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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Love Intoxicated…}

By, Ella N.

Do Not Copy, Fôol❗❗


♡´・ᴗ・`♡ WHERE ARE YOU, JANELLA? ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

“Oh, Jerome” He heard Janella’s voice which came like a cry…

Jerome instantly felt at peace the moment Janella hugged him, even though he was still shedding tears.

But he felt like a huge load has been taken off his shoulders, and part of his problem has already been solved.

He couldn’t believe he did it. He just couldn’t believe how that little load on his shoulder has been lifted off it just like that.

Something he was finding so difficult to say, but he just let it out now so freely.

Yesterday, he barely slept because he kept thinking about what his sister said.

All night, he kept contemplating on whether to listen and follow his sister’s advice, or just do what he thought was best; Keeping everything and not letting Janella know because it was going to be useless anyway, since he thought no woman would want to love him due to his condition.

But then, he thought about his daughter, whom he has always wanted a mother figure for.

Even though what Janella just did now, isn’t enough to be happy that she’s going to consider his love or even love him back, but he would be fine with wh@ťěver the outcome would be. Though he’d greatly be hurt if it turns out the negative way.

But at least he tried and let his feelings and condition known to Janella.

So, these were all his thoughts last night, and it was then he decided to follow Bianca’s advice and just give it a trial and let everything flow.

He feels a whole lot better now!

“I’m sorry, Jerome, I’m really really sorry. I never knew you were going through this much pain” Janella said as her hands around him tightened.

She was literally shedding tears too and couldn’t believe she really was crying with him.

Not like what he has just told her is not sàd or emotional enough to shed tears for, but how her heart stung real bad after hearing him say all that, and even heard him cry, is what Janella cannot really tell.

For someone who has always worn a smile every single day since the day she knew him, despite the pain he’s secretly and silently going through alone. Janella just couldn’t stop herself from crying with him.

For him to break down like this simply means the poor guy has endured for so long and can’t hold in anymore of the pain.

Jerome is such a strong guy….oh, Lord! Did he just say he has less than a year to live?

What the f_ck?!

Like….she doesn’t even want to imagine it, never!

Jerome has got to be kidding her because what the hell?!

So, what’s gonna happen to his family?

What’s gonna happen to little….$h|t! She can’t think it.

Jerome can’t diè, at least not now, geez!!

“Jerome?” Janella called, slowing unwrapping her hands from his body.

She reluctantly, as if not wanting to see his hurting face, moved to his front and faced him.

“Look at me, JJ” She said, holding his face again to look at her own face.

“You…are not….dying, understand?” Janella counted the words just so he could hear her loud and clear. “You do not have less than a year to live, but more and more years to live, you hear me?”

“You’re going to live because your family need you. Your daughter needs you, okay? We all need you, especially your daughter. Stop saying negative things, Jerome” Janella told him seriously, but tears were all that rushed out of Jerome’s eyes because he wished that what Janella just said about him having more and more years to live was actually possible.

“You don’t understand anything, Janella. I am already in my last stage of the illness” Jerome said amidst tears.

“You don’t understand me either, Jerome.
I already told you to stop being negative. And I don’t care if you’re in your first or last stage, what I am telling you right now is that you’re not dying, you hear me?”

“Have you thought of what would become of that priceless little soul you have, when you leave her all alone in this world?
Well, I guess not. So think about it and be positive, Jerome, please” Janella said. Although her voice was a bit high, but she spoke in the softest way she could.

Jerome could say nothing and before Janella knew it, he was hugging her so d@mn tight!
It felt like letting her go would mean him dying instantly.

He only knows what he feels, how painful it is, and how hurt his heart is.

Of course he has thought about it so many times that he can’t even count.

Leaving Desiree, who has him alone in this world, is one of the things weighing him down and hurting him so much. And now that Janella has said it again, makes him want to let out all the tears.

“I’m so sorry. Everything is going to be alright, okay? Please stop” Janella said, breakingly.

Rubbing his back, soothingly, Janella kept saying “I’m sorry” to him, trying as much as she could to calm him down and make him feel better.

This is the first time of seeing Jerome cry, and she didn’t only feel bad for him, but she was very shocked.

Shocked because all this while, she didn’t know he’s just been hiding under those crazy acts and things he says. He’s been hiding under those handsome smiles he wears on his face every single day and time.

So, he knows he’ll dìe soon yet, he still smiles, stays happy and acts like everything is alright with him.

Wow! He’s indeed a strong man, if not the strongest she has met so far.

Janella stayed with him that way until he felt better and was a bit calm.

She has many questions to ask him right now, concerning his health. But she thinks it’d be best if she asks him later or even another day.

“Are you good now? Do you want us to back or stay here a little more?” Janella asked, staring at his handsome teary face.

“Yeah, I’m fine now. Thank you, Ella” Jerome finally spoke and even smiled.

Oh, gawd! Is this guy seriously kidding her?

How can he be facing great pains and still be smiling handsomely like this?


