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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Love Intoxicated…}

By, Ella N.

Do Not Copy, Fôol❗❗



Desiree ran to Janella as fast as she could and she was in her embrace in no time.

“Aww, how cute. You look like a swan princess, Desiree” Janella smiled widely as she hugged Desiree’s body so sweetly.

“Thank you, Miss Ella. I missed you so much” Desiree said, giving Janella a quick peck on her left cheek and Janella’s heart instantly melted. “I can’t believe you came back, Miss Ella. How did you find my school?” Little Desiree spoke, still surprised and not believing that Janella actually came to her school. Like, she literally came back, because yesterday….


“Daddy, is Miss Ella okay? I didn’t see her come back….or doesn’t she want to be my nanny?” Little Desiree asked as her dad tucks her in bed.

Jerome took a deep breath first, thinking of what to tell this little girl here.

He thought of lying to her, but then, he also thought that lying wouldn’t change anything because Janella would still not come back.

Lying would only give Desiree fake hopes, and she woud be more saddened when after hoping so much and waiting for Miss Ella, but instead she hears that her Miss Ella doesn’t want the job of being her nanny.

“Dee, you have to accept wh@ťěver I tell you, okay? Um, I don’t think Miss Ella is coming back” Jerome honestly told her without hiding anything.

“Aww, but why, daddy? Doesn’t she like me?”

“She does, baby girl. Very much” Jerome replied, running his fingers through her hair as he tries to make her fall asleep.

How was it so easy for Janella to make her fall asleep within minutes?

This girl takes time before falling asleep except if she gets very tired on some days.
But anyway, Janella did it effortlessly without staying too long in her room.

“Then why doesn’t she want to be my nanny” The poor girl pouted sàdly.

“She just has her reasons, princess. You need to sleep now, okay? Remember you have to dance like the princess that you are tomorrow” Jerome reminded her of her show and Desiree didn’t fail to smile, already dreaming of tomorrow.

After Desiree had finally slept, Jerome returned his room.

He felt so bãd for his poor little girl, not just because Janella wasn’t coming back. But because Desiree’s aunt said she wouldn’t be able to make it to the show. She had already planned her day ahead before she was told about Desiree’s ballet dance.

She felt bad though, but Jerome quite understood her.

Anyway, knowing how much Desiree wanted a lady to attend her show instead, Jerome thought of a way to surprise and make his daughter happy.

He thought of a way to reach out to Janella, but there was no d@mn way!

Geez! What was he even thinking when he knows nothing more about Janella, other than her name.

The fact they he himself misses, and like Desiree, he badly wants to see Janella.

He couldn’t even get to see her yesterday like he thought he would.
It looks like Janella is starting to avoid him and that thought alone drives him nuts!

However, Jerome suddenly calmed a bit and smiled hard when an idea of reaching Janella popped up in his head.

He quickly went to his laptop table and picked up his laptop, imputing his password immediately.

He scrolled up and went straight to Janella’s details; The one she filled in when she applied for the nanny job, and he copied her number.

He called immediately and Janella was so surprised at how or where he got her contact from, but Jerome told her where.

So, Jerome told Janella everything and well, she didn’t say anything….whether or not she would attend.

Nonetheless, after the call had ended, Jerome called little Desiree’s school and informed them that someone was coming for Desiree and that they should let her in when she comes.

He did that because you cannot just go into the school like that if you’re not a parent or a relative to any child in that school.

Even though Jerome wasn’t so certain that Janella would attend the show, he had that feeling that she would. Not because of him, but because of Desiree.

He just knew she wouldn’t disappoint the little girl she likes.


“Hello, Miss Ella. I’m Betty, Desiree’s friend” Little Betty walked up to the both of them and introduced herself to Janella. Janella smiled and hugged them both.

“Are you kinda Dee’s mommy? Dee kinda looks like you” Little Betty said and Janella could only chuckle and stare in wonder.

“You must be Miss Janella Hills, yes?” Desiree’s class teacher who was actually dressing them up, asked Janella and she nodded a yes.

