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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Love Intoxicated…}

By, Ella N.

Do Not Copy, Fôol❗❗




“Dee….Desiree is….doctor….Desiree is my….she’s my biological child….” Jerome’s voice kept hanging as couldn’t find the right thing to say. He stared at the papers in his hands blankly, his hands got more shaky and….

“Are you sure about this, doctor? I’m sorry…but are you…. You’re sure…are you….” Jerome kept stammering again and again.

His blood was too hot!

His entire body system was too too hot for him to be able to control.

The news hit him really hard, even though this is what he had expected to hear. But now that he has heard it, he doesn’t know why his body feels weak.

He’s just too overwhelmed, probably.

That sweet little soul is his own flesh and blôod?

That adorable little girl that brightens and makes every day of his life sweet, beautiful and memorable, is his real daughter and not actually an adopted daughter?

“Calm yourself down, Mr. Jerome” The doctor smiled and said as he saw how Jerome was finding it difficult to speak or say out his words without them hanging up.

From the way Jerome looked and talked after getting that news, even the first news he got yesterday. The doctor saw how devastated and disappointed Jerome looked. And now that he has heard some great news and acting this way, the doctor could tell what and how much this means to Jerome.

But he can’t tell why Jerome is so happy to hear that the DNA test results confirmed that Desiree is actually his biological daughter.

Why does he look shocked, happy and at the same time, rendered speechless?

Wait, wasn’t she his daughter before?

Did he not know Desiree was his daughter all along?

Anyway, Jerome looked at the papers again, then he looked at the doctor, and back to the test results in his shaky hands.

“Doctor….your’re sure she’s my blood? Please….doctor. I’m sorry, but did you do this just to make me happy?” Jerome asked, stammering again despite being calm a little bit.

The doctor chuckled and stared at Jerome after hearing him say that.

“You know, I expected you to ask me this, Mr. Jerome. I knew you’d be smart enough to think that I did this to make you happy. Well, the truth is…I am not trying to make you happy. To what extent, and of what use would it be if I lie to make you happy, then you later find out the truth and be be sàd?”

“Someone tampered with the first results I was carrying out. I don’t know how that happened, but I know it did. Because after giving you the first results which were negative, I didn’t feel fulfilled at all. That has never happened to me since my years of being a doctor. So I had to go back to the lab after you left, and it was then I noticed the mixed up things. I decided to conduct another test just to clear my doubt”

“I don’t know who did this, I couldn’t even get to see the person with my cameras because they were tampered with as well. It might be one of my staffs, nurses, my assistant doctors who work here…it could be your workers….friends, it could be anyone at all.
You just need to be careful, Mr. Jerome.
Be careful with the people around you, someone close to you doesn’t like you” That was all that the doctor told Jerome who was overly happy to hear what the doctor just said, despite him also saying he has an enemy that he needs to be careful around with.

That doesn’t matter to him at the moment, what matters to him most right now is that Desiree is his blood.

What the f_ck?!!

His little princess….his baby girl is his actual daughter?

This is the best news he has heard since the whole of this year, in fact, the best news of his entire life!

But….how? Who’s her mom? How is Desiree his daughter?

Anyway, as got out of the doctor’s office, though in excitement, he began to ponder on what the doctor had said about the first results being tampered with.

Who could have done that? And for what reason?

Who hàtes him that much to the point of doing what he/she did?

Why would someone even hàte him? He doesn’t remember doing someone any wrong.

Now this puzzle is getting more difficult to solve and at the same time, kind of making sense.

Someone definitely knows something about his adopted baby girl who now turns out to be his actual daughter.

Yes! There’s something fishy about this whole thing!

If….someone could tamper with the DNA result just so it doesn’t come out positive for him to find out about the truth, it means the person is trying to hide some secret.

Yes. And for thier secret to be left concealed, they….

They might try to harm him or worse still, his….little daughter!!

As Jerome thought deeper and deeper, this particular thought and realization just hit him hard like an explosion had just taken place. Jerome exclaimed inwardly and instantly, he could be seen walking to his car as fast as his legs could carry him.

Right now, he wants to go home and hug his child like he has never hugged her before. Make her call him daddy over and over again, he really wants to hear her call him that now!

Jerome wants to protect her like he has never really been doing that. He wants to love her more than he has ever loved her, if he truly hadn’t shown her that kind of love before, he’s gonna start it now.

He’ll do anything and everything in his power, to make sure his baby girl is safe and protected.


“Then why….do you smell different?” Lenora who doesn’t trust her dad anymore, summoned the courage and asked.

