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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{He’s a segz freak

She’s crazy}

By Mhiz Topzy and Anny Oluchi

Genre-Billionaire romance

Not edited expect some errors



I made my way to a taxi and gave the driver Amy’s address. It was the house where we stayed when we were in England and the house was signed in her name. So technically, she rented the place. It’s no longer our house. It was now Amy’s house. At least, if she is still here.

When we arrived at Amy’s address, I paid the driver and got out. I stood in front of the house, staring at it, wondering if Amy was inside. My heart was pounding with excitement, but at the same time, I was nervous. What if she had moved on? What if she didn’t want to see me?

I took a deep breath and walked up to the door, knocking gently. After a few moments, the door opened, and an elderly lady stood before me. “Hello, can I help you?” she asked.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for Amy,” I said, hoping she knew who I was talking about.

“Amy? Oh, you must mean Amy Medina. She used to live here, but she moved out a few months ago,” the lady said.

My heart sank. “Do you know where she moved to?” I asked, desperately hoping she had some information.

“I’m sorry, I don’t. She didn’t say anything about where she was going,” the lady replied.

I thanked her and walked back to the taxi. I didn’t know where to go next, but I knew I had to keep searching for Amy. I couldn’t give up now.

I stepped out of the taxi and took in my surroundings. I made my way to the hotel where she used to stay when she was in England. “Excuse me, have you seen this woman?” I asked the receptionist, showing her a picture of Amy on my phone. She looked at it and shook her head. “I’m sorry, sir. I haven’t seen her before.”

I sighed and left the hotel. I had to keep searching. I tried to remember the places Amy had mentioned in our conversations. She had talked about her favorite cafe, the park she liked to jog in, and the library where she studied.

I headed to the cafe first, hoping to find a clue there. As soon as I entered, I saw a couple sitting at the table, holding hands and laughing. It reminded me of what I had lost. I approached the barista and asked if she knew Amy. She shook her head and went back to her work. I could feel my heart sinking.

Next, I went to the park. It was a beautiful day, and the park was filled with people. I walked around for hours, scanning the faces of everyone I saw, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. But it was no use. I felt like I was chasing a ghost.

Feeling defeated, I decided to take a break and sat down on a bench. That’s when I saw an elderly man sitting next to me, reading a book. “Excuse me, sir,” I said, “Have you seen this woman?” I showed him the picture of Amy.

The old man looked at the picture for a few seconds before he looked back up at me. “I’m sorry, son. I don’t know her,” he said. “But if she’s important to you, don’t give up. Keep searching.”

His words gave me a glimmer of hope. Maybe I was being too hasty. I had only been in England for a week after all. I decided to take a deep breath and keep going.

I spent the next few days searching all over the city, talking to people, and looking for any sign of Amy. I checked the library, the cafes, and even the local markets. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find her.

I felt lost and alone in a city that was once familiar to me. I had never felt so hopeless before. Maybe she had moved on, and I was just wasting my time. But I couldn’t give up, not without knowing for sure.

I continued to wander around the city, searching for any signs of Amy. I asked locals if they had seen her, but no one seemed to know who I was talking about. As the day wore on, my hope began to fade.

Just as the sun was beginning to set, I decided to take a break and sat down on a bench in a nearby park. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts, wondering if there was anyone else I could reach out to for help.

That’s when I saw her name – Sarah. Sarah was one of Amy’s closest friends here in England and maybe she would know something about Amy’s whereabouts. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was too soon to involve other people in my search, but ultimately I knew I needed all the help I could get.

I dialed Sarah’s number and waited anxiously as the phone rang. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she answered.

“Hello?” she said.

“Hi, Sarah, it’s James,” I said.

“James? Oh my god, is everything okay? I haven’t heard from you in ages,” she said.

“No, everything’s not okay. I’m actually in England right now, looking for Amy. Have you heard from her or do you know where she is?” I asked, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line before Sarah finally spoke.

“James, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be looking for Amy right now,” she said softly.

“Why not? What’s going on?” I asked, feeling a lump form in my throat.

“James, Amy’s engaged,” she said.

I felt like I had been punched in the gut. Engaged? How could that be possible? It felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.

“I…I didn’t know,” I said, struggling to find the right words.

“I know. Look, James, I’m sorry. I wish I had better news for you. But you need to leave it alone. Amy’s moved on. You need to do the same,” Sarah said firmly.

I didn’t know what to say. Part of me wanted to argue, to plead with her to tell me where Amy was so I could at least see her one more time. But I knew deep down that Sarah was right. Amy had moved on. It was time for me to do the same.

“Okay, Sarah. Thanks for letting me know,” I said quietly.

“Take care of yourself, James,” she said, and then the line went dead.

I sat there on the bench for a long time, staring off into the distance. I felt lost and alone, like I had been wandering aimlessly for months. I knew I needed to move on, to find a way to live my life without Amy. But it felt impossible.

Eventually, I stood up and began to walk back to my hotel. The streets were quiet now, the city settling into the peaceful stillness of night. As I walked, I couldn’t help but wonder where Amy was, what she was doing. Was she happy? Did she think about me at all?

I knew I needed to let her go, to move on with my life. But it felt like an impossible task. How do you let go of the one person who made your life worth living?
As I sat on the bench, looking at the city skyline, I realized that I had to find a new approach. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my contact list. That’s when I saw a name that made my heart skip a beat.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I should call him. But then I remembered the old man’s words. “Don’t give up,” he had said. And I knew that I couldn’t. I took a deep breath and pressed the call button.
I was growing desperate, and my heart was heavy with the thought of not finding her. I called up my friend Tom, who lived in England, hoping he could help me out.

“Hey, James! It’s good to hear from you. How’s everything going?” Tom answered.

“Not great, Tom. I came to England to find Amy, but I’ve been searching for weeks and can’t find her. I’m starting to lose hope,” I replied.

“I’m sorry to hear that, man. I wish I could help you, but I don’t know where she is either and I am in France currently.” Tom said.

“I just can’t believe I’ve come all this way and still can’t find her. I’m starting to think that I’m never going to see her again,” I said with a sigh.

“Hey, don’t give up hope, James. Maybe she’s just busy or something. Why don’t you take a break and come stay in my house for a while? My family house is open and it’s just my cousin that’s there. We can figure something out later when I’m back,” Tom suggested.

“Thanks, Tom. I appreciate it. I need to clear my head anyways. I’ll be there soon,” I said.

After hanging up with Tom, I felt a bit better. At least I had someone to talk to and a place to stay. I packed my bags and headed to Tom’s place.

As I settled in, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for having such a great friend. Tom’s cousin and I caught up, and he tried to lift my spirits.

“Listen, James. I know you’re hurting, but sometimes, we can’t control what happens in life. All we can do is try our best and hope for the best. Maybe she will come back to you one day, or maybe she won’t, but you have to be strong either way,” Jayden, Tom’s cousin said.

He was right, of course. I couldn’t control Amy’s feelings or actions, but I could control my own. I decided to take Jayden’s advice and focus on myself for a while…..

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