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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Love Intoxicated…}

By, Ella N.

Do Not Copy, Fôol❗❗


♡´・ᴗ・`♡ TOTALLY IGNORED… ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

Meanwhile, the little witch burst out laughing her small intestines out….

Even Jerome and Janella didn’t know when they too started laughing.

Janella looked at Jerome and just couldn’t hold in all the laughter.

Now that he’s very close to him, he looks more horrible than she had thought.

“Your lipstick looks horrible. I swear, it’s terrifying” Janella said and laughed out at Jerome’s face that was so close to hers.

Jerome laughed shortly too.

“But I bet it won’t terrify your lips, huh?” Jerome smirked, winking at Janella as he moved his face even closer to Janella.

While he did so, he began to purse his lips in a way that shows that he wants to kiss Janella.

“Here is your true love’s kiss, my prince charming. Don’t worry, you won’t be a frog anymore once we kiss” Jerome said like an insane person, still pursing those lips, round and long enough to scare someone because of the lipstick.

“Blood of God!! Get this face away from me before I have a terrible nightmare, ah!” Janella screamed and Jerome burst out laughing hard, making Janella to laugh too. And as they both tried to get up, they landed back on the ground as a result of the laughter.

“Wait, what the hell is this horrible thing on your face? Did someone call you to go act like a clown on their child’s birthday?” Janella asked, trying all her best to hold her laughter, but nothing was helping.

“Ask her, just ask that little….” Jerome paused, when he just realized that Desiree was actually laughing at him…them.

They had both forgotten that she was there too, and she’s the cause of everything.

Desiree kept laughing, staring and wondering what those two were still there on the floor doing.

“Dee, are….are you seriously laughing at your daddy?” Jerome asked, but the little girl didn’t reply, she just kept laughing more.

“Get off Miss Ella, daddy, you’re hurtìng her” Desiree said instead as she got up and went to them.But still laughing like a little wickéd witch.

She tried to help her dad get off Janella, but of course there was no strength to do that.

However, Janella and Jerome managed to get up, with Jerome helping Janella up though.

They all suddenly went quiet, with Jerome adjusting his dress and then he stood at akimbo, staring at Janella and at Desiree who was starting to pout.

Seeing that pout, Jerome already knew what it meant.

“Awwww….you and Miss Ella ruined my princess tea party, daddy” Desiree said as she kept a sàd and displeased face.

Jerome looked at Janella again, then at Desiree with a sigh.

He knew that that pout had to do with her being displeased or not happy with the way her party went.

“I’m sorry we ruined your beautiful party for you, princess. It wasn’t intentionally done, okay?” Jerome spoke calmly as he squatted to her level, rubbing her chubby cheeks softly with his both hands.

Desiree smiled immediately, as if some great ideas just popped in in her head.

“Don’t worry, we can start all over again. Miss Ella, come sit here” Desiree said, tapping her bed to show Janella where she wants her to sit.

She was acting like she was Janella’s mommy, and Janella was her little baby.

“Okay….but why?” Janella managed to ask as she heads to the bed to go sit down.

“Because I want to make you up like daddy” Desiree said, going to take her makeup bag to come start doing what she knows how to do best.

“Wait, what?” Janella asked in shocks and sprang up immediately from the bed she had already sat on…..

“You’re a goner, I swear….” Jerome muttered and Janella shut dead glares at him. Jerome could only chuckle, mockingly.


Jerome can be seen walking back into his room after he went to check on Desiree, who started sleeping like an hour ago after Janella had put her to bed, then went home afterwards.

Jerome had been sleeping since after they finished the tea party, which Desiree forced them to have again.

Though, Janella asked him to go sleep and have some, because he was really looking like one who needed that sleep.

He can’t exactly tell for how long he slept, but he knows it was long enough and he feels a lot lot better after that long peaceful nap.

Anyway, Janella left without telling him because she didn’t want to disturb his peaceful sleep. But she later called Jerome and they spoke for sometime.

It was after that call that Jerome went to his little baby’s room to check on her.

Without wasting time as he got back to his room, Jerome went straight into the bathroom after taking his clothes off, to go have his night bath.

While he turned on the shower and the water began to pour down his body, he began to think about Janella.

Now that he’s thinking about Janella, she actually didn’t say anything about the love he confessed to her.

She hasn’t been acting like he said anything as such. In fact, all the things she said back then when he told her about his health, were actually just about his health she was talking about.

