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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 31&32


I hugged Camilla goodbye before heading into the living room, but I needed something from the kitchen first. As I entered the kitchen, I was taken aback to see somebody cooking, shirtless.

“d@mn,” I murmured to myself, feeling a rush of heat. The person resembled Rome, but I knew it couldn’t be him. Rome would never be shirtless in his kitchen; he’s too organized for that.

Approaching cautiously, I couldn’t help but wonder who this person was. What if he’s a thief? But that seemed unlikely.

“Um, who are you?” I finally mustered the courage to ask, prompting him to turn around.

My eyes widened in shock as I recognized him. “Rome??” I called out, still in disbelief. Why was Rome cooking? And why was he shirtless?

He smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but feel even more bewildered. Why was he smiling? And what’s with his hair? Did Jess do something to him? Is he sick?

I was utterly confused.

“Oh, I’m Romeo, not Rome,” he clarified, still smiling.

“Romeo??” I repeated, still trying to process the situation.

“Yeah, I’m actually Rome’s twin brother,” he explained.

It was obvious now, but I had never known Rome had a brother, let alone a twin. And this one seemed like the more laid-back type.


Rome studied the results once more, his lips pursed in thought. The baby appeared to be healthy.

He glanced at Jess, managing a smile as he reminded himself that regardless of his feelings towards the mother, he had to care for the baby.

With a heavy sigh, he returned Jess’s wide smile, masking his inner turmoil.

“Want anything?” he asked as they neared a supermarket.

“No, thank you,” she replied with a smile.

He dropped her off at her apartment before heading home. As he entered, he heard laughter coming from the living room, prompting him to quicken his pace. Upon arrival, he found his brother and Phoenix sitting on the couch, engaged in conversation and laughter.

He couldn’t help but feel uneasy seeing her laughing at his brother’s jokes. “Oh, the real Rome is here,” Phoenix teased, causing him to roll his eyes.

“Hi, big brother,” Romeo greeted, earning a scoff from him.

“You’re making her laugh too much,” Rome remarked to Romeo.

“What?” Romeo asked, laughing.

“That’s going to hurt the baby,” Rome stated.

“The doctor didn’t say that, though,” Phoenix interjected, earning a glare from Rome.

“How did you get in?” Rome inquired, turning his attention to his brother.

“Aww, aren’t you happy to see your little brother?” Romeo teased, moving closer to Rome for a hug.

Rome considered his brother to be quite annoying, a perpetual pest in both his and Camilla’s lives. He scoffed as Romeo continued to embrace him.

“This is so cute,” Phoenix remarked, letting out a laugh, which only reaffirmed Rome’s decision not to choose her as a surrogate mother.

“Enough, enough,” Rome said, attempting to push Romeo away.

“I’ve been gone for so long, don’t you miss me?” Romeo teased, releasing Rome from the hug.

“Maybe if you were less lousy and more…” Rome trailed off, unable to find the right words.

“mature,” Rome retorted, shaking his head at his brother’s antics.

“And as for you,” he turned to Phoenix, “I didn’t realize I was hiring a comedian as a surrogate mother.”

Phoenix chuckled, unfazed by Rome’s remark. “Well, a little laughter never hurt anyone, right?”

Rome sighed, knowing he couldn’t argue with that logic. “Just try not to overdo it,” he said, his tone softened.

Romeo, always the mischief-maker, grinned mischievously. “I make no promises,” he quipped, earning a playful eye roll from Rome.

As they settled into the evening, Rome couldn’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance at his brother’s presence. Yet, deep down, he couldn’t deny the warmth of having family around, even if it came with its own set of challenges.

After dinner, Rome’s mind lingered on the fact that he hadn’t checked in with Phoenix about the appointment. Guilt gnawed at him for missing it, but he also felt an undeniable need to confirm Jess’s pregnancy firsthand, despite his skepticism.

With a hesitant knock, Rome approached Phoenix’s door.

“Coming,” her voice floated through the door before she swung it open to greet him.