“Where the hell did those two pests go to?” Tired Janella, who has been looking for Lenora and Alexa since she and Jerome got back from where they both went to, asked in frustration.

She came back to the class, expecting to see them, but she saw neither of them there.

“Could they have gone home? Tsk! That’s stupid to ask. How can they go home when we still have lectures today?” Janella talking as if she was actually talking to someone near her.

“Only God knows if that girl is not somewhere dancing right now” She said again, chuckled a little as she shook her head.

She then tapped her phone to wake it up so she can call them. She hissed after the phone came on, then she unlocked it and opened it afterwards.

She was still going through hear call log, when she heard someone say “hi, Janella”

Raising her head up, she saw Lisandra coming to her.

“Hi” Lisandra said again after reaching where Janella stood.

“Hi….” Janella replied slowly, but she immediately returned her eyes to what she was doing before Lisandra came.

Why is she here?

The last time she checked, she wasn’t one of The Pink Stars Girls.

So, why is she stopping her, or saying hi to her. Though there’s no harm in saying or receiving a hi from anyone.

But why does it feel like her hi is not just a normal hi?


“Um, I just want to ask you something. Just a little and I’m sure you wouldn’t mind” Lisandra smiled, more like a smirk.

“Okay. And that is?….” Janella asked as her brows curved a little, wondering what that might be.

“Mm, yeah. You see, I know Jerome likes you very much, and I’m pretty sure you like him too, yeah?” Lisandra smiled again as she asked.

Janella curved her brows even more as confusion was spread all over her face.

What’s this one saying?

Is she high already or what?

Anyway, Janella didn’t give her any reply and so, Lisandra just continued from where she had stopped.

“But I know you two aren’t dating yet, yeah?” She asked again, but Janella didn’t give her anything. The only thing she kept doing, was to just stare at her in confusion as she was still trying to understand what or where she was heading to with these silly questions she was asking her.

“Erm, is there….a problem? Is there something you want me to do for you or assist you with?” Janella asked, throwing her hands as she moves her head in a questioning way.

“Okay. So, I just want you to let him….I’ll just go straight to the point, mm? Then you can call me a Ɓîtçh if you wish, but I wouldn’t mind as long as I get to f_ck him. And I know you can help me do that. Talk to him, leave him for sometime….do anything, just anything!” Lisandra said, that smirky smile not disappearing from her face.

Janella on the other hand, was completely left speechless.

Her eyes and mouth just remained wide for a moment.

How desperate, sènseless and shameless can this girl be?

Wait, did she just spew all that rùbbish out with no iota of shàme? Geez!

Does she have any idea of what that same guy she’s shamelessly talking about, is going through in his life?

“Um, Lisandra, right?” Janella smiled as she brought her phone down to her side because she still held it high in her hand all the while.

“I really cannot believe you stopped me just to tell me this, are you kidding me right now? Just tell me you actually forgot what you wanted to tell me, that’s why you said this instead. I have very very important things to do with my time. So if you’ll excuse me, I got to go now” Janella said and momentarily began to walk away.

“And….” Janella paused and turned to face her again.
I actually sell premium and prepackaged sense, and there are very affordable” Janella gave her that sarcastic smile and left, without waiting for Lisandra’s response.

“Humph!” Lisandra chuckled and left too.


Janella finally walked until she got to the school hall after her friends told her they were there. But she didn’t bother asking what they were doing there, because all she wanted was to see them.

So, entering inside the hall, Janella’s jaw hung up in surprise at what those two were doing.

“Vote for Janella Hills and Jerome Meryers as your next Miss/Mr University, everyone. A bottle of champagne awaits each person if they win” Came crazy Lenora’s voice and Janella’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

What in the world did that girl just say?!

Wait, does she even know what she’s saying?

f_cking one bottle of champagne for every d@mn person who votes for her?

So if hundred persons vote for them, each of them is going to get a bottle of champagne?

The Hell?!!

Like an angry mom, Janella rushed to them and the moment they saw her, they began to giggle.

“What the hell are you two doing?!” Janella half yelled.

“Campaigning, silly” Alexa replied and turned back to face the people before her.

“Camp what?” Janella asked in an unbelievable tone.

“Camp kikiwaka, silly child” Lenora replied and they both stuck hands, laughing ( Lenora and Alexa).

“Wait a minute, those Champagnes you’re telling them they’re going to get, who’s gonna buy them?” Janella asked and the two looked at each other before giggling.

“Your man of course. He’s a billionaire, don’t forget that” They replied. Janella could only shake her head.

When did she even tell these two that she and Jerome are dating?

But wait, are they actually crazy?

Do they want to kìll somebody’s son?

“So, who are you two campaigning for, if I may ask?” Janella asked, her brows curved as always.

“Janella Hills. Our one and only best friend” Alexa replied and Janella wouldn’t lie that she didn’t blush and smile at that.

These friends of hers might be crazy at times, and sometimes go very extreme with what they do. But she wouldn’t deny the fact that they are the best of friends anybody could ask for.