She totally ignored…. Or was she just carried away by his health condition?

Or she probably heard him loud and clear, but she’s doing what he has feared that she’d do?

That’s it!

See? He told Bianca that, this is what was gonna happen, but she gave him false hope.

He knew that no woman would want to stay or love him when he has just a short time to live, and worse part it, is him not being able to leave that woman with any memory of him (a child to be precise).

He knew this wasn’t going to end the way he expected it to end. But at least, Janella is still cool with him.

Only that, he wants something more than that. He doesn’t only want her to be cool with him, but he wants to call her his….and if she actually felt the same way for her, he’d love to call her his wife, because he wasn’t going to waste any time in marrying her.

He wants to love and be loved….call someone his wife….know what it feels like to be someone’s husband before he dîes.

He wants his daughter to feel happy too, have a mother figure as her step mom, which Janella is a complete example of that mother figure.

Janella isn’t just doing her job for the money, but she’s doing it with love….real love and care for his daughter.

This is the kind of person he wants as a mother figure for his daughter.

Is that too much to ask?

Since his accîdent and what he later found out about his health conditions, Jerome decided to never fall in love.

Yes! And that’s why he never got himself a woman to be committed to.

All Jerome has been doing, is find a way to satisfy his séxual urge whenever he desires to have it. And that would be it, no strings attached.

That was how he wanted it to be, because he didn’t want to hurt anyone and hurt himself more than he’s hurting already. But not until he met Janella and everything changed.

“Life is so unfair….especially to me, Jerome Meryers. Life is very very unfair!” Jerome cried out seriously as he felt like a sharp knife just brushed past his heart, bruising a little part of it.

This is all he can do; cry, cry and cry, helplessly like a kid because he can’t help it. He really can’t.

“I am ready to dìe, oh yeah! Just take me, take me away, you wickéd world!!!” Jerome yelped.

The soap he was using on his body, he aimed it on the walls of the bathroom. It hit the wall, making a loud thud as it cut into two.

“Argh…..” He gave another loud yelp and croached down in pain, sitting on the bathroom floor with his legs curved up and roughening his hair crazily as he buried his face in his legs. The water pouring down on him nonstop, along with his tears that kept streaming down freely.



As always, Janella can be seen sitting on her bed, with her legs interlocked while eating.

But she wasn’t only eating, her eyes were glued to her phone as she kept staring at her photo.

A photo of herself when she was pregnant with her baby.

She looked so cute with the pregnancy, even though she kind of looked stressed. But she was very cute while she still had her baby inside of her.

Janella was all smiles while she watched all the photos she took during her pregnancy, slowly running her fingers on them.

She removed the hand from her phone and placed it on her stomach instead, shutting her eyes tight as she remembers the one who made her look that cute couldn’t make it alive.

Sniffling, Janella opened her eyes and began to clean the tears that rushed out of her eyes already.

With all the pain and everything she went through, life was still unfair to her by not letting her baby live.

The worst pain anyone could ever go through or experience, is that of losing your baby at birth.

That same pain is what Janella never wants to experience again. She cannot even wish her enemy that kind of pain, never!

She was still in that state, when Big Momma walked in to check on her like she always does.

“Janella? I thought you’d be done eating by now, but you’ve barely touched your food” Big Momma said immediately as she went straight to the bed to sit with her.

“I am eating, grandma. Just that I don’t feel so hungry” Janella let out a feighned smile, but Big Momma didn’t buy that smile at all.

“Have you been crying? Janella….” Big Momma called slowly, staring into Janella’s eyes with concern.

“What? No. I’m….I’ve not been crying” Janella said, and quickly sniffled, then swiftly cleaned her tears and smiled sheepishly.

Big Momma continued to stare at her as she just sat on the bed without saying a word.
Then her eyes suddenly went to Janella’s phone and she picked it up, instantly.

Immediately, big Momma let out a sigh when she saw the reason Janella was with tears in her eyes.

Before she could open her mouth to say anything, Janella instantly hugged her, and buried her face on her grandmother’s shoulder, sobbing lowly.

“I’m sorry, Big Momma. I’m not crying, okay? I’m not…it’s just….”

“It’s okay, dear, I understand. Just calm down….” Big Momma said, rubbing her back like she was doing it to a kid.

Janella remained like that, just hugging her grandma until she was a bit better.

~ Oh, goodness! What must have made her remember this again? ~ Big Momma thought.