“Mind if I come in?” he asked politely, and she gestured for him to enter.

Once inside, Rome broached the topic. “So… How did the appointment go?”

Phoenix’s response was teasing. “Oh, I thought you didn’t care,” she joked, but Rome’s mood didn’t lighten.

Her next words hit him. “Honestly, it was more enjoyable with Camilla. I think I prefer having her accompany me instead of you,” she added casually.

A deep sigh escaped Rome. He had wanted to be there, to witness the fourth glimpses of his baby, but fate had other plans.

Phoenix noticed his dejected demeanor. “I’m just kidding, Rommy,” she said, using a nickname that grated on Rome’s nerves, a name only Georgia had ever called him.

“Don’t call me that,” he responded sharply, his tone conveying his irritation.

Phoenix nodded in understanding. “Got it. Goodnight, Rommy,” she said again, her playful smile unwavering.

With an eye roll, Rome exited her room, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. He trudged to his own room, ready to put the day behind him and seek solace in sleep.



It was already the next day, and after my usual morning routine, I made my way downstairs for breakfast. As I descended, I caught sight of Rome and his mother engaged in what seemed like a heated conversation. Rome appeared visibly agitated.

“What’s wrong with her living here? You haven’t given me a logical reason,” his mother insisted.

“Well, I have a logical reason. I’m not married to her, so she can’t live with me,” Rome retorted. It was evident they were discussing Jess. For once, I found myself siding with Rome. His mother could be quite something.

“But the surrogate mother is living here,” his mother pointed out.

“That baby is from Georgia. I love Georgia more than anything, and she’s my wife,” Rome stated firmly.

“I think you should start using the word ‘was’ now. Georgia is dead, Rome. You can’t bring her back,” his mom countered.

Rome fell silent for a moment before speaking up. “You don’t have to remind me that my wife is dead. What kind of a mother are you?” he questioned, defending his stance.

Go, Rome!

“I’m not, baby. It’s just that you have to start letting other women into your life now,” his mother reasoned.

“It’s barely been a year since Georgia passed. I should start dating her best friend? How would you feel if Aunt Rosy started dating Dad when you die?” Rome’s tone turned harsh, perhaps too harsh.

“Jess is just a better option for you, and she’s pregnant now. It’s your baby, and you don’t need some surrogate mother for it,” his mother persisted.

“Are you trying to blame all of this on Georgia now?” Rome’s frustration was palpable.

“No, no, i am not,” Mrs. Dante reassured him.

“Then whose fault is it? Jess isn’t even my type. Georgia was just different,” Rome argued.

“Georgia is gone, son. I’m sorry to say, but you’re still too young to be a widower forever,” his mother reasoned.

“I’m 29. What’s wrong with that? I can choose to be a single dad. Jess is staying at her apartment until the child is 8 months. I’ll hire house helps to take care of her, and that’s it,” Rome declared firmly.

There was definitely some premium gossip to share with Camilla about this.

“You’re here too?” The sudden voice made me jump and scream out in surprise.

“Aarghhhhhhhhh!” I screamed out, drawing attention towards me. I could feel the eye daggers Mrs. Dante was throwing my way.

“I’m so sorry,” I apologized, turning to face Romeo, who had startled me.

“I never knew you got scared so easily,” he remarked, a smile playing on his lips.

I shifted my gaze to Rome and Mrs. Dante. It was painfully obvious that I had been eavesdropping.

Rome just scoffed and walked out. Oh no, please don’t leave too, Romeo.

“Hi, Mom,” Romeo greeted before following his brother out.

Why me? Why me, Lord?

Mrs. Dante approached me, stopping in front of me.

“I know you’re the one making Rome act like this,” she accused, making me frown in confusion.

Me? What? I don’t even talk to Rome.

“We don’t talk, ma’am,” I defended myself.

“Do I care?” she shot back, leaving me speechless as I hung my head in shame.

“It won’t be long until I tell him everything about you,” she thr_@tened before walking away.

I did nothing.

Literally nothing.

To be continued…

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