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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 39&40


Saturday came around quickly, and my dress was already prepared. Rome even arranged for a makeup artist, which was a thoughtful gesture.

I got dressed and had my hair styled by the makeup artist. The result was stunning; the makeup was light and flawless, enhancing my natural features.

“You look stunning,” Camilla complimented when she saw me.

“Thanks,” I replied, acknowledging her words.

“Rome is going to be blown away when he sees you like this,” Camilla predicted, making me playfully scoff.

“He’d probably be more likely to vomit,” I joked, and Camilla chuckled.

She added a final touch to my hair before stepping back to admire her work in the mirror.

“I wish you were Rome’s wife,” Camilla suddenly said, catching me off guard.

“Why would you say that?” I asked, turning to look at her.

“Because you’re fun,” she replied with a smile, which made me smile too.

“It’s time to go,” we heard Rome call out.

“Take care,” Camilla said, giving me a hug.

“Bye,” I said as I left my room.

“Wait, let me escort you downstairs to witness Rome’s reaction,” Camilla suggested with a smile.

We walked downstairs together, and the first person we encountered was Rome.

“She’s all ready,” Camilla announced, her smile wide.

Rome looked up, his gaze meeting mine. I could feel his eyes scanning me from head to toe, making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

“Told you,” Camilla said triumphantly before darting back upstairs.

“Uhm-uhm Let’s go,” Rome said quietly, and we both exited the house.

He wasn’t driving today, and security personnel were trailing us as we made our way to the car. Rome opened the door for me, and I slid into the seat.

The drive was uncomfortably silent, neither of us saying a word. Rome was dressed casually, as usual, and I couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t look bad at all.

The car came to a stop, indicating that we had arrived at our destination. Rome quickly got out of the car and circled around to open my door. It struck me then that I couldn’t recall the last time I had opened or closed a door for myself.

The venue was breathtaking, a grand mansion that showcased the opulence of the wealthy. It made me wonder about the extravagant tastes of rich people. Personally, if I ever became wealthy, I’d opt for a peaceful retreat on a remote island far away from the hustle and bustle. But then again, how would I satisfy my craving for parties?

“Hold my hand,” Rome said suddenly, interrupting my thoughts.

“Why?” I questioned, observing his outstretched hand.

“Well, there are plenty of businessmen here who wouldn’t mind flirting with a pregnant woman,” he explained.

“Well, it’s not like I’m lacking in the ‘horny’ department,” I retorted, meeting his gaze. His expression twisted into one of distaste.

“You’re something else,” he remarked, eliciting a chuckle from me before I placed my hand in his.

We entered the mansion, and I couldn’t help but think, “d@mn, rich people really consider this partying?”

The music was barely audible, just a background hum as people mingled, sipping drinks and engaging in polite conversation. Rich people really knew how to suck the fun out of a gathering. Especially Rome.

“Rome,” someone called out, causing us to halt.

No, not her.

His mother approached, a smile on her face that quickly faded when her gaze landed on me. Her expression turned into a frown.

“Is Jess sick?” she asked, her tone accusatory.

“No, why?” Rome responded defensively.

“Well, you should have brought Jess instead of… her. She’s just a surrogate mother, remember?” Mrs. Dante remarked, her words cutting.

“Mom, I can make my own choices,” Rome retorted, irritation evident in his voice.

“Your father is here,” she changed the subject abruptly.

“Where?” Rome inquired, scanning the room.

“Over there,” Mrs. Dante pointed to an elderly man engaged in conversation.

Rome glanced at his father before turning back to me.

“Don’t wander off,” he instructed before walking away, leaving me alone with his mother.

Oh, great.

“Now, you,” she said, stepping closer to me.

“Good evening,” I greeted tentatively, but she rolled her eyes.

“What’s so good about this evening?” she retorted sharply.

I remained silent, simply staring at her with my hands resting protectively on my stomach.

“You had the audacity to follow my son to this party?” she demanded.

“No, ma’am, he invited me,” I explained, but she just rolled her eyes in response.

“I know my son. He wouldn’t force anyone to do anything. He merely extended an invitation, and it was your choice to accept or decline,” she insisted.

Oh, crap.

I fell silent, meeting her glare as she continued to scrutinize me. The mistake I made by stealing from her weighed heavily on my mind. But sometimes, I wondered, even if I hadn’t stolen from her, would she have h@ťěd me this much?

“I hope you die giving birth,” she spat before walking away.

I gasped, watching her retreating figure in disbelief. That was harsh. Why would she wish that upon me?

Unable to move, I remained rooted to the spot, pondering her words.

That woman truly is a witch.

“Phoenix,” I heard Rome call out, pulling me from my thoughts.

I turned to see Rome standing with a man who bore a striking resemblance to an older version of him.

“She’s the one safeguarding our future?” his father chuckled, gesturing towards me. I couldn’t help but smile as I looked between him and Rome.

“Phoenix, this is my dad, and Dad, this is Phoenix, the one I’ve told you about,” Rome introduced.

His father smiled warmly before extending his hand for a handshake. His kindness prompted me to reciprocate, lifting my hand to shake his.

“Such a beautiful lady,” he complimented.

“Thank you, sir,” I replied, smiling.

“Oh, no need to call me sir, call me Enzo,” he insisted, making me smile even wider.

I couldn’t help but wonder how someone as kind as Enzo married to that wicked woman?. She must be a real pain in the neck.

Enzo chatted with us for a while before excusing himself to mingle with other guests.

“There’s someone else I want to talk to,” Rome said, leading me through the crowd with his hand in mine.

“There you are!” a man exclaimed, pulling Rome into a hug.

“Hi, Uncle,” Rome greeted with a smile.

“How are you?” his uncle inquired, returning the smile.

“I’m good, and how are you? And how’s Aunt?” Rome asked politely.

“I’m doing well, and your aunt is good too,” his uncle replied before turning his attention to me.

“Who is this beautiful woman?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

“Oh, this is Phoenix, the surrogate mother,” Rome introduced me, and his uncle nodded in understanding.

“I’m Luca,” his uncle said, extending his hand for a handshake, which I accepted.

“Let me go fetch your aunt,” he added before walking away.

“He’s the host of this party,” Rome explained, turning to me with a smile. I couldn’t help but notice the charming smile he directed at me. It seemed genuine, unlike any smile I’d seen from him before. Perhaps he was genuinely happy; after all, the only time I’d seen him smile like this was when he was seeing his baby.

Luca returned with a woman by his side.

“Rome,” she called out, her smile wide and infectious.

Wait a minute.

Was I seeing things, or did this woman bear a striking resemblance to my mother who abandoned us years ago?

It was her—the voice, the smile—it was unmistakable.

Her gaze met mine, but it quickly changed.

“Phoenix,” she called out, still looking at me.

All the memories flooded back: the mornings we woke up to find her missing from her bed, the days of waiting and hoping for her return, the times we went hungry because of her absence, and how my dad spiraled into addiction to gambling and drinking because of her.

Seeing her made me sick. The hatred I felt towards her boiled inside me, and I never wanted to lay eyes on her again. But here she was, standing before me.

“Phoenix,” she called out again, but instead of responding, I turned and ran.

Even as Rome called out after me, I kept running, fleeing from the room, from the house—away from the sight of her face.

I h@ťěd her with every fiber of my being.

I ran and ran, until I could no longer see the mansion behind me.

To be continued…

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