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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Love Intoxicated…}

By, Ella N.

Do Not Copy, Fôol❗❗



♡´・ᴗ・`♡ SHAKY HANDS・ᴗ・`♡

“The rarest treasure I’ve ever found….I love you baby…..whether or not….” Jerome lost it and could only hug his daughter and cry.

That instance they were hugging each other, he all of a sudden coughed and the same thing that happened the other day, happened again.

He saw blood on his palm. It wasn’t a deep cough, the cough is always minor, but blôod most times follows the cough. It is worsening these days.

Jerome felt like a part of his body was being cut with a knife or razor….something so sharp and painful that he really can’t tell how he feels!

This isn’t just about the DNA test results, it is much more than that all put together.

He’s been holding it for so long, he’s been acting like everything is okay, whereas, everything isn’t.

He uses those things….says those crazy things….acts crazy….smiles and does all those things to make him feel like everything is okay.

Deep, deep down in his heart he’s not okay and each time he thinks about the situation, his hearts stings and shatters. Each time he thinks about his daughter, he cannot help but to sigh in frustration and become helpless.

But at the end of the day, this little girl here…same one hugging him right now, trying to make him feel better….saying all those sweet things to him right now to make her dad forget wh@ťěver is making him cry…telling him he’s the best dad in the entire world because she wants him to know that he really is, she isn’t lying. He has been the best dad since she grew up to know herself…he has been the best dad she could ever ask for
This same little creature hugging him so tight and warm right now, gives him every reason to smile even when they isn’t any reason to. Her tiny voice alone is enough to heal his broken heart.

Yes! He’s the best dad that has always made her happy, always found a way to make sure she’s okay…he protects her and provides for her…he guides and guard her in every which way.

Even when she does something bãd, he corrects her and instead of scolding or raising his hands on her, he tells her the consequences of her actions and advises her not to do them again.

And she being the smart and intelligent girl that her dad has brought her up to be, she listens and she’s always ready to learn and make her dad happy.

So why wouldn’t he be the best dad in the whole wide world? Just why!

“Sorry daddy, can you stop crying?” Desiree said as she unwrapped her hands from his neck.

Jerome smiled heartily, he raised his right hand and rubbed her chubby cheeks softly.

“Are you hungry?” Was the first thing he could think of asking as he wiped the tears off his face.

“I’ll be hungry….only if daddy is hungry too…” Desiree dragged the words and Jerome didn’t know when he let out a chuckle, staring at her cute face, satisfactorily.

“Pout for daddy, will ya?” Jerome said and Desiree didn’t even wait another second as she immediately pouted, making that cute little chubby face that makes him laugh all the time, same way he laughs at Janella’s cute angry face.


Little Desiree can be seen holding Janella’s hand as she pulled her into an ice cream shop like she’s actually the one that is going to pay for wh@ťěver they purchase in there.

Yes! Janella later came this evening like she said she was going to come because she couldn’t come in the afternoon like she was supposed to.

Anyway, after she came, Desiree bugged her dad to take her out so she could have some fun with him. Well, she didn’t know her Miss Ella was going to come in the evening.

She was extremely happy when she saw her in the mansion and even happier because she was going out, and knew she was going to bug Miss Ella also until she agrees.

And well, here they are.

They’ve gone to many other places, having fun….Desiree is actually the only one having the fun because all the places they’ve gone to are PlayStation for kids.

Anyway, Jerome is happy that she’s having fun and enjoying herself.

He can be seen walking behind them. He had to park his car well before joining them, and Desiree on the other hand was not ready to wait because she wanted her vanilla ice cream so bad.

“Walk fast, daddy” Desiree said out loud to her dad’s hearing and he chuckled.

“Yes, little Miss” Jerome answered and pretended to be running which actually made him look funny.

Seeing her dad doing that, Desiree’s cute giggles filled the air and even Janella who had been glaring at Jerome all the while, began to laugh at his silly run.

