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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{He’s a segz freak

She’s crazy}

By Mhiz Topzy and Anny Oluchi

Genre-Billionaire romance

Not edited expect some errors



As I stepped through the door of my family’s lavish mansion, I was struck by how little had changed. The familiar scent of my mother’s perfume lingered in the air, and the ornate furnishings seemed untouched by time.
It was my parents who greeted me, looking every bit as polished and put together as I remembered. But there was a tense energy in the air, and I knew that something was off.

“Welcome home, Amy,” my mother said with a strained smile. “We have much to discuss.”

I sat in my room, staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for the arrival of James’ parents. It had been three days since my return from eloping with their son, and I knew they were coming to confront me. I was nervous and scared, not knowing what to expect from them.

As I sat there, lost in thought, I heard a knock on the door. I got up and went to open it, and there they were, James’ mother and father, looking stern and disapproving. I greeted them and invited them in, and we sat down in the living room.

James’ mother wasted no time and immediately launched into a barrage of questions, asking about James and his whereabouts. I explained that I didn’t know where he was and that we had separated. James’ mother then started blaming me for everything that had gone wrong, saying that I had corrupted her son and ruined his life.

“I know James can be stubborn, but please try to understand him,” I said, trying to defend him.

James’s mother, Mrs. Ella Maxwell glared at me. “Understand him? You ruined our son’s life! He was such a promising young man before he met you. Look at him now, he’s a nobody!” she spat.

Her words stung, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. “I’m sorry,” was all I could say.

She continued, “We trusted you with our son’s future, and you threw it all away. Do you have any idea how much we’ve had to deal with because of your selfishness?”

Before I could respond, my mother burst into the room. “How dare you speak to my daughter like that Ella!” she yelled, her face turning red with anger.

She stood up and sneered at my mother. “Stay out of this, Vera!”

“I’m her mother, and you have no right to come into my home and insult her like that,” my mother shot back.

The two women started yelling at each other, and before I knew it, they were fighting. I tried to intervene, but they were too strong. In the end, my mother slapped Mrs. Maxwell and James’s father had to separate them.

I couldn’t believe what was happening, and I just sat there, watching in shock. The fight only ended when my mother slapped James’ mother across the face, and the two of them started throwing punches at each other. I jumped up and tried to pull them apart, but it was too late, and they were both bruised and bloodied.

After the fight, James’ parents abruptly left, and I was left alone with my mother, who was trying to calm me down. I was devastated, not only by the fight but also by the news that came next. My parents had arranged for me to marry a wealthy businessman from England to prove to James’ parents that I was over James.

I was stunned and tried to argue with them, but they were adamant. They told me that it was for the best and that I had to move on from James. I couldn’t believe that they were doing this to me, that they were forcing me to marry someone I didn’t love.
β€œBut I love James,” I protested, trying to keep the desperation from my voice. “I can’t just marry someone I don’t know.”

My father’s expression hardened. “This is not up for discussion, Amy. We have already made the arrangements.”

“But why?” I cried, my voice cracking with emotion. “Why would you do this to me?”

“It’s for the good of the family,” my mother said, her tone cold and distant. “And you will learn to love him.”

I felt a wave of anger and betrayal wash over me. How could they do this to me? After everything I had been through?
“I won’t do it,” I said, my voice trembling. “I won’t marry someone I don’t love.”

My father’s eyes flashed with anger. “You will do as we say, young lady. This is not a negotiation.”

I tried to reason with my parents, to make them see that I wasn’t ready for marriage, especially not to someone I didn’t know. But they were adamant, insisting that this was for the best and that I should trust their judgment.

Days turned into weeks, and I found myself sinking into a deep despair. I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with someone I didn’t love, let alone know. But my parents didn’t seem to care about my feelings. All they wanted was to prove to the Maxwell’s that I was over their son.

I tried to find solace in my old hobbies, but nothing seemed to give me joy anymore. The thought of spending the rest of my life with a stranger was suffocating, and I couldn’t shake off the feeling of being trapped.

As the days went by, I tried to reason with my parents, hoping they would change their minds, but they wouldn’t budge. They kept insisting that I marry the businessman, and I felt trapped and hopeless.

I spent my days lost in thought, thinking about James and what could have been. I missed him terribly, and the pain of our separation still lingered. I wished that I could talk to him, that I could tell him everything that had happened, but I didn’t know how to reach him.

The rest of the conversation was a blur, my mind racing with thoughts of James and the life I had left behind. I knew I had to fight back, to stand up for myself and my own happiness. But as my parents continued to talk, their voices growing louder and more insistent, I couldn’t help but feel like I was fighting a losing battle.

In the end, it was my father who had the final word.

“You will marry this man,” he said firmly. “And that is final.”

And with that, my fate was sealed.

Liam POV

As soon as Amy arrived, I knew that she had been through a lot. She looked pale, tired and dejected. I hugged her tightly and asked what was wrong. When she told me about James and their failed elopement, my heart sank. I had not exactly always been fond of James and I couldn’t deny that what he did was wrong. My daughter deserved better.

However, our conversation took an unexpected turn when Ella came over and accused my daughter wrongfully. It was a struggle and I was certain that our relationship was strained. I came up with a plan and arranged for Amy to marry a rich businessman from England. I could tell from her reaction that this was not what she wanted. I tried to explain to her that this was for her own good, that the man was a good match for her, But Amy was not convinced. I wanted to prove to the Maxwell’s that our daughter was over their son.

She begged us to reconsider, to let her make her own choices. She told us that she still loved James and that she couldn’t imagine marrying someone else. I felt for her, I really did, but I knew that as her father, I had to do what was best for her.

We tried to reason with her, to explain that she was still young and that this was an opportunity that she shouldn’t miss. But Amy was stubborn. She refused to listen to us and stormed out of the room in tears.

My wife and I looked at each other, knowing that we had to be firm with our decision. We love our daughter, but we knew that this was for her own good. We couldn’t let her throw her life away for a man who had already proven himself to be unreliable.

In the end, we sat Amy down and told her that we had made up our minds. She had to marry the businessman from England. We knew that it was a difficult decision, but it was the right one. Amy was heartbroken, but we hoped that with time, she would come to understand that we only wanted the best for her.

As she left the room, tears streaming down her face, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of guilt. Was I doing the right thing? Would Amy ever forgive me for taking away her chance at true love? Only time would tell.

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