Her dad frowned and looked at her for a moment, then his eyes darted to his wife who was literally staring at him, obviously waiting for an answer too even though she’s not actually happy with what Lenora just asked him.

He then returned his eyes to Lenora who still stood on that same spot, her arms still folded, and her face so serious like some landlady who came to ask for the house rent of her occupant.

“Why did you ask me that, Nora? Do you like the scent?” Mr. Jameson asked back, trying to change it.

“That’s not the question, dad?…..”

“Well, I wanted to try out a new one, so I went to the perfumery store, but after trying out this particular scent, I….it doesn’t even matter because I realized I don’t like it. Does that answer your question?” Mr. Jameson asked Lenora, but she didn’t answer him, and so, he left.

Lenora’s gaze was on him as he walked up the stairs, with his stethoscope hun around his neck, she shook her head and sighed after he was out of sight.

“What was that all about, Lenora?!” Mrs. Jameson immediately faced Lenora, the moment she saw that her husband was out of sight.

“What was what, mom? Look mom, I know you’re gonna say he’s not cheating on you, yes! I know you’re gonna say that. But I’m not gonna stay here and watch you defend him even when he’s doing it to your face! Wait mom, is it until he brings the bîtch he’s cheating on you with into the house that you’ll believe?”

“You have no prove that your dad is cheating, stop accusing him blindly, do you understand me?!”

“Mom, please! I don’t think I am ready for this same argument right now. I’m gonna find out who that a@zzhole is, and until I find that person, or find out that dad isn’t actually cheating on you, I will never stop, okay? And as long as he’s acting like one who is cheating, I will never stop suspecting him. I’m not going to let beg to be loved by your own husband, I can’t bear to see that sàd and unhappy face you put up these days anymore, geez!” Lenora said, stomping out of there instantly, with her small body walking away in anger.


“Hey, baby boy. You didn’t show up for the concert like I expected” Lisandra quickly rushed to Jerome when she saw him.

It’s today she’s actually seeing him since that concert day, because Jerome has really been avoiding her. He doesn’t even want to hear her voice, not to talk of seeing her.

He can’t tell why he suddenly doesn’t like her anymore, not like he actually liked her before and he didn’t hàte her either. But he has all of a sudden disliked her and can’t tell why.

“Yeah, and that’s because I didn’t come for the concert” Jerome replied immediately, obviously not interested in this conversation right now because his face and expression were telling it.

“Why? I personally invited you and even gave you a VVIP card. Gosh! You have no idea how much I looked for you, hoping to see you but nahh. I was so disappointed when I realized you didn’t come” Lisandra said as a small smile curved up on her lips.

“And…..why were you looking for me so bãd?” Jerome who was just staring at her as she talked non stop, finally spoke, his brows curved up a little.

“C’mon, Jerome. I invited you and expected you to come. Besides, you accepted the invitation card happily without saying no. More reasons I was expecting you that much” Lisandra replied, smiling at him.

“Right?” Jerome chuckled and moved closer to her. “Do you have anything to do with what happened that night?” He asked, his deep voice sounding very serious.

“Huh?” Lisandra curved her lip, staring at him with furrowed brows.

” I won’t act stupid and immature by starting to point fingers at you without actually getting to the bottom of this, Lisandra. But if I find out you’re behind what almost happened to my Janella….” Jerome paused and smiled, but it was that kind of smile that sends cold chills all over someone’s body and Lisandra did feel it greatly.

“What are you talking about, Jerome?” She asked, frowning a little.

“Never mind, Lisandra and sorry I couldn’t honor your invitation” Jerome let out a side smile “See you around” He added before leaving her side.

“That darn girl! Humph!” Lisandra huffed and left too in anger.


Janella, Lenora and Alexa can be seen walking into the eatery where most students can be seen too, eating.

Janella’s books are held close to herself as she placed them on her tummy, locking them with her hands.

Lenora held hers by her side, while Alexa held hers like Janella.

“We only had one lecture, yet I feel more tired than when we usually have like two or three” Alexa was the one who spoke first, yawning seriously.

“I don’t even know if I’m tired or hungry, I am just frustrated” Lenora said and swiftly, her friends turned to look at her.

“What’s the matter, Nora? I’ve actually been observing you since you came. What’s wrong?” Janella asked as she placed her hand on Lenora’s shoulder with concern.

“Nothing, I’m fine. I am just frustrated” Lenora sharply replied.

“Are you sure, Nora? You know you can talk to us, right?” Janella asked again. She…they know that Lenora isn’t okay because her mood explains it all.

