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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★ CHAPTER 17 ★

*** THE NEXT DAY *****

**** FATIMA ****

Right now I’m on my way to that car company ,let me check whether Trevor is around or maybe I can get his number ,I’m sad and confuse but wait what I’m I doing ,his not dating me or are we in any relationship why I’m I all worked up ,I murmured ”

We are here ma’am ‘ the cab man said ”

oooh okay thanks ,I said handing over his money to him. you can keep the change

I muttered And walk out thou I heard him say thank you ,but honestly that’s not my problem right now.

I entered the company ,wow new cars I mumbled and smile the environment is beautiful.

I continue walking in suddenly I sighted that manager of a man ,I scoff .

hello .I greeted ”

and he turn to me hi. he mumbled.

do you remember me ? I ask while he nodded ”

okay , I. ..em I mean is your boss around ? I ask

no he hasn’t come to this company for a while now , I guess he is busy with other of his companies. the man said ”

okay then please can I have his contact ? I requested ”

hmmmm ,I don’t know what you want to talk to him about maybe business so I’m giving you ,but if he found out Hmmm .

just give me sir I promise he won’t found out I pleaded ”

okay .he muttered and type his boss number on my phone .

thank you ! I said happily.

you are welcome .he murmured and walk away .

I sigh and walk out if the company ,I shifted one side waiting for cab and also dialing his number .

it rings for some time before he picked up. .

hello .i said ”

hello who are you ? he ask

gosh his voice sounds so scaring right now ,is he that mean.

hello ! I’m gonna cut this call now if you don’t talk .he yell .

making me flinch ,so arrogant .

hello Trevor is fatima .I said

is who ? he ask again .

fa… .I said ” but he quickly cut the call .

what ! I exclaimed ” did he just end the call like that ,I didn’t do anything wrong ,why is he angry with me .I thought sadly. I dial the number again but he refused to pick up .I continue dailing the number but then it become switch off. .

Hmmm ,what do I do . I thought mentally.

yes ! I said happily when I remember his house ,his home address I will just go to his house and wait for him ,he must explain why he is avoiding me .I scoff

**** Back in London *****

**** Trump’s house *****

grandma where are you going with my child ? Genevieve ask as the guys move , grandma’s bag and some of the babies cloth to the booth.

I’m going on a vacation to any state or country of my choice , since you are not giving the baby Břě@šť I will be taking care of him so you can sit back and take care of yourself and your husband . grandma elizabeth said clamly .

grandma ! donald called walking downstairs .

where are you going ? he ask ”

vacation with the baby ,I will take care of him so genevieve can handle her business well I want you both to leave in peace . grandma said ”

but Grandma when did you book the flight ? donald ask obviously confused ”

yesterday ,I’m going with my private jet ,so don’t question me on booking flight. Grandma said and walk out .

while on the other hand , genevieve smiled happily that she is now stress free .

she followed Grandma immediately. thank you grandma for forgiving and understanding. Genevieve said ”

is not daughter ,you know I cherish you ,Grandma Elizabeth said and chuckled while genevieve smiled

donald ,stay with your wife I will take care of the baby ,we won’t be back soon we would stay up to four months or something . grandma said .

four months ? donald ask

yes four months , genevieve glares secretly on how donald is being dramatic towards it as if he care Take care of the baby .she scoff .

bye .They wave as Grandma left with the baby in car .

wow that’s thoughtful of grandma , genevieve said happily .

Hmmm . Donald Ignored her and went inside .

I’m stress free . genevieve screamed happily .

***** Genevieve ********

I was so happy when grandma left with the baby free of mind .I dail finn number .

hello .I said immediately he picked up.

I have gist for you. I said ”

okay go ahead and tell me .he suggests

grandma left with the baby so I’m now free donald dare not bother me . I scoff .

wow that’s great ,good thing we have to focus more on the main project at hand.finn said ”

I know right that’s the visit to America.i guess grandpa already sent the mails to you .check it out and I will do mine now no mistakes ,I said ”

I know you don’t have to order me around Ɓîtçh.

shut up fool . I fired back

wh@ťěver , I don’t think we can trust evan much more ,his back to get his own wealth and it’s none of our business ,finn said ‘

I have thought about that ,he meant be cunny but trust me the baddest is too smart so his nothing .I explained ”

ok if you said say so bye I gotta f-__-k some Pů$$¥$ right now .Finn said and end the call .

hahahaha this fool and Pů$$¥ he can f-__-k anything under skirt. I thought and shook my head negatively before walking away .


**** Back in Mexico ****

*** IN E & F COFFEE SHOP ***

Emelia was sitting inside Břě@šť feeding her baby while the other one was playing while laying down .

Suddenly her phone rings .

huh ? she thought and pick up the call .

and the person over the phone started talking
okay .She said happily and the call ended .

hmmmm I’m so happy . atleast I get to do the needful .She muttered with a smile while the baby giggle .

momma is so happy ,she smiled touching her chubby cheeks and the baby return nthe smile.

***** TREVOR ****

I smirk when I heard the name fatima .why is she calling and where did she get my number ,oooh Hmmm I sigh .

I’m really stress this days from work but is not yet time to go home ,my inner self murmured ”

I know that ,I’m really bad Flat fatima , And Evan but who I’m I to blame especially fatima .

Evan R@P£D her ,is he that heartless I know I ki||,tease and make jest ,but I can never ever force ,molest any woman ,why would do that .that’s absurd .I thought angrily hitting my hands on my office desk ,

arrg how dare that thing touch my….my wait what I’m I saying. I muttered trying to calm myself down as I feel my head burning up .

since when did I start to be a sick person ,? I wondered .

Hey .I called one of my assistant .

Handle the reply files and replace me in that vedio call meeting with our korean investors ,come up with something and tell them okay .I ordered “.

okay sir .I will do that right away but sir a you okay ? you look kinda sick .my assistant said ”

tell my driver to get the car ready .I said ignoring his questions .

yes sir .he bowed and left .

I’m going to have a good rest once I reach home ,I don’t want to be sick I thought.

I walk out straight to the elevator I came out when it reach the last button and walk into my car ,

few minutes later the driver arrived.

sir we are here .he said ”

I know .I scoff

I walk out of the car to my room straight I thought .

sir ….sir a guard called .

what is it ? I questioned ”

a young lady came to visit you she is in the sitting room since I believe no one dares steal your stuffs .He said while I nodded and walk out .

who could that be ? I thought as I walk into my living room .

What are you doing here .I ask nonchalantly immediately I saw who visited .

Trevor ! she called ” sitting up properly rubbing her eyes .I guess she just woke up from her sleep .

I have been waiting for you since I don’t know when I slept off . Emmm I went to your company but you are not around so I …….

but interupted her .go home I commanded going upstairs without sparing her a glance my head is boiling I need to rest .

Trevor !!! she called but I ignored her and continue walking fastly as I can to my room …..


where is grandma elizabeth going ⁉️

who called Emelia ⁉️

Trevor is way too harsh I pity fatima ❗

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