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Friday, October 18, 2024
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★ CHAPTER 38 ★


Genevieve step out from the jet with christian ,
hey come back here where are you trying to rush to huh ,? Genevieve ask Chris pulling him back. .

I’m sorry mum you don’t have to yell ,christian muttered ”

did you just talk back at me ? you are just like your father anyways so shameless. Genevieve cursed ”

if you know you are going to yell at me why didn’t you leave me with grandma or maybe if you know that I am so shameless why bring something shameless to disgrace you. little christian ask angrily.

fine baby I’m sorry okay . Genevieve pleaded and hold his hand as they walk towards a taxi and entered .

that’s the address drop us off there , Genevieve said entering the car with christian as their bags was transferred by the driver to the booth.
and they zoom off.


*** Afternoon , Emelia’s place ***

donald and Emelia were sitting at the sitting room watching movie together, Donald was eating popcorn and was stylishly pressing his leg on Emelia who’s attention was focused more on the TV , and it’s very obvious Donald wants her attention but she is giving in easily this time.

suddenly Emelia phone rings and she look down to her laps to take the calls and that’s because she kept her phone on her laps ,she stand up to leave but Donald stop her .

Lia who the hell is calling you and why are you leaving to answer ordinary call I’m your husband you know ? donald said ”

Emelia who wasn’t in the mood for his rubbish stare at him from hair to toes scoff and walk a bit paces away from him inorder to make the call,she shifted and picked the call

Hello Emelia what took you so long to pick up my calls ,the kids just entered your house right now ,I made sure the they are inside and the gateman already locked the door so I’m leaving I just want to inform you. Fatima said over the phone.

hey Fatima no no please ……but that was interupted by the kids voice.

mummy ! mummy they chroused running towards her.

I can hear their voices then I gotta go I have some work to finish in my office. fatima said and ended the call.

mummy ! they screamed and hug Emelia .

hahahaha ,Emelia laughed ”

we missed you mom so we decided to come see you right. christiana said to Christiane but the girl attention was in another thing. ….christiana turn and saw what she was staring at and they screamed. .

daddy ! they yell happily rushing to Donald who has been staring at them and has been so nervous and sacred since he saw them.

donald was shocked as they embrace him.

daddy mummy said you are going to come back soon that you are dealing with something very important . Christiana muttered while donald smile nervously and glance at Emelia who scoff inwardly and look away before going to sit in a nearest couch .

donald also sit down and carried the twins .

daddy you came back without even calling us over that’s unfair .Christiane pouted ”

baby daddy is so sorry ,daddy was planning to pay you girls a visit I just came back yesterday and gave your mum some sweet yummy ice cream throughout the night. donald said and glance at Emelia who glared at him .

donald. …..Emelia called angrily ”

mummy are you mad at daddy but he didn’t do anything he said he gave you some ice cream don’t you like them again ? christiana ask ”

emmm I’m just calling him ,that name because that’s his name I…I don’t know I’m too loud .Emelia apologize with a smile.

so daddy where is our own ice cream and I don’t forget you look so handsome than in those pictures mummy use to show us. Christiane said “making Donald to blink twice

huh ? pictures ? mummy use to show you guys my pictures ! no wonder you guys recognized me so easily. Donald smile inwardly as he secretly throw a kiss to Emelia who glares at him in return.

yes daddy ,they chroused ”

so what is mummy telling you guys about me. donald ask ”

errr kids aren’t you girls hungry come have some snacks and take a nap .Emelia Snapped ”

no mummy we missed daddy and we are happy to see him so we want to spend sometime with him .they chroused ”

while donald smirked at Emelia .

daddy mummy use to tell us that daddy is so handsome ,cool ,lovely and caring that he is the most nicest man on earth so we have no other option than to believe it. Christiane said ”

yes daddy not until we see you ,we now understand the reason why she loves you so much , and we love you too. christiana added”

and I love you two angels .I swear I do you girls are the most valuable treasure on earth. Donald said feeling so happy.

awwwn. daddy is making us blush .They both murmured ”

really ,do you two forgive daddy for leaving for such a long time and for coming back after many years . Donald said ”

yes we forgive you ! they chroused ”

thank you girls ,go get change into beautiful dresses daddy is going to take both of you out today . Donald said ”

.yaah . they screamed happily.

but daddy are we going with mummy ? christiana ask ”

yes of course ! donald said sharply while the kids turn to Emelia .

mummy are you going out with us ,say yes please .Christiane said “.

emmm you know I have alot of things to do for today and I ..,…. but they interupted her with a sad pout.

okay kids go take shower ,eat ,dress up and come let’s go I’m going with you girls. Emelia said giving up.

Alright thanks mum ,see you .they chroused and peck Donald before rushing upstairs .

I can’t believe someone missed me so much .Donald tease standing up .Emelia who understands what he is trying to do stand up to leave but Donald walk faster and crossed her .

get out of my way .Emelia muttered ”

I can’t sweetheart ,I know you’re mad at me ,you have every thousand rights to be mad at me ,but I want to thank you ,to thank you for not making me feel like a bad father to my kids , for lying just to protect my foolishness from my kids , for being there for them I really I want to thank you honey. Donald said as tears drop out of his eyes therefore making Emelia a little bot emotional.

donald ,don’t cry ,I don’t have to tell my kids that you abandoned them at the hospital ,I will never tell my kids that I’m just a surrogate mum ,I don’t expect you to let me stay after my job Is done there ,I was paid to surrogate for you and I have done that ,the only mistake you made is leaving those kids with me but I’m happy you did ,if not I don’t think I would have met Fatima , and other people that come Into I and fatima’s life , and I don’t think I would have struggled hard to become what I am today or I would have known what or how it feels to nurture and train up a child and lastly I would have been so lonely without my kids ,my twins they’re my happiness together with Fatima they are the people I value so much that I can actually die for them. Emelia said.

Emelia ….Emelia I’m so sorry ,I can’t just help it I like you ,since you step your foot inside my house but I can’t try any rubbish because I know I am married ,was actually.donald added ”

I don’t care we are nothing I’m doing this for my kids I don’t want them to grow without a fatherly love ,thank God you’re here on there side but mine is absolutely no. Emelia said and try to leave but Donald grab her hand.

why can’t you just forgive me ,is that so hard ? did I hurt you that much .Donald muttered as tears drop from his eyes.

Emelia frown and remove her hand forcefully from Donald hold.

yes Donald ,Emelia said and push his chest ,

yes I love you ,I always I admire I always wish you were Mine ,but I will never try anything mischievous to destroy my follow woman’s home all because I can have a child while she is barren ,I respect that I stayed far away but that love and everything ended the day ,you and your grandma abandoned me and my kids at the hospital ,don’t you have conscience ? anwser me ! Emelia cried and push his chest again ,no you don’t and you suddenly barge into my life and that of my kids claiming right and ownership after all these years ,with a Ç0çƙ and bulk story that your wife was lieing and she’s trying to ki|| you , Donald you think it’s easy to forgive ,how about you also make me forget .do you know how I carried ,an orphan a child with no parents no friend or helper ,the wounds are still there Donald ,my heart hurts I feel pain. Emelia cried loudly as Donald let his tears fall and he grab her hand and pull her into a hug .

please don’t ever forgive me I don’t deserve your forgiveness ,I promise I will leave but please have mercy. donald sob .


Genevieve and christian ❗

Christiane and christiana ❗

donald and Emelia ❗

so emotional.

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