They are always there when she needs them. And they do things for her….things that they know will make her happy….things they know will be good for her.

But those two?

If you don’t have the energy to match up with theirs, then you’re a goner, because they’ll frustrate that same frustration out of your body.


“Dee?” Jerome called little Desiree, who is seen sitting beside her dad on the bed.

He’s feeling very sleepy right now, but Desiree won’t let him sleep because she wants him to play princess tea party with her.

The little girl is even holding a makeup bag, which she got from Lucie.

Well, this is what Jerome faces sometimes. He plays princess tea party with her, and he’d dare not say no. Because Desiree will pester him untill he gets tired and gives in.

Crazy and funny enough, Jerome even has a very big princess-like dress that Bianca gladly and freely gave to him, which Desiree requested for.

Right now, Desiree is trying to make him up so the tea party can start.

“Baby girl, allow daddy sleep now, hmm? We’ll play princess party when I wake up, please?” Jerome asked, tiredly. His eyelids opening and closing slowly at the same time, due to how sleepy he feels.

They’re in Desiree’s room actually. And that’s where he’s trying to have a nap.

“But my friends are waiting for us, and….and the tea is gonna get cold before you wake up, daddy.
My friends will be very màd at me if I disappoint them” Desiree pouted. She took out an eye pencil from the makeup bag, and drew a very long line of intersection on Jerome’s right brow, doing justice to the left one afterwards.

“You look so beautiful, daddy” Desiree smiled happily. Happy at the fact that she’s doing a very good job on her dad’s face.

To her, it is the most beautiful makeup anyone would ever see.

“Hey, daddy….can you puff your lips like this?” She asked, puffing her lips as she tries to show her dad exactly how to do it.

She has actually seen her aunt do that most times she goes there to spend the weekend with her grandmother.

“Janella, where are you? Come before they turn me into a barbie” Jerome mumbled to himself in frustration.

He turned himself and laid on his back, giving Desiree more access to paint his face.

He then rolled eyes, shook his head and puffed his lips like she had told him to do.

“Stop rolling your eyes, daddy. It’ll ruin your makeup” Desiree said and Jerome could only sigh out loud in more frustration.

He’s been wondering why Janella has not come yet. She was supposed to be here because she has always been punctual since she became Desiree’s nanny.

He has called, but her number didn’t go through.

He’s really tired right now, but this little girl doesn’t want to listen. And he on the other hand, does not want her to be sad. So he just has to endure.

If only Janella was here already, he’d really have that sleep that is making his head bang.

“What are the names of these your Princess friends again!” Jerome asked.

The lipstick on his lips looks so funny that even Desiree who put it there, couldn’t stop herself from laughing.

And the brows? It is something we really want to talk another day.


“Okay, baby. I think I remember them now” Jerome cut in immediately because Desiree was sure going to mention all the Disney princesses names. Jerome dabbed his eyes lashes that have weird mascara on, then got out of the bed.

Oh, God!

What a beauty?!

Anyway, Desiree giggled, annoyingly.

“Come back, daddy. I’m not done making your hair” Desiree called him back immediately.

“Oh Lord! Have mercy on me, please!!!” Jerome cried out.

Today’s party is the worse he has ever attended with her.

“Why all these, Dee? Isn’t it just a tea party?” Jerome asked, and Desiree smiled mischievously.

“Because your prince charming is coming for the party too” Desiree replied and blinked her eyes severely, which looked annoying funny, and cute at the same time.

“Prince what?” Jerome burst out laughing.

He really couldn’t tell tell if he was laughing or crying. But he knew he was doing both.


Frustrated Jerome can be seen sitting on Desiree’s play house, pretending to be drinking an invisible tea that he’s tired of drinking already.

Desiree is busy talking to her dolls (princesses), who are all present at the party.

She’s been introducing them one after the other to her dad, even though he already knows all of them. Because this isn’t the first time he has attended the annôyìng tea party.

Anyway, they were both still doing their thing, looking very focused until they heard….”say cheers”

Janella has been in the room for close to five minutes, watching them, without them knowing.

She has been laughing her lungs out, staring at princess Jerome, with his long dress, madwoman’s make up and….oh, Lord….

His hair that has designed with different colors of hair bands, looking like a rainbow.

As if that wasn’t funny enough, when Jerome turned the moment he heard “say cheers”, the lipstick got Janella laughing like a maniac.

Anyway, she managed to capture his face even though she was madly laughing.

“This will so go viral on Twitter” She said, still laughing hard.

“Vi, what?” Jerome asked the instant he heard that.

Like a rocket that has finished its countdown, Jerome flew to Janella, with his long dress following behind him like a tail.

Immediately he collected the phone from Janella, he wanted to move so he could delete the picture. But he stepped on his dress instead and that made him lose balance, and instantly he went falling.

While falling, he hit Janella and they both landed on the ground like fallen trees.

Meanwhile, the little witch burst out laughing her small intestines out….


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