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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★MEXICO 5 pm ★

gosh I’m so tired ,fatima mumbled closing her door ,no locking it actually ,she went straight to the nearest couch and slump there dropping her bag

here , someone said handing a chilled glass of water to her ,
she turn and throw the person a glare before taking the water .

how was your day ? Emelia ask trying to surpress her laughter *

what’s funny ,fatima ask with a glare wondering why she is laughing

nothing .Emelia mumbled ”

then why didn’t you leave ,you are not needed her ,fatima said with a frown ”

your landlord came ,Emelia said changing the topic while ,fatima frown .

what ! he came ,why did you open the d@mn door ,fatima yell ”

hey don’t yell ,here ,I withdraw this money before coming here ,Emelia said handing over an envelope which contains money to fatima ,who hesitate before collecting it .

that contains money ,up to two years payment , please don’t reject it ,use it and pay the landlord , and also please if that’s the reason you deny knowing me , and wanting me to leave , please don’t try that again if you need something tell me ,if I can help I swear I will help you ,we are like sisters now ,one family with no parents just us ,to take care of the kids please don’t do it again ,tell me if you need something ,Emelia pleaded ”

fatima ,look down at the envelope and nodded ,thank you ,she muttered ” looking so teary already Emelia stood up and pat her back ,you don’t have to cry come here she said hugging her

thank you so much I was so scared when I heard the knock I know immediately that it’s him ,I don’t know what to do and I decided to act like so should incase you agree to leave I will pack out maybe I will go back living under the bridge ,or something .fatima mumbled crying while Emelia consoled her

how is the kids ? fatima suddenly ask ”

they are fine ,they are giggle and smiling in the room before I left ,Emelia replied ”

okay let me go and say hi to them before going to the landlord ,fatima said ”

okay but before you leave make sure you eat and shower before leaving okay , Emelia said with a concern room while fatima nodded before leaving.


fatima woke up with a happy smile ,she paid the landlord and she is happy she got herself a new home ,

wow what’s that smell ,the aroma is ki||ing me ,she thought and stood up lazily to the kitchen straight .

good morning ,Emelia smiled on seeing her ,

who are you ! fatima ask trying to scare her but was disappointed when Emelia smiled and shook her head ,you are crazy ,she muttered ”

you caught me this time Lia ,fatima said smiling

yes ,why won’t I ? you are such a playful person ,Emelia said ”

the kids I heard their cries all night I’m just too tired to stand up and check on you guys ,I’m sorry . fatima explained ”

is alright I understand that is nothing ,Emelia said flashing her a smile .common is nothing take your bath dress up for work so you won’t be late , and you need to eat here not in your work place okay .Emelia said “while fatima nodded ”

the landlord was happy yesterday huh ,she ask ”

yeah he was really happy thou I teased him alot you know me ,fatima said walking out .

ofcourse I do ,Emelia said with a smile before facing her cooking .


***thirty minutes later ****

fatima came out all dressed for work ,she met Emelia feeding her babies ,what kept you so long ,Emelia ask ”

I didn’t notice I stayed long ,fatima said ”

yes your food is over there ,you will notice it when you get fired ,Emelia snapped ”

gross ! come off it ,fatima said walking to the small table to eat her food

troublemaker , EMELIA calls smiling

hey don’t call me that I’m no troublemaker ,I’m fatima the street queen ,fatima boosted

hey ,fatima the street queen indeed ,Emelia mocked ”

you ! you you sure Knows how to get on people’s nerves ,well for your information I was fired yesterday I came to work due to over thinking I was lazying around and when my boss confronted me ,he collected slap and insult ,the security ended up chasing me the whole day that’s why I was tired and then boom he fired me ,fatima narrated eating her food ”

hahahaha ,Emelia laughed ,you are joking right ,she ask staring at Fatima who just shrugged “,

I’m not joking I can’t joke with that kind of thing she murmured and continue eating .

hmm fatima you are gosh anyway we have to think of a business and I think I have a better idea of one you know I was once working on a coffee shop ,why don’t we rent a shop and be selling coffee there ,Emelia said staring at Fatima who stopped eating and bursted into laughter .

what’s funny ,did I perharps unknownly say something that is funny here ? Emelia ask dropping the other baby to feed another while the babies won’t stop making some crazy sounds.

Emelia you always thinking smart , hardworking and look reserved your idea is good , and I think I know of a good place that can attract costumers the shop owner pack out we just have to meet the landlord but too bad I don’t really have any cash with me ,how do you intend we do that .? fatima ask

that’s not a problem I can withdraw the amount that would be able to start up the business when we start I will be putting back the money ,Emelia said sharply .

and you think you can afford that kind of money ,fatima ask

Hmmm I don’t know yet let’s just try out unless hunger will ki|| us ,Emelia said

okay then we are in this together ,fatima . mumbled and they both smiled .


A young man was seen catwalking fastly inside the company ,

good morning boss ,the staffs greeted ” but he just nodded and walk away

he branch immediately and entered the elevator straight to his office

you want to know who he is ? that is Trevor mills the only son of the mills a scary and unapproachable human ,he is single and the most nonesense man I ever seen ,the workers muttered to the new interns

becareful of him or else you won’t only get fired but prepare for the worst then,too bad he is so handsome and cute but who the hell will agree to date this kind of man .

the new interns murmured ”

silence ! everyone face your work or else I will report you all to mr Trevor , and you know what that means .

the secretary who was just passing by yell and they all rush to face their work .

*** Back in Trever mill’s office ****

the secretary walk in ,

what are my schedules for today ?, he asking not looking up from his system .

they are not that much sir

you have meetings with the shareholders one pm dot today .

you have to meet with worlds warfare for the reviewed contracts they are seeking for .

and the last at four pm dot you have a meeting with your father at the other company . that’s all for today .

hmm conceal the meeting with father send and send the other mails to me ,he said ”

but sir the meeting with your father is very important I ….

silence * Trevor turn to her with a glare ,are you questioning my decision or something ,he yell ”

no no sir I’m really sorry ,the secretary apologize with fear

better ,leave .he yell throwing a disgusting face at the secretary who shivered and nodded .

thank you sir ,the secretary appreciated him and walk out fastly .

hmm that was close she muttered after closing the door .



maria ,I want you to feed the baby with this milk ,I said walking out

okay I will but ma don’t you think he is too little to take a milk ?, maria ask”

silence old hag thing ! are you crazy how dare you question my orders ,is it because my husband loves and care for you simply because you are his nanny that doesn’t give you any single right to disobey my orders !.

the next time you will let this act repeat it self ,I will make sure I send you to the slum where you belong ,ooh I forgot he made you rich ,I shouted ”

do you understand my instructions ,bath him and feed him I’m going somewhere don’t know when I will be back .I yelled and walk away

I know donald is in his office he won’t have to caution me ,I thought .


who else loves the sister ship between Emelia and fatima ❓

what do you guys think about Trevor mill’s ❗

where the hell is genevieve going ⁉️

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