Jerome has literally been teasing her since they left home, and thr_@tening with “I will kiss you right here if you don’t join her and take a ride”

There was a rollercoaster ride Desiree said she wanted to take, but….she has to sit with an adult to take it.


“Aren’t you her dad? Go take the d@mn ride with her” Janella scoffed and rolled eyes at him.

“Aren’t you her nanny? f_cking go take the ride with her, else….” Jerome lowered his head like he always does. ” I’ll kiss you right here and now if you argue again” He whispered and Janella swallowed, knowing how crazy this guy is.

“f_ck you, Jerome!” Janella whispered back and gave him a middle finger before going to join Desiree who was already sitting and waiting for either of them.

Jerome began to chuckle hard as he watched her leave with that cute angry face.

“You both be careful” He shouted after her and what he got was another middle finger, but that only made him laugh out.


Anyway, they all entered the ice cream shop together and made their orders, but Jerome refused taking any.

“You no longer love ice cream, daddy? Oh… my… daddy!” Desiree counted the words, cupping her cheeks and they all burst out laughing with the way she said it, even widening her eye balls.

Some of the people that came to buy ice cream too, looked at her and began to chuckle as they saw how adorable she looked.

Anyway, the ice cream came. Desiree was given hers; vanilla, her favorite as always.

They were about to give Janella hers, but Jerome was quick to collect it.

“Hey, baby girl. Miss Ella said her hands are hurting due to the rollercoaster ride she took with you” Jerome smirked, turning to look at Janella.

Okay!! What’s this crazy guy up to now? What the hell is he planning to do?!

“Sorry, Miss Ella. I think you need daddy to feed you the ice cream since your palms are hurting” Desiree said as she took Janella’s palms and began to blow air, trying to make her feel better.

Innocent girl, if only she knew her dad was just being mischievous.

Jerome smiled immediately. That’s exactly what expected her to say.

This girl….this little princess of his…she never fails.

And like that, Jerome began to feed Janella who felt like strangling him.

Why does he always use his daughter to do naughty and annoying things to her?!

Getting her even more angry, Jerome would scoop the ice cream, eat from it a little then feed her the rest.

Oh Lord!

Can everyone leave right now so she can kick his balls and scatter them for him?

“I love ice cream” Jerome let out that mischievous smile. Seeing that angry face, made Jerome to add fuel to the already burning fire.

“I’ll kìll you, I swear!” Janella thr_@tened as she whispered to his ears.

“Okay. But will you let me kiss you first before you do that?” He whispered back and Janella moved closer to him, making him think she actually wants to let him go, but what he got were pinches that Janella stylishly started giving him so Desiree won’t see what she was actually doing to her dad.

However, Jerome was so happy to see how his day later went that day after that hurting moment he had after he returned from the hospital.


Jerome can be seen walking out of the elevator, checking the time on his wristwatch while he did so.

He’s seen walking very fast, heading to his office where he immediately opened the door and walked in, going straight to his swivel. He plunked himself down the chair, heavily with a sigh.

“Oh, Lord!” He palmed his face when he saw all the files that have been stacked on his desk already.

Jerome lowered his head, placing his hands on the desk first. Then like that, he rested his head there and stayed like that.

He remained like that for quite sometime, it was as though he was meditating or probably contemplating on whether he should go ahead with the work or just go home and rest.

But going home without doing any work would only double….triple the work because by the time he comes back tomorrow, well….

Geez! His plan was to just come here, do some little work and then go home. But it is obvious that there’s no such thing as “little work”, because each time he says that, he always ends up doing more than he thought he would do.

He actually went for a meeting….one that concerns his company.

His head is seriously aching him right now, but what can he do?

Absolutely nothing! He just gat to do what he has to do.

Jerome finally raised his head up and the moment he did so, his eyes caught a small box near the files.

Letting out a short chuckle, Jerome picked the box up and stared at it amusingly. His eyes then caught sight of what is written on top of the small box.

“From Your Secret Admirer” Jerome chuckled as he read it and shook his head.

With an uninterested look, he opened the box and chocolates were found inside.

