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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{He’s a segz freak

She’s crazy}

By Mhiz Topzy and Anny Oluchi

Genre- Billionaire romance

Not edited expect some errors



After my encounter with James, I was devastated. I couldn’t believe he had been lying to me all this time. I thought I knew him, but I didn’t know anything at all. I watched him grow up and he watched me grow up and he lied to me. James was my childhood and closest friend and apparently that meant nothing to him. I spent a few days in bed, crying and trying to make sense of it all. But eventually, I realized that I needed to move on. I couldn’t keep dwelling on the past, and I couldn’t let James hold me back from my future.
I woke up the next morning feeling empty and broken. My heart ached as I replayed James’ betrayal over and over again in my head. I couldn’t believe he had lied to me all this time. I had trusted him with my whole heart, and he had shattered it into a million pieces.

After spending the day in bed, I finally found the strength to get up and face reality. I knew I needed to move on with my life and let go of James. As I sat in my room, I thought about the arranged marriage my parents had set up for me. At first, I was hesitant, but now it seemed like my only option.

I made my way to my parents’ room and told them that I had finally come to terms with their decision. They were thrilled, and I could see the relief in their eyes. My mother hugged me tightly and told me that everything was going to be alright.

Over the next few weeks, I threw myself into planning the wedding, and surprisingly, it was a welcome distraction. My parents were thrilled that I had finally come around to their way of thinking, and they spared no expense in making sure the wedding would be perfect.

I had my dress fittings, picked out the flowers and decorations, and planned the menu for the reception. I even found myself getting excited about the honeymoon in the Maldives. It was starting to feel like my life was finally falling into place.

Although I was starting to accept my new life, a small part of me still longed for James. I missed the way he would make me laugh and how he would hold me tight in his arms.

As the wedding approached, my parents decided that it would be best for us to go to England for the engagement party. Jayden was from England and it would be a perfect opportunity to meet his family. I was hesitant at first, but they assured me that it would be a good opportunity to show James that I had moved on and was happy with my life. I reluctantly agreed, and we booked our flights.

Jayden Churchill, the man my parents had arranged for me is a twenty five years old billionaire whose father once worked with my father on a project together. I had never seen him once and I knew I had to make this work.

We arrived in England two days later and I had called some of my friends here on England beforehand about my engagement party. I was so thankful that they did not ask about what went on with James, because sincerely, I don’t think I would have known what to say then. We booked a five star hotel and I was jet lagged from the trip and immediately slept off.

As I arrived at the venue for the engagement party, I was in awe of the grandeur of the place. The party was held at a lavish estate in the English countryside, and the decorations were breath-taking. My parents had spared no expense to ensure that everything was perfect for my engagement to Jayden, the wealthy billionaire.

The guests were already arriving, and I could see my parents greeting them with a smile. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, feeling nervous yet excited at the same time. Jayden was waiting for me at the entrance, looking dapper in his suit. He held out his hand, and I took it, feeling a sense of calm wash over me. He is much more subtle and had a dark brown coloured hair. His eyes were a perfect shade of hazel and he was really tall.

β€œAmy?” He asked as he held out his hand. I was not even sure if that was a question or it was him just acknowledging my presence.

β€œJayden?” Two could play that game. He chuckled and it was a really beautiful sound.

β€œMay I say, you look absolutely ravishing.” I could feel my cheeks heat up.

My dress for the engagement party was a stunning off-white floor-length gown. The dress was made of delicate lace and was intricately embroidered with tiny pearls and crystals that sparkled under the light. The bodice of the dress was fitted and hugged my curves perfectly, with a sweetheart neckline that accentuated my slender neck. The lace of the dress extended into a long, flowing skirt that fell gracefully to the floor, with a small train that trailed behind me as i walked.

The back of the dress was a masterpiece, with a low-cut back that revealed just enough skin to be alluring. The lace of the dress was arranged in a delicate pattern that looked like flowers, with a few crystals scattered among them to add a touch of glamour. The straps of the dress were thin and delicate, adding to the overall ethereal and romantic look of the gown.

My hair was styled in loose waves that cascaded down my back, with a few strands of hair framing my face. My makeup was kept natural, with just a hint of pink on my lips and a touch of mascara on my lashes. I wore a pair of sparkling diamond earrings that matched the intricate beading on my dress, and a simple diamond bracelet completed my look.

β€œYou look good also.” I told him.

We walked in together, and I was immediately greeted by the sounds of music and laughter. The venue was decorated with flowers and lights, and the tables were adorned with silverware and crystal glasses. Waiters in tuxedos were walking around, serving drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

As we made our way to the centre of the room, my eyes met with the guests. It was a mix of my family, Jayden’s family, and some of my closest friends here in England. I saw my parents beaming with pride as they watched me, and I knew that this was what they had always wanted for me.

Jayden’s parents greeted us with open arms, and we exchanged pleasantries. I could see the pride in their eyes as they looked at Jayden, and I couldn’t help but feel a little envious. I wondered if my parents had ever looked at me that way.

The evening went on with food and drinks being served, and the music getting louder. Jayden and I danced together, and It was a nice experience.

As the night drew to a close, I saw my parents walking towards me with a smile. “Amy, we’re so proud of you,” my mother said, hugging me tightly. “You’ve made the right decision, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and Jayden.”

My father chimed in, “Yes, we’re thrilled that you’ve finally found someone who will take care of you, Amy. And to think, it was all possible because of James.” His tone was bitter, and I could feel the tension in the air.

I tried to push the thought of James away and focus on the happy moment, but it was difficult. My mind was still reeling from the hurt he had caused me. I looked around the room, wondering if he was there, watching me.

As the party ended, Jayden and I said our goodbyes to our guests and made our way out. We walked hand in hand, and I could feel his love for me. I knew that I was lucky to have him, and I hoped that one day, I would be able to reciprocate his love.

The next morning, we packed our bags and headed to the airport. As we boarded the plane, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of closure. I had come to England to show James that I had moved on, and I had done just that. I was ready to start a new chapter of my life, with the man my parents had chosen for me.

As the plane took off, I looked out the window at the clouds below. I felt like I was leaving my old life behind and embarking on a new adventure. I didn’t know what the future held, but I was ready to face it head-on, with a smile on my face and love in my heart.

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