But why’s she saying she’s fine, when it’s obvious she’s not fine at all?

Wait, does this have to do with what she told them the other day? About suspecting her dad for cheating on her mom?

Did she already find out about the person? Well, if that’s the case, why isn’t she saying anything?

I mean, that should be a good thing to share, right? So they can deal with whoever that lady is, right?

Why is she keeping quiet and being moody?

Or, could it totally be something else that is making her be like this?

Gosh! She can’t believe her agile, fun and crazy girl is looking like this.

“Nora, just say something. You can’t be looking like this and expect us to believe that you’re okay” Alexa was the one who spoke this time.

“I said I am fine!” Lenora half yelled with a glare.

Janella stared at Alexa for a moment when she saw and heard that, then she looked at Lenora confusedly.

“I think we should just let her be for now” Janella then said and Alexa could only nod.


Jerome can be seen on his bed, sitting and scrolling through his phone when Janella walked in.

Janella was awed when she entered his room, she wouldn’t lie and the first thing that welcomed her, was his scent.

It was all over the room, and she could help but to inhale all of it.

His room is so neat, beautiful and enormous. And his bed? Well, it’s something she would want to discuss another day because “big” wouldn’t be enough to describe the size of his bed, which was neatly made with blue bed sheets and blankets.

d@mn! She felt like going to lie on it right away.

Anyway, Jerome smiled the moment he saw her, and just when she was about to say something….

“Get on the bed, raise your a.s.s up and let me whisper something to your womb” Jerome shamelessly said, as he sat down on his nonchalantly, and smiling like he wasn’t the one who just spewed that rubbîsh out.

Janella instantly froze on her spot when she heard that.

“Huh? Are you màd?” Janella who was totally gobsmacked berated, her eyes burning in anger as she felt like taking off his belt and bèating the madness out of him instantly.

Wait, is he alright? Or has his mãdness been reactivated?

Is this the same Jerome she knows, that is spewing this rubbish, or this is someone else?

What the hell is wrong with him?!!

Janella kept questioning herself within as she doesn’t believe what Jerome is saying right now. Is this what he texted her to come do?

The hell?!!

She was actually in Desiree’s room, trying to make her have her siesta, when she received a text from him, telling her to please come to his room once Desiree falls asleep because there’s something really important he wants to tell her.

“Yeah, I’m mad about you. So….

“I…am…your daughter’s nanny, and not a slut, you dumb.@zz! Do you realize you have a daughter and are a father?! Don’t you have any shame? Why acting like a man slut?”

“Why should I be ashamed of feeding my little boss when he’s hungry, Janella? Look, I feed him whenever he’s hungry and he’s right now hungry, so get on the bed”Jerome let out that mischievous smile as he stared at that angry face that is about to explode.

“Oh, shocks! How the h.ell did I end up in this spoiled, màd chu wawa dog’s house? Did he hit his head somewhere? Or did someone tamper with his brain?” Janella murmured some inaudible words to herself as she wondered if the guy sitting right before her was suddenly going màd.

Just when she thought he has repented and is starting to have sense, but now this?

Why does he always do things that make her wonder if he has actually been mad before?

Oh Lord! What the hell is this?

Anyway, Janella looked up, and her eyes instantly met with his. Jerome immediately flashed a smile at her, totally unbothered about the nonsense he said.

Before Janella could say more….

“Would you like to see it?” Yet again, he shamelessly asked, still flashing that beautiful, but naughty smile at Janella. And as he asked, he held his belt to start unbuckling it.

“What?!” Janella was shocked. She didn’t know if she should laugh at the màd clown before her, or look for a cane to flog out the devil tormenting him. She didn’t know!

Jerome walked closer to her, but before he got any closer, Janella curved her knee and kicked his d!ck.

“Oooh….! I think…I think this is the day I finally…give…my life to Christ….f.u.c.k!!!” Jerome crouched to the ground, holding his member as he groaned in pain.

Janella who just kicked him, watched as he bent his knees and crouched down in pain and he stopped moving.

“Oh no! What have I done?!” Janella clasped her hands in fear as her heart began to beat so fast before she knew it.

She moved a bit close to Jerome and still, she saw that he wasn’t moving.

“Jerome?” Janella called questioningly as she moved even closer to him.

“Oh gosh! Did I kick him too hard? Jerome, are you okay?” Janella asked but got no answer, and fear instantly gripped her as she could already feel the goosebumps all over her body.

Did he just pass out?


More fear gripped Janella as that thought just crossed her mind all of a sudden like a strong wind.