“I didn’t know I was so handsome to the point that I have become a girl” Jerome chuckled out loud as he stared at the chocolates amusingly.

He found a note in it and it read….

“Making You Fall Me Is My Top Priority” ….

It read and Jerome laughed out like a madman.

“How can someone wake up in the morning and instead of checking if their brain is still working properly or not, they start thinking of how to make me fall in love with them” Jerome laughed.

He was still laughing when his phone began to ring…

“Hey, BiBi” He said immediately he picked.

It’s actually Bianca that called.

“How are you and my little mama?” Bianca asked from the other end and Jerome chuckled.

“We are good. Currently at the office after attending a meeting”

“You better stop stressing yourself” Bianca scolded.

“Look who’s talking. My workaholic sister is actually advising me to stop stressing myself” Jerome said and they both laughed out.

“So….how did it go? I mean, the DNA test results?” Bianca asked after they went quiet.

Anyway, Jerome remained quiet for a moment, then Bianca heard him sigh.

“Aww” Bianca immediately said as she could already tell why he sighed.

“Calm down, okay? Just calm down. I know how it feels when you expect something so much but end up disappointed” Bianca tried to talk to him.

They were on the phone for long before the call disconnected and they both went back to working, with Jerome feeling a lot better after his sister was able to make him feel better.


“Welcome, mom. What happened today? You….closed a bit later than usual” Lenora smiled as she opened the door for her mom to come in.

She hugged her mom warmly immediately she got in, holding her hand as they both walked to the couch.

She (her mom) actually just got back from work, looking all tired.

“I had a lot of work to do today, Nora and you won’t believe I still couldn’t finish it despite staying this long. Like, I am so exhausted!” Her mom sighed, tiredly.

She handed over her handbag to Lenora who collected it immediately.

Sitting down, she yawned and sighed again.

“Should I get you water first or some juice, or food?” Lenora asked nicely, staring at her mom’s tired face. She even looked sleepy and Lenora couldn’t help but to feel for her.

“Anyone please. Just get me something to quench that thirst, my throat is dry” Mrs. Jameson replied and Lenora giggled and left for the kitchen.

She came back with a glass of juice seconds later, giving it to her mom, after which she sat down beside her.

“How is Ella doing, by the? Been long I heard from her” Mrs. Jameson then asked as she took the first gulp of her juice and swallowed it.

“Janella is fine, mom. She even asked about you today in school” Lenora replied happily, taking off her mom’s shoes.

She then carried her legs off the ground and placed them on her thighs, then she began to give her a foot massage.

Her mom let out an appreciative smile, abs uttered a “thank you, darling”.

“So, Ella doesn’t want to come see me, but she’s asking after me, huh? That’s not cool” Mrs. Jameson said, as she picked up her juice from the table and took a sip.

Lenora chuckled and shook her head.

“She’s been very busy, mom. You know I told you she started a one year program in my school, plus….you know the menial jobs she does. So all that combined, hasn’t really been easy for her. I hardly even find her at home these days because she’s always not at home like she used to be all the time. If not for school….geez! I bet I’d be seeing Ella just once in a while” Lenora explained to her mom and she could only chuckled.

One thing she loves about her daughter’s best friend is that, she’s a very hardworking girl, and she’s that go-getter kind of girl who wouldn’t stop until she achieves what she’s aiming for.

Aside what they all know Janella went through, Mrs. Jameson has seen the kind of impact Janella has made in her daughter.

There are a lot of things she has stopped or made Janella stop doing ever since they became friends, which she actually never found cool no ever liked in her daughter.

Lenora was that kind of party girl, a very stubborn one who wouldn’t listen to anybody, but does what pleases her.

She goes out, parties and sometimes comes home very late in the night. But ever since she and Janella became friends, a lot of that has reduced, even though Lenora still does them.

But it’s not as much as before, she has limits to wh@ťěver she does now, and doesn’t stay out late like she used to. All thanks to Janella

Mrs. Jameson likes Janella so much and she’s always happy that she came into Lenora’s live, else she wouldn’t have known what would have become of her daughter.