She has tried to delete those photos from Janella’s phone even though she knows it’s wrong to do so on someone’s phone.

But she’s just trying to make things better for her grandchild. She doesn’t want her to keep dwelling on the past even though it’s almost, if not totally impossible to forget what caused you so much pain and trauma.

Those photos keep reminding her of the trauma she went through, that’s why she’s been trying to delete them, but to no avail.

Minutes passed, and Janella finally raised her head off Big Momma’s shoulder.

“Big Momma, I want to ask you about something” Janella said as she sat back down, wiping her tears whilst she sniffled.

“I’m all ears, dear, what is the matter? ” Big Momma asked, feeling really concerned about her grandchild.

Janella isn’t only worried, or has been thinking about her past. But she has been thinking about something else too, and doesn’t know how to go about it, or even know how to tell her grandmother right now.

Janella shut her eyes first and took a deep breath afterwards before speaking.

“Grandma, what would you do if you found out that the person you love is battling with a terminal illness….” Janella stopped talking and just went quiet for a minute.

She just began to remember that emotional and sàd moment she saw Jerome in, and everything he said. And like that, she gradually started shedding tears again, though she tried to control herself.

“He has a very short time to still live, Big Momma. Very very short live span and has issues with his reproductive….” Janella stopped again and just kept staring at her grandmother with teary eyes like she’s the cause of Jerome’s problem.

“Janella, what’s going on?” Big Momma asked, keenly and worried at the same time.

“I don’t know, Big Momma….I’m just so confused, hurt and….”

“Calm down, dear”

“Okay, grandma, I’m calm. But about the question I asked you….what would you do if you found out?” Janella asked again like her grandma didn’t hear her the first time.

Although, her mind has already been made up concerning this same question she’s asking her grandma right now, but she just wants to talk to her and hear what she has to say.

“Well, you see, sweetheart.
Love is a beautiful thing when it is genuinely felt, expressed or given out.
At the same time, love is sacrifice, dear.

“Love is patience, love is pain, love is endurance, love is sweet….love is bitter. But most importantly, love perseveres.
If you truly and genuinely love that person with all your heart, then I think that is the time to love them more than you’ve ever loved them”

“I think that is the time to show them how much you love and care about them. And how much you’re willing and ready to be by their side no matter the circumstances” Big Momma spoke with all honesty in her voice.

“Even when you know they’re going to leave you soon and will not be able….possibly not be able to bear children because of them?” Janella asked.

“Especially because of all that, Janella. That is the time to pull them closer to you, shower them with much love. Except if you feel you’re doing all that, or loving them out of pity. Then there is no point lying to them” Big Momma said and Janella shook her head, meaning, it is not love out of pity.

“Great then. Just take everything as it is and let nature take its course” Big Momma said and Janella managed to smile.

“So….what are these questions all about? Do they have to do with the one one you’re in love with?” Big Momma asked.

Janella was hesitant to give a reply to what Big Momma just asked her even when she knew no one was going to change her mind, because it was already made up.

Slowly, like a kid scared of being scolded or spanked for doing something wrong, Janella nodded her head.

“Come here, my love” Big Momma said, immediately Janella affirmed it, hugging her grandchild, motherly.

“Did you find out about this yourself or he told you about it?” Big Momma inquired.

“He told me about it” Janella replied and Big Momma smiled.

“That shows how much he loves and cares about you too. Else, he wouldn’t let you know about any of that. He would have selfishly let you wallow in that ocean with him, without actually knowing where he’s taking you to. But now you know about his health condition, and you know how to stand by him in every step of the situation he takes”

“Like I already told you, take everything as it is, and let nature take its course. As long as this makes you happy being with the one you love, I am in support of that, my child” Big Momma said and she was shocked to hear Janella cry instead.

However, she understood why Janella was crying.

She probably didn’t expect any of what she said, or even expect her to support her.

Well, it seems she’s forgotten that her grandma is ready to support her in everything that makes her happy.


“So? Have you told her already?” Bianca, who Jerome is on the phone with Jerome right now, asked from the other end of the call.

Jerome is seen in his room, but outside at the balcony though, where he was thinking out loud before Bianca’s call came in, which she called to check on him.

He has his black ear pods on both side of his ears, his phone in his hands that he rested on the rails at the balcony. With his body bent a little, staying that way and talking with his sister.

