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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{He’s a segz freak

She’s crazy}

By Mhiz Topzy and Anny Oluchi

Genre-Billionaire romance

Not edited expect some errors



As James and I continued our relationship, things began to change. My parents, who had always been supportive of our friendship, started to become concerned about the nature of our relationship.

I was sitting in my bedroom one day, scrolling through my phone when my mother burst into my room. I looked up from my phone and saw that she had a serious look on her face. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Can we talk, sweetie?” she said, taking a seat next to me on my bed.

“Sure, what’s going on?” I asked, putting my phone down.

“Your father and I have been talking, and we’re concerned about your relationship with James,” my mother said, looking me straight in the eye.

“What do you mean?” I asked, feeling my heart rate start to rise.

“We’re worried that your relationship with James could cause problems for us with his parents,” my mother explained.

“We’ve been friends with them for years, and we don’t want to jeopardize that relationship.”

“But why would our relationship with James cause problems with his parents?” I asked, feeling confused.

“Well, you know how they are,” my mother said. “They’re very traditional, and they might not approve of James dating someone from the same social circle, you know, striking too close to home.”

“But James and I have been friends since we were kids,” I protested. “Why would his parents have a problem with us dating now?”

“Sweetie, we’re just concerned,” my mother said, putting her arm around me. “We want what’s best for you, and we don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“He’s a nice boy, Amy,” my mother said, her voice gentle. “But he’s from the same social circle as us. It’s important to think about these things.”

“I understand, but I love James,” I said. “And I don’t think his parents would have a problem with us dating.”

“We just don’t want to take any chances,” my mother said, standing up from the bed. “Think about what we’ve said, okay?”

I sat in my room for a while after my mother left, feeling confused and upset. I couldn’t believe that my parents would be so worried about my relationship with James. Didn’t they see how happy we were together?

I decided to call James and tell him what had happened. He picked up after a few rings.

“Hey, what’s up?” he asked.

“Can we meet for breakfast? I want to talk to you about something.”

My heart skipped a beat. I knew he had a feeling about what I wanted to talk about. Ever since we had started dating, our parents had been expressing their concerns about our relationship.

They were worried that it would ruin their friendship, which had been going strong for over two decades.
I got dressed quickly and headed to our usual breakfast spot, a cozy café that served the best pancakes in town. James was already there, sipping on a cup of coffee and looking tensed.

“Hey,” I said, sliding into the seat opposite him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, his tone turning serious.

“It’s my parents,” I said. “They’re worried about our relationship.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, sounding confused.

“They’re scared that our relationship could cause problems with your parents,” I explained. “They don’t want to damage their relationship with your parents.”

“But we’ve been friends forever,” James protested. “Why would our relationship cause problems now?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “They just seem really worried about it.”

James was silent for a moment, and then he said, “Amy, I get where they’re coming from. Our families have been close for so long, and they don’t want anything to come between us. But I just can’t help the way I feel about you, you know? I love you. Look, Amy, I love you. And I’m not going to let anyone come between us. We can make this work, no matter what anyone else thinks.”

His words filled me with a sense of warmth and comfort. I knew that James was right. Our love was strong, and we could overcome any obstacle together.

Over the next few days, I tried to talk to my parents about their concerns, but they wouldn’t budge. They insisted that I shouldn’t date someone from our social circle especially James.

But I couldn’t let go of my love for James. He was the one I wanted to be with, no matter what anyone else said.
I tried to explain that James and I had known each other since we were children and that our friendship had grown into something more. But my parents didn’t want to hear it. They wanted me to focus on finding someone different from our own social circle, someone who we do not share same lifestyle with and our friends.

At first, I tried to ignore their concerns. James and I were happy together, and that was all that mattered. But as time went on, their doubts began to seep into my own thoughts. Did I really know James well enough to commit to him? Was I being naive about our differences? Would it be better for both of us if we just went our separate ways?

I tried to talk to James about my doubts, but he was always so sure of us. “We can make it work, Amy,” he would say, his voice full of confidence. “We just have to believe in each other.”

But it was hard to believe in something when everyone around you seemed to be telling you it was wrong. My parents weren’t the only ones who were worried. James’ parents had started to express their own concerns, and some of our friends had even hinted that we were an odd couple.

The doubts consumed me, even when I was with James. I couldn’t help but wonder if my parents were right, if we were just fooling ourselves by thinking we could make it work.

One day, as we were walking in the park, I finally voiced my fears to James.

“What if my parents are right?” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “What if we’re not meant to be together?”

James stopped walking and turned to me, his expression serious. “Amy, I love you. I know we come from same backgrounds, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it work. We just have to be honest with each other and work through any problems that come up.”

I looked at him, his eyes so full of love and determination. And in that moment, I realized that my doubts were just that—doubts. They didn’t define our relationship, and they certainly didn’t diminish the love we had for each other.

“You’re right,” I said, taking his hand. “I’m sorry. I just let my parents get to me.”

“It’s okay,” James said, pulling me into a hug. “We’ll figure it out together.”

We continued walking, the sun setting behind us as we talked. James told me about his own doubts, about how he had worried that we were moving too fast or that he wasn’t good enough for me.

“But then I realized that I loved you too much to let those doubts get in the way,” he said, his hand squeezing mine. “And I know you feel the same way.”

I nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. James was right. We had to be strong for each other, even when the world seemed against us.

Over the next few weeks, we talked to my parents and tried to address their concerns. We told them about our plans for the future, about how we wanted to build a life together and support each other no matter what.

At first, they were skeptical. But i am sure that they saw how happy we were together, how we balanced each other out and brought the best out of each other.

One day, I sat down with my parents and had a serious conversation with them. I told them that I loved James, and that I wanted to be with him, no matter what. I explained that our love was strong enough to overcome any potential problems that might arise.

My parents listened to me, but they still seemed hesitant. They told me that they would need some time to think about it.

Days turned into weeks, and I grew increasingly anxious. I wanted my parents to understand how much I loved James and how important he was to me.

One day, James and I decided to take matters into our own hands. We went to my parents’ room and sat down with them again. We explained to them that our love was real and that we were willing to do wh@ťěver it took to make it work. They only gave us looks and it annoyed me.
James and I continued to date, and our love only grew stronger with each passing day. We knew that we had a bright future together, and nothing could stand in our way.

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