone was overly excited.

The Emcee is has actually come to inform them that the Mr. And Miss University registration has begun already.

He has gone to the other departments to announce to them too, since there’s no way to inform them all at once and at the same time since everyone is in their different department.

Anyway, he left the class after telling them what he came to tell them, and the class became noisy again, with everyone talking about the concert, contest and how they are going to rock it.

“Have you changed your mind now, Ella? Are you gonna contest?” Alexa was the first to ask Janella who still looked uninterested.

“Nope” Janella replied shortly as she scrolled through her phone.

Lenora smirked and looked at Alexa, while Alexa did same and they both nodded after Lenora whispered something to her.


“Dude! Did you just reject a free p@zzy?” Fred asked Jerome, unbelievably.

They are seen at the far end of the class, but not so far though.

“What? Am I the first man to reject a p@zzy?” Jerome replied, shocking both Brien and Fred.

“Check his temperature, dude! This isn’t normal, I think he has smoked it again” Fred told Brien who immediately moved closer to Jerome to do as Fred had said, but Jerome slåpped his hand instead, causing his friends to laugh at him, mockingly.

But on a serious note, they were surprised when Jerome stopped Lisandra from kissing him. They really didn’t see that coming at all.

He’s really into this Janella girl, and it looks like he’s serious.

They all went quiet for minutes, with each of them just doing their thing.

Jerome dropped his text books on his desk and checked the time on his wristwatch.

He actually has an appointment to catch up with.

“So….have you found a nanny for your kid yet?” Fred suddenly asked, breaking the silence as he pocketed his phone.

“Yeah, it’s Janella. She came back” Jerome replied with a smile curved up on his lips.

“Whoa! Are you serious?” Both Brien and Fred asked at the same time, looking all surprised.

“What happened? Why did she later agree to take the job?” Curious Brien asked.

“I don’t know, she just did. Well, I think she decided come back because of Desiree. She likes her very much” Jerome said, simply and his friends smiled.

“Your baby girl is just too adorable and smart for anyone to not like” Fred uttered, rubbing his beardless chin, more like he was suddenly thinking about something. “I think it’s time a had a baby too” He said, looking very serious and still in that thinking state.

“Dude, tap his shoulder, I think he’s sleep talking again” Jerome sarcastically said, and Brien chuckled as Fred gave them both a middle finger.


“Mr. Jerome, that was just part of the stages, your condition is still stable” Doctor Erics told Jerome who looked very worried.

He actually contacted his Doctor after that night he saw bloöd in his palm after coughing, though that has been happening for some time now, but he still acts like it just started happening yesterday.

So, after telling his Doctor about it, the Doctor asked him to come to the hospital so he could check him up and know how his condition is.

This is actually the appointment he was checking his time for.

Doctor Erics is his personal Doctor whom he trusts so much, even with his own life and that of his daughter, and even his family members.

Let me just say, Doctor Erics is thier family Doctor, and has been for some years now.

“Are you sure, Doctor?” Jerome asked, but he was a bit calm though, and wasn’t looking so worried.

“Yes, but don’t forget what…” The Doctor stopped himself from saying what he wanted to say. “You’re fine, Mr. Jerome” He said and Jerome sighed in frustration, pressing the bridge of his nose hard as he shut his eyes for seconds. “And also don’t fail to take your medications seriously as always” The Doctor added, and Jerome could only nod.

“I will be on my way now and will let you know if anything else happens” Jerome said and with that, he left the Doctor’s Office.

Getting outside, he entered his car and sat down for a while. He tilted his head to the back, rested it on the car seat and shut his eyes again as he got lost in his thoughts.

Jerome was in his car for quite some time, thinking before he finally decided to hit the road and go home.

d@mn! He misses his daughter some much, and bádly wants to see Janella also.

Sighing again, Jerome ignited the car engine and was out of the hospital in no time.


Jerome’s car can be seen driving into the mansion as the large gate opened wide for him to make his way in.

His guards can been at both sides of the gate, with protective arms on them.

Jerome actually doesn’t like going out with any of his guards, especially when going to school.

He’d rather they stay and protect his home, especially his little daughter. So he does most of the driving to anywhere he’s going to all by himself.

That’s by the way.

Parking the car well with the others, Jerome got out of it; he actually left his textbooks in there.

His workers began to greet him, respectfully as he walk past them, and as usual, he answered their greetings cooly.

Anyway, he entered the house and the ones inside began to greet him too.

“Where’s my daughter?” Was what he asked as he looked around the living room.

“She’s in her room, sir” The maid whom he asked, answered him.

“Alone? Is…she sleeping?” He asked as he frowned a little.

“No, sir. She….she’s with the lady who came for the….she’s with her nanny” The maid quickly said.

Wait, what?! Janella is here?!

F.u.c.k! He had thought that Janella wouldn’t start the work already, especially not today.

Like, the same person he bádly wants to see is in his house?

Like someone was has just been told that he has won a big contract, a big smile could be seen on Jerome’s face as he began to walk away, leaving the workers around to wonder why he had that big smile on his face just hearing that Desiree is with her nanny.

Well, they all already know that their boss smiles a lot, but today’s was totally different.


“Little pig, little pig, let me in!” Janella the big bãd wolf snarled at little pig Desiree who is seen shaking in fear.

“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!” The little pig replied, and the big bãd wolf got angry and moved closer to the little pig’s house.

“Then I’ll huff, I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!” The big bãd wolf said and began to get ready to huff, puff and blow the house while the little pig shook in more fear.

Crazy! This is what Janella has been doing with Desiree for like twenty….thirty minutes now.

Desiree pestered Janella until she agreed to play with her in her playhouse.

They’re even wearing the costumes and Janella looks very funny in her Wolfy costume, with her tail dangling as she does the huff and puff, making mischievous Desiree to secretly laugh at her.

Miss Rachel, the lady who used to be Desiree’s nanny before she left, was actually the one who always wore this whenever they played the big bãd wolf.

Yeah, she was just like Janella and Desiree liked her too.

Janella wouldn’t lie, this is actually kind of fun. It makes her remember her childhood days with her younger sister and some of her cousins who usually visited them during holidays.

And now Desiree is bringing back those memories.

Anyway, while they were doing that, someone was by the door watching them all the while.

He has been chuckling seriously as he watched the show. He was chuckling lowly because he didn’t want of them to notice his presence because he was seriously enjoying himself.

However, luck wasn’t on his side anymore because Desiree’s eyes incidentally went to the door and she saw him.

“Daddy….!” She immediately screamed in excitement and Janella instantly froze on her spot.

Slowly, she turned like a robot to look at the daddy that Desiree just screamed.

The moment her Wolfy face showed, Jerome couldn’t hold it….he just let it all out loudly…


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