“And Alexa? How’s she? She also doesn’t want to visit anymore?” Mrs. Jameson inquired.

“Geez! Mom! We are women now, and occupied with so many things, you know” Lenora replied which sounded funny to her mom. Mrs. Jameson just found herself laughing hard to that.

“Look at this small woman telling me she’s a woman now” She said and that got Lenora laughing really hard.

“Seriously mom?! The fact that I’m slim and your only child doesn’t mean I’m still a baby, Geez! I’m gonna leave you and dad soon and go to my husband’s house. I think that’s when you and dad will finally realize I am no longer a kid, Geez!” Lenora replied, sounding very serious with what she just said.

Her parents, especially her mom still sees her as her little baby of yesterday, whereas, she’s a full grown adult now.

Well, maybe because she doesn’t look her age, or maybe because she’s the only one they have.. Who knows?

Mrs. Jameson just kept staring at her daughter as she sips her juice, enjoying every taste it was giving.

They were still that way when the doorbell rang, and Lenora went for it immediately.

Opening it, her dad came to view.

~Wow! He came back early today? Unlike other days. What’s happening today?~

Lenora thought but then, the and the first thing Lenora percieved was the scent of his perfume, but… wasn’t his!

Yes. Lenora could tell that because she knows the scent of her dad and that of her mom, so she knew this wasn’t his usual scent and she knows her dad doesn’t change his perfume to a new scent anyhow. It’s rare to see him using another perfume.

And wait….she doesn’t want to sound crazy because not just one person uses such perfumes, but that scent smells familiar to her.

She has percieved it from someone, but who that person is, is what she can’t pinpoint where or who exactly.

Anyway, “hey, dad…” Good evening…you came back so early today” Lenora smiled and her dad did too.

“Surprise, surprise…” He replied and Lenora giggled.

Mr. Jameson walked in fully and met his wife sitting on the couch, that particular one they always sit together and talk for long like that’s all they got to do in their lives. But that doesn’t happen anymore.

“How did your day go?” Was what Mr. Jameson asked his wife and she responded positively.

Meanwhile, Lenora stood still at a corner, watching her dad.

Normally, he’d go give his wife a kiss either on the lips or forehead, but he hardly does that these days and today is one of those days because he didn’t do it.

“Um, dad? Did you….did you change your perfumes?” Lenora who could no longer hold it, suddenly asked as she folded her arms where she stood.

“No, I didn’t” Mr. Jameson replied shortly.

“Then why….do you smell different?”…..


“Doctor, is everything okay? You asked me to come see you, am I….safe?” Jerome who still doesn’t know why the doctor called him this evening and said he should come see him now, asked worriedly.

Thought everything has been done and the results are even out already. Desiree is fine which he himself said so, and he doesn’t remember the doctor saying he could be coming to get treatment or….

Jerome is starting to worry so much already!

What’s this sudden urgent call for? With the way the doctor sounded on the phone, it’s getting Jerome really worried.

Nonetheless, the doctor spoke.

“Well, you’re safe, Mr. Jerome and everything is alright.
I just want to tell you that the first DNA tests were….” The doctor paused for a moment. He took out an office file from his desk, and opened it, bringing out some papers in it.

“Here….” He handed the papers to Jerome who reluctantly collected them, staring at the doctor confusedly.

“Those are the results of another test I conducted. The first results were….tampered with” The doctor said and shocked Jerome felt like he had just heard someone speak in a language he did not understand at all, nor ever heard in his life!

Wait, what?!!

The results were tampered with? By who?!

Collecting the papers immediately, Jerome opened them and when he read through, his hands instantly went wobbly.

They became so shaky that he found himself unable to hold the papers properly.

“Dee….Desiree is….doctor….Desiree is my….she’s my biological child….” Jerome’s voice kept hanging as couldn’t find the right thing to say. He stared at the papers in his hands blankly, his hands got more shaky and….


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