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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{ He’s a segz freak

She’s crazy }

By Mhiz Topzy

Genre-Billionaire romance

Not edited expect some errors


“What??!!!” Ella shouted shockingly…

“You heard me well.” Lia smirked at her mischievously.

“What’s the meaning of this Lia??” Lious asked, showing her the paper. Ella immediately grabbed the paper from him. Her eyes widened in shock, she was three weeks gone.

Lia rolled her eyes and walked to him.

“C’mon baby, don’t act dumb. You came to me, the very day you and Ella had issues and… we had s*x, I mean… you enjoyed it and I did as well,,, and that little play resulted to a foetus we can’t deny it.” She said as she placed his hands around her waist and curled her hands around his neck.

“Lious??!!” Ella yelled, her eyes demanding an explanation. He didn’t say rather he just looked down, guilty clearly written on his face.

Lia smirked.

“I’m sorry Ella… I didn’t know how it happened… I was drunk… All I could remember was waking up and finding myself in her house… I didn’t do it intentionally, she took advantage of my drunken state…” He tried to explain, even though he knew it won’t solve anything.

Ella shook her head as tears slid down her cheeks. He was angry, thinking that she cheated on him, he had to have his own revenge. She never thought he would stoop so low.

“I h@ťě you!! I h@ťě you!!!” She screamed before running out of his office and out of the company.

“Ella…” He pushed Lia from him, glaring h@ťěfully at her.

“C’mon Louis, you can’t deny the fact that we did have s*x and I’m carrying your child… Your first heir.” She grinned widely.

“You’re a devil Lia, I h@ťě you!!” He spatted angrily.

“It’s a mutual feeling sweetie.” She smiled wryly.

“I h@ťě you!!!” He screamed before running out of the office as well.

Lia giggled sillily, she has finally been able separate the two lovers for good. She absolutely sure that, Ella won’t forgive Louis.

Just one night… Just one night will ruin everything… Even though it didn’t yield an fruitful seed, she doesn’t care.

The night she had segz with Louis, she wasn’t ovulating, so there was no way it could result to pregnancy, she just have to scene to her own advantage and that she was doing. What she wants is what she’d get.

“I’m a genius.” She praised herself, laughing like a maniac. She watched to Louis’s chair and sat on it, she crossed her legs at her front before resting her back on the chair.

“Now we should just watch as things works out in my own good.” She laughed, cràzily as she swirled the chair.


Ella rushed into the house and locked the door behind her. She rested her back on door and slide down, crying uncontrollably.

“He betrayed me! He never loved me like he claimed!! He was only after my p*$$y, now he has got it, he has dumped me. I was a fool to believe him! What was I thinking?!…”She broke down, blaming herself for not being smart enough to know that he was only using her.

She kept cleaning her eyes as she cried but more tears streamed down her cheeks. “It hurts! It f-__-king hurts!! I’ll never forgive him for this!!” She cried, just then she heard his car drive into her compound.

‘What’s he doing here?? To deny it?’ She scoffed loudly, she cleaned the tears on her face but more kept pouring.

“Ella! Ella open the door! Sugarplum…” He knocked on the door.

“Get the hell out of my house!!” She yelled angrily.

“Look Ella, I can explain!” He shouted from outside.

“I don’t need your f-__-king explanation Louis, it won’t change the fact that Lia is pregnant with your child!” She cried.

“C’mon Ella, it wasn’t my fault… I was drunk and then Lia came to me. I didn’t it was Lia, I swear… I thought it was you Ella. Please baby, I’m sorry.” He apologized.

“Please forgive me!! I’m sor…”

“Sorry! Sorry!! Sorry!!! That’s what you all do after meddling with a girl’s heart. Do you think sorry can heal this broken heart?? It can’t Louis. I may forgive you Louis but I will never trust you again!! Never again!!” She shouted and resumed sulking.

“Please Ella, just give me one chance… One last chance.” Just then, she opened the door. He smiled seeing her. Her eyes were puffy red already.

“Please sugarplum.” He went on his knees.

“This charade is pointless Louis, I will never forgive you. It will be best you leave and never show your face again. Go meet your love and unborn child.” She said sternly, she turned to leave but she was beginning to feel dizzy.

“Ella…” She stopped him with her hand.

She glared at him before turning to leave but she was feeling dizzy. She was about falling but Louis caught her by the waist.

She tilted her eyes before opening it, to see his face. She pushed him and a slap followed.

“Don’t you dare touch me ever again, now leave!!” She yelled in a commanding tone.


“Leave!!!” He sighed before leaving sadly and Ella fell to the floor crying profusely.


Ella rushed to the toilet to throw up for the umpteenth time that morning. She sighed as she washed her face before coming out of the bathroom.

She was already tired of this nauseous feeling every morning. She was about sitting on the bed when she heard the doorbell jingle.

She lazily went to open the door for……..

“Morning Ella.”….. greeted while she just sighed tiredly.

“Are you alright Ella??” …. asked worriedly.

“I don’t know….. I feel sick this days, I’m always throwing…” She couldn’t complete her sentence as the urge to vomit came again, so she had to run to the toilet.

“Ella.” …… called going after her.

“Are you okay? Should I call the doctor??” Ella turned to her dizzily and she passed out on her body.

“Ahh! What?! Ella!!” She shrieked, placing her on the floor.

She rushed to call the doctor.

“Congratulations ma’am, you’re….. months pregnant.” The doctor congratulated her, smiling.

They were in her room and she laid on the bed with…. sitting beside her.

She smiled touching her flat tummy, she couldn’t believe that there was a baby growing inside of it.

“Thank you ma’am.” She appreciated and the doctor nodded.

“I’ll take my leave now.” The doctor said and…. escorted her outside.

She smiled, knowing that she was gonna be a mother. Her mood changed when she remembered the father….

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