It’s not quite long he came back from dropping Desiree off at school. He also has lectures today though, but it’s later in the afternoon.

“I have” Jerome simply replied, and said nothing else other than that.

“Okay….and you told her everything, right?” Bianca asked.
“I mean everything including your health” She added and Jerome kept quiet without giving a reply.

The only thing he did was a heavy sigh that he let out.

“Jerome….?” Bianca called when Jerome still said nothing.

“Bianca, I did. I told her everything. Both my health conditions and that I am in love with her” He finally replied.

“So….? What did she say?”….

“Nothing. Well, she felt worried about my condition and told me everything would be alright….ugh! Jerome sighed again.

“I told you, Bianca. I told you because I knew no woman would love or be with me because of condition. I don’t think she feels the same way I feel for her, BiBi….I….” Jerome paused when he felt someone wrap their hands around his body, then he felt the person’s head on his back that was bent.

“Is that what you think, JJ?” Came the voice and it was none other than Janella’s.

“Ja….Ella…?” Jerome could feel his heart pulsating repeatedly as he slowly turned, with Janella unwrapping her arms too so could turn easily.

“Tell me you love me…..say it again, Jerome” Janella smiled, causing Jerome’s heart to want to jump out of its ribcage in both excitement and tension.

“I love you, Ella. So so d@mn much that I feel I’m gonna….”

“I love you too, JJ, so f_cking much” Janella cut him off as she didn’t want him to say more.

“Wh….Janella….you….what did…you love… Oh my f_ck!” Jerome didn’t know when he carried into his arms because his heart instantly went wild. He just kept choking on his words again and again.

“Jerome….? What’s going on?” Poor Bianca who has been left hanging, asked when she heard Jerome talking to someone else.

Anyway, Jerome ignored her question. In fact, he did not hear her.

The only person he could hear, and that mattered right then, was Janella.

Bianca on the other hand did not hang up and she could hear what they were saying, almost clearly because Jerome still held his phone and his ear pods were still on. Only that, she didn’t understand nor know who he was talking to.

“Are you….Janella, is this for real?” Jerome asked and Janella just giggled. She held his hand and took it to her chest.

Jerome looked at his hand that she has gently placed on her chest, then returned his eyes to her face, staring into her eyes and still not believing it.

Surprisingly, her heart was beating so d@mn fast!

“Can you feel its beats?” Janella smiled and asked.

“Mm hmm!” Jerome nodded, chuckled and smiled at the same time.

“Its been beating for you for a while now. I really don’t care how long or short you’re gonna live. What matters is that I love you just as much as you love me. I am ready to face your problems with you, Jerome”

“If you think I am doing or saying this out of pity, well, at least you know my heart isn’t lying” Janella said and Jerome just sniffed in.

He was already shedding tears.

Geez! This crybaby with a soft heart!

Jerome roughened his hair madly because he never saw any of this happening at all.

“Ella….” He called in an unbelievable tone and ruffled his hair again.

He moved a little away from Janella, backing her and still roughening his hair that way as he was now walking about, confusedly. Totally speechless and lost of words.

And when he finally turned and faced Janella again, he didn’t waste time in capturing her lips, kissing them so f_cking hard.

Janella of course responded immediately, kissing the d@mn hèll out of him too.

In the next minute, Janella found her slim body in Jerome’s arms as he carried her, still devouring each other’s mouth in the baddèst way ever.

“Jerome!!” Bianca’s voice still came, but Jerome ignored her again even though he clearly heard her.

“Bang!” The door to Jerome’s room made a loud bang as Jerome kicked it open with his leg.

Getting inside, Jerome walked to his mirror stan, where his creams, body sprays and all his perfumes were. With the hand that wasn’t holding his phone, Jerome pushed all the items….f_cking pushed all his expensive perfumes about five to ten of them, his creams, body sprays and every darn thing that was there, was pushed down.

All of them went falling, with the perfume bottles of different scents, falling and shattering as the kiss went wild.

Jerome kept switching from her top to bottom lip, making sure to eat them real good.

“Jerome….!!!” Bianca called out loud when she heard the shattering of bottles.

Crazy how she was still hanging there.

Anyway, she was still ignored.

“I want to kiss your lips so hard till they can remember no other name than mine” Jerome said as he pulled away to catch their breaths.

“They are all yours, papa, show them no mercy” Janella replied and….

“My ears need to go for a confession….Jerome!!!” Bianca….


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