What the hell is she going to tell Desiree happened to her dad?

What is she going to tell everyone?

What has she just done?!

She is sure that Jerome was only joking with wh@ťěver he was saying, so why did she take it so serious.

She knows how crazy Jerome can be whenever he wants to be, so why didn’t she take this as one of his crazies?

But this was too extreme! Why did he have to do that….say that?!

Thinking about all these, Janella immediately sat down where Jerome was lying and began to shake him gently.

“Jerome….I’m sorry, I should have known you were only being crazy” Janella began to apologize as she continued to shake him. But Jerome still didn’t move even a finger!

“J J, please….

It was after he heard her call him J J, that Jerome finally moved.

“What did you just call me?” He asked, all smiles as he gently sat up, staring at Janella’s face, with his heart floating in a fountain of excess joy.

She called his name in shorts, which no one has ever called him that way. He has heard people call the short forms of his name, but this was totally different and it sounded so heavenly.

Gawd! This girl is driving him nuts right now!

Nonetheless, “J J” Janella subconsciously answered him, but the moment she realized he was awake, she immediately clung on him, hugging him to herself.

The happiness of seeing that Jerome is awake was so crazy that she hugged him and brought his head to rest on her chest, like a mom trying to comfort her child who has gone through some pain.

“I’m so sorry, Jerome. This will never happen again, I promise” Janella sincerely said, and Jerome could only smile, but….

Something just clicked in Janella’s head and she instantly pulled away.

“There was nothing wrong….you were just pretending, weren’t you?” Janella asked and there, came the mùrderous glare when it hit her hard that this psycho was acting all along.

Why in the world would he do that?!

“Hmmm? You just called me J J, Ella….

“You crazy, psycho a@zzhole! Why would you….” Janella began to throw tantrums, hitting his chest with her both hands like she was actually playing a drum.

“Why would you scare me like that, Jerome? f_cking tell me why!” Janella hit him harder.

“I’m sorry” Jerome immediately apologized when he realized that what he did was really extreme and he literally scared the hell out of her.

He regretted everything right the first thing he said. He shouldn’t have said what he said to her when she entered his room.

That was too much of a joke. He could remember that night….that concert night when someone tried to have his way with her.

He could remember how scared she got.

Jerome thought that what he did was too much to take as a joke even though Janella saw did it as a joke.

“Janella…..I’m sorry….”

“Stop calling my name….f_cking stop saying you’re sorry, geez!!” Janella yelled and swiftly got off the floor they were both sitting.

She tried to walk away as fast as she could, but she wasn’t fast enough because Jerome quickly got up and grabbed her hand, pulling her back.

On turning, due to the fast pull, Janella’s chest bumped on Jerome’s and she gasped as her heart raced sharply.

“Let me go!!” Janella struggled, trying to free herself from his grip.

“I said I’m sorry, Janella….please. I took this too far and I’m deeply sorry, okay? Please?” Jerome begged, but she succeeded in yanking her hands off him.

“I said let me go!” Janella yelled again and as she got free, she began to walk away.

But she had barely walked a foot, when Jerome ran after her again, held her hand and pulled her the second time.

As he abruptly made Janella turn again, she didn’t just bump on his chest for the second time, thier lips accidentally met each other’s.

The moment thier lips met, Janella’s heart thumped so loud like a drum being played inside her chest.

Jerome’s heart wasn’t left out. It was beating a thousand times in just a second.

They both froze! Like the clock just stood still and refused to tick as it should.

Janella’s palms instantly became sweaty as Jerome’s intense stare began, her body was already heating up as she tried to avoid his gaze, but she couldn’t.

They both could feel the heat and tension as that stare was getting more intense than they ever imagined.

Again, Janella tried to look away, but….

She felt Jerome’s suddenly moving to her left cheek as he gently ran the back of his finger there, his eyes were intensely still staring into hers.

He suddenly moved them to her lips that were calling his name, inviting him over to come pay them a sweet visit.

They were so wet, tempting and…..oh f_ck!! Did she just lick them now?

Subconsciously, Jerome moved his fingers to her lips after tucking her hair behind her ears, he began to rub them with his them and Janella’s body got weakened with what he just did.

Again, he moved his fingers to her pointy nose and traced the bridge of it until he got to her lips again.

Slowly and romantically, he raised her chin a little bit up and tilted his head to the right, and like that, Jerome parted his lips a bit before smashing them on Janella’s, sending wild tremors along her nerves.

Janella felt the intense sensations she never knew she could feel. And before a swimming giddiness spun her round and round, Janella could feel herself kissing him back…..


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