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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 45&46


I stood there in shock, turning to see Rome’s expression. He appeared irritated, but not overly angry. Quickly, I hid the picture behind me, but it slipped from my grasp, shattering into pieces on the ground.

Gasping, I looked up at Rome, who seemed even more displeased.

“I told you not to come to this room, but you never ever listen to anybody,” he scolded, advancing towards me.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, attempting to gather the broken pieces from the ground. But instead, I ended up cutting my hands on the shards, causing me to hiss in pain. Why was I so clumsy at this moment?

“Oh God,” Rome muttered, taking hold of my injured hands.

He examined them for a moment before sighing. “I’m supposed to be angry, but right now your hands need to be treated,” he said.


Rome retrieved a first aid kit and carefully rinsed the cuts on my fingers. His touch was gentle yet firm, causing me to wince in pain.

“Maybe if you had not gone sniffing your nose into someone’s business, this wouldn’t have happened to you,” he remarked, his focus still on my hands.

I remained silent, observing him as he tended to my injuries. He licked his lips in concentration as he applied the bandage to my finger. I couldn’t help but notice how attractive he looked in that moment. What would his lips taste like? My thoughts drifted, and I found myself smiling involuntarily.

Wait! What the hell was happening to me? Why was I smiling?

“Stay in your lane,” he advised, snapping me out of my reverie.

As Rome finished wrapping the bandage around my injured fingers, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment wash over me. His touch was gentle, yet firm, sending a tingling sensation through my skin. I shifted nervously, searching for something to say to break the tension that hung between us like a heavy curtain.

But before I could gather my thoughts, my feet betrayed me once again, slipping on the smooth floor beneath me. With a startled yelp, I felt myself falling forward, unable to regain my balance. Panic surged through me as I realized I was about to crash directly into Rome.

In a split second, I collided with him, my body pressing against his as we both tumbled to the ground in a tangled mess. My heart pounded in my chest as we lay there stunned, our breaths mingling in the air between us.

Then, Rome let out a soft chuckle, the sound sending warmth flooding through me despite my embarrassment.

“Looks like you’re determined to keep me on my toes,” he teased, his eyes dancing with amusement as he helped me untangle myself from him.

Blushing furiously, I mumbled an apology, feeling utterly mortified by my clumsiness. But Rome just grinned, his expression kind and understanding as he assured me it was okay.

As we both regained our footing, I couldn’t shake the lingering feeling of his touch on my skin, leaving me breathless and strangely exhilarated.

“What’s with his sudden change? Why is he being so nice to me these days? Is it because the baby is growing quickly?”

“Don’t be clumsy again,” he said, walking towards the living room.

I smiled before making my way to the fridge to grab some juice. As I entered the living room, I found Jess and Rome deep in conversation.

“Not her again,” I mused silently, noting the disdainful look Jess shot my way.

“I feel so uneasy most of the time. I feel like our baby needs you more in her life,” Jess confessed to Rome.

“We’ve gone over this before,” Rome responded, his tone patient but firm.

“Yes, but can’t I at least stay here?” Jess persisted, her voice tinged with frustration.

Such a drama queen, I thought to myself, bracing for the inevitable showdown.

“But I am you are not yet….,” Rome goes to say but I suddenly cut him short…

“Ow!” I suddenly cried out, causing Rome to whirl around towards me, concern etched on his face as he rushed over.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, his eyes scanning me for any signs of distress.

“My feet,” I replied, pointing down at them. Thankfully, the pregnancy had gifted me with swollen feet.

“What’s happening to them?” Rome inquired, his brow furrowing with worry.

“They’re hurting, and I really need a massage,” I admitted, my tone pleading for relief.

“Can you walk?” he asked, his voice gentle yet practical, ready to assist me in any way he could.

I shook my head, knowing I didn’t have to say anything more. Rome swiftly scooped me up into his arms, a small smile playing on his lips as he did so.I couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment as I nestled into his embrace, enjoying the warmth and security he provided.

Glancing over at Jess, I noticed a hint of jealousy in her eyes. With a satisfied smirk, I settled in, ready to bask in the attention and care of my loving partner.


Rome’s hands worked gently, massaging my feet after Jess had left. I never expected him to agree to it, but here he was, easing the discomfort from my swollen feet.

“Thanks,” I murmured gratefully as he finished.

“Tell me if you feel any discomfort again,” he said, his tone surprisingly caring. I nodded, smiling up at him.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing Camilla. My smile widened at the sight of her.

“Thank goodness you’re both here,” she exclaimed, coming to sit beside me.

“What’s wrong?” Rome asked, his attention shifting to Camilla.

“Hey, Phoenix,” Camilla greeted me with a warm smile, ignoring Rome’s presence.

“Hey, Camilla,” I replied, returning her smile.

“So, I came to tell you both something,” Camilla began, and we both nodded, encouraging her to continue.

“So… Doctor Phil talked to me about the issue you two are having,” she said tentatively.

“Issue? What issue?” Rome asked, his curiosity piqued.

“Okay… so… the… segz stuff,” Camilla said, rolling her eyes slightly.

“What about it?” Rome inquired, his expression puzzled.

“Since you both don’t want to have segz with each other, I have a perfect candidate for her,” Camilla announced.

“Whoa,” I thought, surprised by her forwardness.

“You’re just crazy,” Rome objected, standing up abruptly.

“What? I’ve talked to the guy, and he’s agreed. Now it’s up to Phoenix to decide whether or not she wants to go through with it. And mind you, this guy is super hot,” Camilla explained, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

“Okay, fine—” I began, but Rome cut me off.

“She’s not having segz with this guy,” he declared firmly, his brow furrowing in disapproval.

Camilla and I exchanged a glance before turning back to Rome, both of us equally curious.

“Why not?” we asked simultaneously.

“Well, she doesn’t need to. Instead, I’ll volunteer,” Rome declared, shocking both of us with his unexpected offer.



“And you said you would volunteer to do it instead?” Neo asked, raising an eyebrow. Rome simply nodded in response.

“d@mn, man,” Neo exclaimed, giving Rome a playful hit on the shoulder.

“You like her already,” Neo teased, prompting Rome to roll his eyes.

“No, I don’t,” Rome insisted.

“Yes, you do. Why else would you even want to have segz with her if you don’t like her?” Neo pressed.

“Well, I had segz with Jess and I don’t even like her,” Rome retorted, trying to dismiss the idea of him liking Phoenix.

“You don’t even remember sleeping with Jess, so you must like Phoenix,” Neo pointed out, now sporting a smirk.

“No, I don’t. I’m doing it because of the baby. I don’t want her to meet another man because I fear…” Rome trailed off, sighing heavily.

“See, you have no reasons,” Neo interrupted, cutting off Rome’s explanation.

Rome stared at him silently for a moment, contemplating his words.

Does he really like her, or is he just being protective over his baby?

To be continued…

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