“C’mon, guys, the show is about to start” She said, sharply clapping her hands. Desiree held Janella’s hand, then her little friend and they all left like that.


“What the he.ll did you do in boss’s Office when you went to submit those files?” Angry Layla asked, with déad glares that could murdèr someone.

She’s actually the secretary whom Jerome called yesterday and gave her a stern warning over the lady she sent to his Office.

“You told me he was a flirt who loves women a lot” The lady who actually went to Jerome’s Office to seduce him, said.

“What the hèck?! Did you try to seduce him? Are you crazy? I knew you had something off your sleeve when you offered to me out. I almost got fired because of you!”

“You could have given me a more valid information or gossip. Do you know the kind of insult I received from him? The insults I never knew existed” She said, and Layla hissed loudly in both anger and disgust.

“Don’t you deserve the insults? I’d so fire you if I were the boss. You should thank your stars that he’s a nice guy. Shameless!” Layla spat and and stomped out angrily.

“I’m gonna make him fall hard for me, then reject him when he finally falls deeply” The lady smiled, dreamingly with a smirk following afterwards.


Lenora’s car can be seen parked in front of Big Momma’s house as she walks out of it, operating on her phone as she walked her way to the door.

She rang the doorbell and Big Momma came for it almost immediately.

“Nora?” She called, all surprised to see Lenora.

Not like she was surprised because Lenora actually came to her house though. Big Momma was surprised because she thought that she and Janella were already together.

Like, she wasn’t expecting to see her here since Janella is not home, because most of the times, Lenora only visits when Janella is around.

Haven’t they seen each other in school already? Or Lenora probably hasn’t gone to school yet?

Anyway, “Hi, Momma” Lenora smiled immediately, giving her air kìsses on both sides of her cheeks.

“How are you, dear?” Big Momma asked kindly, and Nora replied possively with a big smile.

“Is Janella home? I’ve been calling, but she isn’t picking any of my calls” Said Lenora, and Big Momma curved her brows a bit.

Lenora actually came to pick her up so they could go for lectures together. At least that was what they both planned yesterday.

Their lecture is later in the day, but still around that morning though.

“She told me she was stopping by somewhere, but would not stay long before going to school. Didn’t she tell you?”

“Oh, she didn’t tell me though, I guess she forgot to. But why isn’t she picking my calls?” Lenora questioned as she instantly started to get worried.

“Same question I was about to ask, Nora” Big Momma who also became worried about her grand daughter’s whereabout, said.

“Don’t worry, granny, I’m sure she’s in school already and her phone is probably on silence” Lenora quickly said with a smile, trying to make the old woman feel less worried.

“I have to go now. I’ll see you later, Big Momma” Lenora said as she slowly began to walk away.

Big Momma only smiled and went back inside, but not without worrying more about Janella.

Outside, Lenora’s car took off the moment she ignited the car engine. But she had not gone so far when she frowned, her brows curved up in shocks.

“Is…is that not dad?” She asked herself when she saw someone who looks like her dad entering the car with a lady…..


On the stage are the kids who are right now performing the ballet dance. They all look so adorable and angelic!

In the first row are the youngest kids, and among them is little Desiree in her pink and white tu tu.

She’s dancing and moving her body so flexibly like she actually has no bones.

Those who are watching them dance right now would think what they are doing there is a piece of cake. Whereas, it’s not as easy as it looks.

Desiree and little Betty, and few other younger kids who are in the front row, are doing it too well for their tender age that people wouldn’t stop gushing.

Off the stage are parents; moms who came to watch their beautiful kids dance.

And by the right is Janella who has been clapping and smiling at Desiree who keeps melting her heart away with her dance moves.

That little girl on the stage there keeps leaving her speechless and always making Janella ask herself if she’s actually three years old, because she doesn’t look nor act like one.

Everyone just kept cheering for the kids by not stopping their claps.

