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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 47&48


I was still reeling from the shock of what had transpired earlier.

Why would Rome agree to that? He despises me, and my feelings toward him are just as strong.

I glanced at Camilla, who was beaming with excitement.

“There’s nothing wrong with that, right?” she exclaimed, her smile unwavering.

“Everything is wrong,” I muttered under my breath, feeling a knot of anxiety tighten in my stomach.

“Nothing’s wrong, dear. Remember, it’s all for the baby,” Camilla reassured me, her grin widening.

Only a fool wouldn’t see through her facade. I stared at her for a moment before letting out a deep sigh. Her grin faded into a look of concern as she sat down beside me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked softly, her eyes filled with genuine concern. I hesitated for a moment before finally speaking.

“Well…” I trailed off, gathering my thoughts before continuing, “I can’t imagine myself being intimate with Rome,” I admitted, feeling a pang of vulnerability.

“I understand how you feel, but trust me, you won’t regret it,” Camilla said, her tone filled with conviction, though it only made me roll my eyes in response.

“It’s going to be incredibly awkward for both of us,” I argued, feeling a sense of dread creeping over me.

“Don’t worry, everything is going to be fine,” Camilla reassured me once more, though her words did little to ease my apprehension.

Lord, please help me navigate through this mess.


The atmosphere between Rome and me was tense and awkward whenever we were together. Today, we found ourselves sitting silently in the car as I prepared to visit my dad and sister.

“I’ll wait here,” Rome offered after opening the door for me. I nodded with a forced smile before making my way into our apartment.

Upon entering, the sound of the TV and laughter greeted me. It seemed Beatrix had friends over. I couldn’t help but feel happy for her as I walked into the living room.

There she was, cuddled up with someone, sharing laughter as they watched a movie together. My initial smile faded when I realized she was with a guy.

Beatrix has a boyfriend now? Why didn’t she tell me?

“Beatrix,” I called out, attempting to smile, but it faltered when they both turned to look at me.

My heart sank as I registered Neo cuddling with my sister.

“Phoenix,” Beatrix exclaimed, clearly shocked by my sudden appearance.

I stood there, staring at them both, trying to process what I was seeing.

Neo’s expression mirrored my own shock as he stood up, attempting to speak. “Phoenix, we can explain,” he began, but I couldn’t bring myself to listen.

“Explain what?” I demanded, my annoyance palpable as I stared them down.

They both remained silent, their speechless expressions confirming my suspicion.

“What exactly do you have to say? She’s just 18 and still in high school, Neo,” I directed my frustration towards him.

“We’re just friends,” Neo insisted, meeting my gaze with sincerity. “We don’t like each other,” he repeated, but I couldn’t shake off the feeling of betrayal as I glanced at Beatrix, who didn’t seem thrilled by Neo’s response.

“Do I look like a fool to you? Cuddling? Seriously?” I scoffed before storming out of the house, my anger fueling every step I took.

Outside, I spotted Rome leaning on his car, engrossed in his phone. As soon as he noticed me, he straightened up and approached me.

“You knew about my sister and Neo, didn’t you?” I asked, my annoyance evident in my tone.

His silence spoke volumes, confirming my suspicions that he was aware of something going on between them.

“And you couldn’t even tell me. She’s 18. We all know Neo is going to end up breaking her fragile heart, which he already did back there,” I accused, my frustration boiling over.

“It’s not my place to tell,” he replied, his response only deepening my frown.

“I’m her sister, Rome. You should have told me,” I exclaimed before walking away towards the car, feeling a sense of disappointment and resentment towards him.

That day, I opened the car door by myself, a small act of independence after months of relying on Rome.


We didn’t exchange a single word in the car; instead, Rome simply turned on the music, leaving the tense atmosphere to linger between us.

I was seething with anger at everyone. Only God knew if my dad was aware of what was happening too.

As soon as we got home, I wasted no time in opening the car door myself, eager to escape the suffocating silence.

“Phoenix,” Rome called after me, but I ignored him, storming into the house without a second glance.

“Phoenix,” I heard my name again, but this time, it wasn’t Rome’s voice.

It was the last person I wanted to see right now.

My mother.

My frown deepened as I spotted her in the living room, accompanied by Rome’s mother.

Great. First Beatrix and Neo, now this?

My day was going splendidly… (note the sarcasm).

She approached me, her voice almost trembling with emotion. “Phoenix,” she called again, her eyes welling up with tears.