However, minutes later after the kids had danced and were now about to do the final dance show, mothers of the kids were called to go take their tu tu’s and join their babies to do the last dance.

Anyway, Janella who didn’t quite understand what was going on because well, Jerome didn’t tell her she’s gonna have to wear a tu tu and f_cking go on the stage to dance with little Desiree.

But then, her eyes suddenly widened when she saw Desiree waving and signaling her to come to the stage.

She even ran down the stage to go get Janella, and Janella was like….

“You say what now?!” She asked, unbelievably and little Desiree could only laugh at her, seeing that “I wasn’t prepared for this” look on her face.

Before Janella could say anything else, she found herself on the stage with a tu tu.

Actually, they didn’t need to take off their clothes before wearing it on, it was specifically made for adults, and they all just wrapped the tu tu’s around themselves anyhow.

The dance began in no time, and they were all just doing their best.

“You dance so well, Miss Ella” Desiree tried to encourage Janella even though she knew Janella was dancing complete rubbish!

Geez! This isn’t the kind of dance she dances! And the fact that she has not actually attended nor ever joined kids to do this dance, makes her dance horribly and wants to bèat Jerome when she sees him.

Why the hell did he not mention this?!

The last time she did a ballet dance was when she was still a kid.

“Hmm! Show off!” She scoffed when she saw others doing so well.

Well, they’ve done this a few times, so most of them have gotten a hang of it, unlike her.

Meanwhile, Jerome had arrived the school just few minutes after the final dance started, and he’s right now at a corner laughing at Janella’s awkward moves.

Even though he was laughing at her, he just couldn’t stop admiring her.

She looks so beautiful in that tu tu that he found himself staring at her without getting tired.

Just look how she made his little girl happy and excited, feeling among.

Desiree would have be so såd and broken if no one actually showed up for her.

Was that how she was going to be left on the stage alone with no one to dance with?

Geez! He wouldn’t have let that happen. He was sure going to be on that stage with his little angel to dance with her, whether or not he was a woman.

He still can’t believe that Janella really came after all.


The show is finally over and Desiree has gone to change. She doesn’t even know her dad is around, because the moment they finished, they just entered the back stage while the adults who danced with them went to a seperate room to change.

Janella told Desiree that she’ll be waiting for her at where they saw each other though.

So, while she waited there, Jerome who had been looking for them, finally sighted Janella and walked up to join her immediately.

Janella was surprised to see him because she thought he actually didn’t come.

Oh, gosh! Hope this crazy and badmøuthed guy didn’t see her dance?!

“Hey….Thanks for showing up for my little princess, you made her so happy” Jerome said when he finally got to her and Janella could only smile.
“But I’m gonna tell you the truth because the Bible says we should always say the truth. You’re a horrible dancer, Ella” Jerome spat it out honestly without hiding anything, and Janella slowly turned her head in a funny way to look at the madman who just spewed that out.

And the fact that he even kept a serious face after saying what he said, makes Janella want to blow sweet air into her palm and slàp the back of his head to return his brain back to factory reset.

“Thanks for the compliment, J….wh@ťěver. You know, I actually thought you were mád, but now I know you’re incredibly mád” Janella fired back at him with no mercy.

“Yeah, incredibly måd about you” He replied, and he turned to look at her this time, smiling handsomely at her, making Janella to grit her teeth in anger.

“I will….kìll you!!” She gritted, but….

“Then it would be the sweetest déath ever, knowing that I dìed because of someone I am going crazy for. d@mn! I feel like hugging and kìssing you right now” Jerome said, senselessly.

“Yeah, me too” He surprisingly heard Janella agree to what he just said, and he widened his eyes in disbelief.

Is she really serious?! Like, she really feels like hugging and kìssing him too?

This is a dream come true! But….

“I feel like kícking your balls right now, and chop them off like carrots afterwards” Janella said seriously and Jerome instantly flinched.

He didn’t even know when his hands found their way down there, fearfully touching that area.

He lowered his head to look there, and….

“F.u.c.k! Not the roots of my stem!!….



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