The crocodile tears suited her so well. Without a word, I brushed past her and headed straight to my room.

But my mother followed me, her persistence irritating me even more. Did she not understand that I didn’t want to see or talk to her?

“Phoenix, please,” she pleaded as she saw me about to leave the room.

“As you can see, I’m pregnant. I don’t want to stress the baby,” I replied, my tone polite but filled with underlying anger.

“I caused all this,” she continued, tears streaming down her face. Did she honestly think her tears would make me want to forgive her?

After everything she had done? She must be joking.

“I had no choice,” she insisted.

“You’re funny,” I scoffed, my laughter dripping with sarcasm.

“I know I did wrong, for leaving you and your sister, but I am sorry,” she sobbed, her tears flowing freely.

No amount of tears could make up for all the years of grief and hardship we endured because of her absence.

“You left your kids. You f-__-king left us to starve,” I retorted, my voice trembling with anger but without pointing a finger at her.

“Do you have any idea what we had to do to survive?” I demanded, but she continued to cry, offering no response.

“As you can see, I’m a surrogate mother now. With this, I can pay for Beatrix’s school fees and college expenses. I can get Dad a better car, and we can live in a decent house again,” I explained bitterly.

“I’m sorry for leaving, I swear it,” she pleaded, but her words fell flat.

She didn’t even have a valid reason for abandoning us. She was just here, crying.

“You can go back to your wealthy husband. But you know what hurt me the most?” I asked, closing the distance between us.

“You hurt my father,” I accused, my voice filled with pain. “He’s always been calm and loving towards you. We hardly saw you two fight. He worked tirelessly to provide for us. But when he lost his job and couldn’t afford the lavish lifestyle you wanted, you ran away. Tell me, aren’t you just a gold digger?” I questioned, the bitterness evident in my tone.

She stared at me in silence, unable to offer a defense.

“Just get out,” I finally said, my voice trembling with emotion. She hesitated for a moment before finally leaving.


The door opened once again. Now what?

“I said get…” I began, but my words trailed off as I saw Mrs. Dante, Rome’s mother, standing before me.

“Well, it’s a shock that Zara is your mother,” she remarked, her smile unsettling.

“And she’s a gold digger,” Mrs. Dante continued, her tone dripping with disdain. “Like mother, like daughter,” she added, laughing aloud.

“f-__-king get out of my room! All you do is come in here and say nothing. Aren’t you done pestering my life? I already gave you the necklace I stole, so what the hell do you want now?” I snapped at her, my patience worn thin.

I was so done with her. Why did she insist on intruding into my life like this? It was as if she was possessed.

“Rome will be happy when I tell him about your lifestyle,” she thr_@tened.

“Well, go ahead and tell him. It’s not difficult. Or should I help you call Rome?” I retorted, shocking her with my defiance.

“See, you’d better stay in your own lane. I’m pregnant with your grandson, and all you do is stress my life. Aren’t you too mature for that? f-__-k, you’re childish,” I spat out, my frustration boiling over.

She frowned at me before finally leaving the room.

I was so done with all of them.


Beatrix spent the entire day ignoring Neo, still fuming over his denial when confronted by Phoenix. They had agreed that if Phoenix found out about them, they would claim to love each other, but Neo’s denial had been laughable.

Today, Neo had come to her house, apologizing profusely.

“I do actually love you,” he insisted, reaching out to touch her hand, but she recoiled.

“How mature are you? What will you tell your friends about us if you can deny us in front of my sister?” Beatrix snapped, her annoyance evident.

“You have to understand that Phoenix would be really pissed,” Neo attempted to reason, still trying to close the distance between them, but she kept her distance.

“I’m 28 and you’re 18, that’s a 10-year difference. People will talk,” Neo explained, shocking Beatrix even more.

“You didn’t think about that when you told me you liked me or even when you said you loved me, did you? What’s the meaning of all this?” Beatrix questioned, her frustration evident.

“I’m a model, and I’m quite popular. People will talk,” Neo reasoned.

“Wow,” Beatrix muttered, her disappointment evident.

“I’m sorry,” Neo apologized once more.

“You know what? We’re done,” Beatrix declared, heading towards the door.

“Bea,” Neo called after her, but she cut him off.

“No, don’t,” she said firmly, opening the door for him.

“Bea,” he called again, pleadingly.

“Get out,” she said, her voice tinged with finality.

Neo looked at her for a moment before finally walking out.

To be continued…

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